
    Elevation Radio1

    a Christian radio program promoting positive business owners, artists,clergy, national topics. Counseling is available
    enPastor Steven Musicman Turner310 Episodes

    Episodes (310)

    The JOB Trials ! / Can YOU Endure til the Double Blessings ?

    The JOB Trials ! / Can YOU Endure til the Double Blessings ?
    Job Chapter 42 vs. 16 : " And the Lord restored Job's losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. However, there were certain things he had to do in the midst of his sufferings. When we suffer we usually only worry about ourselves . Question can we endure until  God turns things things around ?  Let's explore what it takes to move forward.Â

    The Anatomy of Humility / God i am waiting on your promises !!!

    The Anatomy of Humility /  God i am waiting on your promises !!!
    Matthew Chapter 23 vs. 11-12 But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted.  These are promises made by Christ. However, HIS timetable does not flow with our expectations and deadlines. Some of us have been waiting for our breakthrough a long time.. We have been overlooked for so long that we have to resist the temptation of standing up, speaking out for our own recognition. I mean after all fair is fair..right ?  When will my day come ? Why must i always take down and put up with injustice and disrespectful leadership and perverted authority ?  When will my ship come in ?

    " UnHoly After-Effects ! What's in YOUR Cup ?

    " UnHoly After-Effects ! What's in YOUR Cup ?
    Jeremiah Chapter 25 vs. 15-17 Starts : " For thus says the Lord GOD of Israel to me " Take this wine cup of fury ( Smoking cup ) from my hand, and cause all the nations to whom I send you to drink it." " And they will drink and stagger and go mad because of the sword that I will send among them. Jeremiah the Prophet had been prophesieing the same message of obedience to Jerusalem & Judah  under 3 different KINGS for 23 years. However, the Nations rejected his message. God even sent other Prophets to them , yet they still refused to accept it.  GOD had been patient until now. HE has decided to use a Pagan nation Babylon that just defeated the Egyptians and is now the #1 World Power to attack, abuse, dominate and enslave the Nations of Jerusalem & Judah for the time of 70 years. Strangely GOD tells the Prophet Jeremiah that KING Nebuchannazer of babylon is HIS servant. How can an unrighteous, Unholy and pagan KING be the servant of a HOLY God ? * again i ask you what's in the cup your drinking tonight ?

    " Mixed Fruit !" / R U Hanging with Unrighteous Leaders ?

    " Mixed Fruit !" /  R U Hanging with Unrighteous Leaders ?
    2 Kings Chapter 3 vs.7-20 King Jehosophat was invited by the King of Israel & King of Edom to go to war with the King of  Moab . They were all friends . Have you ever got involved in some serious " Spiritual nonsense" because of emotions or a feeling of loyalty to personal or business friendships.  These 3 Kings decided to go the path of the " Wilderness of Edom " and ran ojt of water for the army & the animals.  Interacting with the wrong, unsaved, uncircumcised people can lead you to Total destruction. Thank God that a lowly servant spoke up and they were so " Spiritually dehydrated" that they listened, became obedient and sought out the Prophet Elisha who because of the reputation & righteousness of only 1 KING proclaimed the Blessings of God upon them saving them all. Today Pastor & RN Audrey Corbin , a Community Heroine will enlighten you on these matters.Â

    Don't JUMP ! / Widows & Widowers Resist the Temptations from the Enemy

    Don't JUMP ! / Widows & Widowers Resist the Temptations from the Enemy
    Exodus says : God warns NOT to take advantage of the : Widow, fatherless, and promises to hear their cry.  Just because the Husband is gone does NOT mean that the wife is easy prey. Just because the Wife has transistioned, does NOT mean YOU can move in on her investment. The wolves, foxes and seductresses think they smell " Fair game". WARNING ! just because you are lonley , innocent and grieving don't settle for the 1st or 2nd temptation that smiles at you making promises they have no intention of keeping. Today my Sister-in-law, Pastor Phyllis Cornish of the Greater Victory Deliverance Center , a Widow will shine special light & wisdom on How to Survive & Thrive when dealing with the loss of your Spouse. Hear ye her !!!

    " Rebuilt !" / Won't HE Make YOU Clean ?

