
    About this Episode

    Struggling to manage your schedule to create content for your social media? I’ve been there. It was one of my biggest challenges as a social media manager for Steve Larsen. But in this episode, I’ll share the strategy that actually helps me solve this problem. You know how it feels when you spend hours on content and then nobody is engaging with it? That feeling sucks! And if you want more people to see what you have to offer, then we need to fix that right now. Let's get started! P.s: Go to coachmesurya.com to schedule your free 15 minutes content game plan call

    Recent Episodes from Empire Founders

    From $97 to 6-Figures: Getting High Ticket Clients

    From $97 to 6-Figures: Getting High Ticket Clients

    Gaining high-ticket clients doesn’t need a complex system. Here's what I discovered:

    1. The Empire Foundation: Building a business empire has two parts - low ticket offers (for customer acquisition) and high ticket offers (for profits). You need both to thrive.


    2. My Story with Steve: In 2019, I joined Steve’s Offer Launchpad event. I spent almost all my earnings that month learning and networking. The investment? It was more than monetary; it was about building genuine relationships. Not just looking for a quick deal but forming lasting partnerships.


    3. Relationship Building: This isn't about short-term, transactional engagements. When aiming for high-ticket clients, focus on long-term relationships. Sometimes the person you network with might not be the right client, but they could introduce you to someone who is. It's all about genuine connection and adding value.


    4. The Final Takeaway: Acquiring high-ticket clients is more about building and nurturing relationships than complex strategies. And always keep an open mind about where these relationships can lead.

    To keep up with our journey and learn from our experiences, don't forget to join the waitlist at empirefounders.com.

    Unexpected Shift

    Unexpected Shift
    Unexpected personal news changed my life's trajectory. I realized I didn't have a business of my own. Thanks to my wife's life-altering news, I find myself on a quest - a quest to build not just a business, but an empire An empire that lasts for decades rather than days. if this is what you want to leave after you depart. Join the waitlist here: https://www.empirefounders.com

    Biggest Shift After Attending Funnel Hacking Live Event

    Biggest Shift After Attending Funnel Hacking Live Event
    There was this one thing that happened in Funnel Hacking Live Event where I had to do something that I have not done since mid 2020. In by doing so it helped to onboard a new client...that is something that I wanted to share with you so tthat you could potentially have results that would make a difference to you Wanna watch me implement what I teach? join me over the 21 days challenge I set myself against to generate additional revenue in my business. DM me "LIVE" on Instagram at @surya_upadhyayula to join today! Click here to send me the DM now: https://www.instagram.com/surya_upadhyayula/ Disclaimer Disclaimer, I'm not saying in any form or shape that you would make any revenue / results just by attending or even by implementing what I share in this live session!

    How To Get More Done In Less Time - With My Coach Klaas van Oosterhout

    How To Get More Done In Less Time - With My Coach Klaas van Oosterhout
    How to get more things done in less time? That was the question that I wanted to get answers to back in January 2021 and Klaas has helped me to answer that question. Today I have invited him onto the show to share some of the golden nuggets he shared with me during our coaching calls. Don't miss them! Klaas in-fact when ahead and shared some of the insights that even I wasn't even aware of till now! Wanna Know more on how Klaas could help you? click here: https://100mastersofproductivity.com/ Connect With Klaas: https://www.facebook.com/kvoosterhout

    Time Per Acquisition

    Time Per Acquisition
    If you have run paid ads to get traffic to your funnel you would have heard this phrase "cost per acquisition". Quite fascinatingly almost a quarter of speakers at funnel hacking live event were referring to this. And, being the marketer I'm, I loved it and wanted to see how this principle can be applied for organic marketing and content marketing and that's when I came up with "Time Per Acquisition". Now what does that mean? that is what this episode talks about P.S: Wanna watch me implement what I teach? join me over the 21 days challenge I set myself against to generate additional revenue in my business. DM me "LIVE" on Instagram at @surya_upadhyayula to join today! Click here to send me the DM now: https://www.instagram.com/surya_upadhyayula/ Disclaimer Disclaimer, I'm not saying in any form or shape that you would make any revenue / results just by attending or even by implementing what I share in this live session!

    Create A Lot Of Creatives

    Create A Lot Of Creatives
    Create A Lot Of Creatives. If you ever have run ads to your funnel, can be ads on Facebook, YouTube or even Google. You would have come across the situation where you started running ads and after some time the ad no longer converts, right? it happened to me as well. In today's episode I will share what you could do to have more conversions again and also how you can take that principle and apply it for the organic marketing side of your business, more specifically for the content marketing side. P.S: Wanna watch me implement what I teach? join me over the 21 days challenge I set myself against to generate additional revenue in my business. DM me "LIVE" on Instagram at @surya_upadhyayula to join today! Disclaimer Disclaimer, I'm not saying in any form or shape that you would make any revenue / results just by attending or even by implementing what I share in this live session!

    Giving THEM The Choice

    Giving THEM The Choice
    Today I'll be sharing another huge insight I had from attending Funnel Hacking Live 2021 event Its about giving giving your buyers a choice, buyers not potential customers...now what do I mean by that? listen to the todays episode P.S: Wanna watch me implement what I teach? join me over the 21 days challenge I set myself against to generate additional revenue in my business. DM me "LIVE" on Instagram at @surya_upadhyayula to join today! Disclaimer Disclaimer, I'm not saying in any form or shape that you would make any revenue / results just by attending or even by implementing what I share in this live session!
    Empire Founders
    enOctober 12, 2021

    They Are Not Just On One Platform

    They Are Not Just On One Platform
    I was listening to Russell Brunson's presentation in funnel hacking live and it came to me out of blue and suddenly everything started to make sense that they are not just on one platform you might be wondering, Surya what do I mean by that? listen to the episode to find out Wanna watch me implement what I teach? join me over the 21 days challenge I set myself against to generate additional revenue in my business. DM me "LIVE" on Instagram at @surya_upadhyayula to join today! Disclaimer Disclaimer, I'm not saying in any form or shape that you would make any revenue / results just by attending or even by implementing what I share in this live session!

    The Importance Of Data

    The Importance Of Data
    In todays episode I will share about why is itt important for us to look at data even though our decision completely makes logical sense In fact I will be sharing a lot more into some of the other insights over the 21 days challenge to get additional revenue coming to by business. If you want to attend it...DM me "LIVE" on Instagram at @surya_upadhyayula Disclaimer Disclaimer, I'm not saying in any form or shape that you would make any revenue / results just by attending or even by implementing what I share in this live session!