
    From the Archives: Esther Perel || Love, Eros, and Infidelity

    enOctober 06, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Adapting to uncertain times: Personally and professionallyFocusing on adaptability and mutual reliance can lead to growth and resilience during uncertain times, whether through therapy, budgeting, or preventative health measures.

      During uncertain times, it's essential to focus on adaptability and mutual reliance, both personally and professionally. As therapist Esther Perel shared, the pandemic has disrupted many aspects of our lives, leaving some feeling unmoored and in need of grounding. For therapists, this means rethinking their approach to helping clients cope and adjust. For individuals, it means finding ways to stay resilient and adapt to changing circumstances. Meanwhile, Consumer Cellular offers a solution for those looking to adapt their wireless budgets, providing fast, reliable coverage at a lower cost. And, for older adults, taking preventative measures against respiratory syncytial virus is crucial for maintaining health and well-being. Overall, the key takeaway is that, in the face of adversity, focusing on adaptability and mutual reliance can lead to growth and resilience in all areas of life.

    • The pandemic's impact on relationships and personal growthThe pandemic highlights the importance of relationships, accelerates our connection with others, and requires a shift in therapy to a collective and pluralistic perspective. We must protect, invest in, and replenish relationships to stay connected, recognizing they are an ongoing process of renewal.

      The pandemic has highlighted the importance of relationships and their impact on personal growth. This period of prolonged uncertainty, loss, and existential fragility has accelerated our connection with others, making us question what truly matters in life. While some people have grown more grateful for their existing relationships, others have faced challenges as they've spent more time with their partners than ever before. The nature of therapy and working with couples in this era requires a shift from a siloed approach to a collective and pluralistic perspective. Despite the uncertainty and upheaval, there are also moments of clarity about what we need to protect, invest in, and replenish in our relationships to stay connected. The pandemic has shown us that life is short, and we must make the most of the relationships we have, recognizing that they are an illusion of ownership and an ongoing process of renewal.

    • The Erotic: Antidote to Death and Deadness in RelationshipsThe erotic fuels curiosity, exploration, and meaningful connection in relationships, making life worth living by transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary and keeping us feeling alive and in control.

      The erotic, as defined beyond its sexual connotation, is the antidote to death and deadness in relationships. It represents the life force that fuels curiosity, exploration, playfulness, imagination, and meaningful connection. The erotic is about feeling alive, touched, and in control, and it can be found in various aspects of life, including marriage. By preserving a sense of the erotic, we can counteract the feeling of stagnation and continue to discover and learn, ultimately making life worth living. The erotic is closely tied to human imagination, allowing us to look forward with hope and vitality. It's about transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary and finding pleasure and joy in everyday experiences.

    • Imagination and personal growth provide freedom during confinementDuring confinement, our imagination can help us find freedom by transforming our perspective and understanding that true freedom comes from balancing security and exploration in relationships.

      Freedom is not just about physical constraints, but also about the power of imagination and personal growth. During times of confinement, such as a pandemic, our imagination can help us escape and find liberation. Eroticism, as opposed to sex, is an example of this transformation through human imagination. In relationships, people may seek freedom through various means, but it's essential to understand that everyone has a need for both security and exploration. Misconceptions about freedom in relationships often revolve around the idea that one must be able to have multiple partners or lack commitment to be truly free. However, true freedom comes from understanding and balancing these two fundamental human needs. The upcoming book "Choose Growth" aims to help individuals navigate personal growth and find their most authentic selves, providing tools to integrate various aspects of themselves and thrive in challenging times.

    • The dance of autonomy and togetherness in relationshipsRelationships require active engagement, investment, and attention to stay vibrant and fulfilling.

      The dance between autonomy and togetherness in relationships is essential for both freedom and growth. Freedom is not just about leaving or being physically separate, but also about trusting that your partner is capable and okay while you're away. This trust allows for both partners to experience autonomy and connection, as well as the ability to surrender to their desires. The focus on secure attachment and the belief that love shouldn't require work are contradictory to this idea. Instead, relationships require active engagement, investment, and paying attention to nurture and grow. This idea was explored further in the discussion of the destiny and growth models of relationships. Ultimately, relationships demand effort and attention, just as any other area of life, in order to stay vibrant and fulfilling.

    • The reality of relationships: effort and growthRelationships require effort and attention to thrive, and it's normal to feel longing or yearning, but honesty and communication are key.

      Relationships, like any other aspect of life, can go through ups and downs. The idea of a soulmate, or a perfect partner, is a popular concept today, but the reality is that relationships require effort and attention to keep them alive and fulfilling. People in happy relationships may still experience feelings of longing and yearning for other parts of themselves or experiences, which can sometimes lead to infidelity. This infidelity is not always about seeking out a new partner, but rather about rediscovering a sense of aliveness and vitality, often unrelated to the partner or the relationship itself. It's important to remember that relationships are not meant to be perfect, but rather a journey of growth and exploration. And while it's essential to be honest and communicate openly with our partners, it's also crucial to recognize that our own desires and needs are an integral part of the relationship dynamic.

