
    Right After We Got Married We Knew It Was a Mistake

    enAugust 11, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Acceptance and understanding in relationshipsLoving someone with a traumatic past or personal challenges requires acceptance and understanding. Reach out for help and support during tough times.

      Loving someone with a traumatic past or dealing with personal challenges requires acceptance and understanding. John DeLoney discussed this on his show, sharing stories about loving family members through difficult times and forming a new band with a friend, James. They may have had differences, such as preferences for different guitar brands, but they found common ground and mutual respect. For anyone facing challenges in their life, DeLoney encourages reaching out for help and support. If you'd like to be on the show, call 184-4693 3291 or visit jondaloney.com/ask. Remember, it's okay if your life isn't perfect, and everyone goes through tough times. But with acceptance, understanding, and support, we can navigate those challenges together.

    • Understanding the Impact of a High ACE ScoreA high ACE score doesn't dictate a person's future. Their resilience, coping mechanisms, and personal growth play significant roles in their outcome. Approach loved ones with understanding, support, and patience.

      A high Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) score, such as a 9 out of 10, can indicate significant challenges in various areas of life, including physical and mental health. However, it does not necessarily determine a person's future. The individual's resilience, coping mechanisms, and personal growth, such as finding spirituality, can greatly impact their outcome. When dealing with a loved one with a high ACE score, it's essential to approach the situation with understanding, support, and patience, recognizing that their past does not define their entire story. The conversation also emphasized the importance of early intervention and addressing childhood traumas to prevent potential negative consequences later in life.

    • Creating a supportive environment for past traumas in relationshipsFocus on present and future communication to build a strong bond, past experiences provide context not excuses for negative behaviors.

      When it comes to relationships, especially those with a history of trauma, it's crucial to create a supportive and preventative environment. Trauma can surface unexpectedly, and it's essential not to create a self-fulfilling prophecy of anticipating and focusing on past traumas. Instead, a default setting of honesty and connection is recommended. This can be achieved through open communication, such as premarital counseling, to learn tools and models for a healthy relationship. By focusing on the present and the future, rather than dwelling on the past, both partners can build a strong and resilient bond. It's important to remember that past experiences provide context, not excuses, and should not be used as an excuse for negative behaviors. Ultimately, clear and honest communication is key to creating a healthy and loving relationship.

    • Learning new tools for healthy relationshipsPrioritize self-care, communication, and growth to build a strong foundation for relationships. Address toxic thought patterns and default settings before they become major issues through honest and open conversations.

      Building a healthy relationship involves learning new tools and being intentional about prioritizing self-care and communication. It's not about labeling each other as broken or dysfunctional, but rather recognizing that everyone can benefit from growth. Instead of protecting ourselves or projecting our fears onto our partners, we should strive for honesty and openness. Trusting and understanding each other's needs and concerns can prevent self-fulfilling loops of negativity. It's essential to acknowledge and address toxic thought patterns and default settings before they become major issues. By having these conversations when everyone is healthy and doing well, we can build a strong foundation for our relationship, just like working out at the gym when we feel great instead of waiting until we're sick. Overall, it's important to remember that relationships require effort and commitment from both parties, and open communication is the key to overcoming challenges and deepening our connection.

    • Build a strong foundation in life before challenges ariseReflect on past struggles and build a solid foundation to weather future storms in relationships. Avoid projecting fears onto partners and work towards creating a better environment for all involved.

      It's essential to build a strong foundation in your life before potential challenges arise. This can be especially important for those with a history of divorce, addiction, mental health issues, or other challenges. This foundation serves as a buffer during difficult seasons, allowing individuals to weather the storms without being overwhelmed. Another crucial piece of advice is to avoid projecting your fears onto your partner. Doing so can be damaging and counterproductive, potentially causing unnecessary tension and distress. In the case of a struggling marriage, it's important to reflect on why things aren't working and consider making changes to improve the situation. Simply accepting that things will always be difficult is not a viable solution. Instead, actively work to create a better environment for both partners and, ultimately, for any children involved.

    • Recognizing choices in marriage aren't mistakesCultivate desire, communication, and growth in marriage to live fulfilling and joyful relationships.

      Even when faced with challenges or difficult situations in a marriage, it's essential to recognize that the choices we make are not mistakes but conscious decisions. A couple who got married on a Saturday and realized it was a mistake after waking up on Sunday had actually been together for three years and had carefully considered their decision. However, they seemed to have stopped actively cultivating desire and joy in their marriage for the past six years. The speaker questioned why they had chosen to remain in an unsatisfying marriage instead of divorcing or actively working to improve it. The couple's commitment to their marriage vows was valued, but it seemed they had lost sight of the importance of valuing each other and their relationship. To live a fulfilling and joyful marriage, it's crucial to make a conscious effort to prioritize desire, communication, and growth.

    • Recognizing the Need for Change in a MarriageAcknowledge unhappiness, take responsibility, communicate openly, and prioritize happiness over misery to save a marriage before a new life arrives.

      The speaker in this conversation is recognizing that his marriage has become unhappy and that his wife seems to have changed since they got married. He's struggling to understand why she has chosen to be miserable instead of finding joy in their relationship. The speaker acknowledges that they both need to take responsibility for their part in the situation and that they should communicate openly about the issues at hand. He suggests that they turn off all electronics and have a heartfelt conversation about their marriage, expressing their commitment to each other and their desire to make things right before their baby arrives. The speaker emphasizes that their baby will absorb the tension and chaos in their relationship, so it's essential to address the issues now rather than continuing to live a miserable life. Ultimately, the speaker encourages the listener to take control of their situation and choose happiness over misery.

    • Take responsibility for your actions in relationshipsExpress commitment, work on personal growth, seek help, and strive for deep love and connection.

