
    (Rewind): Top 5 Reasons Why They Disappear On You

    enFebruary 23, 2024
    What does the text say about idealizing partners?
    How are consistency and standards important in relationships?
    What caution is given about pursuing unavailable partners?
    What should guide our actions in dating strategies?
    Where can one find guidance on dating effectively?

    Podcast Summary

    • Distinguishing Ideals from CompatibilityIdealizing someone on paper doesn't ensure a successful relationship. Instead, focus on compatibility and maintaining standards to attract and keep a partner's interest.

      Idealizing someone on paper doesn't guarantee a successful relationship. It's essential to distinguish between the qualities we admire in someone and whether they are compatible with us. Falling for an ideal can lead to disappointment when the person doesn't live up to our expectations. Moreover, maintaining standards is crucial in attracting and keeping the interest of potential partners. As my boxing trainer, Martin Snow, wisely put it, "5+5 is always 10." This means that when we present ourselves as desirable and maintain our standards, we encourage our partners to do the same, leading to a healthier and more fulfilling relationship.

    • Consistency and rules are key in boxing and relationshipsTrust the process and execute the game plan in relationships and boxing, don't let instincts dictate actions, and rely on training and knowledge to navigate complexities

      In the realm of boxing and relationships, consistency and adherence to rules or game plans are key. The science of boxing, much like relationships, has its logic and rules that should never be disregarded. The sum of two equal parts, be it in the ring or in a relationship, will always equal ten and never eleven. This principle applies regardless of a person's appearance, behavior, or the depth of connection. It's essential to trust the process and execute the game plan rather than overthinking and analyzing every situation. Additionally, it's crucial not to let our instincts dictate our actions. Instead, we should rely on training and knowledge to navigate through the complexities of dating. Swimming against the current, or in this case, against our instincts, can lead to exhaustion and unfavorable outcomes. Instead, we should trust the process and learn to react appropriately, using the tools and strategies we've been taught. This approach will help us conserve our energy and increase our chances of success.

    • Avoiding Unnecessary Stress in RelationshipsFocus on organic growth, avoid obsession, and pursue truly available partners for long-term happiness.

      When it comes to relationships, it's important to avoid obsessing over small things, rushing through stages, and choosing unavailable partners. By focusing too much on the answer to simple questions or trying to force a connection, we can create unnecessary stress and prevent genuine courtship from taking place. Additionally, investing too much too soon can make a potential partner feel unearned affection, leading to a lack of value in the relationship. Lastly, pursuing unavailable men may provide short-term rewards, but it will not lead to long-term happiness. Instead, allow relationships to unfold organically and focus on finding someone who is truly available and committed to a long-term partnership. For those seeking guidance on finding their person, consider checking out the free training "Dating with Results" at datingwithresults.com.

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    >>> Follow Kimberly @_kimberlysnyder and @soulunabyks
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    ►► Ask Matthew AI Your Biggest Dating Question for Free Now at. . . → http://www.AskMH.com


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    ►► Ask Matthew AI Your Biggest Dating Question for Free Now at. . . → http://www.AskMH.com

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    ►► Ask Matthew AI Your Biggest Dating Question for Free Now at. . .
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    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com

    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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    ►► Transform Your Relationship With Life in 6 Magical Days. Learn More About The Matthew Hussey Retreat at. . . . → http://www.MHRetreat.com

    ►► Pre-Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com

    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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    ►► Transform Your Relationship With Life in 6 Magical Days. Learn More About The Matthew Hussey Retreat at. . . . → http://www.MHRetreat.com
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