
    279: Don't Stay in The Same Place. The Art of Exploration w/ Levison Wood, Former British Army Officer

    enApril 28, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of being prepared and focused in dangerous situationsWhether in battle or in life, being prepared and having a clear focus can make all the difference in overcoming unexpected challenges.

      No matter the circumstances, whether in battle or in life, being prepared and having a clear focus can make all the difference. The excerpt from Jocko Podcast number 279 with Echo Charles and Jocko Willink shares a firsthand account of a soldier's anticipation and execution of a dangerous mission. The soldier, who had waited years for this moment, felt a mix of trepidation and excitement as he and his platoon prepared to land in enemy territory. Their mission was to capture or kill a Taliban bomb maker, but upon landing, they found themselves in a seemingly quiet village. However, their calm was short-lived as they were soon met with gunfire. The soldier's quick thinking and leadership saved his team, demonstrating the importance of being ready for the unexpected. Levison Wood, a former British Army officer and the author of "The Art of Exploration," shares a similar sense of adventure and danger in his career as a writer, photographer, and filmmaker. Despite growing up in England, Wood's experiences in the army and beyond have led him to explore the world and face challenges that require the same level of preparation and focus as the soldier in the excerpt.

    • Growing up in a struggling town fuels curiosity for explorationEarly upbringing in a disadvantaged area sparked a lifelong passion for travel and exploration

      The speaker's upbringing in a small, economically struggling town in England called Stoke on Trent, known for its ceramic industry, fueled his curiosity and desire for exploration from a young age. Growing up in a family of teachers and being inspired by stories of historical explorers and his soldier grandfather's experiences in the Far East, the speaker was determined to see the world beyond his hometown. Despite the lack of opportunities due to high unemployment and poverty, his family's encouragement and the allure of unexplored lands drove him to travel extensively from a young age, starting with backpacking trips around the world. His grandfather's firsthand accounts of his experiences in India and Burma during wartime added to the speaker's fascination with the world beyond his social circle. Although his grandfather passed away when the speaker was 18, his stories left a lasting impact and ignited a lifelong passion for exploration. The speaker's father was also a reservist during the cold war.

    • Childhood experiences shaped speaker's interest in history and the militarySpeaker's father's military background, parents' teaching careers, and education at a science-focused Catholic school inspired his love for history and personal fitness, shaping his career choices

      The speaker's upbringing and early experiences played a significant role in shaping his interest in history and the military. His father, who had served in the military, encouraged his curiosity and provided him with resources to explore these topics. The speaker's parents, who were teachers, also played a role in fostering his love for learning. Despite not being a good student himself, he was inspired by the stories of ancient civilizations and historical figures. His education at a Catholic school in England, which had a strong emphasis on science, challenged him to be creative in pursuing his interests, leading him to focus on personal fitness and boxing. These experiences ultimately influenced his career choices and continue to inspire him today. Additionally, the speaker notes the differences between the education systems in England and America and how they may impact students' interests and opportunities.

    • Unexpected encounter leads to personal growthOpenness to new experiences and unexpected opportunities can lead to personal growth and valuable lessons

      Experiencing new things and being open to unexpected opportunities can lead to significant personal growth and unexpected benefits. The speaker shares a story about how losing his wallet as a teenager led him to receive valuable advice from a lieutenant in the Royal Artillery, which ultimately influenced his decision to travel and take a gap year before joining the army. This experience not only helped him gain useful skills and stories for his military career but also taught him valuable lessons about independence and resilience. The unexpected encounter with the lieutenant was a pivotal moment that shaped his future in a meaningful way.

    • A harrowing travel experience leads to a life of adventureDespite dangerous situations, the rewards of travel are worth the risks, leading to personal growth and independence.

