
    Run Like a Pro (Even If You're Slow)

    enMarch 21, 2022
    What techniques does Matt Fitzgerald recommend for improving running performance?
    How does time-based training differ from mileage-focused training?
    What importance does Matt place on injury risk for runners?
    How did Matt Fitzgerald demonstrate the effectiveness of elite runners’ techniques?
    What mindset do professional runners adopt during competitions?

    • Learning from professional runners for better performanceAdopt a well-programmed running plan, focus on time, not miles, and incorporate proper ratio of low and high-intensity workouts to improve recreational running performance, as proven by author Matt Fitzgerald's experience with professional runners.

      Improving your recreational running performance can be achieved by learning from professional runners. Author and running coach Matt Fitzgerald suggests that following a well-programmed running plan, focusing on the amount of time you run rather than miles, and incorporating a proper ratio of low and high-intensity workouts are some tactics amateurs can adopt from elite runners. Matt spent 13 weeks immersing himself in the lifestyle of a professional running team to prove that you don't need elite genetics to benefit from their best practices. By emulating top performers, Matt was able to secure a professional bib in the Chicago Marathon and ran the race in the third row, demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach.

    • Learn from Pros: Effective Warm-Ups and Moderate RunningAmateur runners can enhance performance by adopting professional runners' warm-up routines and maintaining a moderate pace during runs.

      While amateur runners may not be able to match the training volumes or methods of professional runners, they can still benefit from adopting some of their principles. These include a more thoughtful warm-up routine and not pushing themselves too hard during runs, which make up for around 80% of their training time. Amateur runners often underestimate their potential and fail to prioritize these aspects, leading to suboptimal performance. Emulating these principles can lead to significant improvements, even for those who consider themselves slow.

    • Training for competitive races requires a strategic approachCreate a tailored running plan, follow a consistent schedule, and include rest and recovery for improved performance and injury prevention.

      Effective running training for competitive races requires a specific and carefully planned approach, rather than a general "get fit, stay fit" mentality. Pro runners don't just aim for sustainable fitness; they strategically build up to peak performance through functional overreaching, followed by tapering and recovery. Amateur runners can learn from this approach by creating a credibly sourced running plan tailored to their specific race distance and following a consistent training schedule that includes periods of deliberate rest and recovery. This long-term perspective may be challenging for some, but the rewards of improved performance and avoiding injury are worth the effort. Additionally, the amount of running required depends on personal circumstances, but consistently increasing workload with deliberate rest periods can help amateur runners reach higher peaks without breaking down.

    • Determining the optimal running volume for maximal returnsEach person's 'mileage sweet spot' varies, requiring experimentation to find the volume of running that leads to the greatest fitness gains without injury or overreaching. Focus on time rather than mileage when starting out.

      Finding the right volume of running that leads to maximal returns, or the "mileage sweet spot," varies greatly from person to person. This principle was illustrated through examples of runners on the same team who had vastly different weekly mileage but both found their optimal volume. The sweet spot is the point before an athlete starts to experience diminishing returns and negative effects from adding more mileage. Finding this sweet spot involves experimentation and can be a gradual process. When starting out, focusing on time rather than mileage is recommended because the body adapts to exposure to time, not mileage. Ultimately, the goal is to find the volume of running that leads to the greatest fitness gains without causing injury or overreaching.

    • Time-based training for running and fitnessMaintain VO2 max for 6 minutes, gradually increase running time, aim for 7 hours weekly, and consider high-intensity work for elite runners.

      When it comes to running and fitness training, a time-based approach can be more effective and less daunting than focusing solely on mileage. Your VO2 max, the highest sustainable intensity of exercise, can be maintained for approximately six minutes regardless of fitness level. Therefore, time-based training allows for an appropriate challenge level for all individuals. Additionally, injury risk is high when starting out with running, so gradually increasing running time with rest days in between is recommended. Aiming for seven hours of running per week is a realistic goal for most amateur runners, and this approach can help avoid the debilitating effects of focusing too much on mileage. Elite runners also incorporate high-intensity work into their training, but determining the intensity level is subjective and can vary from person to person.

    • Elite runners train at conversational pace and incorporate high-intensity workoutsElite runners train mostly at a conversational pace to reduce stress and recover better, but also include high-intensity workouts once every three runs to prepare for races or challenges.

      Elite runners train most of their runs at a conversational pace, which is below their first ventilatory threshold. This approach is less stressful on their bodies and allows them to recover better. However, they also incorporate high-intensity workouts about once every three runs to prepare for races or challenging situations. Elite runners follow a predictable training rhythm, alternating between easy and hard days, and focus on maintaining a consistent structure in their training. The goal of high-intensity workouts varies, but they typically aim to challenge themselves and improve their performance.

