
    RFK Jr.'s Major Announcement Marks the End of Democrats

    enOctober 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Finding Alternative Platforms for Open DialogueIn the current political climate, individuals seek alternative platforms to express views and connect, with Rubin advocating for Locals and praising DeSantis' moral clarity and RFK Junior's departure from the Dems.

      In the current political climate, it's essential for individuals to find alternative platforms to express their views and connect with like-minded individuals as traditional social media outlets become increasingly restrictive. Dave Rubin, the host of The Rubin Report, emphasized this need during his discussion, expressing concerns about the difficulties of discussing controversial topics and the potential for platforms like Twitter to be taken down. He encouraged viewers to join him on Locals, a community platform where they can engage in open dialogue without censorship. Additionally, Rubin shared his admiration for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' stance on moral clarity and his commitment to upholding the law. He also highlighted RFK Junior's departure from the Democrat party as a significant moment, hinting at its potential impact on the political landscape. Rubin's emotional response to the previous day's show, where he addressed the Middle East crisis, underscored the gravity of the issues at hand and his determination to continue addressing them.

    • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Departure from the Democratic PartyRobert F. Kennedy Jr.'s discontent with the Democratic Party's stance on borders, free speech, and defense of controversial acts led him to leave and run as an independent. The changing political landscape reflects growing discontent with traditional parties and seeks alternatives.

      The radicalism of the modern political parties, particularly the Democratic Party, has driven a notable figure like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to leave the party and run for president as an independent. Kennedy's departure was influenced by the party's stance on issues like borders, free speech, and the defense of barbaric acts. His decision reflects the growing discontent among some individuals who feel that the parties are becoming increasingly detached from reality and silencing voices. The political landscape is changing, and many are seeking alternatives to the traditional party system. This shift in perspective is a significant development in American politics. Additionally, Tax Network USA offers a valuable service for those dealing with tax debts, providing potential relief for individuals facing significant financial burdens.

    • The Kennedy family's disillusionment with the Democratic PartyProminent Democrats like the Kennedy family are leaving the party due to its perceived rot and dangerous direction. Some members, like Ilhan Omar and AOC, have shown support for terrorist organizations and violated their oath of office, causing deep concern among some Democrats and the public.

      The radicalization of the Democratic Party has reached a point where even prominent members of the Kennedy family, like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., are leaving the party due to its perceived rot and perilous direction. Kennedy's sister, Kerry Kennedy, has denounced his candidacy, and Jordan Peterson, a Canadian clinical psychologist and professor, has criticized the Kennedy family and the Democrats as being broken. This comes as some Democrats, such as Ilhan Omar, AOC, and others, have shown support for Hamas, a terrorist organization, and have been accused of being anti-American and violating their oath of office. The situation highlights the deep divide within the Democratic Party and the growing concern among some that the party has lost touch with its values and is moving in a dangerous direction. The media's focus on certain Republican figures, like Matt Gaetz, while ignoring the actions of these Democratic representatives, further underscores the need for greater scrutiny and accountability.

    • The Democrat Party's Direction and Controversial StancesThe political climate raises questions about the Democrat Party's direction, with debates over border security, open borders, and controversial figures' views on Israel.

      The current political climate, particularly regarding border security and the Democrat party's stance on certain issues, has led some individuals to question the party's direction. The discussion touched on the open border issue and the uncertainty of how many people are in the country and their intentions. Jordan Peterson was mentioned as having previously engaged in debates about the potential reform of the Democrat party, but now expresses his belief that it's failed. The conversation also addressed the Democrats' stance on Israel and their support for figures like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who have been criticized for their views on the conflict. The speaker's strong language reflects the intensity of these debates and the growing divide between political ideologies.

    • Politicians' responses to conflicts reveal their stances and prioritiesDuring crises, politicians' statements and actions can reveal their true allegiances and motivations, sparking debate and discussion.

      During times of conflict and crisis, the responses and actions of political figures can reveal their true stances and priorities. In the recent Israel-Palestine conflict, some politicians, such as Rashida Tlaib, have been criticized for their perceived hypocrisy and radicalism. Meanwhile, others, like Stephen Miller and Barack Obama, have issued statements condemning the violence and expressing support for Israel. The timing, tone, and substance of these statements have sparked debate and discussion about the politicians' motivations and allegiances. Gretchen Whitmer, the Governor of Michigan, has also been criticized for her handling of the COVID-19 situation and her response to the conflict. Overall, the actions and words of these politicians highlight the complex and nuanced nature of international conflicts and the role that political figures play in shaping public discourse and policy.