      Travel can be unpredictable and dangerous, but it can also be an inspiring and formative experience. The speaker shares a story of having a gun pulled on him in a car park in Bolawhea at the age of 18, which led to his first car chase. Despite this harrowing experience, he continued to travel and was motivated by his studies of travel history to explore more challenging places, including the Middle East during the Iraq war. Along the way, he found himself in dangerous situations, such as sneaking onto the roof of the Hotel Palestine in Baghdad to avoid paying for a night's stay. Through it all, he learned to be independent, careful, and adaptable. Despite the risks, he believes that the rewards of travel are worth it.

    • Unexpected encounters on backpacking adventuresFaith in human nature and meeting new people can lead to unexpected opportunities and experiences, even in uncertain situations.

      Human connection and trust can lead to unexpected opportunities and experiences. The speakers share stories of their backpacking adventures through the Middle East and Europe, where they encountered unexpected encounters with locals and even hitchhiked rides with strangers. These experiences led to them staying in Iraq longer than intended and eventually making it to India following the ancient Silk Road. The speakers emphasize the importance of having faith in human nature and the value of meeting new people, even in uncertain situations. They also highlight the contrast between their experiences and the current societal fear and skepticism towards hitchhiking. Despite the risks, they encourage an open-minded approach to travel and exploration.

    • The power of human connection and kindnessTraveling with minimal resources, the speaker was welcomed into strangers' homes, demonstrating the importance of trusting in human nature and the potential for meaningful connections.

      The speaker's journey through Afghanistan and other countries when he was young demonstrated the power of human connection and kindness. He traveled with minimal resources, relying on hitchhiking and the generosity of strangers. Despite facing challenges such as lack of money and language barriers, he was often invited into people's homes and received help from them. This experience shaped his perspective on life and the world, instilling a belief in the goodness of people. The speaker's adventure was a testament to the importance of trusting in human nature and the potential for meaningful connections to be made along the way. Although the speaker acknowledges that his experiences might not be possible for everyone, especially in today's world, he cherishes the memories and the lessons he learned from his journey.

    • Traveling through Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan despite challengesDespite language barriers and lack of funds, the speaker traveled across Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, relying on local hospitality and hand signals to communicate. He attended Sandhurst, a British military academy, where all officers must go regardless of background.

      Despite facing numerous challenges, including language barriers and lack of funds, the speaker managed to travel across Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and eventually made it to India. He relied on the hospitality of locals and used hand signals and smiles to communicate. Regarding his military career, the speaker shared his experience of attending Sandhurst, a British military academy where potential officers are trained. The process to get into Sandhurst is rigorous and includes tests for aptitude, personality, and leadership potential. Unlike the US system, all British officers must attend Sandhurst, regardless of their previous military experience or education. The speaker found the experience both a privilege and a challenge, as he came from a normal background and was surrounded by future officers with royal lineage.

    • Military officer training: A transformative journey of leadership and etiquetteMilitary officer training combines rigorous selection, academic and practical components, and etiquette education to prepare individuals for leadership roles with discipline and respect for tradition.

      Becoming an officer in the military involves a rigorous selection process and extensive training, which includes both academic and practical components. This journey exposes individuals to various military units, allowing them to find the best fit for their skills and interests. Once selected, officer candidates attend institutions like the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, where they undergo a transformative experience that includes both traditional military training and etiquette education. The etiquette training, as outlined in manuals like Debrett's Guide to Etiquette, teaches officers essential skills like proper table manners and addressing important figures. Even seemingly trivial etiquette rules, like handling unwanted food, serve to instill discipline and respect for tradition. Overall, this unique combination of leadership training and etiquette education prepares officers for the demands of their roles in the military.

    • Unexpected opportunities from challengesEmbrace new challenges and step out of your comfort zone to unlock hidden opportunities for growth and advancement.

      Opportunities for growth and advancement can arise from unexpected places and challenges. In the text, the speaker shares his experience of being taken under the wing of an officer who showed him the ropes and eventually led him to meet the Sharjah D'affaires, despite the chaos and danger in the surrounding region. Additionally, the speaker's decision to join the boxing club at Sandhurst and participate in the annual fight night led him to be noticed by the sergeants and ultimately, the Sandhurst representative of the parachute regiment, who offered him an interview on the spot. These experiences taught the speaker the importance of stepping out of his comfort zone and embracing new challenges, which ultimately led him to consider joining the elite Paras regiment.