    " Rebuilt !" / Won't HE Make YOU Clean ?
    Ezekile Chapter 36 vs. 23-38 God going into action over the Nation of israel who has consistently and repeatedly embarrased God . HE says;"They have profaned HIS name.  God says HE will cleanse them from all their filthiness and from all their Idols. That HE would " spiritually remove their hearts of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Further in this Chapter HE promises to bless them, multiply them . He even says: " I will pour my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my stautes and keep my judgments. How is this possible ? Since they don't deserve it , why would God " Spiritually Rebuild" them for the good ?  They deserve punishment  and judgment, so why is he looking the other way ? * Stay tuned as we delve into this and explore a God whose ways are NOT our ways.Â

    The Process of Perfection / Can Trouble Stop God from your Revival ?

    The Process of Perfection / Can Trouble Stop God from your Revival ?
    Psalms 138 vs. 7-8 is a song of King David. It is theologically a " Love" song to God's goodness. he is speaking out of admiration & intimacy about the God of his salvation. David was in trouble but he counted on God for the hope of his perdfection & spiritual revival. Today we will talk one of baltimore's newest Advocates. " Lady" Michelle Hines is trying to make a difference. She tragically lost her son recently to gun violence. We want to share her story with the Nation & the World. Her pain is real but God is Reviving her in the middle of her pain.Â

    300 Milestones & Moments ! / Can We Rest in the Lord ?

    300 Milestones & Moments ! / Can We Rest in the Lord ?
    As we are fortunate & blessed by God to be allowed to celebrate our 300th. Episode. Matthew Chapter 11 shows Jesus taking a moment to reflect on the life of his cousin john the baptist. He speaks of john's unusual appearance, his dwelling place the Wilderness and his delivery style. We would not have accepted him today. Jesus compares these Jewish cities to spoiled children wanting their way and wanting to be entertained. Then jesus began to rebuke the galileean cities where he had done most of his miracles. Stating to their anger that if he had done all of these miracles in the Heathen cities of Sidon & Tyre they would have embraced his message. Today we will be favored with an army of Minstrels, businesspeople and friends who will encourage you as they encourage me.

    The Story of Mizpah / After Your Deception of Me, Can there ever be Peace ?

    The Story of Mizpah / After Your Deception of Me, Can there ever be Peace ?
    Genesis 31 vs. 47-54 This story talks about an intense relationship between relatives. Jacob had served his future-father-in-law Laban for 20 years. laban was dishonest with jacob who himself was known as a " Trickster" . However, he found out that there is always someone else better at it than you.  jaco fell in love instantly upon seeing Rachel becuase she was beautiful and shapely. So he ended up working for her 14 yeasrs, to have the right to marry her. Now fellas let that sink in. What are you willing to do to have her father accept you as his future son-in-law ?  Stay tuned as we delve into this Love relationship that has more twists than anything on cable.Â

    " Swollen Waters ?" / Elevate 2 Higher HEIGHTS !!!

    " Swollen Waters ?" / Elevate 2 Higher HEIGHTS !!!
    Psalms 124 vs. 5 says; " Then the swollen waters would have gone over our souls " Blessed be the Lord, who has not given us as prey to their teeth. Our soul has escaped " as a bird from the snare of the fowlers'. The snare is broken and we have escaped. if you're happy that the devil & your enemies did not overwhelm you and drown you under " spiritual" waters say : " Hallelujah". Today in the real meaning of the Month of june, being : " BLACK Music Month" and NOTHING else, it is my pleasure to interview a " Living Legend" , Mr. Royal Height a member of the Famous & Legendary group ; The ORIOLES who have been inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. He will be taking us to new " HEIGHTS" and debuting 2 of his Gospel songs for our listening enjoyment. Run & tell your friends, family & grandparents Mr. Royal Height is here !!!

    " Blow the Whistle baby !" / Can We End Corporate Abuse of Dialysis Patients ?

    " Blow the Whistle baby !" /  Can We End Corporate Abuse of Dialysis Patients ?
    In the book of Ezekiel Chapter 9 there is mention that were a pious few who tried to stop the abominations of Israel. It says they tried to suppress them. Finding all their attempts useless, they sat down and sighed and cried, wept in secret and complained to God because of the dishonor  done to HIS name.  Today we have 2 Medical Advocates, Rev. Ronald Wright , famed Civil Rights Activist and an Executive Board member of : Justice Seekers. Rounding out our program is : Dr. Rhonda Hamilton, former Mayorial Candidate & CEO of Healthy DC & Me Coalitiont. They will expose the Medical Horrors of being a BLACK Dialysis patient in America. They are : " Blowing the Whistle  on medical Corrutption,

    Refresh ! / Can these Dry Bones Live ? Breathe on them !!

