
    Podcast Summary

    • Supernatural Encounters and Personal StoriesThe speaker, Tony Merkel, shares his own and others' supernatural experiences, including encounters with giants, time travel, and entities. He encourages listeners to share their own stories on his podcast, 'The Confessionals'.

      The speaker, Tony Merkel, shares his own and others' supernatural experiences, including encounters with giants, time travel, and entities. Merkel, who hosts a podcast called "The Confessionals," invites listeners to share their own stories. He mentions a past experience of seeing a giant being killed and being pulled off his bed by small gray entities. Merkel also discusses his background, including his education in theology and his military service in the Marines. He expresses respect for the military and thanks those who serve. Despite the supernatural themes, Merkel maintains a lighthearted tone and encourages listeners to engage with the show. He mentions that the show is usually released on Mondays but was delayed due to work commitments. Upcoming guests include Jeff, who grew up in a haunted house and had experiences with a black wax man entity.

    • Understanding the significance of our unique experiencesIt's never too late to acknowledge and share experiences that hold meaning for us, as they can provide valuable insights and understanding as we grow older.

      Everyone's experiences and paths in life are unique, and it's never too late to acknowledge and understand them. The speaker shared how he regretted not joining the military when he was younger, but now has adult sons who have followed different career paths. He also spoke about growing up in a house filled with unseen relatives who he could identify as clear as living people. These experiences, which he kept to himself for a long time, were validated when he started connecting with others who had similar experiences. It's important to remember that what may seem strange or embarrassing to us as children might hold significant meaning as we grow older. By sharing our stories and seeking validation, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our past.

    • Encounters with a mysterious figure during childhood and adulthoodRepeated encounters with a mysterious figure during childhood and adulthood can leave a lasting impact on one's life, despite the figure never physically touching the person.

      The speaker experienced repeated encounters with a mysterious, dark figure during their childhood and into their adulthood. These encounters began on their fifth birthday and continued for decades, leaving them feeling terrified and powerless. The figure would appear in the hallway outside their bedroom, often while they were trying to fall asleep. Despite their fear, the speaker tried to confront the figure one night and was met with a rush of anger and dread. The figure never physically touched the speaker, but they could feel its presence and the weight of its anger. The speaker's attempts to hide or ignore the figure were unsuccessful, and the encounters left a lasting impact on their life.

    • The living can cause more harm than the deadExperiencing paranormal occurrences as a child left the speaker feeling scared and powerless, but his mother's advice that the living can inflict more pain than the dead influenced him to learn self-defense and stay vigilant against potential harm.

      The living can cause more harm than the dead. The speaker shared an experience of paranormal occurrences in his childhood home, which left him feeling scared and powerless. His mother, skeptical of his claims, advised him that the living could inflict more pain than the dead. This phrase stayed with him and influenced his life, leading him to learn self-defense through martial arts. He became hyperactive and athletic as a coping mechanism, and as he grew older, he noticed the entities could manipulate physical objects. This realization made him switch rooms and take precautions to keep them contained. The experience instilled in him a belief that the living can cause significant harm, a lesson he passed down to his children.

    • An old photograph album reveals the house's past as a venue for wakes and funerals, with many unknown individuals.Discovering old family photos led to the realization that their house had a history as a place for mourning, revealing cultural practices and family connections from the past.

      The discovery of an old photograph album in an attic revealed the house's history as a venue for wakes and funerals during the 1920s and 1930s. The speaker was able to identify only a few relatives in the album, with most being strangers from the area. Some photographs showed deceased individuals in coffins or sitting with their families, which the speaker found odd but common practice during that era. As the photographs became more recent, they exhibited anomalies in the form of a black spot that appeared in the same place in each image. The speaker, as a child, attributed these occurrences to a possible presence of a spirit attached to the house. This experience significantly impacted the speaker's attitude and thoughts, shaping their belief in their ability to defend themselves against unknown entities. In their teenage years, they had other strange experiences outside the house, but these were isolated incidents and not connected to the house or the entity they believed was present.