    • Nobel Peace Prize for Nargis Mohammadi amidst conflict atrocitiesNobel Peace Prize awarded to Iranian women's rights advocate Nargis Mohammadi amidst reports of war crimes during the Hamas-Israel conflict, including kidnappings, rapes, torture, and mass murders of civilians.

      The situation in Iran and the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel are complex issues with deep human rights concerns. Nargis Mohammadi, a women's rights advocate in Iran, received a well-deserved recognition with the Nobel Peace Prize. However, the discussion soon shifted to the atrocities committed during the conflict between Hamas and Israel, with reports of kidnappings, rapes, torture, and mass murders of civilians, including children and the elderly. These acts are being condemned as war crimes. The moral response to such atrocities is a pressing issue, and future shows will explore this topic from various perspectives, including biblical, Jewish, Christian, and secular ethics. It's important to remember the human impact of these conflicts and the urgent need for peace and justice.

    • Civilizational war between barbarism and civilityRecognize the gravity of the situation in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, and differentiate right from wrong despite the challenges.

      We are witnessing a civilizational war between barbarism and civility, and it's crucial to take a moral stance. The current conflict between Israel and Hamas is a part of this timeless war, and those who cannot take a moral position risk becoming victims themselves. The atrocities committed against innocent civilians, including children, are unimaginable and serve as a reminder of the ongoing religious war. It's essential to acknowledge the gravity of the situation and find a way to discuss these issues without burning out. The past few years have challenged our moral compasses, but it's crucial to differentiate right from wrong and not be swayed by those who defend or excuse monstrous acts. The footage and images of the suffering are difficult to bear, but they must not be forgotten, as we remember the promise of "never again."

    • Media's role in distorting truth and promoting extremist viewsThe media's biased reporting and false narratives contribute to the normalization of extremist views in Western societies. Peace in the Israel-Hamas conflict can be achieved through strength and diplomacy, and Egypt could potentially play a role by opening its border to Gaza.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas involves complex historical and political issues, with each side accusing the other of targeting civilians and engaging in terrorism. Israel has warned civilians to evacuate areas before attacking military targets, while Hamas has launched rockets indiscriminately into Israeli territory. Egypt, which shares a border with Gaza, has refused to open its border to allow refugees to escape. The speaker argues that the media's role in distorting the truth and promoting false narratives has contributed to the normalization of extremist views in Western societies. The speaker also emphasizes that peace can only be achieved through strength and diplomacy, and that Egypt could potentially play a role in resolving the conflict by opening its border to Gaza. Ultimately, the speaker calls for a more nuanced understanding of the conflict and a recognition of the need for truthful reporting in shaping public opinion.

    • Media's biased coverage of Israel-Gaza conflictThe media, particularly CNN and MSNBC, is criticized for providing a platform to individuals who downplay or justify violence against civilians during the Israel-Gaza conflict. Israel's right to defend itself is defended, while those who suggest otherwise are criticized as morally bankrupt.

      The speaker expresses strong criticism towards CNN and MSNBC for providing a platform to individuals who downplay or justify violent actions against civilians, particularly during the Israel-Gaza conflict. The speaker specifically calls out Fareed Zakaria for inviting such individuals on his show, and criticizes MSNBC for suggesting that Netanyahu will benefit politically from the situation. The speaker also defends Israel's right to defend itself and criticizes those who suggest otherwise as morally bankrupt. The speaker praises Jake Tapper for his coverage and calls out Mehdi Hasan for his past offensive comments. Overall, the speaker's message is that the media's handling of the Israel-Gaza conflict is dishonest and harmful, and that those who downplay or justify violence against civilians should not be given a platform.

    • The conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has led to billions in aid, but living conditions have not improved and funds have been used to build an army.Despite billions in aid, the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has not led to improved living conditions and the funds have been used to build an army, perpetuating the cycle of violence.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has led to billions of dollars in aid from the Western world, which has not resulted in the betterment of living conditions for Palestinians as intended. Instead, the funds have been used to build an army, turning Gaza into an open-air prison. MSNBC analysts suggest negotiating with terrorists by giving them what they want, but this approach has not led to peace as Hamas' charter calls for the extermination of Israel. The Israeli prime minister has declared war on Hamas, aiming for victory, but there is a lack of strategy to ensure the conflict does not continue in a brutal and horrific cycle. Israel has not expanded its territory during the prime minister's tenure, but the presence of settlements in the West Bank complicates the possibility of a contiguous Palestinian state. The international community, including former state department officials, express concern for potential harm to civilians, but the reality of living with constant threats of violence and terror makes it challenging for Israel to back down.

