
    RHR: Why Eating a Plants-Only Diet Won't Improve Your Health or Save the Planet, with Jayne Buxton

    enDecember 19, 2023

    About this Episode

    Jayne Buxton, author of The Great Plant-Based Con, joins Chris on this episode of Revolution Health Radio to discuss how ethical, regenerative farming and an omnivorous diet comprised of whole foods benefits both human and planetary health. They’ll explore the higher bioavailability of nutrients in animal products, how diets that exclude animal foods can damage your health, and the reasons why so many people have coalesced around the falsehood that plant-based diets are the best way to improve human health and save the planet.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    • Why Jayne felt compelled to write her book in response to headlines touting the benefits and virtues of a meat-free diet
    • Nutrients, anti-nutrients, and protein quality in animal-based versus plant-based diets
    • The issues of bioavailability, absorption rates, and nutrient displacement
    • How a lack of scientific understanding leads to confusion about what you need to survive and thrive
    • The prevailing environmental arguments against consuming animal products, including misconceptions about methane, emissions, and land use, and the solutions that lie in biodiversity and regenerative agriculture

    Show Notes:

    This episode of Revolution Health Radio is sponsored by LMNT and Paleovalley.

    As a member of our community, LMNT has a very special offer for you. Get a free LMNT Recharge Sample Pack when you purchase any LMNT product at DrinkLMNT.com/Kresser.

    Paleovalley has an exclusive deal for Revolution Health Radio listeners. Head over to Paleovalley.com/Chris and use the code KRESSER15 to get 15% off your order.

    Add back in what the modern world has crowded out and feel and perform your best with Adapt Naturals supplements. Learn more and place your order at AdaptNaturals.com.

    If you appreciate the show and want to help create a healthier and happier world, consider leaving a review!

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    Show notes:

    This episode of Revolution Health Radio is sponsored by LMNT.

    As a member of our community, LMNT has a very special offer for you. Get a free LMNT Recharge Sample Pack when you purchase any LMNT product at DrinkLMNT.com/Kresser.

    Add back in what the modern world has crowded out and feel and perform your best with Adapt Naturals supplements. Learn more and place your order at AdaptNaturals.com.

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    Show notes:

    This episode of Revolution Health Radio is sponsored by LMNT and Paleovalley.

    As a member of our community, LMNT has a very special offer for you. Get a free LMNT Recharge Sample Pack when you purchase any LMNT product at DrinkLMNT.com/Kresser.

    Paleovalley has an exclusive deal for Revolution Health Radio listeners. Head over to Paleovalley.com/Chris and use the code KRESSER15 to get 15% off your order.

    Add back in what the modern world has crowded out and feel and perform your best with Adapt Naturals supplements. Learn more and place your order at AdaptNaturals.com.

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    RHR: Why Eating a Plants-Only Diet Won't Improve Your Health or Save the Planet, with Jayne Buxton

    RHR: Why Eating a Plants-Only Diet Won't Improve Your Health or Save the Planet, with Jayne Buxton

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    In this episode, we discuss:

    • Why Jayne felt compelled to write her book in response to headlines touting the benefits and virtues of a meat-free diet
    • Nutrients, anti-nutrients, and protein quality in animal-based versus plant-based diets
    • The issues of bioavailability, absorption rates, and nutrient displacement
    • How a lack of scientific understanding leads to confusion about what you need to survive and thrive
    • The prevailing environmental arguments against consuming animal products, including misconceptions about methane, emissions, and land use, and the solutions that lie in biodiversity and regenerative agriculture

    Show Notes:

    This episode of Revolution Health Radio is sponsored by LMNT and Paleovalley.

    As a member of our community, LMNT has a very special offer for you. Get a free LMNT Recharge Sample Pack when you purchase any LMNT product at DrinkLMNT.com/Kresser.

    Paleovalley has an exclusive deal for Revolution Health Radio listeners. Head over to Paleovalley.com/Chris and use the code KRESSER15 to get 15% off your order.

    Add back in what the modern world has crowded out and feel and perform your best with Adapt Naturals supplements. Learn more and place your order at AdaptNaturals.com.

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    RHR: The Gut–Immune Axis

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    • Dietary sources of colostrum, lactoferrin, and beta-glucans and considerations for supplementation

    Show notes:

    This episode of Revolution Health Radio is sponsored by LMNT and Paleovalley.

    As a member of our community, LMNT has a very special offer for you. Get a free LMNT Recharge Sample Pack when you purchase any LMNT product at DrinkLMNT.com/Kresser.

    Paleovalley has an exclusive deal for Revolution Health Radio listeners. Head over to Paleovalley.com/Chris and use the code KRESSER15 to get 15% off your order.