    • Friends experienced strange occurrences in abandoned buildingsFriends encountered unexplained phenomena in abandoned school and house, including inexplicable sounds and functioning water fountain without electricity, leaving lasting impression

      A group of friends explored abandoned buildings, including a closed-down school, in their youth, and experienced inexplicable occurrences. They heard children's laughter and singing, specifically "God Bless America," and experienced a water fountain working without electricity. The friends, who were level-headed individuals, all shared these experiences and agreed on the details. Additionally, two of the friends who had house-sat for the speaker reported feeling uncomfortable in the speaker's house, experiencing strange occurrences such as a TV turning off on its own and hearing knocking. These events left a lasting impression on the friends and are still remembered distinctly to this day.

    • Joining the Marines after school led to personal growth and cultural experiencesJoining the military can broaden horizons and foster respect for diverse cultures, despite disagreements with their philosophies or political leanings.

      A significant life event, such as the end of a football program in school, can lead to unexpected and transformative decisions. For the speaker, this decision was to join the Marine Corps, which led to numerous personal growth experiences, including traveling to different countries and serving under both Republican and Democratic presidents. Japan, specifically, was a favorite deployment due to its history and beauty. However, disrespecting cultural norms, such as taking photographs in temples where it's forbidden, led to negative experiences, including nightmares and a feeling of being manipulated. Overall, the speaker's experience in the Marines taught him to respect and appreciate different cultures, even when he didn't agree with their philosophies or political leanings.

    • A naval officer's advice leads the narrator to explore faith and spiritualityDuring hardships, seeking guidance from unexpected sources can lead to spiritual growth and personal transformation

      During a challenging time in his life, the narrator had a conversation with a naval officer, Jack Tillman, who encouraged him to pray and deepen his faith. This was outside of the narrator's comfort zone as he grew up Catholic, but he trusted Tillman and did as instructed. The dreams that had been troubling him stopped, and he started attending church regularly. However, his experience with the Catholic church during a difficult divorce left him disillusioned, and he decided to explore other religious communities. He met Lieutenant Colonel James Coffey, a former atheist who had experienced a spiritual transformation while trapped behind enemy lines. Coffey's testimony convinced the narrator that God had a plan for his life, and he enrolled in courses offered by Christian colleges on base, which provided both spiritual guidance and educational opportunities. These experiences led him to a career as a drug and alcohol counselor and helped him overcome persistent challenges. Overall, the narrator's story illustrates the transformative power of faith and the importance of seeking guidance and support during difficult times.

    • Strange occurrences in a haunted houseDespite unexplained experiences, the speaker found comfort knowing others had experienced the same, and ensured safety measures were taken to minimize encounters with the unseen presence.

      The speaker experienced strange occurrences in a house he lived in, which he attributed to an unseen presence. Despite being frightened as a child, he gained strength from his faith and continued to live in the house as a grown man. He even hosted sleepovers for high school football and wrestling team members, who also reported experiencing strange occurrences. His ex-wife also had a terrifying encounter with the presence. Although there was no rational explanation for these experiences, the speaker found comfort in the fact that others had also experienced the same phenomena, making the reality of the situation more tangible. The speaker made sure none of the kids stayed in the upstairs bedrooms, including his own, due to the experiences he and others had had. The presence would retreat to the attic, and the speaker would wait until it was safe before closing the door. The experiences in the house were inexplicable but real to those who lived through them.

    • Mother's unexplained apartment activity and missing itemsUnexplained activity and missing items in a home can cause distress and lead to quick moves, but sharing experiences and understanding others' struggles can bring empathy and growth.

      The speaker's mother, while moving into a smaller apartment, experienced unexplained activity that she couldn't deny anymore. She shared her experiences with her son, who validated her feelings and shared his own experiences of paranormal activity in their family home. The mother found sentimental items that had gone missing and were later discovered in the same room where she heard the activity. Despite the unsettling experiences, they quickly sold the house and moved out. Interestingly, the real estate agent reported that no one could rent the house for long periods due to strange occurrences during renovations. The speaker also shared how his experiences with his mother's haunting and his ex-girlfriend's addiction helped him understand and empathize with others' struggles.

    • A geriatric hospital turned sanatorium with paranormal activitiesAn intriguing boss believed in ghosts, witnessed unexplained occurrences, and used high-end equipment for evidence, but had to destroy it due to privacy concerns.

