
    Podcast Summary

    • Biden and Harris Campaign in Swing States, Trump Faces ScrutinyDuring the week, Biden and Harris campaigned in key states, while Trump faced scrutiny over classified documents and controversial policies. Biden's team walked back damaging comments on Social Security and Medicare, while Trump's legal strategy involved admitting guilt in the documents case.

      During the week, Joe Biden went on the offensive in Wisconsin and Michigan, while Kamala Harris visited an abortion clinic. Meanwhile, Donald Trump faced scrutiny over his handling of classified documents and floated controversial policies, showcasing his lack of message discipline. Trump's legal strategy in the documents case involved essentially admitting guilt, and he continued to make unfounded attacks against his opponents. The Republican nominee's comments on Medicare and Social Security were damaging enough that his campaign had to walk them back. Trump supporter Ben Shapiro even advocated for people to work until they die, further highlighting the divisive rhetoric. EPA Administrator Michael Regan also visited the studio to discuss clean energy and environmental justice. Overall, the political landscape remained heated and unpredictable.

    • The election's outcome may determine the fate of Social Security and MedicareTrump's likely to cut Social Security and Medicare for tax savings, while Dems aim to preserve these programs.

      The upcoming election hinges on the future of Social Security and Medicare. If Donald Trump wins, there is a high likelihood that these programs will face cuts, as it has been a long-standing Republican platform. Trump's past actions and budget proposals demonstrate his intention to prioritize tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy over protecting these essential social programs. The Democratic Party, on the other hand, aims to prevent these cuts from happening. The polling data suggests that voters have historically been hesitant to believe politicians would actually cut Social Security and Medicare, but the recent extremist actions of the Republican Party have made these cuts seem more plausible. Ultimately, the election comes down to a choice between preserving these vital programs or allowing them to be gutted to fund further tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations.

    • Biden campaign's focus on GOP plans to cut Social Security and MedicareEmphasizing Republican plans to cut Social Security and Medicare can resonate with working class voters and counter Trump's false claims, especially with Trump's potential pardons adding fuel to the issue.

      The Biden campaign's focus on Republican plans to cut Social Security and Medicare is a persuasive message, especially to working class voters. However, getting this issue to break through the noise of personality-driven political coverage and reach less politically engaged individuals requires repetition. Trump's potential pardons of insurrectionists adds fuel to this issue, as many voters believe those convicted of assaulting police officers should serve their time. The Biden campaign should continue emphasizing this point to counter Trump's false claims about protecting these programs. Despite the media's focus on other issues, the long-term consequences of Social Security and Medicare are crucial for all Americans, and addressing Republican plans to cut these programs can make a significant impact on the election.

    • Trump's actions and GOP stances on democracy and abortionTrump's controversial actions and the GOP's unpopular positions on democracy and abortion are turning off voters, with the loss of Glenn Youngkin in Virginia serving as a reminder of the consequences.

      The actions of former President Trump and the Republican Party's stance on issues like democracy and abortion are making their positions more salient and unpopular to voters. Trump's suggestion of pardoning insurrectionists and his potential national abortion ban are reminders of the chaos and extremism many dislike about him. Mark Esper's revelation of Trump's suggestion to use military force against American protestors further highlights these concerns. The GOP's attempt to rebrand and change their language on abortion is not addressing the root problem - their unpopular positions. The loss of Glenn Youngkin in Virginia's legislative elections serves as a reminder that focusing on the specifics of these issues, rather than the language, may not help the Republican Party in future elections.

    • Personal autonomy vs political interference in abortion rightsIndividuals and doctors should make medical decisions without government intervention, focusing on affordable healthcare access

      The ongoing debate around abortion rights boils down to personal autonomy and political interference. Women and their doctors want the freedom to make decisions regarding their health without government intervention. The recent Dobbs decision has highlighted the importance of this issue, with many people advocating for women to be able to decide the length of pregnancy for their abortions. Conway challenges Republicans to define their exceptions to abortion and for Democrats to lay out their own views. The principle is that women should have control over their reproductive choices. The ongoing controversy surrounding abortion has led Democrats to keep the issue in the public spotlight, with Vice President Kamala Harris visiting an abortion clinic and emphasizing the importance of elections in restoring Roe v. Wade protections. The takeaway is that personal medical decisions should be left to individuals and their doctors, and politicians should focus on ensuring access to affordable healthcare.

    • Biden's visit to abortion clinic keeps issue in spotlightBiden's visit and advocacy for reproductive rights demonstrates Democrats' commitment to protecting access to abortion, despite criticism for not using the word 'abortion' frequently. Progress made and positive impact of Biden's actions should be highlighted.