    • A chance encounter in a bar led the speaker to join the parachute regimentSmall moments and conversations can lead to significant life changes. The rigorous selection process of the parachute regiment builds confidence and resilience, shaping individuals for extraordinary experiences and personal growth.

      Small moments and decisions in life can have a significant impact on one's future. The speaker's life was changed when he joined the parachute regiment after a drunken conversation with a stranger in a bar. However, getting into the regiment was no easy feat, as candidates had to undergo a rigorous selection process called PECO. This included an endurance march, assault course, and a boxing match called milling, where candidates were punched in the head for a minute straight while trying to hit their opponent as much as possible. This raw spirit of controlled aggression is what sets the parachute regiment apart from the rest of the army. The speaker's experience shows that confidence, taking risks, and seizing opportunities can lead to extraordinary experiences and personal growth. It also highlights the power of mentorship and the impact one person can have on another's life.

    • Mental strength and determination in overcoming challengesStaying focused and mentally strong is crucial for achieving goals, even when faced with intimidating obstacles.

      Overcoming challenges and achieving goals requires mental strength and determination, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. This was exemplified in the intense milling exercise during military training, where officers were required to go head-to-head with much larger enlisted men and demonstrate courage and resilience. Despite the physical intimidation and pressure, those who remained focused and mentally strong emerged victorious. This mindset is essential for any challenging endeavor, whether it's in a military career or in other areas of life. The speaker's own experience of milling, where he faced a much larger opponent but managed to win through mental fortitude, highlights the importance of staying committed to one's goals and pushing through adversity. As the saying goes, "Nothing worth having comes easy."

    • Don't Give Up: The Power of PerseveranceEven when faced with tough challenges, it's essential to push through and not give up. The decision to quit is yours alone, and inner determination is crucial for overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.

      When faced with challenges, no matter how tough they may seem, it's important to dig deep and not give up. The speaker's experience during military selection showed that even when things got difficult and he questioned whether he could continue, the desire to persevere and achieve his goal kept him going. Rationalizing and considering quitting were tempting, but ultimately, he chose to push through and prove to himself and others that he wasn't one to back down. This mindset is not only valuable in extreme situations but also in everyday life, where small challenges can still test our resolve. The instructors in the parachute regiment emphasized the importance of not giving up, reminding the trainees that they were needed and that quitting was not an option. The speaker learned that the decision to quit was ultimately his own, and that the inner reserves of grit and determination were essential for overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.

    • The importance of discipline and perseverance in challenging situationsDiscipline and perseverance are crucial for success, even in grueling environments with high dropout rates. Giving up can lead to negative consequences, so it's important to stay committed and contribute to the team.

      The importance of discipline and perseverance, even when faced with challenging situations. The speaker shares an experience from his military training, where staying on a heavy log during a race was crucial to avoiding a negative mark on his record for the rest of his career. He emphasizes that it's easy to rationalize not pushing through difficulties, but the consequences of giving up can be significant. The training was grueling, with a high dropout rate, and even those who made it through faced the possibility of being removed if they failed two events. The speaker also mentions an instance where team members could cheat by shifting the weight of the boat to others, but doing so would result in consequences. These experiences highlight the importance of staying committed and contributing to the team, even when it's difficult. Overall, the speaker's message is that discipline equals freedom – the freedom to succeed and avoid the negative consequences of giving up.

    • Military training goes beyond physical strength and skillsMilitary training requires soldiers to possess intangible leadership qualities and a positive attitude, and those who fail to meet expectations may be dismissed. Officers face pressure to compete and excel, and new leaders must earn respect through performance.

