
    About this Episode

    Hey everybody, welcome back to the FlipNerd Show! Today, we are going to talk to my buddy, Brent Moreno, a real estate investor who has become an expert on A.I. (artificial intelligence)! AI is seemingly taking over the world; is it going to make us all irrelevant or better business owners? That is what we are going to talk about today: what is going on in AI and what impact will it have on real estate investors? It's a pretty exciting and timely topic; let's jump right in!  

    Recent Episodes from Real Estate Investing Secrets - FlipNerd (Audio Version)

    REI Secret #567 Mindset for Success with Gino Barbaro

    REI Secret #567 Mindset for Success with Gino Barbaro

    Hey everybody, welcome back to the show! We are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the FlipNerd Podcast! We've made over 1500 podcast episodes under the Flipnerd brand, and in the past 10 years, we've made great connections and built lasting friendships, including with our guest today - and we're just getting started! Today, I am excited to have my good buddy, Gino Barbaro, of the Jake and Gino Show! Today, we will talk about transitioning from single-family investing to multi-family investing. Let's jump right in!