
    Reversing your biological age, with Dr Nichola Conlon

    enNovember 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Cellular aging and NAD+: Reversing the root cause of visible agingCellular aging can be influenced by addressing it at the cellular level with nutrients like NAD+, which impacts energy production and can be particularly beneficial during hormonal changes like menopause. Investing in evidence-based products can support healthy aging and improve well-being later in life.

      Cellular aging, the root cause of visible aging, can be influenced and potentially reversed by addressing it at the cellular level. One crucial nutrient in this process is NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide), which plays a significant role in cellular aging. Hormonal changes during menopause can exacerbate the decline in energy levels and brain fog, as both hormones and NAD+ impact energy production. Nicola Conlon, the lead scientist and CEO of Nocido, is dedicated to democratizing science and creating evidence-based products to encourage healthy aging at the cellular level. By taking advantage of the latest scientific discoveries, we can invest in our health and well-being today to thrive in later life.

    • The Significance of NAD in Our CellsNAD, a naturally occurring molecule, plays a crucial role in energy production and over 300 cellular processes. Its potential impact on aging and age-related diseases warrants further research.

      NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide), a naturally occurring molecule in our cells, plays a crucial role in various cellular processes, including energy production, and is involved in over 300 different reactions. Despite its significance, many people are unaware of it. The speaker, a former drug developer, was inspired by the potential of NAD in slowing down the aging process and founded her company to bring non-drug molecules like NAD+ to the public with solid testing and research. Unfortunately, drug companies are not interested in non-patentable natural molecules, leaving a gap in making these discoveries accessible to the public. NAD+ is a vital molecule that could potentially impact aging and age-related diseases, and further research and awareness are necessary to fully understand its potential benefits.

    • The Role of NAD in Energy Production and Cellular RepairAs we age, our bodies produce less NAD, a crucial molecule for energy and cellular repair. A balanced diet with adequate niacin can support NAD production, but direct absorption is not possible.

      NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a vital molecule produced naturally in our bodies that plays a crucial role in converting food into energy and powering cellular repair processes. It's so essential that without it, we would only survive for 30 seconds. Our bodies can produce NAD, but as we age, NAD levels decline, leading to decreased energy production and increased cellular damage, contributing to the symptoms of aging. Niacin, a B vitamin and NAD precursor, can help boost NAD levels through diet. However, it only goes part of the way, and NAD itself cannot be directly absorbed from food. Instead, consuming a balanced diet with adequate niacin can support NAD production. Understanding the importance of NAD and its role in aging can lead to potential interventions for maintaining optimal health and energy levels as we age.

    • NAD's decline with age impacts energy production and aging symptomsAs we age, our NAD levels decrease, leading to fatigue, poor sleep, cognitive decline, and menopause symptoms. This decline is due to a decrease in NAD production within the body.

      NAD, a vital molecule for energy production in the body, experiences a significant decline with age, leading to symptoms similar to those of aging itself. By the time we reach 60, our NAD levels have been halved multiple times. This decline impacts both physical and cognitive energy, leading to fatigue, poor sleep, brain fog, and menopause symptoms, among others. NAD's role in regulating our circadian rhythm also contributes to sleep disturbances in older adults. The reasons for this decline include a decrease in NAD production within the body, as the enzymes responsible for creating NAD decline with age. Understanding the importance of NAD and its decline with age can help us appreciate the significance of maintaining energy levels and overall health as we age.

    • The decline in NAD production as we age and methods to boost itAs we age, NAD levels decrease due to increased cell damage and inflammation. Boosting NAD through supplements or infusions has limitations, but providing the body with raw materials to produce NAD can be effective. However, the enzyme responsible for converting these precursors may also decline with age, limiting the full benefit.

      As we age, our bodies require more NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) due to increased cell damage and inflammation, but production decreases. This creates a deficit and leads to lower NAD levels. Several methods have been explored to boost NAD levels, including taking it in its pure form as a supplement or infusing it intravenously. However, these methods have limitations, such as instability and difficulty entering cells. A more effective approach is to provide the body with the raw materials it needs to produce NAD, such as vitamin B3, NR, or NMN. However, the enzyme responsible for converting these precursors into NAD also declines with age, so the full potential benefit may not be realized. It's important to note that while NAD supplementation can be beneficial, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

    • Addressing the root causes of NAD declineNishido Time Plus activates the NAD producing enzyme and inhibits processes that waste NAD for effective NAD boosting

      If you want to effectively boost NAD levels in your body, it's not enough to just provide the precursor NMN and hope for the best. Instead, you need to address the root causes of NAD decline by fixing the NAD production pathways in your cells. This includes activating the NAD producing enzyme and inhibiting processes that waste NAD, such as inflammation. Nishido Time Plus is a unique supplement that does just that, providing both the raw material and the necessary pathways for NAD production. One key ingredient in Nishido Time Plus is alpha-lipoic acid, which activates cellular stress pathways to switch on the NAD producing enzyme. By focusing on the root causes of NAD decline, rather than just providing precursors, Nishido Time Plus offers a more effective solution for boosting NAD levels in the body.