      Military training is not just about physical strength and quantifiable skills, but also requires intangible leadership qualities and a positive attitude. During training, soldiers face challenges like carrying a stretcher for miles or leading their platoon, and failure to meet the expected attitude or personality can result in being kicked out. After completing basic training, soldiers face further challenges, including preparing for deployment and leading their comrades in various activities. The commanding officers push for competition and excellence, even in seemingly casual activities like sports, to ensure the best possible performance from their troops. Despite the pressure, new officers must prove themselves and earn the respect of their soldiers. Overall, military training requires both physical and mental fortitude, and the ability to adapt and thrive under pressure.

    • Unexpected success from determination and perseveranceSuccess can come from unexpected places, even in unfavorable circumstances. Stay committed, show up, and adapt to new challenges to achieve success.

      Determination and perseverance can lead to unexpected success, even in unfavorable circumstances. The speaker, who was part of a kayaking team based in Colchester, Essex, faced numerous challenges during their training and competition preparation. The competition venues were less than ideal, and the team members were often unmotivated. However, they managed to win the army canoe polo championships at a swimming pool in Aldershot by default, as no other teams showed up. This unexpected victory served as a reminder that showing up and participating is essential for achieving success. Later, the team was deployed to Afghanistan for a varied and complex role as part of the rapid response unit. Despite the uncertain and ever-changing environment, they were able to adapt and succeed in their missions. The speaker emphasized the importance of being prepared for a 360-degree battle space and being able to adjust to hybrid warfare. Overall, their experiences highlighted the value of staying committed and making the most of unexpected opportunities.

    • Empowering team members to contribute in challenging situationsEffective leadership involves gathering team suggestions in difficult tasks, making people feel valued, and encouraging ownership and accountability.

      Effective leadership involves empowering team members and allowing them to contribute to decision-making, even in challenging situations. In the given situation, the leader, Lev, was faced with a difficult task of arresting a man in the village despite the exhaustion and thirst of his team. Instead of giving orders, Lev gathered his section commanders and asked for their suggestions. The youngest corporal proposed a solution of leaving half the men behind with some water, which was accepted. This approach not only helped in completing the mission but also strengthened the bonds within the team. This leadership style not only makes people feel valued but also encourages ownership and accountability. The idea was inspired by a military drama series called "Sharp" featuring Sean Bean, where similar leadership tactics were depicted.

    • Empowering team members and fostering collaborationEffective leadership involves trusting team members, encouraging their input, and letting go of ego to ensure quick decision-making and adaptability in unexpected situations.

      Effective leadership involves empowering team members, encouraging their input, and letting go of ego. This was exemplified in a military context through the experiences of the speaker, who recalled a time when all of his soldiers survived seemingly fatal explosions, only to be saved by their own quick thinking and the leader's decision to trust their judgment. The importance of leadership in such situations cannot be overstated, and sometimes, luck plays a role as well. The speaker also emphasized the potential downfall of ego in leadership and the importance of asking team members for their ideas, as they may come up with solutions even better than the leader's initial plan. The text also highlighted the importance of adaptability and quick decision-making in the face of unexpected challenges. Overall, the discussion underscored the significance of empowering team members and fostering a collaborative leadership style.

    • Selfless Leadership and Moral Courage in ActionEffective leadership requires selflessness and moral courage, demonstrated through staying behind with team during missions and inspiring others with bravery and sacrifice.

      Selfless leadership and moral courage are essential qualities for effective leadership and a fulfilling life. The speaker, a former British Army officer, shared an experience where he remained behind with his team during a mission, putting himself at risk and ultimately saving lives. He also emphasized the challenging and varied nature of their deployments in Afghanistan, from clearing mines to conducting large-scale assaults and humanitarian efforts. Despite the intensity and variety, morale could still flag, leading him to consider joining special forces, but ultimately accepting the next step in the army. The bravery and sacrifice of other soldiers, such as Corporal Brian Budd and Corporal Mark Wright, were also highlighted as inspiring examples of upholding the Paras' tradition.