    Add back in what the modern world has crowded out and feel and perform your best with Adapt Naturals supplements. Learn more and place your order at AdaptNaturals.com.

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    • How becoming a parent has affected Oren’s work and outlook on life

    Show notes:

    This episode of Revolution Health Radio is sponsored by LMNT and Paleovalley.

    As a member of our community, LMNT has a very special offer for you. Get a free LMNT Recharge Sample Pack when you purchase any LMNT product at DrinkLMNT.com/Kresser.

    Paleovalley has an exclusive deal for Revolution Health Radio listeners. Head over to Paleovalley.com/Chris and use the code KRESSER15 to get 15% off your order.

    Add back in what the modern world has crowded out and feel and perform your best with Adapt Naturals supplements. Learn more and place your order at AdaptNaturals.com.

    If you appreciate the show and want to help create a healthier and happier world, consider leaving a review!


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    Show notes:

    This episode of Revolution Health Radio is sponsored by LMNT and Paleovalley.

    As a member of our community, LMNT has a very special offer for you. Get a free LMNT Recharge Sample Pack when you purchase any LMNT product at DrinkLMNT.com/Kresser.

    Paleovalley has an exclusive deal for Revolution Health Radio listeners. Head over to Paleovalley.com/Chris and use the code KRESSER15 to get 15% off your order.

    Add back in what the modern world has crowded out and feel and perform your best with Adapt Naturals supplements. Learn more and place your order at AdaptNaturals.com.

    If you appreciate the show and want to help create a healthier and happier world, consider leaving a review!

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    • Other conditions that need to be considered, including nutritional imbalances, metabolic imbalances, hormonal imbalances like thyroid or adrenal dysfunction, and reactive hypoglycemia
    • Which labs and blood work are most helpful for identifying these underlying causes

    Show notes:

    This episode of Revolution Health Radio is sponsored by LMNT.

    As a member of our community, LMNT has a very special offer for you. Get a free LMNT Recharge Sample Pack when you purchase any LMNT product at DrinkLMNT.com/Kresser.

    Add back in what the modern world has crowded out and feel and perform your best with Adapt Naturals supplements. Learn more and place your order at AdaptNaturals.com.

    If you appreciate the show and want to help create a healthier and happier world, consider leaving a review!

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    • Beta-glucans and other healing compounds in mushrooms
    • The structure of what a mushroom actually is
    • The difference between mushroom and mycelium
    • What’s happening now in the marketplace with so-called mushroom supplements that actually contain mycelium

    Show notes:

    This episode of Revolution Health Radio is sponsored by LMNT.

    As a member of our community, LMNT has a very special offer for you. Get a free LMNT Recharge Sample Pack when you purchase any LMNT product at DrinkLMNT.com/Kresser.

    Add back in what the modern world has crowded out and feel and perform your best with Adapt Naturals supplements. Learn more and place your order at AdaptNaturals.com.

    If you appreciate the show and want to help create a healthier and happier world, consider leaving a review!

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    In this episode, we discuss:

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    • Why it takes a multidisciplinary understanding to fix these problems
    • The challenges presented by a lack of training in the dental community on treating joint disorders
    • How the jaw plays a role in causing sleep apnea and why resolving jaw alignment issues can help
    • Treatment options including NightLase therapy, mandibular advancement devices, and sphenopalatine nerve blocks

    Show notes:

    This episode of Revolution Health Radio is sponsored by LMNT.

    As a member of our community, LMNT has a very special offer for you. Get a free LMNT Recharge Sample Pack when you purchase any LMNT product at DrinkLMNT.com/Kresser.

    Add back in what the modern world has crowded out and feel and perform your best with Adapt Naturals supplements. Learn more and place your order at AdaptNaturals.com.

    If you appreciate the show and want to help create a healthier and happier world, consider leaving a review!

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    RHR: Regenerative Agriculture and the Future of Our Food System, with Robby Sansom

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    In this episode, we discuss:

    • Robby’s background and Force of Nature’s mission around regenerative agriculture
    • The challenges of our current food system, including cost, education, and awareness
    • The different forms of meat and the challenges of raising each animal regeneratively
    • Why ruminants and not monogastrics should be the staples of our diet
    • The importance of creating transparency in the meat industry so that consumers can make informed choices that align with their values
    • How Force of Nature created their Ancestral Blends

    Show notes:

    This episode of Revolution Health Radio is sponsored by LMNT.

    As a member of our community, LMNT has a very special offer for you. Get a free LMNT Recharge Sample Pack when you purchase any LMNT product at DrinkLMNT.com/Kresser.

    Add back in what the modern world has crowded out and feel and perform your best with Adapt Naturals supplements. Learn more and place your order at AdaptNaturals.com.

    If you appreciate the show and want to help create a healthier and happier world, consider leaving a review!