      The old geriatric hospital turned sanatorium, where the speaker worked, was not only a place for medical treatment but also a place with unexplained paranormal activities. The building, which housed both male and female patients, had a basement with a gym and a ramp leading to the road, where bodies were once taken out. The speaker met an intriguing boss, an air force vet, who shared her belief in ghosts after witnessing the apparition of a full-body figure on CCTV in the girls' dorm. The boss became passionate about ghost hunting and even purchased high-end equipment to capture evidence. However, she was eventually asked to destroy all the evidence due to HIPAA regulations and potential privacy concerns. The speaker personally experienced strange occurrences, such as hearing voices in the cafeteria and detox area, where most of the paranormal activity took place. Overall, the building was a unique blend of medical treatment and unexplained paranormal phenomena.

    • Unsettling experiences in healthcare facilitiesWorking in healthcare facilities can involve strange and frightening encounters, from disembodied voices to the presence of the living, making the unknown even more unsettling.

      Working in healthcare facilities, especially those with high patient turnover and intense emotional situations, can lead to strange and unsettling experiences. The speaker shares his personal experience of working overnight in a facility for young people dealing with withdrawal, where he heard disembodied voices and felt the presence of something otherworldly. Despite the rational explanation that it could be a resident or a prank, the fear was real and affected his entire shift. The speaker also mentions that even in hospitals, where one might expect a high amount of death, there is also a lot of life and that the presence of the living can be just as frightening as the absence. The speaker's rationale is that seeing something and dealing with it directly is less frightening than the unknown. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the unique and often unsettling nature of working in healthcare facilities.

    • Encountering the Unexplained in a HospitalHealthcare professional notices strange occurrences during night shifts, including patients speaking to the deceased and a woman with shining shoes disappearing, leaving her questioning reality but finding comfort in caring for patients.

      The speaker had an unusual encounter with a woman in a hospital, noticing her perfectly shined shoes and intending to compliment her, only to discover she had vanished without a trace. This experience left the speaker feeling uneasy and questioning reality, as she had later witnessed patients speaking to people who weren't there. The speaker, a healthcare professional, had seen many strange occurrences during her night shifts, including patients conversing with the deceased. Despite the unexplained phenomena, she found comfort in being able to care for patients during their final moments. The speaker's reflections on these experiences led her to seek answers and connect with others who had similar encounters.

    • Sharing personal stories of unexplained experiencesPersonal stories of unexplained experiences can provide validation and encouragement, and acknowledging the unexplained doesn't mean it's unreal, even if it's uncomfortable to reconcile with religious beliefs.

      Sharing personal stories, especially those that involve unexplained experiences, can provide validation and encouragement for others. The speaker's experience of strange occurrences in a house led him to realize that there might be more to these events than anyone was willing to discuss. He also reflects on the complexity of reconciling personal experiences with religious beliefs. The speaker acknowledges that while it can be uncomfortable to admit experiences that don't fit neatly into our belief systems, it's important to remember that the unexplained doesn't mean unreal. The Bible itself acknowledges the existence of things that may be difficult to understand, and the speaker suggests that these things are included in the Bible for a reason. Ultimately, sharing stories and being open to the unexplained can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

    • Exploring the complex topic of guardian angels and fallen angels with a curious childBe open-minded and supportive when children ask questions about religious topics, even if we don't have all the answers. Embrace the complexity and nuance of religious texts, while also recognizing the importance of critical thinking and skepticism.

      The existence of angels and other supernatural beings, as discussed in religious texts like the Bible, can be a complex and nuanced topic, especially when it comes to understanding and explaining it to children. The speaker shares his experience of his 10-year-old daughter asking him about guardian angels and the existence of fallen angels or demons. He acknowledges that there are scriptural references to angels protecting humans, but also acknowledges the existence of strange and seemingly impossible events described in religious texts. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being supportive and open-minded when children ask questions about such topics, even if we may not have all the answers ourselves. He also notes the irony of how some people may be more accepting of seemingly impossible events in religious texts than they would be of similar experiences reported in real life. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of approaching complex religious topics with curiosity, open-mindedness, and compassion.

    • Exploring uncomfortable topics with childrenAllow children to explore the world while teaching them flexibility, open-mindedness, and maintaining a strong foundation of beliefs. Rapid technology advancements require flexibility, and a relationship with God helps recognize our place in the universe.