      President Joe Biden's visit to an abortion clinic and his advocacy for reproductive rights, despite criticism for not using the word "abortion" frequently, is an effective way to keep the issue in the national conversation and remind Americans that Democrats are committed to protecting access to abortion. This approach, though not as bold or aggressive as some may prefer, demonstrates the progress the party has made and the importance of persuading those who may not fully support abortion rights. Biden's presidency and his willingness to sign legislation on this issue is a significant step forward, even if more work is needed to make politicians more comfortable discussing it. The focus should be on the progress made and the positive impact of Biden's actions rather than criticizing his choice of words.

    • Connecting with voters and addressing concernsFocus on voter concerns, like age or character, to win support, rather than solely relying on speech impact in polls.

      Campaigning is about connecting with people and moving them towards your cause, not scolding them. Vice President Biden has been campaigning in key Midwestern states, but polls still show Trump with a lead. It's important to note that two candidates with high name recognition make it challenging to see significant polling shifts early on. The real focus should be on addressing voter concerns, such as Biden's age, to win over supporters. The impact of speeches on the horse race is secondary to approval ratings and underlying questions about candidate character.

    • Biden campaign focuses on economic issues in battleground statesBiden campaign prioritizes economic issues in key battleground states, reassuring voters on LGBTQ rights and Social Security, while opening campaign headquarters in Milwaukee and visiting Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia.

      The Biden campaign is focusing on key battleground states, particularly those that make up the so-called blue wall (Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin), and will be prioritizing economic issues in these areas. The campaign's strategy is to reassure voters on issues like LGBTQ rights and Social Security, using the State of the Union address and ad campaigns to shift the narrative. Polling, while a lagging indicator, can provide valuable insights into voter concerns, which campaigns can address to persuade voters to support Biden. The campaign's recent visits to Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia, and the opening of campaign headquarters in Milwaukee, reflect this focus. Additionally, potential third-party spoilers, such as No Labels and Joe Lieberman, are making news, but their impact remains uncertain.

    • Rumors of Aaron Rodgers as RFK Jr.'s VP pickRumors suggest RFK Jr. may choose Aaron Rodgers as VP, stirring debate over his controversial beliefs and potential impact on the election

      Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced he will reveal his Vice Presidential pick on March 26th, and there are rumors circulating that the choice could be Aaron Rodgers. Rodgers, a critical thinker and football quarterback, has previously expressed controversial beliefs, including questioning the official narrative of the Sandy Hook massacre. Some find these beliefs morally repugnant and ridiculous, while others see Rodgers as a brave critical thinker. Regardless, this potential ticket could be a significant development for the upcoming election, especially given Rodgers' past statements and the ongoing debate around trust in authority and the rise of AI. The feasibility of Rodgers leaving football to take on this role remains uncertain.

    • No Labels considers unconventional presidential picksThe No Labels political organization is considering non-traditional candidates for their presidential ticket, causing uncertainty and potential risks for the anti-Biden vote

      The No Labels political organization, led by former Senator Joe Lieberman, is considering unconventional choices for their presidential ticket, including Aaron Rodgers, the Green Bay Packers quarterback. The selection process has shifted from a nominating convention to a small committee, leaving many wondering who will ultimately be chosen. While some names, like Larry Hogan and Kirsten Cinema, were previously floated, the lack of a clear plan and the continued interest in lesser-known figures has caused concern. The fear is that a third-party candidate could split the anti-Biden vote, making it easier for Donald Trump to secure another term. Despite some relief that more mainstream figures have been ruled out, the uncertainty remains.

    • Biden Administration's Climate Change EffortsThe Biden administration is investing billions in clean tech and infrastructure to combat climate change, with a focus on protecting public health and the environment. Some projects face delays, but states are making progress, and the goal is to reduce emissions to 40% below 2005 levels by 2030.

      The Biden administration is making significant investments to combat climate change through bipartisan efforts and public-private partnerships. The EPA, under Administrator Michael Regan, is at the center of these efforts, with a focus on protecting public health and the environment while providing certainty to industries for long-term investments. The Inflation Reduction Act, a historic piece of legislation, is investing billions of dollars into clean tech and infrastructure, but some projects are facing delays due to bureaucratic processes and political obstacles. Despite these challenges, states are making progress in reducing climate pollution through new technologies and business models. The administration aims to continue these efforts with the goal of reducing emissions to 40% below 2005 levels by 2030.

    • States taking action on climate despite political uncertaintyRecent court decisions could limit EPA's regulatory power, hindering their mission to protect public health and the environment, and creating uncertainty in industries.

