
    Recording links for Coop Radio

    enFebruary 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected Guest DJ Opportunity on Co-op RadioJoe and David are excited to be guest DJs on Co-op Radio but Joe has mixed feelings towards Brian Ferry's music and sometimes struggles to hear the station clearly.

      David and Joe were unexpectedly invited to be guest DJs on Co-op Radio, a radio station that plays in Co-op shops around the country. Their segment will air from 7 to 9 pm on February 17, 2023. They are excited about the opportunity, especially since Joe has always admired the idea of having a cozy, well-paid job. However, Joe has sometimes struggled to hear the radio station's broadcasts clearly while shopping, and he has a complex relationship with Brian Ferry's music, which often plays on the station. Despite this, he acknowledges that Brian Ferry is a great artist and that his unique vocal style is part of his appeal. The experience of missing out on seeing Brian Ferry perform in person while traveling in Iceland has added to Joe's ambivalence towards the musician. Overall, this unexpected opportunity has brought up a mix of emotions and reflections for Joe. If you'd like to listen to their segment, tune in to your local Co-op Radio station tonight from 7 to 9 pm.

    • Music evokes unique memories and emotionsMusic can bring back strong memories and evoke various emotions, and it's essential to respect individual preferences

      People have unique connections to music, and these associations can bring back strong memories and emotions. During a conversation, two individuals discussed their differing opinions on a particular song and the memories it invoked for each of them. One person found the song depressing and linked it to a past experience of feeling sick, while the other had positive associations with it, connecting it to fish fingers and family dinners. The conversation also touched on the idea of resting on one's laurels and the importance of maintaining a sense of hunger and desire in creative pursuits. Overall, the discussion emphasized the power of music to evoke emotions and memories and the importance of respecting individual preferences.

    • New Show on Kart Radio: Chatterbix, Every Friday 7-9 PM with David Earl and Joe WilkinsonDavid Earl and Joe Wilkinson host a new show, Chatterbix, on Kart Radio every Friday from 7-9 PM. The show focuses on positivity, with 10 segments, each about a minute long. They have freedom to discuss their favorite tunes, conduct interviews, or choose any topic. The show reaches a large audience due to Kart Radio's high listener count.

      David Earl and Joe Wilkinson will be hosting a new show on Kart Radio, called Chatterbix, every Friday from 7 PM to 9 PM. The show will consist of 10 segments, each about a minute long, and will focus on ultimate positivity. The hosts will have freedom to discuss their top 5 feel-good tunes, interviews, or any other topic they prefer. The format will include a show intro explaining who they are and what the show is about. The recording process involves 10 things they need to do, which will be explained and carried out during the recording session. The show will reach a large audience, as Kart Radio has twice as many listeners as the entire Hart Radio network.

    • David and Joe's Daily Podcast JourneyThe duo started their podcast to fill time and turned it into a daily show, with David's love for Coke Zero and potential co-op energy.

      David and Joe, also known as Chadovic, are a podcast duo who were excited to be on Kart Radio despite some initial confusion. They started their podcast because they found themselves wasting time chatting and decided to turn it into a daily show. David is particularly fond of Coke Zero and buys an average of 7 per week, but occasionally buys more on certain days. They also mentioned their interest in taking over the Co-op podcast and creating a co-op energy. Despite some awkward moments and technical difficulties, they seemed to enjoy the experience and hoped their listeners were as well.

    • Two friends bond over Coke Zero, TV shows, and radio broadcastingFriends connect through shared experiences and everyday interactions, strengthening their bond and creating lasting memories.

      The conversation between the two individuals revolves around their routine of buying Coke Zero in bulk from their local cooperative store, their fondness for the TV show "Stella Street," and their radio broadcasting gig. They engage in casual banter, share memories, and discuss various topics, including their favorite songs of all time. Despite some misunderstandings and awkward moments, they continue their conversation, preparing for their radio show. The conversation showcases the importance of everyday interactions, shared experiences, and the power of communication in building connections.

    • Speaker shares their love for music and forgetfulnessDespite forgetting specific songs or artists, the speaker values their musical preferences and finds joy in listening to music live

      During the conversation, the speaker expressed their love for music and their inability to remember specific songs or artists at times. They shared their favorite Fleetwood Mac album and songs, including "Cuddly Toy" which they feel strongly about. They also mentioned their current favorite song by Lily Allen and their affinity for Bob Dylan's "Country Pie." Despite their forgetfulness, they emphasized the importance of their musical preferences to them and found humor in the conversation. The speaker also revealed that they enjoy listening to music live and sometimes wonder if they could run a certain distance while listening to a particular song. Overall, the conversation highlighted the speaker's passion for music and their lighthearted approach to forgetting specific details.

