
    Podcast Summary

    • Parenting Challenges with Josh WiddicombeFamous comedian Josh Widdicombe shares his experiences with his hectic days due to his daughter Penelope's lack of naps and TV, but finds humor and cherishes family time during lockdown. Technology can offer endless entertainment, but respite and self-care are essential.

      Parenting during lockdown can be a challenging experience, and even famous parents aren't immune to the struggles. In this episode of "LockDown Parenting Hell," Josh Whitcomb and Rob Beckett chat with comedian Josh Widdicombe about his experiences with his two young daughters. Widdicombe shares that his daughter Penelope has stopped taking naps and watching television, making their days even more hectic. Despite these challenges, Widdicombe finds the humor in the situation and appreciates the extra time he gets to spend with his family. The discussion also touches on how technology, such as streaming services, can provide endless entertainment options for children but may not always be the solution. Widdicombe's experience of having a babysitter and their family going out for a night on the town illustrates the importance of finding moments of respite and self-care during the lockdown. Overall, the conversation highlights the unpredictability and uniqueness of the parenting experience during these unprecedented times.

    • Adapting travel plans when unexpected circumstances ariseBeing flexible and adjusting travel plans can help mitigate the impact of unexpected circumstances and ensure a successful trip

      Unexpected circumstances can significantly alter travel plans and require adaptability. A family was planning a trip to Northern Spain but had to cancel due to the country being added to the quarantine list. Instead, they opted for a camping trip in Kent. The listener, Josh, is now driving for 7 hours to Cornwall and was seeking advice for the long journey. Many listeners suggested various options, including having his daughter take the train and meeting her in Devon. Ultimately, the importance of being flexible and adjusting plans when necessary emerged as a key theme from the conversation.

    • Preparing for Long Road Trips with Young ChildrenBe prepared for unexpected car or travel sickness by packing spare clothes, sick bags, and considering alternative transportation options like trains.

      Going on a long road trip or journey with young children can be a challenging experience, despite the good intentions of making it part of the holiday. The unexpected occurrence of car or travel sickness can turn a pleasant journey into a daunting and messy ordeal. While splitting up the journey with stops and overnight stays may help, it can also add to the overall cost and time. It's essential to be prepared for such situations and have contingency plans in place, such as having spare clothes and sick bags, or considering alternative modes of transportation like trains. Ultimately, the experience can be worth it for the memories and bonding time with family, but it's important to be aware of the potential challenges and plan accordingly. As Stephanie Lyons' cautionary tale illustrates, even the most well-intentioned journeys can take unexpected turns.

    • Encountering unexpected obstacles on a family vacationFlexibility, clear communication, and problem-solving are crucial for handling unexpected challenges during a family vacation. Being understanding and accommodating can also help reduce stress and improve the overall experience.

      Unexpected events can turn a seemingly normal situation into a challenging experience, even during a family vacation. The speaker and her family encountered numerous obstacles during their trip through northern France, including a booking error and a series of miscommunications. These issues led to a great deal of stress and anxiety, particularly on the speaker's part, as her son's birthday approached. Despite these challenges, the family managed to make the best of the situation and ultimately enjoyed their vacation. However, the experience served as a reminder that it's important to approach vacations with flexibility and to avoid putting unnecessary stress on oneself. Additionally, clear communication and effective problem-solving are essential for navigating unexpected obstacles. The speaker also learned that it's important to be understanding and accommodating of others' mistakes, and that even young children can sense when their parents are struggling. Overall, the experience taught the speaker to approach vacation planning with a more relaxed and adaptable mindset.

    • Sharing Memorable and Challenging Travel ExperiencesPeople find joy in sharing stories of travel challenges and unexpected obstacles, and find resilience in navigating them. New hobbies like jigsaw puzzles can provide peace and quiet during difficult times.

      People have shared their most memorable and challenging travel experiences, some of which involve unexpected obstacles and long hours spent on the road. One speaker recalled a family road trip to France where they faced numerous difficulties, including a trailer losing a wheel and being covered in sick. Another speaker joked about the lengths people go to find time for themselves, sharing that his new hobby is doing jigsaw puzzles to get some peace and quiet. Despite the challenges, the shared stories brought laughter and provided a sense of connection during the conversation. Additionally, the speaker expressed gratitude for a parenting podcast that has helped him get through lockdown with a child. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of finding joy in unexpected places and the resilience that comes from navigating challenging situations.