    • Unexpected events can lead to new opportunitiesUnexpected setbacks can provide valuable lessons and lead to unexpected opportunities for growth and new experiences

      Setbacks and unexpected circumstances can present opportunities for growth and new experiences. The speaker shares his personal story of how a broken leg prevented him from attending special forces selection, leading him to reconsider his military career and pursue a mountaineering expedition instead. Despite the challenges and hardships, he learned valuable lessons in leadership and perseverance. This experience ultimately led him to pursue his dream of becoming an explorer. It's important to remember that unexpected events can sometimes lead to unexpected opportunities, and it's essential to stay open-minded and adaptable in the face of adversity.

    • Leading with courage and prioritizing safetyEffective leaders make tough decisions, prioritize safety, and inspire resilience through their unwavering commitment to their team's wellbeing

      Effective leadership involves making tough decisions, even if they're unpopular. In the given situation, the leader had to prioritize the safety of his team over their desire to reach the summit, preventing potential frostbite and potential loss of life. This decision was initially met with disappointment, but the team later recognized and respected the leader's bravery and foresight. The experience instilled a sense of resilience and determination in the soldiers, leading some of them to pursue mountaineering as a career. Ultimately, the leader's unwavering commitment to the wellbeing of his team resulted in a valuable learning experience for all involved.

    • From Corporate Job to Adventure Travel CompanyFollowing passions and taking risks led a friend to start a travel company, driving ambulances to Malawi, and eventually gaining media attention.

      Following your passions and taking risks can lead to extraordinary experiences and opportunities. The speaker, Tom's friend and co-founder of Secret Compass, shares his story of feeling unfulfilled in his corporate job and wanting to have adventures. He combined his interests in writing, photography, and travel, and came up with the idea of setting up a travel company. While planning this, they received a request for ambulances for a charity in Malawi, and decided to buy and drive them there with a group of friends. This trip was the start of Secret Compass, which offered military-style expeditions to remote places around the world. Through these adventures, they gained the attention of media companies and began working with them. The speaker also shares his experience of writing his first book and the importance of being firm with yourself and getting started. Despite not having initial success with publishers, he continued to pursue his passion for writing. This story illustrates the importance of following your passions, taking risks, and being persistent, which can lead to rewarding experiences and opportunities.

    • Overcoming initial failures leads to growth and successDetermination and perseverance can help turn initial failures into valuable learning experiences and lead to personal growth and success.

      Determination and perseverance can lead to personal growth and success, even in the face of initial failure. The speaker, in this case, was struggling with the fact that he hadn't achieved his goals in the army and was rejected multiple times when trying to publish his first book about a hitchhiking trip to India. Instead of giving up, he used this experience as a learning opportunity and continued to write and explore, eventually embarking on bigger expeditions that were more impressive and worthy of a book. Despite facing homelessness and financial struggles, he remained focused and adopted a rule of never staying in one place for more than three nights. This difficult period in his life also allowed him to learn the craft of writing and photography, which proved valuable in his future endeavors. The company he started with a friend was not initially profitable, but it provided opportunities for him to gain experience and hone his skills. Ultimately, his persistence paid off and led him to greater achievements.

    • Overcoming Challenges to Achieve Ambitious GoalsDetermination and mental commitment can lead to the completion of ambitious projects despite numerous challenges and setbacks. Persuasive belief in one's abilities can inspire support and resources.

      Determination and mental commitment can lead to the successful completion of ambitious projects, even in the face of numerous challenges and setbacks. The speaker, Nev, shares his experience of trying to sell photographs in dangerous and underdeveloped countries, and the eventual failure of a fishing show he was working on. However, he met a producer named Neil, and together they came up with the idea of walking the length of the River Nile. Despite the immense challenges, including fundraising, TV interest, and publisher deals, Nev remained determined and ultimately succeeded in his goal. Tragically, a journalist accompanying him passed away from heat stroke, reminding Nev of the real-life risks involved. Through this experience, Nev learned that mental commitment and confidence in one's abilities can be persuasive and inspiring to others, leading to the support and resources needed to bring ambitious projects to life.