      It's important for parents to acknowledge and address their children's natural curiosity, even if it involves exploring topics that may be uncomfortable for adults. The speaker shares his personal experience of being restricted from watching horror movies as a child, but acknowledges that kids are naturally curious and will seek out such content regardless. He believes that as parents, it's our responsibility to teach them to be flexible and open-minded, while also maintaining a strong foundation of beliefs. The rapid advancement of technology and the availability of information to future generations will make flexibility an essential skill. Furthermore, the speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining a relationship with God and recognizing our place in the universe. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of allowing children to explore the world while providing them with the necessary tools to navigate it with confidence.

    • Trusting God's Plan with AI IntegrationDespite rapid technological advancements and AI integration, individuals should trust in God's plan and find comfort in simple pleasures of life.

      Despite the advancements in technology and the integration of AI into our society, individuals should trust that God's plan will unfold as intended. The speaker believes that if God is all-powerful and all-knowing, then the integration of AI is happening according to His timeline. People may worry about the implications of technology, but ultimately, it's out of our control. The speaker also reflects on growing up with the expectation of advanced technology and how society's reaction to it has changed. Technology is advancing rapidly, and its impact is evident in various aspects of life, including law enforcement and personal experiences. However, the speaker finds comfort in the simple pleasures of life, such as living on a farm and enjoying the beauty of nature. Ultimately, the speaker encourages trust in a higher power and living in the present moment.

    • Finding joy in unexpected experiencesCherishing the present and finding meaning in everyday experiences can bring happiness and appreciation, even during challenging times.

      Even in the midst of unexpected challenges and responsibilities, finding joy and appreciation in simple moments can make all the difference. Tony shared his personal experience of caring for multiple animals, including horses, a blind cow, a seeing eye donkey, chickens, and ducks. He emphasized how the experience brought him and his family happiness and reminded him to slow down and enjoy life. The interview concluded with Tony expressing his gratitude for the opportunity to share his story and reminding listeners to share the show with others to help it grow. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of cherishing the present and finding meaning in everyday experiences.

    Recent Episodes from The Confessionals

    668: Mushroom Man Cabin

    668: Mushroom Man Cabin
    In episode 668: Mushroom Man Cabin, Tony sits down with Joe Stauffer, a seasoned filmmaker with over 20 years of experience, to discuss their latest project, "The Sasquologist." They share behind-the-scenes stories from their time filming in the Smoky Mountains, revealing the challenges and triumphs of shooting on location. Joe's candid recounting of technical mishaps, such as trying to capture footage with a malfunctioning GoPro, offers a glimpse into the real-life adventures and hurdles of a filmmaker on the go.

    But the conversation takes a thrilling turn when Joe recounts his stay at the eerie Glen Isle Resort in Bailey, Colorado. From discovering hidden rooms and a chest full of century-old treasures to experiencing ghostly encounters, Joe's tales are sure to send chills down your spine. Tony also shares his own spine-tingling experience with an invisible force in the woods of East Tennessee, drawing eerie parallels to the fictional Predator. This episode is a rollercoaster of emotions, blending humor, intrigue, and the supernatural.

    Joe Stauffer
    Personal Instagram: @joestauffercinema
    Van-Life Instagram: @capefearcampervan
    Website: joestauffer.com
    Glen Isle Resort: @glenisleresort

    Join Me At:
    Armed Media Conference: Purchase Tickets Here
    Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Conference: Purchase Tickets Here

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
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    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
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    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
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    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - 30 Hours To Utah
    YouTube | Spotify | Apple Music
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 09, 2024

    RELOADED | 63: The Bigfoot and Dogman of Pennsylvania

    RELOADED | 63: The Bigfoot and Dogman of Pennsylvania
    Pennsylvania is more mysterious than many realize. Out-of-staters think of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and then conclude that Pennsylvania is an industrialized state without much wilderness to explore. However, the reality is that between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh there are 300+ miles of deep, dense wild forests. Tonight, Kirk joins The Confessionals to share his first cryptid encounter with a bigfoot while on a hunting trip with his in-laws. Later, he details an unusual encounter that he can only conclude was a dogman! Yes, along with bigfoot sightings, dogman sightings are also on the rise in Pennsylvania. Kirk experienced both types of sightings, and comes forward to share what he has seen.

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
    Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh
    Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Prepare with Valley Food Storage:
    Get your Nephilim Blaster 2000:
    Bluecosmo Satellite phones:
    See Bigfoot with Sionyx night vision:
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    Black Beard Fire Starters:
    EcoFlow Power Generators:
    GoDark Faraday Bags: https://alnk.to/5jke3rk
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    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase!