    • Boost NAD production with Alpha-lipoic acid and Green Tea ExtractAlpha-lipoic acid and Green Tea Extract in Nutidotime Plus increase NAD levels, mimicking exercise and fasting benefits, improving cellular health and energy production.

      Alpha-lipoic acid and green tea extract, key ingredients in Nutidotime Plus, help increase NAD production in the body, signaling energy stress and activating repair pathways. These natural ingredients mimic the effects of exercise and fasting, without the need for strenuous activity or extended periods of food restriction. Green tea extract, specifically EGCG, inhibits processes causing NAD decline. Together, these ingredients form a powerful supplement that addresses multiple root causes of NAD decline, improving overall cellular health and energy production. The combination of these naturally derived molecules in one capsule provides a cost-effective and convenient solution, with minimal side effects compared to pharmaceutical alternatives. Nutidotime Plus' development involved extensive testing and careful consideration of dosing and ratios to ensure maximum efficacy. Clinical trials have been conducted to validate its benefits.

    • Founder's mission: Provide scientifically backed supplements for health span and cellular declineThe founder's NAD-boosting supplement, Cheetah Time Plus, was proven effective through a clinical trial, resulting in increased NAD levels and the NAD producing enzyme, and an average reversal of biological age by 1.2 years.

      The founder of this company was driven to create a supplement business with a mission to provide scientifically backed products to improve health span and reduce cellular decline. Unlike many supplement companies, they prioritized clinical testing to prove their product's efficacy. They conducted a double-blinded placebo-controlled trial to test their NAD-boosting supplement, Cheetah Time Plus, over 28 days. The results showed an increase in NAD levels and the NAD producing enzyme, indicating the supplement effectively addresses the root cause of NAD decline. Additionally, the study revealed a reversal of biological age by an average of 1.2 years, demonstrating the positive impact on cellular health.

    • Improving NAD levels for healthy agingInterventions like supplements, exercise, diet, and other protocols can boost NAD levels, leading to reduced inflammation, glycation, and improved skin quality, contributing to healthy aging.

      As we age, various markers such as biological age, inflammation, glycation, and even our skin quality, can be improved through interventions that boost NAD levels in our cells. This includes supplements, lifestyle factors like exercise and diet, and other protocols. The sirtuin genes and proteins, which are linked to healthy aging, have been shown to increase with the use of these interventions. Reductions in inflammation and glycation, as well as improvements in skin quality, have also been observed. These findings suggest that many of the practices long believed to promote healthy aging may be working through their effects on NAD, which is present in every cell in the body.

    • Maintaining Cellular Health with NADBoosting NAD levels can improve overall health, energy, cognitive function, sleep, and the growth and strength of nails, hair, and skin. Benefits are noticeable for people of all ages, especially perimenopausal and menopausal women, and NAD is being researched for its potential role in preventing and treating age-related diseases.

      NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a cofactor essential for maintaining cellular health. A decline in NAD levels can lead to health issues, including poor hair, skin, and nails, and potentially contribute to age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's, dementia, cancer, and heart disease. Boosting NAD levels can improve overall health, with noticeable benefits to energy, cognitive function, and sleep, as well as the growth and strength of nails, hair, and skin. NAD supplementation can benefit people of all ages, as the body's ability to produce NAD can be restored, regardless of age. The benefits of NAD supplementation are subjective, and some people may notice improvements more quickly than others, but most report increased energy, better cognitive function, improved sleep, and stronger nails, hair, and skin, especially perimenopausal and menopausal women. NAD is currently being investigated for its potential role in preventing and treating various age-related diseases.

    • Boosting NAD levels for menopausal womenBoosting NAD levels can help alleviate menopausal symptoms like brain fog and fatigue, improving overall well-being. Hormone replacement therapy and NAD supplementation could lead to enhanced energy and vitality.

      For women going through menopause, the decline in hormones and NAD levels can significantly impact energy production, leading to symptoms such as brain fog and fatigue. Boosting NAD levels can help alleviate these symptoms and improve overall well-being. Midlife women, in particular, can benefit from this knowledge and consider supplementing with NAD boosters. The combination of hormone replacement therapy and NAD supplementation could lead to enhanced energy and vitality. For those interested in Nuchido's time plus supplement, visit nuchido.com or connect on Instagram using the code "lizloves" for a discount. Stay tuned for more research on longevity and aging well, and don't forget to sign up for the Liz Earle Well-being newsletter for exclusive discounts and offers.

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    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/400

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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