    • The value of perseveranceDespite challenges and unexpected obstacles, staying committed to goals leads to success and valuable relationships.

      Even when faced with extreme challenges and unexpected obstacles, it's important to persevere and stay committed to your goals. This was demonstrated by the speaker's experience of walking the length of the Nile, which was fraught with difficulties but ultimately led to a successful TV show and a bestselling book. The journey took nine months, during which a TV crew was only able to join him for about a month. Despite this, they became close friends, and the speaker went on to set up his own production company with the crew member who initially inspired him. The experience taught him the value of perseverance and the importance of having a clear vision for the future. Even when things get tough, it's essential to keep moving forward and not give up, as the rewards can be significant.

    • Journeying through controversial regions alone or with small crews leads to authentic experiences but increased danger.Long-term solo or small crew journeys in controversial regions reveal unique discoveries and experiences, but come with heightened risks.

      The speaker, Levison Wood, embarked on long-term journeys to places with a controversial reputation to shine a light on them, starting with the Pamir Mountains in Afghanistan and walking to the Tibetan Plateau. He always had local guides but was often solo or in a small crew for the most authentic experiences. During his journey through Nepal, he made an exception and took a taxi, leading to a near-fatal accident when the brakes failed and the taxi plummeted off a cliff, a 150-meter fall. Despite the lack of seatbelts or airbags in the Mahindra Jeep, he survived. The most interesting discoveries and experiences often occurred when he was alone or in a small crew, making the journey more authentic but also more dangerous.

    • Surviving a Mountain Rollover in NepalDespite severe injuries, the speaker's determination and quick thinking led to survival and completion of his expedition, with the help of his brother and local villagers.

      Survival involves perseverance and quick thinking. A harrowing experience in Nepal left the speaker and his brother injured after their car plunged off a road and rolled down a mountain. Miraculously, they both survived, but the speaker's arm was severely damaged. Despite the pain and the challenges that followed, including a long rescue process and multiple surgeries, the speaker refused to give up on his journey and returned to Nepal to continue his adventure. This determination, combined with the help of his brother and local villagers, allowed them to overcome the obstacles and complete their expedition. The experience was later chronicled in a book and a TV show, leading the speaker to embark on another adventure in Central America.

    • Traveling with a camera opens doorsCarrying a camera during travels can lead to unique experiences and opportunities for authentic representation, despite initial safety concerns

      Carrying a camera during travels, even to dangerous or less-touristy places, can open up conversations and opportunities for unique experiences. The speaker shared his personal journey of walking through various countries with a friend, encountering gang lands and gang leaders, and filming their stories with a flip camera. Despite initial resistance from the channel due to safety concerns, they were eventually allowed to proceed with the film crew. The experience showcased the importance of authentic representation and the human desire to share their stories, even in the most unexpected and challenging circumstances.

    • Exploring histories and cultures despite challengesDespite encountering difficulties in obtaining travel permits, empathetic exploration of histories and cultures reveals shared experiences and unity among people across regions and backgrounds.

      Travel documentarian, [Name], shares his experiences of exploring various regions, delving deep into their histories and cultures, often encountering challenges in obtaining travel permits. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the everyday lives of people, focusing on commonalities and human stories, rather than political viewpoints. In his journey from Europe to Asia over the Caucasus Mountains, he encountered difficulties in Russia and Iran, but was eventually granted entry. His approach to storytelling highlights the importance of empathy and connection, revealing the shared experiences of people across different regions and backgrounds. Through his travels, he has discovered a sense of hospitality and unity among the people he meets, making for a more profound and meaningful understanding of the world.

    • The importance of human connections during travelMaking an effort to connect with locals enhances travel experiences, balancing connection with progress is key, and following passions can lead to meaningful human connections.