    • Disconnection from truth fuels political radicalismHypersecularism disregards fundamental truths, leading to savage behaviors and disregard for one's own country.

      The current political issues we face are deeply rooted in cultural and spiritual disconnection from truth. The speaker argues that the radicalism of the Democrat party is connected to hypersecularism, which leads people to believe only in the power of the government and disregard fundamental truths. This disconnection has allowed for the rise of savage behaviors, such as supporting terrorism and celebrating the murder of innocent people. The speaker, who gained recognition as a free speech advocate, questions when it becomes problematic for Americans to prioritize allegiances to foreign terrorist organizations over their own country. The protests in New York City by Palestinians, who believe they are the indigenous people of a land that never existed as a country, further illustrate this disconnection from truth. The speaker emphasizes that understanding the importance of Western theology and the historical significance of places like Jerusalem and Athens is crucial for maintaining free societies.

    • Israel-Palestine Conflict: Implications Beyond Middle EastThe Israel-Palestine conflict goes beyond Middle East politics, with implications for the US, Europe, and global peace. BDS hypocrisy ignores Palestinian opportunities in neighboring countries, and it's not about all Jews, but Israeli gov't actions. Assimilation is crucial, and intolerant views threaten society's values.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is not just about the Middle East, but it has implications for the rest of the world, including the United States and Europe. The discussion highlighted the hypocrisy of the BDS movement, which accuses Israel of racism while ignoring the lack of opportunities for Palestinians in neighboring countries. The speaker also emphasized that the issue is not about all Jews, but about the actions of the Israeli government. The interview also touched upon the importance of assimilation and the potential consequences of not addressing the integration of immigrants into Western societies. Ultimately, the speaker called for a stand against intolerant views that threaten the values of a free society.

    • Defending cultural values and national interestsPoland's decision to prioritize national security and cultural values during the Syrian refugee crisis is a reminder that every society has the right to protect its people and culture.

      Every society has the right to defend its culture and people. This was highlighted in a 2018 video featuring British Channel 4 host Kathy Newman and Polish member of parliament Dominic Tarsinski. Tarsinski expressed Poland's decision to not accept refugees during the Syrian crisis, leading to accusations of racism. However, Poland's safety and lack of terrorist attacks demonstrate the importance of prioritizing national interests and cultural values. The speaker was emphatic about his love for his country and his commitment to protect it, even if labeled as a nationalist or racist. The video serves as a reminder that defending one's culture and people is a fundamental aspect of societal existence and survival.

    • History shows that taking a strong stance on issues can be rightTaking a strong stance on issues, even if unpopular, can ultimately be right. Trump's immigration stance proved this.

      Throughout history, there have been individuals and groups who have faced criticism and backlash for taking a strong stance on important issues, only to be proven right in the end. This was evident in the case of Donald Trump and his stance on immigration during his presidential campaign. Despite facing accusations of racism and being labeled a Nazi, Trump's warnings about the need for border control and the dangers of illegal immigration resonated with many Americans. His critics, who labeled him as intolerant and divisive, were later proven wrong when the situation at the border became a major issue during the Biden administration. The ultimate irony is that the very people who attacked Trump for his stance on immigration are now facing the consequences of their own policies. It's important to remember that taking a strong stance on issues, even if it's unpopular at the time, can ultimately be the right thing to do.

    • The Political Landscape: Radicalization and ExtremismIndividuals are encouraged to wake up, listen to diverse perspectives, and seek new solutions as the political landscape becomes increasingly radicalized with extremist elements on both sides.

      The political landscape has become increasingly radicalized, with both parties having extremist elements. Hillary Clinton's recent call for "deprogramming" citizens she disagrees with highlights the issue. While there have always been partisan disagreements, the current climate has seen an uptick in extremism. The MAGA movement, with its focus on law and order and constitutional values, is seen as radical by some, but others argue that the "Hamas caucus" and "wokesters" in the Democratic Party are even more extreme. RFK Junior, a former Democrat, is an example of a disaffected liberal waking up to the situation. The solution, according to the speaker, is for individuals to wake up, listen to different perspectives, and consider new solutions, as RFK has done by declaring himself an independent candidate.