    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theconfessionals/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 08, 2024

    Members Preview | 667: Walking Into Dream Realms

    Members Preview | 667: Walking Into Dream Realms
    In episode 667: Walking Into Dream Realms, Brandon talks about his lucid dreaming and astral projection experiences. He shares his journey from mastering lucid dreaming, to exploring the astral realm through guided meditation. He recounts chilling encounters with a sinister entity, finding solace and protection through his faith in Jesus Christ. Tony and Brandon also dive into familiar spirits, the hierarchy of dream entities, and personal experiences with dark forces, highlighting the protective power of loved ones and the importance of supportive relationships in navigating the supernatural.

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
    Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh
    Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

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    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase!

    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
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    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Grey
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 04, 2024

    Weird Wednesday Wake Up | Weird Colorado

    Weird Wednesday Wake Up | Weird Colorado
    Kickstart your hump day with a delightful dose of the unexpected on "Weird Wednesday Wakeup." Join us and let the good vibes flow!

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
    Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh
    Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Prepare with Valley Food Storage:
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    EcoFlow Power Generators:
    GoDark Faraday Bags: https://alnk.to/5jke3rk
    EMP Shield:
    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase!

    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
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    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
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    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 03, 2024

    665: Bloodlines of Monsters

    665: Bloodlines of Monsters
    In Episode 665: Nathan Reynolds, shares his harrowing journey from being born into a secretive family with a dark legacy to his experiences as an elite operative. In this gripping interview, Nathan reveals the chilling realities of his upbringing, which involved encounters with otherworldly monsters and participation in covert military operations. He talks about the hidden realms and secret societies that shaped his life, recounting stories of feral people, dogmen, biblical creatures, and deep underground military bases. Nathan's story is one of survival and redemption, shedding light on the shadowy corners of his past and the extraordinary challenges he faced.

    Nathan Reynolds:
    YouTube: @NathanReynolds
    Website: snatchedfromtheflames.com

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
    Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh
    Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

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    Bluecosmo Satellite phones:
    See Bigfoot with Sionyx night vision:
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    GoDark Faraday Bags: https://alnk.to/5jke3rk
    EMP Shield:
    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase!

    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theconfessionals/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Adios
    YouTube | Apple | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 02, 2024

    RELOADED | 266: Hell, Heaven, and Back

    RELOADED | 266: Hell, Heaven, and Back
    In Episode 266: Hell, Heaven, and Back, we speak with Jason and Amy, a married couple who endured a traumatic experience that most people can't even imagine. Jason has congenital adrenal hyperplasia and nearly died from the condition multiple times as a child. On December 9, 2016, after eating some take-out food, Jason's medical issues were triggered, and this time, he did die. He was dead for over 30 minutes before miraculously coming back to life! During those 30 minutes, Jason experienced both hell and heaven and now he's back to share everything he saw on the other side.

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
    Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh
    Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Prepare with Valley Food Storage:
    Get your Nephilim Blaster 2000:
    Bluecosmo Satellite phones:
    See Bigfoot with Sionyx night vision:
    Emergency medical with My Medic:
    Black Beard Fire Starters:
    EcoFlow Power Generators:
    GoDark Faraday Bags: https://alnk.to/5jke3rk
    EMP Shield:
    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase!

    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theconfessionals/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 01, 2024

    Members Preview | 664: Church Channeler

    Members Preview | 664: Church Channeler
    In episode 664: Church Channeler, David recounts his eerie childhood encounters with Clifford, a faceless, long-fingered entity, and a mysterious man in old-fashioned clothing seen under and around his house. Together, Tony and David dive into theories about portals, reality shifts, and the area's cave systems, linking them to Kentucky's history and local disappearances. They then touch on dogman sightings and David's Freemason ties, exploring paranormal phenomena, including church-related events and spirit channeling by David's father. They ponder Clifford's true nature—ghost, angel, or something else—highlighting the occult's influence and the need for discernment in spiritual matters.

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
    Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh
    Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Prepare with Valley Food Storage:
    Get your Nephilim Blaster 2000:
    Bluecosmo Satellite phones:
    See Bigfoot with Sionyx night vision:
    Emergency medical with My Medic:
    Black Beard Fire Starters:
    EcoFlow Power Generators:
    GoDark Faraday Bags: https://alnk.to/5jke3rk
    EMP Shield:
    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase!