      Human connections are invaluable, especially when traveling to new places. No matter where you go in the world, people are generally hospitable and willing to help, as long as you make an effort to connect with them. The speaker shared a personal story of his journey across the Sahara Desert following the Nile River, where the hospitality of the local people significantly impacted his experience. Despite the initial challenges of staying on schedule due to the distractions of the villagers, the speaker learned to balance the need for human connection with the necessity of making progress. The story also highlights the stark contrast between the hospitality experienced in remote villages and the potential hostility in more urban or conflict-ridden areas. Ultimately, the speaker's fascination with the Middle East led him to pitch the idea of a travel show in the region, but was met with skepticism due to perceived danger and lack of interest. However, the speaker's determination to explore the region demonstrates the importance of following one's passions and making meaningful human connections along the way.

    • Overcoming rejection and self-funding a successful expeditionDetermination and self-empowerment can lead to the completion of ambitious projects, even after facing rejection or adversity. Self-funding and establishing your own production company can open up new opportunities for unique experiences and groundbreaking projects.

      Determination and self-empowerment can lead to the successful completion of ambitious projects, even in the face of rejection or adversity. The speaker, an adventurer, recounts his experience of being turned down by a UK TV channel for funding an expedition through the Middle East. Instead of giving up, he established his own production company, self-financed the project, and embarked on the journey with a small team. Despite the challenges, including the ongoing war against ISIS, they managed to travel through multiple countries and gain unique experiences, such as being embedded with the Kurdish militia and Iraqi militias fighting against ISIS. The speaker's creative spirit and desire to explore new territories were freed up by this self-initiated project, resulting in a successful and groundbreaking expedition.

    • Liberation of Mosul: Witnessing the Complexity of the ConflictJournalists documented the bravery of volunteers and humanized ISIS fighters during the battle against ISIS in Iraq, emphasizing the importance of independent reporting in understanding the complexities of the conflict.

      The battle against ISIS in Iraq was a complex and surreal experience. Despite the chaotic and dangerous conditions, journalists were able to witness and document the liberation of villages and cities, as well as encounter the fighters on both sides. The volunteers, many of whom were ordinary Iraqis, displayed incredible courage and resilience, even during moments of rest like lunch breaks. Meanwhile, ISIS fighters were also humanized through encounters, revealing the complexity of the conflict. A notable figure was Abu Tassin, a legendary Iraqi sniper who came out of retirement to fight against ISIS. The journalists' experience also highlighted the importance of independent reporting, as the mainstream news was often limited to reports from Baghdad or foreign sources. Ultimately, the liberation of Mosul and other cities was a powerful and historical moment for the people involved, with women and civilians expressing immense gratitude to the volunteers.

    • A Journey Through Iraq's Contrasts: War and TraditionThrough encounters with an enemy soldier and Marsh Arabs, the speaker highlights the Middle East's diversity and complexity, revealing perspectives beyond conflict.

      The Middle East is a complex region with stark contrasts, from war zones to traditional ways of living and modern luxuries. During a journey through Iraq, the speaker met an enemy soldier, sharing stories and perspectives. The soldier believed he was doing the right thing, fighting against ISIS, despite the loss of British and American lives. The contrast continued in southern Iraq, where ancient Marsh Arab traditions met modernization in Dubai. The production process involved editing on the go and selling to Discovery Channel in the UK, resulting in a broadcast award. Despite the challenges, the speaker aimed to show the diversity and complexity of the Middle East beyond the conflict.

    • Measuring Success Beyond RatingsSuccess in documentary making isn't only about ratings or viewership numbers, but also about staying true to beliefs and making a positive impact on people's lives.

      For the speaker, success in creating documentaries isn't solely measured by ratings or viewership numbers. Instead, it's about staying true to his beliefs and making a positive impact. He shared stories of receiving indirect feedback from charities and individuals whose lives were changed by his work, which brought him greater fulfillment than any ratings could. He also mentioned his fascination with conservation and his desire to incorporate giving back into his projects. Despite the challenges of creating bigger and better journeys, he continues to seek out opportunities to make a difference. The speaker's perspective on success is a reminder that it's not just about personal gain, but also about making a meaningful impact on the world.