    • Engaging with controversial figures and open-minded dialogueAcknowledge reality, focus on freeing people, move beyond dichotomies, and embrace civil discourse for understanding different perspectives

      Despite political differences, it's important to engage with people who challenge our perspectives and encourage open-minded dialogue. The speaker, Dave Rubin, shares his experience working with a controversial figure, despite not supporting him as a presidential candidate. He emphasizes the significance of acknowledging reality and focusing on freeing people within it, rather than upending the world. Additionally, Rubin encourages listeners to move beyond the Israel-Palestine dichotomy and recognize the shared history of the region. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of civil discourse and understanding different perspectives, even when they may be challenging or unpopular.

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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 19, 2024

    Jon Stewart of ‘The Daily Show’ Left Out These Key Details So He Could Lie to Your Face

    Jon Stewart of ‘The Daily Show’ Left Out These Key Details So He Could Lie to Your Face
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about “The Daily Show” host Jon Stewart’s failed attempt to debunk the GOP’s city crime narrative by leaving out some key statistical data about rising crime; Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson’s hilarious answer to the press asking him about getting caught in a political corruption scandal; a bizarre plan involving Slurpees to fight youth crime in Takoma Park, Maryland; NYC mayor Eric Adams pushing for a face mask ban in NYC to fight crime; Karine Jean-Pierre labeling the latest viral videos of Biden’s gaffes at the G7 Summit and his Jimmy Kimmel-hosted Hollywood fundraiser as simply misleading "cheap-fake" videos; Elon Musk’s triumphant shareholder meeting after receiving a huge win for his pay package; Argentina President Javier Milei giving an epic no-holds-barred answer to an interviewer's question about “the Left”; and much more. WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com/ Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here: https://daverubin.store/ ---------- Today’s Sponsors: Preserve Gold - Preserve Gold can get physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or inside your IRA, 401k or other qualified retirement account. Rubin Report viewers will get up to $10,000 in free Gold and Silver with a qualifying purchase or retirement account rollover. Preserve Gold will even throw in an immediate $500 account credit if you request your investor guide today. Go to: https://preservegold.com/dave PureHealth Research - Support your liver's natural detoxification processes, shed unwanted pounds, and maintain an enjoyable active lifestyle. Try Liver Health Formula and get a FREE 1 month’s supply of Nano Powered Omega 3 to support your heart health as well. Go to: https://GetLiverHelp.com/Rubin now to claim your exclusive gift Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    The Rubin Report
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Free Speech for Jew Haters, and Britney's Must-Read Memoir, with Gad Saad, Evita Duffy-Alfonso, and Will Witt | Ep. 655

    Free Speech for Jew Haters, and Britney's Must-Read Memoir, with Gad Saad, Evita Duffy-Alfonso, and Will Witt | Ep. 655

    Megyn Kelly begins the show by discussing Christiane Amanpour's outrageous CNN interview with Jordan’s Queen Rania exposing extreme anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiments, her failure to acknowledge the murders of Jews in Israel by Hamas, and more. Then Gad Saad, host of "The Saad Truth," joins to discuss the lack of moral clarity by those attacking Israel but apologizing for Hamas' horrific actions, Jew hatred on public display in the West, discuss posters continuously being torn down of Israeli hostages at universities, one Jewish student in Boston explaining why she was doing it, polling about Europeans shockingly supporting Hamas in the conflict, the Northwestern professor who claims Hamas never committed certain atrocities against Israel, why universities all of a sudden care about “free speech,” fearing for the future of the West after the hatred over Israel and Hamas, Megan Rapinoe supporting Palestinians but not Jews, the connection between being anti-Israel and anti-Jewish, Hamas interrogations and bragging about killing Jews, why Saad the "happy warrior" is feeling negative about the future, the state of Canadian politics, and more. Then Evita Duffy-Alfonso, The Federalist contributor, and Will Witt, author of "Do Not Comply," join to discuss Governor Ron DeSantis disbanding pro-Hamas college groups, if this is an overreach on DeSantis’s part and if he is overstepping on freedom of speech, students displaying anti-Israel sentiment and if and employers potential reactions, the state of the GOP primary, Trump's verbal stumbles and if it will affect his gigantic lead in the race, Biden's mental decline and whether it's the biggest issue in America today, radical gender ideology leading to doctors trying to rename men's and women's body parts as "chesticles" or "dicklets," Britney Spears’s new memoir that describes disturbing childhood stories, why our next generation should read it and learn, chasing after fame and the harms of doing so, and more.