    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theconfessionals/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Missing
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJune 27, 2024

    663: Stranger Things Of The Unseen Realm

    663: Stranger Things Of The Unseen Realm
    In episode 663: Stranger Things Of The Unseen Realm, Chad Riley joins to discuss his documentary Skinwalkers & Stranger Things Of The Unseen Realm. This gripping conversation uncovers the mysteries of hitchhiking spirits, remote viewing, and the occult connections between Jack Parsons, Aleister Crowley, and military endeavors. Chad explores the thought that shadowy interdimensional activities are possibly sponsored by government and military, entwined with sorcery and arcane rituals. Tony and Chad then discuss the recent shift in public dialogue about UFOs, highlighted by figures like Tucker Carlson, sparking widespread intrigue and skepticism about otherworldly realms. They then attempt to breakdown the concept warfare and factional struggles within these unknown dimensions, their ties to ancient deities, secret societies, and intelligence networks. Finally, confront the chilling concepts of realm-traversing portals, screen memories, and the manipulation of human perception by elusive entities. This was a jam-packed episode, with some incredible discussion.

    Chad Riley: Skinwalkers & Stranger Things Of The Unseen Realm

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
    Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh
    Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Prepare with Valley Food Storage:
    Get your Nephilim Blaster 2000:
    Bluecosmo Satellite phones:
    See Bigfoot with Sionyx night vision:
    Emergency medical with My Medic:
    Black Beard Fire Starters:
    EcoFlow Power Generators:
    GoDark Faraday Bags: https://alnk.to/5jke3rk
    EMP Shield:
    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase!

    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theconfessionals/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Missing
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJune 25, 2024

    RELOADED | 502: Lost Treasure and Secret Petroglyphs of Virginia

    RELOADED | 502: Lost Treasure and Secret Petroglyphs of Virginia
    In Episode 502: Lost Treasure and Secret Petroglyphs of Virginia we are joined by Justin, Lance, and Ryan from the Appalachian Intelligence podcast, who reached out months ago regarding some unusual pictures they had taken in Virginia. Buried in the hills of Virginia, there is a huge rock that Justin, Lance, and Ryan stumbled across, with petroglyphs etched into its face. As they sought out answers to their discovery, the mystery became much deeper. With the information they’ve since been given, they are now joining in on a hunt for the lost treasure of the Swift Silver Mine, which might have a direct connection to their secret petroglyph boulder.

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
    Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh
    Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Prepare with Valley Food Storage:
    Get your Nephilim Blaster 2000:
    Bluecosmo Satellite phones:
    See Bigfoot with Sionyx night vision:
    Emergency medical with My Medic:
    Black Beard Fire Starters:
    EcoFlow Power Generators:
    GoDark Faraday Bags: https://alnk.to/5jke3rk
    EMP Shield:
    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase!

    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theconfessionals/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Missing
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJune 24, 2024

    Introducing: Free The Rabbits

    Introducing: Free The Rabbits
    How deep down the rabbit hole have you gone? Do you currently reside there? If so, it's time to touch grass and get your tail out of the hole!

    “Free The Rabbits” is a new podcast by Joel Thomas that explores the conspiratorial world without getting lost in the proverbial rabbit hole. It's easy to attribute negative causes and effects to events that don't make sense around us. While sometimes there might be a valid case for such machinations, there's just as likely a simple explanation. Joel Thomas doesn’t shy away from the weird, supernatural, and paranormal, but he offers a unique perspective on conspiracies. He acknowledges that theories are just that—possibilities, not provable facts.

    Subscribe to Free The Rabbits:
    Apple: bit.ly/3KU8YvG
    Spotify: bit.ly/3VBkPna
    YouTube: youtube.com/@FreeTheRabbits
    Rumble: rumble.com/c/c-6304269
    Instagram: instagram.com/freetherabbitspodcast
    X: x.com/FTR_Podcast_
    Facebook: facebook.com/freetherabbitspodcast
    The Confessionals
    enJune 21, 2024

    Related Episodes

    369: A Witch's Life

    369: A Witch's Life
    In Episode 369: A Witch's Life, we are joined by Joel, who brings us a full episode of stories plus an Overtime episode! In this first hour, Joel talks about his various experiences from childhood into adulthood. He begins with an abduction scenario when one night he and his found themselves missing time and their mother frantically looking for them. In his Overtime segment, Joel shares more in-depth details about his life as a practicing witch, delving into his many stories and experiences with witchcraft, as well as how and why he reached this point in his life.