    • Exploring the therapeutic benefits of puzzlesPuzzles offer a therapeutic and engaging activity, providing a sense of accomplishment and relaxation. They can be done in small bursts of time and offer an infinite variety of options, making them a versatile and sustainable hobby.

      Puzzling, specifically jigsaw puzzles, can serve as a therapeutic and engaging activity for individuals, providing a sense of accomplishment and relaxation. This was shared by a man named Luke the Puzzle Master Smith, who has become quite passionate about puzzles and even considers himself the "master" of them. He finds it a helpful distraction from his busy life and the challenges of parenting, often involving his family in the process. The activity can also be done in small bursts of time and offers an infinite variety of options, making it a versatile and sustainable hobby. Additionally, some people find other activities, such as sorting recycling or gardening, to be similarly therapeutic and engaging.

    • TV host faces ethical dilemma over snail infestationWhen dealing with pests, consider the impact on the environment and other creatures, and explore ethical solutions.

      An unexpected discovery of an overwhelming number of snails in a garden left a TV host in a predicament, unable to find a solution to deal with them ethically without causing harm to other creatures or the environment. The conversation between friends revealed various options, from collecting them and relocating them to using organic slug and snail control pellets. However, each option presented its own challenges and potential consequences. The conversation ended with the decision to document the situation and share it on social media, while also exploring more options for dealing with the snail infestation. The conversation highlights the importance of considering the impact of our actions on the environment and other creatures, and the challenges of finding ethical solutions to common problems.

    • Exploring Solutions for Snail Control and Sharing Past MemoriesThe speaker discussed methods for getting rid of snails in their garden and reminisced about past experiences, including meeting notable figures and their evolving relationship with tequila.

      The discussion revolved around various topics including snail control, gardening, and reminiscing about the past. The speaker expressed frustration with the presence of snails in their garden and explored different methods to get rid of them, including salt and silver foil. They also shared memories of their past experiences, such as meeting Josh and Ellis James, and their shared love for tequila. The conversation also touched upon their past drinking habits and how they have changed over time. In essence, the conversation was a mix of current problems and fond memories.

    • A memorable night out and the power of a simple jokeThe smallest interactions can leave a lasting impression, and a simple joke can create a memorable experience.

      Height was a recurring theme during a memorable night out. Ellis James, a PR man for a tequila lemonade brand, jokingly referred to Alex Sharp as the "Stupidly Tall Man" during their interaction at a bar. Alex, who was ill and working as a bartender that night, was unaware of the nickname until he saw it in a comment five years later. Despite the massive bar tab, Alex was able to secure a selfie with Ellis before the night ended. The height remark was just one of the many amusing moments from that night. It serves as a reminder that sometimes, the smallest interactions can leave a lasting impression. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the BBC's payment process for large tabs and the perception of height in society. Some people may consider being over 6 feet 7 inches "stupidly tall," while others might not even realize that a 6 foot 4 inch person is considered tall. Overall, this anecdote highlights the importance of embracing the unexpected and the power of a simple joke to create a memorable experience.

    • A woman's unconventional wine carrier leads to a salty exchangeIt's okay to be selective with social interactions and prioritize personal enjoyment over social pressures.

      Sometimes, it's okay to be selective with social interactions, especially during festivals or busy events. The speaker in this discussion had an experience where a woman offered her a drink from a wine bag shaped like a dungaree pouch, resembling a pregnant belly. The speaker initially refused, which led to a brief exchange that the speaker perceived as "salty." However, upon reflection, the speaker realized that it was a reasonable response given the circumstances. The woman's unconventional wine carrier and the initial exchange's unexpected nature might have put the speaker on guard. Additionally, the speaker was focused on enjoying the music performance and didn't want to be distracted by unwanted social interactions. The speaker also mentioned that they often encounter similar situations in bars, where people offer them drinks, and they feel obligated to accept, even if they don't want to. Overall, this experience highlights the importance of being mindful of one's social energy and prioritizing personal enjoyment over social pressures.