    • An affair can lead to positive changes in a marriageAn affair can serve as a catalyst for reevaluating roles, reconnecting with desire, and improving communication in a marriage.

      While an affair itself is not good for a marriage, it can lead to positive changes and conversations between partners. The affair acts as a catalyst, topping the relationship's scorecard and allowing for a reset. It can help individuals reconnect with their sense of desire and reevaluate roles and inequities in the relationship. Moreover, it highlights the importance of open communication and acknowledging the various forms of relational betrayals. Many people may feel unseen or unappreciated in their relationships, and an affair can be a wake-up call for both parties to become more active participants and rekindle their connection.

    • Post-traumatic growth in couples therapyDespite challenges like infidelity, therapy can lead to stronger connections and a deeper understanding between partners, promoting growth and improved relationships.

      Through the process of couples therapy, even after infidelity or other relationship challenges, people can experience growth and improved relationships. This growth, which can be thought of as "post-traumatic growth" or "post-infidelity growth," often leads to stronger connections and a deeper understanding between partners. The podcast "Life, Couples Therapy, One Time" provides an intimate look into this process by sharing real therapy sessions, helping to destigmatize therapy and open up conversations about relationships. The podcast's success has led to the democratization of couples therapy and the exploration of various relationship dynamics beyond romantic pairs. The idea of monogamy as the only relationship model is being challenged, and alternative arrangements like open marriages and polyamory are gaining popularity. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that every relationship is unique, and what works best for one couple may not work for another. The goal is to help couples write and edit their own stories together, creating a strong foundation for a fulfilling and healthy partnership.

    • Understanding the Evolution of RelationshipsSuccessful relationships are built on respect, dignity, communication, and the ability to grow and face challenges together, regardless of their structure.

      The definitions and concepts of relationships, such as monogamy and polyamory, have evolved throughout history and continue to do so today. Monogamy, once primarily an economic arrangement, has transformed into a concept centered around commitment and exclusivity, while polyamory represents a desire for both commitment and freedom. It's essential to have open and honest conversations about the meaning of loyalty, fidelity, and boundaries within relationships. The key to successful relationships, regardless of their structure, lies in respect, dignity, communication, and the ability to grow and face challenges together. Ultimately, the success of a relationship is not determined by its form but by the quality of the connection between the individuals involved.

    • Considering larger cultural, social, and global contexts in therapyAn anthropological perspective in therapy allows for a more comprehensive and inclusive approach, addressing complex issues and cultural resonance, challenging individualistic practices.

      Effective therapy requires an anthropological and adaptive perspective. Therapists need to consider the larger cultural, social, and global contexts that shape individuals' experiences and relationships. By incorporating an anthropological framework, therapists can better understand the cultural resonance of words and values, and address the complex issues affecting people's lives, such as racial reckoning, public health crises, and economic upheavals. This perspective challenges individualistic, siloed therapeutic approaches and encourages a more comprehensive and inclusive therapeutic practice. The speaker's background in studying immigration and cultural transition has informed their work, focusing on how people navigate cultural transitions in various contexts, including forced and voluntary migration, intercultural relationships, and technology use.

    • The shift towards collective resilienceUnderstanding collective trauma and promoting collective resilience is a crucial paradigm shift in both therapy and society, requiring openness to diverse perspectives and cultural transitions.

      The concept of resilience and mutual reliance is shifting towards a collective perspective, emphasizing the importance of understanding collective trauma and the need for collective resilience. This paradigm shift is happening in both the therapeutic field and broader society, requiring an openness to diverse perspectives and cultural transitions. Dr. Schnarch's journey from group therapy to couples therapy illustrates this shift, as the role of the couple in maintaining family happiness has become increasingly central. In her work with men, Dr. Schnarch has observed that masculinity is often misunderstood, and she has gained valuable insights by observing men's groups and practicing in a heavily male client base. Her stories and insights, shared in her books and through her podcast appearances, continue to resonate deeply with people's humanity.

    • Exploring the complexities of masculinityMasculinity is more than just power and privilege, it's a socialized goal that can lead to feelings of powerlessness and fragility. Embrace uncertainty and adaptability to thrive.

      The discussion highlights the importance of examining the complexities of masculinity beyond just its privileges and power. The speaker suggests that men are socialized to strive for manliness as a goal, and this pressure can lead to feelings of powerlessness and fragility. This perspective challenges the notion that masculinity is a natural and unquestioned identity, and instead invites us to explore the emotional experiences and challenges that come with being a man. The speaker also emphasizes the role of historical context and personal experiences in shaping masculinity and adaptability. If the speaker were to share their story with great-great grandchildren, they would likely emphasize the importance of embracing uncertainty and adaptability, drawing from their own experiences of resilience in the face of loss and change.

    • Adapting to uncertainty requires interdependence and collective resilienceEmbrace uncertainty, build bridges with others, and learn to navigate life's challenges together

      Adapting to uncertainty in life requires a pluralistic perspective, interdependence, and collective resilience. We cannot face uncertainty alone, and it's essential to build bridges with others. This is not a new concept, as the world has gone through upheavals before. Security is often an illusion, and adaptation is a given in relationships and life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of embracing this worldview and learning to live with uncertainty. Additionally, she encourages us to lean on each other during challenging times, as mass mutual reliance is necessary for collective resilience. This message is not only relevant to personal life but also to professional and intellectual pursuits. It's a reminder that we should not pretend to have all the answers and that uncertainty is a part of life that we must learn to navigate together.