    GET Cerebral:
    GET SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals
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    GET ACORN.TV: acorn.tv/ Promo Code: "tony" (Code must be applied in all lowercase letters!)
    Get Emergency Food Supplies:
    Get Beard Oil: bit.ly/2FbOhN5

    : www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: theconfessionalspodcast@gmail.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel

    Show Intro INSTRUMENTAL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyub39AXxUw
    Show Intro FREE DOWNLOAD: https://bit.ly/2HxNcw3

    210: The Haunted Family of Orlando

    210: The Haunted Family of Orlando
    On Episode 210: The Haunted Family of Orlando, Nick joins us to share his childhood experiences living in an area haunted by Civil War soldiers. And even though his paranormal experiences as a child were enough to last a lifetime, Nick’s ghostly encounters don’t end there. As an adult living in Orlando, Florida, Nick’s family seems to be haunted by an entity that has firmly attached itself to them, no matter how many times they move to avoid it. Where ever they go – it finds them.
    BECOME A MEMBER AND GET ADDITIONAL SHOWS: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI

    Email: theconfessionalspodcast@gmail.com

    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel

    Show Intro INSTRUMENTAL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyub39AXxUw

    Show Intro FREE DOWNLOAD: https://bit.ly/2HxNcw3

    RELOADED | 72: The Think Tank with Wes Germer, Timothy Renner, and Dark Waters

    RELOADED | 72: The Think Tank with Wes Germer, Timothy Renner, and Dark Waters
    Tonight, we bring on to the show Wes Germer, Timothy Renner, and Dark Waters. We sat down to discuss oddities in the topics of bigfoot, dogman, demons, UFOs, aliens and more!

    The Confessionals Members App:
    Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh
    Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Watch The Shape of Shadows: https://www.merkel.media/stream-now
    Watch Expedition Dogman: https://bit.ly/3CE6Kg0

    GET UNCOMMON GOODS at 15% off: uncommongoods.com/tony
    GET EMP Shield:
    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase! Listen to this episode for more information! Link: bit.ly/3YaMD1N
    GET SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals
    GET Hello Fresh: hellofresh.com/confessionalsfree Promo Code: "confessionalsfree" for FREE BREAKFAST FOR LIFE!!!
    Get Emergency Food Supplies: www.preparewiththeconfessionals.com

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel

    434: Life Abduction Puzzle

    434: Life Abduction Puzzle
    434: Life Abduction Puzzle; Cole.

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Watch Expedition Dogman: https://bit.ly/36z3B4s

    GET Surfshark:
    GET Cerebral: getcerebral.com/tony
    GET SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals
    GET Hello Fresh: hellofresh.com/confessionals16 Promo Code: "confessionals16" for 16 FREE MEALS!!!
    Get Emergency Food Supplies: www.preparewiththeconfessionals.com
    Get Beard Oil: bit.ly/2FbOhN5

    Email: theconfessionals@theconfessionalspodcast.com

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel

    Joel Thomas
    Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3rfKp2L
    Apple: https://apple.co/372Jpbi
    YouTube: https://youtu.be/UWJXf7s3L5I

    RELOADED | 70: The Dark Mass

    RELOADED | 70: The Dark Mass
    On Episode 70: The Dark Mass, guest Timothy comes on to share some of these paranormal occurrences that have been happening since he was four years old! Timothy’s stories show us that sometimes people just can't escape the horrors of life - no matter how far they run or how many things they change, there remains a constant paranormal environment around them. 

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Come Meet Tony:
    1. Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Conference
    2. LIVE SHOW in Gatlinburg, TN!

    Watch Expedition Dogman: https://bit.ly/3CE6Kg0

    Tony's Studio Equipment: linktr.ee/mystudiogear

    GET EMP Shield:
    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase! Listen to this episode for more information! Link: bit.ly/3YaMD1N
    GET SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals
    GET Hello Fresh: hellofresh.com/confessionals60 Promo Code: "confessionals60" for 60% off plus free shipping!!!
    Get Emergency Food Supplies: www.preparewiththeconfessionals.com

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel

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