    • The importance of clear communication in preventing misunderstandings and conflictsEffective communication and patience are crucial in any situation to prevent misunderstandings, conflicts, and navigate unexpected challenges.

      Effective communication is key in any situation, whether it's a business deal or a personal interaction. In the discussed scenario, a misunderstanding arose between two individuals due to a lack of clear communication, leading to confusion and frustration. The situation escalated when one party felt disrespected and wanted to end the interaction, resulting in a buyout. This incident highlights the importance of being clear and respectful in our communications to avoid misunderstandings and potential conflicts. Furthermore, the conversation also touched upon the topic of parenting and the challenges that come with it. The speaker shared an embarrassing experience of her child eating a penny and the subsequent struggle to get it out. This part of the conversation shows that even in the most mundane and everyday situations, unexpected challenges can arise, and it's essential to remain calm and patient to navigate through them. In conclusion, the discussion underscores the importance of clear communication and patience, especially in challenging situations, be it in business or personal life. Effective communication can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts, while patience and calmness can help navigate through unexpected challenges.

    • Listeners suggested guests for upcoming podcast episodes and new Instagram account for audience engagementListeners can suggest potential podcast guests and follow the new Instagram account for additional content, with new episodes releasing every Tuesday

      The hosts of the podcast are inviting listeners to suggest guests for upcoming episodes and will be starting an Instagram account managed by their wives to engage with the audience about their parenting experiences. They also jokingly discussed the potential for the Instagram account to surpass the podcast in popularity and the importance of a profit split if that were to happen. Listeners are encouraged to reach out with potential guest suggestions and contact details, and to follow the Instagram account for additional content. The podcast will continue to release new episodes every Tuesday.

    Recent Episodes from Rob Beckett and Josh Widdicombe's Parenting Hell

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    S8 EP50: Janine Harouni
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant comedian - Janine Harouni. You can get tickets for Janine's new tour HERE Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP49: The Fathers Day Debrief

    S8 EP49: The Fathers Day Debrief
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Small Business Shout-out: Watch and follow 'Silly Billy Toons' HERE Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP48: Oti Mabuse

    S8 EP48: Oti Mabuse
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant dancer and presenter - Oti Mabuse. Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP47: The Favour Tank

    S8 EP47: The Favour Tank
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Small Business Shout-out: Watch and follow 'Silly Billy Toons' HERE Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP46: Marcus Brigstocke

    S8 EP46: Marcus Brigstocke
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant comedian and actor - Marcus Brigstocke. You can listen to his podcast 'How was it for you?' HERE And give them a follow / subscribe where you're there! Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com NEW ALBUM OF THE SAME NAME IS OUT MAY 10TH - PRE-ORDER HERE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP45: The Stiffest Neck She'd Ever Seen

    S8 EP45: The Stiffest Neck She'd Ever Seen
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP44: Ranvir Singh

    S8 EP44: Ranvir Singh
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant journalist and presenter - Ranvir Singh Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com NEW ALBUM OF THE SAME NAME IS OUT MAY 10TH - PRE-ORDER HERE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP43: "Lou hung up on me..."

    S8 EP43: "Lou hung up on me..."
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP42: George Lewis

    S8 EP42: George Lewis
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant comedian, writer, and social media content creating sensation - George Lewis. You can listen to George's fantastic podcast 'Save it for the podcast' HERE His book 'DON'T PANIC!: All the Stuff the Expectant Dad Needs to Know' is available to buy wherever you get your books. And tour dates tickets and info can be found HERE Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com NEW ALBUM OF THE SAME NAME IS OUT MAY 10TH - PRE-ORDER HERE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP41: My Garage Stinks

    S8 EP41: My Garage Stinks
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    :) If you want to support the show, here are some easy ways: 1) Leave an iTunes review: https://coachcarson.com/itunes 2) Subscribe to my email newsletter at https://www.coachcarson.com/newsletter/ 3) Most importantly, find your friends, coworkers, and family members who may be open to this message and tell them about the podcast! Here's to doing what matters!

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