    • Mixing low-intensity and high-intensity workouts for long-distance runningEffective long-distance running training involves mostly low-intensity, high-volume workouts and occasional high-intensity sessions, focusing on building endurance and allowing for more overall training time.

      Effective training for long-distance running involves a mix of low-intensity, high-volume workouts and occasional high-intensity sessions. The majority of training should be at a moderate pace, which is sustainable for extended periods, while high-intensity workouts should be kept to a minimum. The benefits of low-intensity training include building endurance and allowing for more overall training time, leading to better performance. Contrary to popular belief, elite runners do not focus much on running form and do not receive frequent corrections from their coaches. Instead, they prioritize consistent training and pushing their limits during high-intensity workouts.

    • Focus on natural running form and prioritize recovery basicsRunners should focus on their natural form and prioritize rest, sleep, nutrition, and stress management for effective recovery

      Runners should focus on natural running form and not consciously try to change it. The body's nervous system is constantly seeking the most efficient way to run, and this self-optimizing system adapts with each stride taken. Elite runners, even those who are heel strikers, have found success with their unique forms. The key to effective recovery for pros and amateurs alike is prioritizing the basics: rest, sleep, nutrition, and stress management. These foundational elements account for nearly all of the potential recovery benefits. Expensive recovery tools like compression boots and massage guns may provide minimal additional benefits. A study at the Olympic Training Center even found that athletes who used these recovery tools the least were most likely to win medals.

    • Optimizing Performance: Prioritize Sleep, Nutrition, and Stress ManagementPro athletes prioritize sleep (10 hours/night, naps), nutrition (high carb diet), stress management (meditation, breathing exercises), and cross-training to optimize performance and recovery.

      High-tech gadgets and supplements can't replace the basics of proper sleep, nutrition, and stress management for runners. Pro athletes prioritize these fundamentals to optimize their performance and recovery. Sleep is crucial, with many pros getting 10 hours at night and naps during the day. Nutrition is important too, with a high carb diet being common among pros. Stress management through practices like meditation and breathing exercises can also aid recovery. Cross-training in other aerobic activities can help runners reach their full potential without increasing injury risk. It's essential for recreational runners to prioritize these basics and consider cross-training as an additional tool for improvement.

    • Benefits of incline treadmill walking for runnersIncline treadmill walking maintains fitness and prepares runners for impact through low-impact, weighted, sequential leg movement.

      Cross-training, specifically incline treadmill walking, can significantly benefit runners by maintaining fitness and preparing the body for the impact of running. Despite its goofy appearance, it provides low-impact, weighted, and sequential leg movement, making it an effective tool for runners. Additionally, professional runners approach the psychology of performance differently than amateurs. While they may abandon workouts more frequently, it's not due to laziness or mental weakness, but rather their smart decision-making based on their understanding of their bodies and their long-term goals.

    • Focus on the process, not individual workouts or performancesPro athletes embrace discomfort and suffering during competition, focusing on their overall fitness and learning from experiences

      Being a pro in running, or any other field, means focusing on the process rather than individual workouts or performances. Pros understand that fitness levels are determined by best workouts, and mediocre or poor performances can be attributed to various factors. During competition, pros embrace discomfort and suffering, viewing it as their time to shine. They don't need to enjoy the experience but must endure it better than their competitors. Matt Fitzgerald, author of "Run Like a Pro," emphasizes this mindset and encourages athletes to learn from their experiences and focus on their overall fitness. To learn more about Matt and his work, visit his websites: mattfitschirl.org and 8020endurance.com. The book "Run Like a Pro" is available at booksellers everywhere. For more resources and a deeper dive into this topic, check out our show notes at AOM.IS/run.

    • Support the A1 Podcast and Apply the KnowledgeVisit www.artofmanliness.com for articles, sign up for Stitcher Premium with code MANLESS for a free trial, and apply the podcast's insights to daily life.

      The hosts encourage listeners to visit their website, www.artofmanliness.com, for access to thousands of articles on various topics. For ad-free listening, they suggest signing up for Stitcher Premium using the code MANLESS at checkout for a free month trial. In return, they kindly ask for listeners' podcast or Spotify reviews and shares with friends or family. The hosts emphasize the importance of applying the information gained from the podcast to one's daily life. Overall, the A1 Podcast provides valuable insights and knowledge, making it worth the investment of time and resources.