    Refresh ! / Can these Dry Bones Live ? Breathe on them !!
    Ezekiel 37 vs.8-10 God asked the Prophet Ezekiel : " Can these bones live ?" HE gives him certain instructions in 3 parts to perfom a miracle. God challenges Ezekiel's physical senses to go beyond what he is seeing and to dig into the " eyes of Faith".  He then must speak it into existence. That is a winning formula when dealing with " dead & hopeless" situations.  Now we will speak to aman who uses his Faith to bring dead & hopeless situations and people to Life. introducing Bishop Eric Williams of ; " Guns Down ! power Up !

    " Money-minded !" / Is your Purpose Defined by your Roots ?

    " Money-minded !" /  Is your Purpose Defined by your Roots ?
    1 Timothy 6:10 states : " The Love of $ is the root of all Evil.  The characteristics of the "possessed " are : Brutal, boastful, no-self control, conceited, treachery, disobedient to parents, using sex to get it,  lust , haters of good, etc...  * Are you in that "role-call ?'.  How can we change where we are to get to where Christ needs US ? Question is : ' Do YOU want to change ? " or are you going to continue ( Deuteronomy  2:3  Have to wander around the Mountain ?

    The Vision of Silence !/ What's in Your Basket ?

    The Vision of Silence !/ What's in Your Basket ?
    Amos chapter 7 deals with God's interaction with Amos, a sheepherder who he made into a Prophet.  In it God shows Amos some visions and asks him what does he see ? Most notably a " Plumbline" and then a basket of " Summer Fruits".  To the naked eye these signs seem harmless but God has a deeper meaning. Take the journey with US as we explore these hidden meanings and find out if you are ready to meet GOD in HIS judgment of your life and works.Â

    The 5th. Annual " Roast the Host" Fundraiser Pt. 2 / Secret Place

    The 5th. Annual " Roast the Host" Fundraiser Pt. 2 / Secret Place
    Psalms 91 " He that dwelleth in the secret place of the " MOST HIGH' shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Today as i celebrate our 5th. " Roast the Host", Anniversary of Elevation Radio1 & my 61st. Birthday, i salute GOD & Honor the memory of my late Wife...1st. Lady Leora " Queen" Turner who helped me build this Podcast back in 2018. She served as my Co-Host & Cheerleader. Today however, we have 2 ' Celebrity Co-hosts" who will try to dethrone " THE MUSIC-MAN". Tag team of non-champions: Dr. Leroy McKenzie, Jr. of JNF Emterprises & Dr. Frederick Ware-Newsome he of the " Newsome Gospel Awards who is normally a winner until today. Former Guests, Colleagues & Sponsors are welcomed to call in to help these brothers out, they will need it.        All        Donations accepted @: www.paypal.me/STMMedia2022, www.paypal.me/PUM2020, www.paypal.me/dcdcministry2023, www.paypal.me/STConsultant, Zelle 410-302-2737, $Steven8887- Cash App.

    " Dining In the Desert !" / Should You Expect A Miracle in IDry Places ?

    " Dining In the Desert !" / Should You Expect A Miracle in IDry  Places ?
    matthew Chapter 14 vs. 13-36. Jesus gets bad news about the death of his cousin, John the Baptist. His reaction  he kept quiet and  he got into a boat and left and went to an isolated place  in an attempt to be alone to grieve  the loss. Yet even then ministry called because the people followed him on foot to be ministered to and to receive " MIRACLES" of Healing.  * What type of person can have compassion on the multitude when they are in severe inner pain.  Jesus stayed all day until evening caring for the pain of others, healing each & every disease. The Disciples when they came to speak to Jesus did not offer him any compassion, they did not express any condolensces but they were more worried about themselves and selfishly said : " " This is a deserted place, and the hour is already late, send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food. jesus said :" They need NOT go away. You give them something to eat. ". And they said : " We have only here 5 loaves and 2 fish. How often we all just look at the circumstances. Just look at the " DRY" places in our lives and get depressed throw our hands up and say What's the use ? Hopelessness & Miracles should NOT live in the same body that says they believe in christ. Finally, we will feature the music of the " Dynamic Duo" Spoken Artist Tommy ' TK" Koli & Producer Calvin Cooper and their HIT song : " For the lord ".Â