    • Navigating Personal Challenges: Music, Food, and AffordabilityPeople shared their struggles with personal choices and affordability, but found solutions through self-reflection and cost-effective alternatives like Mint Mobile.

      People find it challenging to narrow down their favorites, whether it's their top five songs or things they like. During the conversation, the topic shifted from music to clothing, and the speaker shared his difficulty in sticking to an eating plan and his self-perception. Another topic that came up was the affordability of essentials in the face of inflation, and the speaker highlighted Mint Mobile as a solution for saving on wireless plans. Despite the various topics, the underlying theme was the human experience of facing challenges and finding ways to cope or overcome them.

    • Reflecting on Memorable InterviewsSpeakers shared stories of their most impactful interviews, highlighting the professionalism, humor, and personal significance of the encounters with Steve Davies, Red Arrow, Derma O'Leary, Les Dennis, Dave Vitti, and Will McDonald.

      The speakers in this conversation were reflecting on their most memorable interviews they've conducted, with a particular focus on those that left a lasting impression on them. They mentioned various individuals, including Steve Davies, Red Arrow, Derma O'Leary, Les Dennis, Dave Vitti, and Will McDonald. These interviews stood out to them for various reasons, such as the interviewees' professionalism, humor, or the impact they had during a significant period in their lives. The speakers also expressed their enthusiasm for discussing these interviews, even if they had to improvise or guess the topic. Overall, this conversation showcases the speakers' appreciation for the art of interviewing and their fondness for the unique experiences and connections they've made through their work.

    • Sharing a love for movies and radioDespite the pressure to perform, individuals can find comfort and connection through shared interests and experiences.

      The conversation between the two individuals revolved around their shared love for movies, particularly comedies, and their experiences with radio. They reminisced about various films they enjoyed, including "Stir Crazy," "See No Evil, Hear No Evil," "Trading Places," and "Raiders of the Lost Ark." They also discussed their personal preferences and the challenges of coming up with creative ideas, drawing parallels to their experiences in their respective careers. Despite the pressure to produce content, they found themselves struggling to come up with a top 5 list on the spot, highlighting the stress and anxiety that can come with new opportunities and expectations. The conversation also touched on their past experiences with radio, with one individual expressing discomfort at the idea of broadcasting in public. Overall, the conversation showcased the power of shared interests and experiences to bring people together and provide a source of comfort and connection.

    • A family moment brings unexpected humor and connectionCherish family moments, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they may be, as they can bring unexpected joy and connection.

      Even in the midst of a chaotic and unstructured conversation, the simple joy of a family moment can bring unexpected humor and connection. The speaker shared a story about a friendly soccer match with his family, where he tumbled into a box hedge while trying to stop his daughter from scoring. Despite the fall, the experience brought back memories of his own childhood and created a moment of bonding with his family. The conversation then veered off into various topics, but the speaker's anecdote served as a reminder of the importance of cherishing family moments, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they may be. The conversation also touched on the topic of structure and the expectations of an audience, but ultimately, the speaker's personal story brought a sense of humanity and relatability to the discussion.

    • Authenticity and Flexibility in Content CreationStaying true to the content and audience, even with unplanned or unedited formats, can attract listeners due to novelty and authenticity.

      Flexibility and authenticity are key elements in creating engaging content, even if the quality may not always be perfect. The conversation between Joe Wilkinson and David Earl from the Chatterix podcast reveals their openness to experimenting with different formats and lengths for their podcast, inspired by the unedited recordings of the "dead eyes guy" and his friend. They acknowledge that listeners might not appreciate long, unedited sessions due to potential decreased quality, but they also believe that the novelty and authenticity could still attract an audience. The importance of authenticity and flexibility is emphasized, as they plan to put out a regular episode on Kart Radio despite the lack of special preparation or planning. Overall, their conversation highlights the value of staying true to the content and audience, even when the format may deviate from the norm.

