
    Rocky, Bepanthen & ANOTHER Incident With A Driver

    enMarch 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • A lighthearted conversation about cosmetic treatments and societal pressure to look youngThe speakers discussed their experiences with Botox and other cosmetic treatments, touching on societal pressure to look young and the idea that getting treatments is nothing to be ashamed of. They shared stories of receiving compliments and how they handle them.

      The speakers in this podcast, Mevo, Williams, and Joanna Macali, had a conversation about their experiences with cosmetic treatments, specifically Botox. Mevo shared her recent experience getting Botox and her belief that it's like acupuncture for older people. Williams joked about getting Botox and not wanting to admit it. Joanna shared her past experiences with Botox and other treatments. The conversation touched on the societal pressure to look young and the idea that getting cosmetic treatments is nothing to be ashamed of. The speakers also shared their experiences with receiving compliments and how they handle them differently. Overall, the conversation was lighthearted and showed that even though they were discussing a sensitive topic, they were all in good spirits and able to laugh about it.

    • Joe McFadden's Values: Self-belief and ResilienceJoe McFadden emphasizes the importance of self-belief and resilience, sharing stories of overcoming setbacks and the importance of communication in resolving conflicts.

      Joe McFadden values self-belief and resilience, even in the face of criticism or negative situations. He shared stories about losing borrowed items and the theft of valuable runners from a set, expressing his admiration for Spencer Matthews' impenetrability to negative comments. McFadden also discussed the impact of being ignored, comparing it to physical injury, and shared his belief that breaking the silence is essential for resolving conflicts. Throughout the conversation, McFadden's cynical character and his preference for communication were evident. He also mentioned his love for Bepanthen nappy care ointment. Despite the various distractions, such as the upcoming TV appearance and the borrowed jumpsuit, McFadden's determination to share his thoughts and experiences remained strong.

    • Discovering the Adult Uses of Bupanthen: A Baby Nappy OintmentBupanthen, a baby nappy ointment, offers adults effective skincare benefits due to its moisturizing provitamin B5 content. Its consistency is similar to Vaseline but more intense, creating a moisture barrier.

      Bupanthen, a nappy ointment primarily used for babies, can also be a great skincare product for adults. It contains provitamin B5 and is excellent for keeping the skin moisturized and locked in. Although it may seem unusual, using Bupanthen on the face can provide similar benefits to more expensive face creams. Its consistency is similar to Vaseline but more intense, creating a barrier that keeps moisture in. While it may be tempting to try this affordable alternative, it's essential to remember that it is intended for babies and not for adults' regular use. Despite not being officially endorsed, Bupanthen has become a popular discovery among some individuals, leading to its nickname "Pepanthen." It's a versatile product that can be used to protect and care for delicate skin, making it a budget-friendly option for those seeking effective skincare solutions.

    • Encountering Kindness in Unexpected PlacesEmpathy and understanding are crucial in recognizing acts of kindness, even towards those who may seem different or challenging. Unexpected situations, such as illness or encounters with the homeless, remind us of the importance of human connection and compassion.

      Even in unexpected situations, acts of kindness and humanity can be found. The speaker encountered a homeless man holding a door open for her in a late-night train station, and despite her initial fear and discomfort, she realized his intentions were kind. This experience reminded her of the importance of empathy and understanding, even towards those who may seem different or challenging. Furthermore, the speaker shared her experience of dealing with a sick child and the inevitable sharing of germs and illnesses that comes with it. She acknowledged that no matter how careful one is, the unavoidable reality of parenthood is catching and spreading illnesses. Lastly, the speaker touched upon the societal taboo surrounding human hair, particularly when it is found in unexpected places. She pondered the philosophical question of how we react differently to hair depending on where it is found and who it belongs to. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of empathy, understanding, and the human capacity for kindness, even in the most unexpected circumstances.

    • Handling unexpected challenges with humor and resilienceStay positive and adaptable during unexpected challenges, and follow the BRAT diet for recovery from illnesses.

      Life can throw unexpected challenges our way, and sometimes we may encounter embarrassing situations. The speaker shared her experiences of dealing with a vomiting bug and being stopped by customs multiple times while traveling. Despite these setbacks, she maintained her sense of humor and resilience. Another important point discussed was the BRAT diet, which is recommended for individuals recovering from illnesses. The speaker shared her own experience of following this diet during a particularly bad bout of vomiting. Lastly, the speaker also shared an amusing anecdote about a mistaken encounter with a private citizen, who she assumed was there to pick her up. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying positive and adaptable in the face of adversity.

    • The speaker's amusement and carefree attitude towards geographyThe speaker values enjoyment and connection over practical knowledge, as shown by her lack of concern for geography and her playful interactions with friends.