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    (2:05) "When we think about training for something, it's natural for athletes to just get drawn into faster, faster, faster, qualification, podiums, wins, whatever the metric might be... But what if we broaden our perspective on what this journey is all about? How about we think about a different way of progression, one in which you can always feel rewarded, you can always get something out of the effort that you put in, you can feel like you're progressing? Oh, and on top of it, ultimately, you end up getting faster and faster and faster than you can probably ever imagine."

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    The purpose of this episode is to assist you in reframing your goals to help improve focus, energy, health, and happiness in sport and broader life.

    Episode Timestamps

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    This episode aims to highlight the obstacles that caused these athletes to stumble, and hopefully inspire you to reflect on your own journey and create a positive path to your goals.

    We highly recommend you check out Matt’s recently published white paper on Sustained High Performance. In it, Matt combines his two decades of coaching observations with current empirical research and direct insights from high-performing C-Suite executives. He lays out a roadmap to amplify performance at the highest levels of business leadership. Click here to download your free copy and access Matt's extensive experience in coaching individuals to the highest level of performance in world-class sports, executive performance, and corporate leadership.

    Episode Timestamps

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    Episode 236: KONA - Evolution of the Pro Performance (An IRONMAN Master Coach Insight)

    With the Hawaii IRONMAN World Championships looming, one can’t help but wonder about the level of performance to expect from an ever-growing field of high-performance athletes whose athleticism seems to trend upward every year.

    Beyond Kona, professional triathlon has witnessed performance and endurance levels rise and the makeup of endurance athletes shift based on the growing demands and expectations of the sport.

    In today’s episode of the Purple Patch Podcast, IRONMAN master coach Matt Dixon uses his experience as both an athlete and coach to examine the shift over the past few decades in the athletic approach to training, nutrition, recovery, and all the elements needed to perform at the professional level in today’s triathlon landscape.

    Matt takes a look at the future of Professional Triathlon through the lens of its past by highlighting 6 main principles he has observed around the changing of the sport.

    • The Application of Science: Improved access and understanding of scientific data for optimal training and recovery.

    (34:03) "We have seen over the last five to ten years, a wonderful marrying of coaching, experimentation, research and applied research on the fly, or with a collaboration to accelerate learning of what truly works, and perhaps most importantly, what doesn't work. There has been a radical increase in the understanding of what it takes to achieve performance improvements."

    • Triathlon as a First Sport: Early exposure and focus on a multisport approach.

    (37:28) "In the last few years, we genuinely are starting to see athletes that grew up as triathletes. It was their first real elite experience. And with this, we started to see the average age of world-class being dramatically reduced."

    • Perceptions of Possibility: the elevation of athletic performance through breakthrough individual performances in all three disciplines.

    (39:58) "There is simply no place for being a weak bike rider. You cannot excel without being a great runner. And you also have to ultimately swim at or very, very close to the world-class level in swimming. It's a prerequisite now."

    • Evolving Nutrition and Fueling: The evolution of science and approach in stabilizing energy, predicting performance levels, and improving recovery.

    (44:41) "this has proved to be a genuine and serious performance paradigm shift, particularly in long course racing, those that are benefiting from it, they're bonking less and experiencing less gastric distress."

    • Advancements in Equipment Technology: The radical increase and optimization of technologically advanced triathlon equipment.

    (47:05) "Gimmicks are less dominant now. There's a smarter filter going on. And the access to all of this equipment is much more democratic."

    • Structure of the Sport: The shift in race format and approach by the Professional Triathletes Organisation.

    (49:29) "The race formats and the structure has elevated the required range of participating pros. And I predict that this is only going to accelerate over the next three, four, or five years. What it means to be a serious professional triathlete is going to change."

    The aim of this episode is to shape your expectations and performance levels based on an understanding of what it means, and what it takes, to deliver a world-class triathlon performance.

    Episode Timestamps

    00:00 - 03:38 - Welcome and Episode Introduction

    03:45 - Episode 236: Evolution of the Pro Performance - an IRONMAN Master Coach Insight

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    Episode 284: Offseason - Foundation, Skills, and Technique (Part 2 - Key Principles and Approaches)

    Episode 284: Offseason - Foundation, Skills, and Technique (Part 2 - Key Principles and Approaches)

    We continue our three-part series on the off-season, in which we frame the approach to building a foundation of performance, developing skills, and improving technique.

    In part 2 of our series, IRONMAN Master Coach Matt Dixon discusses his reimagined approach to the off-season and lays out a blueprint for leveraging the months between Q4 and Q1 in a smart and balanced way.

    Matt shares key principles and approaches you can leverage this off-season to improve your swim stroke, terrain management on the bike, balance on the run, and more while emerging faster, stronger, and injury-free.