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    Guest Viri Barker Bio:

    I am Co-Owner and Founder of Integrative Pain and Wellness Center. An integrative and functional holistic medical clinic. We are located in Southlake, TX and in Midland/Odessa where we offer a variety of alterative services. Our practice goal is to find and treat the root cause and we strongly believe that is done by treating the mind, body and spirit. I am bilingual in English and Spanish and have a B.A. in Justice Studies and English Literature from Arizona State University. I received my Kundalini Yoga Teacher training in Rishikesh, India under the direction of Guruji Vishnu while at the same time receiving my Reiki 1 and 2 level certification from Dr. Surabhi Sharma. Currently I am enrolled in a training program by Dr. Shefali Tsabary and on track to receive my spiritual and conscious coaching certification on March 2023. I am both passionate and dedicated to helping our patients overcome mental health issues and helping them to find the tools needed to live the live they have designed for themselves."

    Business Website: https://ipawc.com/

    1927 Get Back to Normal

    1927 Get Back to Normal

    "I can't wait to get back to normal!", a plea heard from many. But just a few months back, you were complaining of where you were. And now, you want to get back to normal?

    What is normal? You want normal back. Who are you?

    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACThttp://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT

    Normal is the usual, average, or typical state or condition.

    Normal is just what you know. There is nothing extravagant about it. But it's tantalizing and sensational because you know it, love it; you're comforted by it.

    What if you were never supposed to feel normal?

    What if normal is really change? Your change.

    Normal is not what you should know. It's who you are becoming!

    Change is a constant. So if change is always happening, why are we so uncomfortable with not being normal?

    But what happens when there is uncertainty or you're scared? There's this unknown factor that is very unsettling to what you know; the so-called "normal".

    When you are afraid, you reach for what is comfortable; what is NORMAL!

    Normal is habits! But you don't have to live normal. Yet all you do is crave it, because you know it.

    "When you feel fear, you reach for familiar." by Pastor Steven Furtick (Elevation Church)

    Has "never enough" become our normal? The busyness of our lives is what it is because that's what we know. We want so much now, immediately. That immediate gratification. It's this self-centered familiarity; it's comfort.

    Normal is a story you keep telling yourself.

    And that story you keep telling yourself continues to aid what you know. Therefore, you see only what you know. Yet, what you are to become, you're blind to.

    There is no peace or comfort without being engulfed in what you know; the "normal". Even though that normal is what you were complaining about just a few months ago.

    What if you getting back to normal has nothing to do with comfort?

    What if it's knowing that you are created for more? That your normal is change. That you are to look forward to get back to normal.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Look forward!

    Are you trying to hold onto what you should let go of?

    Maybe you're holding onto it because....

    • It brought you comfort even though it could have been harming you in some form or fashion.
    • It took the uncertainty out of a situation and made you feel a little better even though you didn't like it.

    Life does not have to be about what you know, but about who you are becoming; who you are created to be.

    QUESTION:  What were your priorities prior to COVID-19?  And currently, where are your priorities in your life?

    Are you willing to let God part the red sea to make room for what you're supposed to see?

    You need to slow down to speed up. God is not wanting you to do more with what you know, but to use what you know to change the world!

    Because we have been blinded by all the stuff we think we should be doing or what the world says we should do.

    "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." ~ Romans 12:2

    Don't try and fit yourself in a box like the world has you in! You are not meant to be squeezed, at least not that way. What seems like comfort is actually uncomfortable. You are meant to rise higher than where you sit. But you must be willing to renew your mind and understand that normal is not normal. It's what you knew.

    What is normal in the real world is actually broken in how God sees you, how God desires you to become.

    You are uniquely and wonderfully made. There is no one like you. So why are you trying to live like everybody else?

    Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!

    Look forward by being a living legacy!

    Why should you die in order to make a difference? Your difference is here today!

    Be present.

    You may not understand why things are the way they are, but that doesn't give you an excuse to beat yourself up and stay where you are comfortable. You're created to be extraordinary.

    Be incredible.

    You were created in the image of God, fearfully and wonderfully made. So slam the doors on comparison.

    Be YOU!!!

    What has kept you chained and buried? Where have you become entitled, what you expect? Are your expectations holding you back?

    • depression
    • addiction
    • anger
    • comparison

    You can set a new baseline as to how you live your life.

    Romans 12:1 ..... Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God -- this is your true and proper worship.

    Look forward by being a living legacy! (Romans 12:1)

    So over these next few weeks, as you ponder your new normal, what does it really mean in your head and your heart?

    How do you begin to create your now?

    "One step at a time to lead to miles of greatness!"

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


    #MindsetMonday #CreateYourNow #PersonalDevelopment

    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT! 

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"


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    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com


    @Kristianne Wargo





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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.