    Saad: https://www.gadsaad.com

    Duffy-Alfonso: https://thefederalist.com/author/evitaduffy/

    Witt: https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/will-witt/do-not-comply/9781546005582/?lens=center-street


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    Elon Musk Shocks the Internet by Agreeing with John Fetterman About This

    Elon Musk Shocks the Internet by Agreeing with John Fetterman About This
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Ari David and Emily Austin about Elon Musk shocking his fans by agreeing with John Fetterman on a his comments about South Africa accusing Israel of committing a genocide in Gaza; the bizarre celebration that followed after the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted in support of a ceasefire resolution in the Israel-Hamas war that must be seen to be believed; Fox News’ Peter Doocy confronting White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about the migrant crisis pushing James Madison High School in NYC to force students to learn remotely so migrants could be temporarily housed in the school; Chicago’s migrant crisis turning the local black community against progressive Democrat policies; Mika Brzezinski’s pure propaganda interview with Jill Biden where she laughs off questions about Biden family corruption; and much more. WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com/ Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here: https://daverubin.store/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep. 808 If We Don’t Fight Back Now, We’re Finished

    Ep. 808 If We Don’t Fight Back Now, We’re Finished
    Summary:In this episode I address the troubling tactics by the Democrats to derail the Brett Kavanaugh nomination. If this is allowed to stand, these tactics will destroy Trump’s power to appoint people. I also address the explosive new revelations that FBI investigators may have fabricated the entire premise for the Trump investigation. News Picks:Do illegal immigrants commit crimes at a higher rate than American citizens? Another bombshell piece by John Solomon indicating that the FBI investigators knew the case against Trump was a joke.  This piece covers the highlights of another revealing Devin Nunes interview.  Bob Woodward spent two years trying to dig up dirt on Trump and concluded that the collusion story is nonsense. This Daily Caller piece indicates that the FBI used media leaks as a “pretext” to target the Trump team.  Is this former Obama administration lawyer in deep legal trouble with the Mueller probe? Andy McCarthy’s new piece provides some ideas about what may be in the FISA redactions.  Are the Democrats walking into a Colin Kaepernick trap? Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Bill Maher Stammers as Republican Corrects His Trump Lie with This Fact

    Bill Maher Stammers as Republican Corrects His Trump Lie with This Fact
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Republican Nancy Mace correcting “Real Time with Bill Maher” host Bill Maher with some basic facts about the Trump defamation lawsuit; ABC News host George Stephanopoulos’ failed attempt to shame rape survivor Nancy Mace for supporting Donald Trump after E. Jean Carroll’s assault allegations; Elon Musk helping to debunk the Trump “bloodbath hoax” before it even gets started; Don Lemon trying to smear Elon Musk’s views on DEI on “The View” after X canceled “The Don Lemon Show” before it even aired; Ron DeSantis reporting on the dangerous cargo found aboard a boat of migrants escaping the violence of Haiti; Muslim extremists being allowed to publicly call for jihad on the streets of London; Douglas Murray’s attack on “Sapiens” author Yuval Noah Harari ignoring the importance of a classical education curriculum; and much more. WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com/ Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here: https://daverubin.store/ ---------- Today’s Sponsors: Preserve Gold - Protect your retirement from inflation. Preserve Gold can get physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or inside your IRA, 401k or other qualified retirement account. Rubin Report viewers will get up to $10,000 in free Gold and Silver with a qualifying purchase or retirement account rollover. Preserve Gold will even throw in an immediate $500 account credit if you request your investor guide today. Go to: https://preservegold.com/dave The Wellness Company - Get your Medical Emergency Kit with 8 potentially life-saving medications for you to keep on hand in times of need. Rest easy knowing that you have emergency antibiotics, antivirals and anti-parasitics to help keep you and your family safe. Rubin Report viewers get 15% off at checkout. Kits are ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE USA. Go to: https://TWC.health/RUBIN and use CODE: RUBIN Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep. 1113 - Democrats Declare Anything They Don’t Like Court-Packing

    Ep. 1113 - Democrats Declare Anything They Don’t Like Court-Packing

    Democrats pledge to stymie the Amy Coney Barrett nomination as judicial hearings open; Joe Biden and the media team up to redefine the term “court-packing”; and Keith Olbermann is back, and crazier than ever!

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