      The speaker finds amusement in the unexpected and appreciates cleanliness, even if it comes at the expense of practicality. She also expresses a lack of concern for geography and enjoys the company of her friends, often engaging in light-hearted banter with them. During a conversation about a TV show, the speaker admits her poor geographical knowledge and defends her lack of interest in the subject. She also shares an anecdote about a friend sending her a photo of having a drink, leading to a night of indulgence. The speaker's carefree attitude towards geography and her playful interactions with her friends highlight her prioritization of enjoyment and connection over knowledge or practicality.

    • A woman accidentally filmed herself shaving during a funeral Zoom callBe mindful of your surroundings and ensure privacy when using technology for virtual events to avoid embarrassing situations

      Technology, while convenient, can lead to embarrassing situations if not used properly. A woman accidentally filmed herself shaving during a funeral Zoom call, and the incident made headlines. While she might have thought she was blending in, her camera was focused on her instead. This incident serves as a reminder to double-check our settings before joining virtual events. The woman's story is a reminder that technology can be unforgiving, and we should be mindful of our actions when using it. The woman's predicament also highlights the increasing normalcy of virtual events and the potential for unintended consequences. It's essential to be aware of our surroundings and ensure our privacy when using technology for virtual events. The woman's story is a funny yet relatable anecdote that underscores the importance of being cautious when using technology.

    • Virtual work environments can be distracting and unproductiveVirtual meetings can hinder focus and professionalism, leading to decreased productivity and overall dissatisfaction. Prepare and stay engaged to maximize effectiveness.

      Virtual work environments, such as Zoom meetings, can be challenging and unproductive due to distractions, lack of engagement, and the absence of in-person interaction. The speaker shared experiences of awkward virtual corporate events, unprofessional behavior during online comedy nights, and even attending a funeral via Zoom. These experiences highlight the difficulties of maintaining focus and professionalism in a virtual setting, leading to decreased productivity and overall dissatisfaction. The speaker also emphasized the importance of being fully present and prepared during virtual meetings, as distractions and lack of engagement can hinder the effectiveness of the session. Additionally, the speaker expressed a preference for in-person interactions, believing that they are more conducive to creativity, productivity, and overall well-being.

    • Unexpected discoveries and new perspectivesUnexpected experiences can lead to new discoveries and perspectives, such as reflecting on the quote 'It's not how hard you hit, it's how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.' A recent study also found that the external ear is as unique as a fingerprint or DNA.

      Sometimes, unexpected experiences can lead to new discoveries and perspectives. The speaker shared her experience of running up the famous Rocky steps in Philadelphia, only to find that the iconic statue was actually at the bottom. Despite being initially disappointed, she reflected on the experience and realized that it was a reminder of the quote "It's not how hard you hit, it's how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." This quote inspired her and gave her a renewed sense of determination. Additionally, the speaker mentioned a new study that found the external ear is as good an identifier of an individual as a fingerprint or DNA. This discovery was fascinating to her, and she shared it with the group as an interesting tidbit. The conversation then shifted to a story about a woman who was sent a tin of tuna instead of a Dolce & Gabbana ashtray she had ordered online. The speaker found the story amusing and clever, as it was a case of clever deception and stealing. Overall, the conversation touched on themes of discovery, determination, and the unexpected twists and turns that life can bring.

    • Creative ways to save money and seek connections throughout historyThroughout history, people have found creative ways to save money and connect with others, but it's important to remember the consequences of dishonesty.

      People have been finding creative and sometimes dishonest ways to save money throughout history, from sending children in the mail during the postal service's early days to returning expensive items with frauds today. However, it's important to remember the consequences of dishonesty, as karma may come back to haunt you. Another topic touched upon was the intrigue surrounding psychics and mediums, with a particular woman in Donegal reportedly drawing a large crowd of people seeking spiritual guidance. The discussion also included a humorous anecdote about a woman accidentally broadcasting explicit audio on the tube during a podcast episode. Overall, the conversation showcased the human tendency to seek connections, whether it be through sharing stories, exploring the afterlife, or finding ways to save a few euros.

    • A cringeworthy fashion faux pas and unexpected celebrity connectionsFashion choices can lead to embarrassing situations and unexpected revelations, as one person found out when their outfit choice was criticized and compared to Rebel Wilson's experiences with Sasha Baron Cohen.

      Fashion faux pas can lead to embarrassing situations and unexpected revelations. During a recent podcast episode, the hosts discussed an instance where one person's outfit choice left everyone cringing. The person in question, trying to defend their choice, mentioned that even Rebel Wilson, a well-known comedian, would not wear it in public. However, Wilson herself had a similar experience when she named someone in her new book who tried to stop its release. The person turned out to be Sasha Baron Cohen. The hosts also announced upcoming shows in San Francisco, LA, and Dubai, encouraging listeners to attend. Overall, the episode showcased the power of speaking out and standing by one's choices, even when faced with criticism or legal challenges.

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    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

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    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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