    He lays out the various methods and resources that form the basis of Purple Patch programming, coaching, community, and education, with the goal of helping athletes achieve their best year of racing while integrating sport into their busy lives.

    The challenge, of course, is that really focusing on technique and skill acquisition is almost impossible when you're equally training hard, you're in that environment. It's a hard session. You don't have the willpower, focus, and attention to really think about your posture, your form, your skill acquisition, etc. And it becomes even tougher when you've got a looming deadline for a race. When that comes up, all bets are off. All you have hope for is to retain what is already habitual. And that's why these coming months are your golden platform of opportunity. Because you have no deadlines. You have much lower stress training demands, and therefore you have the capacity to focus on your HOW.

    Although Matt discusses the approach from a triathlete's perspective (swim, bike, run, strength, and habits), the principles and techniques he covers apply to all endurance athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

    Whether striving to reach the podium and finish line or simply aiming to enhance how you perform at work and in life, the principles Matt discusses today apply to anyone seeking to improve their performance.

    Episode Timestamps

    00:00 - 07:55 - Welcome and Episode Introduction

    08:02 - 09:36 - Matt's News-ings

    09:51 - 13:30 - Word of the Week

    13:37 - 01:01:11 - The Meat and Potatoes - Episode 284: Offseason - Foundation, Skills, and Technique (Part 2 - Key Principles and Approaches)

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    Episode 251: Lessons From Leaders - Purple Patch Kona Camp 2023

    Episode 251: Lessons From Leaders - Purple Patch Kona Camp 2023

    From the 2023 Purple Patch Training Camp in Kona, Matt delivers a special on-the-road episode exploring the vital role of training and supporting habits in broader life and work performance.

    Matt sits down with Purple Patch executive athletes attending the Hawaii training camp to discuss the parallels between their individual athletic journeys and their journeys in leadership within their own organizations.

    They share the personal challenges they face as time-starved athletes and provide insight into how they apply performance habits in training, sleep, recovery, and nutrition to set up a framework of success to thrive as a business executive, parent, partner and athlete.

    What emerges from the discussions are individual portraits of sustainable high performance and the supporting habits each uses in their athletic and leadership journeys.

    Guests include:

    • Carmel Galvin - Head of People at Stripe

    Carmel Galvin is a global human resources leader and CHRO who offers 20+ years of strategic HR leadership, consulting, and executive experience in fast-growing global software and financial technology organizations including Autodesk, Deloitte, and Glassdoor.

    • Ronald Porter - Senior Partner at Korn Ferry

    Ron recruits Chief Human Resource Officers and assists them in building high-performance organizations. Ron is based in New York where he also helps clients design talent strategies to drive business results through Korn Ferry's Leadership and Talent Consulting organization.

    • Pat Romano - CEO of Chargepoint

    Pasquale ‘Pat’ Romano has 30+ years of technology industry leadership and executive management experience. Pat has an undergraduate degree in computer science from Harvard University and received his Master of Science degree from MIT.

    • Maury Blackman - CEO Premise Data

    Blackman is a tech executive with more than 25 years of experience leading high-growth enterprise software companies. Maury was a commissioned field artillery officer in the United States Army, serving on both active and reserve duty for 10 years, and is an eleven-time Ironman finisher, including the 2008 and 2013 Ironman World Championship in Kailua-Kona.

    • Tom Hennessy - CEO of The Challenger Group and Challenger Homes

    Tom Hennessy is the president and CEO of the challenger Group based out of Colorado, which specializes in Commercial Real Estate, Real Estate Development, Modular Manufacturing, Residential Construction, and Commercial Development.

    Episode Timestamps

    00:00 - 12:52 - Welcome and Episode Introduction

    12:58 - 1:28:13 - The Meat and Potatoes - Episode 251: Lessons From Leaders - Purple Patch Kona Camp 2023

    Purple Patch Video Podcast and More

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    Free Live Webinar - Free Speed: Essential Strategies to Help You Align Trained Potential with Race-Day Performance

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    Purple Patch and Episode Resources

    This episode is sponsored by our collaboration with INSIDE TRACKER. Inside Tracker and Purple Patch - Receive 20% off their services with code: PURPLEPATCHPRO20

    Ask Matt Anything - Leave a voicemail question for Matt

    Learn more about Purple Patch Squad High-Performance Training Program

    Join Bike Squad - Don’t just exercise and work out; learn to train with our structured online cycling program

    Join Run Squad - Increase your running performance through our progressive, multi-sport approach to running

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    Purple Patch Swim Analysis

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