      Despite political rhetoric in Washington D.C. regarding climate change and regulatory actions, many states are actively seeking funding and implementing clean technologies and initiatives to address the climate crisis. The EPA, as an expert agency, plays a crucial role in regulating industries and protecting public health and the environment. However, recent court decisions, such as the potential overturning of the Chevron doctrine, could significantly impact the EPA's ability to regulate and provide predictability for industries. These decisions not only hinder the EPA's mission to protect the environment and public health but also create uncertainty in the markets. The EPA is currently adapting to these changes by spending more time ensuring decisions are durable and adjusting to new interpretations of their statutory authority.

    • Evaluating Unenforced Rules and Methane EmissionsThe Supreme Court's focus on unenforced rules can create uncertainty, while addressing methane emissions is crucial for climate change. The EPA is working on technology standards, not regulating animals or creating meat-based beer, and the natural gas industry supports these efforts.

      The Supreme Court's focus on evaluating rules that never took effect, like in the case of West Virginia versus EPA, can create unnecessary chaos and investment risks for industries. Meanwhile, addressing methane emissions is crucial for combating climate change, with significant reductions coming from fixing leaky oil and gas infrastructure and improving livestock management. Contrary to misinformation, President Biden does not intend to ban hamburgers or regulate animals for methane emissions. Instead, the EPA is working on technology standards to reduce methane emissions, which the natural gas industry supports, as it benefits all players in the market and saves product, ultimately saving costs. The focus is on using technology and new business models to tackle pollution, not regulating cows or creating meat-based beer.

    • Protecting Public Health and Reducing Inequalities: Eradicating Lead PipesThe administration's $15 billion pledge to remove all lead service lines and the Justice 40 initiative's focus on benefiting frontline communities are significant steps towards addressing the health and environmental risks associated with lead pipes.

      Getting rid of lead pipes is a crucial step towards protecting public health and reducing environmental inequalities. The presence of lead in water can lead to physical ailments and cognitive impairment, particularly affecting disproportionately impacted communities. The administration's $15 billion pledge to eradicate all lead service lines in the country is a significant step towards addressing this issue. Moreover, the Justice 40 initiative ensures that 40% of infrastructure investments benefit frontline communities. The environmental movement's focus on eradicating lead pipes aligns with the broader environmental justice campaign, as these communities are often hit hardest by environmental hazards. The importance of addressing lead exposure transcends political affiliations, as it impacts the ability to enjoy outdoor activities, such as fishing, which is a shared cultural experience.

    • Exploring the Diverse Aspects of the Environmental MovementThe environmental movement is multifaceted, encompassing a range of perspectives from nature conservation to advanced technology, and is not limited to political affiliations. The EPA plays a crucial role in addressing environmental concerns through initiatives like recycling and invasive species management.

      The environmental movement encompasses various perspectives, from protecting natural resources for outdoor enthusiasts to embracing advanced technologies for economic development and solving environmental issues. These aspects are not limited to specific political affiliations, but rather represent shared American values. The speaker encourages bridging gaps between different interests and visiting communities that embody these diverse aspects. Additionally, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plays a significant role in addressing environmental concerns, including recycling and invasive species management. Recycling, though often seen as a simple act, is a serious focus for the EPA and involves the reprocessing of various materials for sustainable use. The speaker's personal experiences and anecdotes add depth to the conversation, emphasizing the importance of understanding and appreciating the various dimensions of the environmental movement.

    • The Importance of Monetizing Recycled MaterialsMonetizing recycled materials incentivizes the process, reduces waste, and addresses concerns about plastic waste ending up in the ocean.

      The recycling industry is improving as more markets emerge for recycled materials and young people are becoming more interested in recycling. However, concerns remain about the disposal of plastic waste, which often ends up in the ocean instead of being recycled. The speaker emphasizes the importance of monetizing recycled materials to incentivize the process and reduce waste. Additionally, the speaker shares her experiences engaging with skeptical politicians on environmental issues and emphasizes the need for bipartisan support for clean air and water. The speaker also encourages listeners to consider joining the Friends of the Pod subscription community for exclusive content and follow Political Breakdown from KQED for a uniquely California perspective on politics.

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    I saw a wave, a dark wave, come over our nation. And it's not just the election, of course, but this program is going to be all in the name RIGGED because when I, and we formed RIGGED, it was because of the financial system, but RIGGED is now becoming common in America. And it's all RIGGED [against you].

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    Terry Sacka, AAMS
    is a Wealth Strategist, Financial Analyst and Founder of Cornerstone Asset Metals, Wealth Transfer News Television, and the RIGGED podcast. He formerly was a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards and a strategist in commodity options and futures. Using his global travel and U.S. Army military experience, Terry has accumulated a unique perspective of the real global economic framework.

    RIGGED [against you] is a wealth and finance podcast designed to help you achieve your financial goals through advanced savings and investment techniques.