      When faced with relationship challenges, it's essential to take responsibility for one's actions and make changes from within. The speaker emphasizes that one cannot change another person, but they can express their commitment to the relationship and work on personal growth. This journey involves various aspects, including physical health, counseling, and learning to love recklessly. It's crucial not to choose misery and instead, fight for the relationship and seek help when needed. The speaker encourages everyone to strive for deep love and connection in their relationships, even when it feels challenging. If you're struggling with your social battery feeling low, consider reaching out to a trusted friend, mentor, or therapist to help you navigate your challenges and recharge.

    • Setting Boundaries During Family CrisesDuring family crises, setting clear communication boundaries can help support both the caregiver and the family members, allowing for better emotional well-being for all involved.

      Setting boundaries can be a challenging task, especially during difficult times, such as when a family member is dealing with a serious illness. In the discussion, a listener named Megan shared her experience of trying to support her family after her father's cancer diagnosis. Megan, a nurse practitioner, found herself fielding questions about her father's prognosis and dealing with the emotional toll of the situation. She expressed feeling overwhelmed by the constant calls from her sister and mother, who were seeking answers and expressing fear and overwhelm. The therapist suggested that Megan establish clear boundaries around communication, such as designating specific times for updates and setting limits on the types of questions she is able to answer. By taking care of herself and setting clear boundaries, Megan can better support her family while also maintaining her own mental and emotional well-being. Additionally, the therapist recommended BetterHelp as a convenient and flexible option for those seeking therapy to help navigate such challenging situations.

    • Balancing roles as a loved one and healthcare professional during a family member's health crisisAcknowledge emotional toll, communicate boundaries, offer emotional support, and allow medical professionals to provide care and counseling during a family member's health crisis.

      When faced with a family member's serious health diagnosis, it's essential to recognize the unique challenges that come with being both a loved one and a healthcare professional. The speaker, who is a nurse practitioner, shares her experience of trying to navigate the complexities of supporting her grieving mother and sister, while also respecting her role as an interpreter of medical information. It's crucial to acknowledge the emotional toll of the situation and communicate openly with family members about the boundaries of one's role. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being present as a daughter and sister, offering emotional support, and allowing medical professionals to provide necessary care and counseling. Ultimately, it's about finding a balance between the dual roles and fostering open communication within the family.

    • The importance of experiencing emotions during challenging timesAllow yourself to fully feel emotions during difficult situations to become a more empathetic caretaker and loved one.

      During challenging times, especially when dealing with difficult situations like a loved one's illness, it's essential to allow ourselves to fully experience the emotions and not distance ourselves as we might in a professional capacity. Megan, who is not a medical professional, shared her father's situation and the struggle of watching him go from an independent man to dependent on a feeding tube. The speaker emphasized the importance of sitting in the devastation and going through the grieving process to become a more empathetic caretaker and loved one. The conversation between Megan, her sister, and mother is expected to be powerful and important. The speaker also encouraged Megan to express her love and appreciation for her father beyond her role as a nurse. The Blink-182 song "Up All Night" was mentioned as a reminder that everyone experiences falls and gets up again with the help of friends.

    • Overcoming inner demons and letting go of burdensSharing stories and seeking help can provide relief and healing from inner struggles and isolation

      Life can be challenging and painful, and many people struggle with their inner demons and the desire to hide their flaws and imperfections. This struggle can keep them up at night and make them feel isolated. However, it's important to remember that everyone goes through similar experiences and that seeking help and support can make a difference. The metaphor of putting down bricks can represent letting go of burdens and not letting inner demons control us any longer. Ultimately, we all have the capacity to overcome our struggles and find peace and healing. The Doctor John DeWitt Show provides a platform for people to share their stories and find connection and understanding with others.

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    What We Discuss With Ken Falke in This Episode

    • What is post traumatic growth?
    • Coping with trauma: the role of shame and guilt
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    • Stress, trauma, and struggles are normal

    Episode Show Notes: https://tinyurl.com/4aemhz8m

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    Guest Viri Barker Bio:

    I am Co-Owner and Founder of Integrative Pain and Wellness Center. An integrative and functional holistic medical clinic. We are located in Southlake, TX and in Midland/Odessa where we offer a variety of alterative services. Our practice goal is to find and treat the root cause and we strongly believe that is done by treating the mind, body and spirit. I am bilingual in English and Spanish and have a B.A. in Justice Studies and English Literature from Arizona State University. I received my Kundalini Yoga Teacher training in Rishikesh, India under the direction of Guruji Vishnu while at the same time receiving my Reiki 1 and 2 level certification from Dr. Surabhi Sharma. Currently I am enrolled in a training program by Dr. Shefali Tsabary and on track to receive my spiritual and conscious coaching certification on March 2023. I am both passionate and dedicated to helping our patients overcome mental health issues and helping them to find the tools needed to live the live they have designed for themselves."

    Business Website: https://ipawc.com/

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    Connect with Chris Macklin
    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/christian-macklin-168349182/
    Website: http://southmetropeersupport.org/

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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susanmbailey/


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    Website: www.estherperel.com

    Instagram: @estherperelofficial



    02:02 Adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic

    04:33 Social connection during the pandemic 

    10:04 “The erotic is the antidote to death”

    17:02 True freedom in relationships

    22:05 Soulmates don’t exist 

    26:38 Why people in happy marriages cheat

    29:46 Can an affair be good for a marriage?

    34:54 Where Should We Begin?

    39:00 Redefining marriage, fidelity, and sexuality

    46:25 Esther’s cross-cultural approach to therapy

    49:31 Esther’s interest in cultural transitions, identity, and relationships

    54:56 The masculine obsession with power 

    01:00:08 The Great Adaptation

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.