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    S10 Ep 435 Back Catalogue Guest: Lee Mack Part 2

    S10 Ep 435 Back Catalogue Guest: Lee Mack Part 2
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    S10 Ep 434 Friday Treat: Pub Jokes 4

    S10 Ep 434 Friday Treat: Pub Jokes 4
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    S10 Ep 433 Regular Guest: John Fendley aka Fenners
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    enJuly 03, 2024

    S10 Ep 431 Back Catalogue Guest: Lee Mack Part 1

    S10 Ep 431 Back Catalogue Guest: Lee Mack Part 1
    It’s time for another ‘no longer a surprise guest’ repeat show - and we’ve only gone and got Lee Mack going us! As you’ll all know, Lee is one of the UK’s most well-loved comedians and the undisputed fastest mind in comedy. So unsurprisingly, this is one heck of a Chatabix episode and the guys had so much to talk about, we had to split it into two halves. Part 2 coming next week… Recorded October 2023 FOR ALL THINGS CHATABIX'Y FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE/CONTACT: You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/@chatabixpodcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/chatabix1 Insta: https://www.instagram.com/chatabixpodcast/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chatabix Merch: https://chatabixshop.com/ Contact us: chatabix@yahoo.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJuly 02, 2024

    S10 Ep 430 Friday Treat: Coin-Toss Snooker Tournament Round 2

    S10 Ep 430 Friday Treat: Coin-Toss Snooker Tournament Round 2
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    enJune 28, 2024

    S10 Ep 429 Special Guest: Kiell Smith-Bynoe

    S10 Ep 429 Special Guest: Kiell Smith-Bynoe
    After a slightly awkward discussion about how easy it is to get sucked into buying Apple Mac products, David are Joe are thankfully joined by the wonderful Kiell Smith-Bynoe! As you’ll all know, Kiell is a hugely successful actor and comedian and one of the busiest people in showbiz, so they were thrilled he could join them for a chat. Their conversation covers everything from sleeping habits and late night partying to presenting the Great British Sowing Bee and dealing with tiny autocues. Then David remembers about the ‘guest question game’ they played with Roisin Conaty using his ideas board - so Kiell picks his first topic… Make sure to catch Kiell’s group-improv show ‘Kool Story Bro’ at the Edinburgh Festival’s Plesance Theatre this August - or the Brighton Corn Exchange in October. FOR ALL THINGS CHATABIX'Y FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE/CONTACT: You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/@chatabixpodcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/chatabix1 Insta: https://www.instagram.com/chatabixpodcast/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chatabix Merch: https://chatabixshop.com/ Contact us: chatabix@yahoo.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 27, 2024

    S10 Ep 428 Ad Hoc Drivel: David’s 120 Mile Walk

    S10 Ep 428 Ad Hoc Drivel: David’s 120 Mile Walk
    David’s just booked his 120 mile walk across Dartmoor and Exmoor, so there’s plenty for him to discuss. But first he wants to know why Joe isn’t swimming anymore and things get a little tense. Then Joe has to help Petra with her car, so David outlines his walking route for us while he waits for Joe to return. The conversation then soon gets back on track and David comes up with a plan for Joe to do the same walk in reveres and meet him halfway. David reckons it’d be great to record it all for the pod, but Joe gonna need some convincing about that. Plus, they finish things off with a long overdue look at the charts and invent a spur of the moment quiz about them too. FOR ALL THINGS CHATABIX'Y FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE/CONTACT: You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/@chatabixpodcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/chatabix1 Insta: https://www.instagram.com/chatabixpodcast/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chatabix Merch: https://chatabixshop.com/ Contact us: chatabix@yahoo.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 26, 2024

    S10 Ep 427 Back Catalogue Guest: Sue Johnston

    S10 Ep 427 Back Catalogue Guest: Sue Johnston
    This week’s repeat show ‘no longer a surprise guest’ guest is the one and only Sue Johnston! Sue’s not only a national treasure and one of our very favourite actors, we’ve also had the privilege of working with her on a number of sit-coms too. So there was lot’s to catch up on, reminisce and chat about - once we got all the technical issues out the way first that is. We hope you enjoy listening as much as we did recording it. First broadcast in March 2023 FOR ALL THINGS CHATABIX'Y FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE/CONTACT: You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/@chatabixpodcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/chatabix1 Insta: https://www.instagram.com/chatabixpodcast/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chatabix Merch: https://chatabixshop.com/ Contact us: chatabix@yahoo.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 25, 2024

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    TransCanada Transpondency

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    Part 10:
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