    • Walking with Elephants: A Transformative JourneyExploring nature deeply can lead to personal growth, decision making, leadership, and conservation awareness.

      Exploring the natural world and connecting with it on a deep level can be a transformative experience. Author Levison Wood shared his story of walking with elephants across Botswana for 650 miles, an intense journey filled with both danger and awe. This experience reminded him of the human connection to nature and the importance of conservation. His latest book, "The Art of Exploration," reflects on lessons learned from his personal experiences and those of other explorers, offering practical applications for daily life. The book covers themes like decision making, leadership, and personal growth. Listeners are encouraged to read the book in full to gain a deeper understanding of these lessons. Wood's Instagram and Twitter pages provide more information about his work.

    • Embracing new experiences and being open to opportunitiesStay open to unexpected adventures and view setbacks as opportunities for personal growth and unexpected benefits. Practice gratitude and stay positive, even in difficult circumstances. Prioritize physical health and strength training for cognitive capacity and overall well-being.

      Embracing new experiences and being open to opportunities, even in seemingly negative situations, can lead to personal growth and unexpected benefits. This was exemplified by Levison Wood's story of losing his wallet and the unexpected adventures and experiences that followed. Another important takeaway is the value of gratitude and staying positive, even in difficult circumstances. Wood shared how he tries to view setbacks as opportunities and remind himself that there is always something to be thankful for. Lastly, Wood emphasized the importance of physical health and strength training for cognitive capacity and overall well-being. By exploring new paths and challenges, we can improve ourselves and discover unexpected benefits.

    • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and supplementation for optimal nutrient absorptionRegular exercise, balanced diet, and supplementation like Vitamin D can enhance nutrient absorption, boosting joint health, cognitive function, and immune system support. Jocko Fuel offers convenient monthly delivery of supplements and healthy energy drinks.

      Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, can help your body efficiently absorb essential nutrients like Vitamin D. However, for many people, supplementation may be necessary due to the demands of modern life and limited access to fresh produce and meats. Vitamin D supplementation, in particular, is important for joint health, cognitive function, and immune system support. Additionally, Jocko Fuel offers various supplements, such as Joint Warfare and Cold War Immunity, as well as healthy energy drinks, which can be subscribed to for convenient monthly delivery. Overall, prioritizing your health through proper nutrition and supplementation can lead to improved efficiency and better overall well-being.

    • The importance of knowing the origin and authenticity of consumer goodsSupport companies that align with your values by making informed choices about the origin and production process of your consumer goods.

      Authenticity and transparency are important values when it comes to consumer goods. The speaker emphasized the importance of knowing the origin and production process of items, such as energy drinks and jeans, and being aware of any potential misrepresentations. He also highlighted the benefits of investing in products and experiences early to avoid stress and maintain control. From a personal perspective, he shared his preference for American-made goods and expressed disappointment when discovering that iconic American brands were manufactured overseas. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of making informed choices and supporting companies that align with one's values.

    • Jocko Willink's Podcasts and Merchandise BusinessJocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL, runs multiple podcasts, a YouTube channel, and sells merchandise, books, and art to provide value to his audience independently and directly.

      Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL and successful podcast host, values control and independence in his creative endeavors. He has established various podcasts, including "Jocko Podcast," "Jocko Unraveling," "Grounded," and "Warrior Kid," and a YouTube channel through which he shares content without relying on sponsors or platforms' control. He also offers a podcast, "Jocko Underground," for $8.18 a month as a way for listeners to support his work directly. Willink also creates and sells merchandise, books, and art, emphasizing the importance of exploration, leadership, and personal growth. His approach reflects a commitment to autonomy and providing value to his audience without external influence.

    • Explore new experiences for personal growthEngage in new experiences, learn from mistakes, and support service members and charities for positive impact

      Personal growth and learning can be achieved through various experiences, including attending events, exploring historical battlefields, and serving others. The importance of preparation and execution was emphasized, as well as the importance of not making "dumb shit" mistakes that could hinder progress. The speakers encouraged listeners to engage in new experiences, explore their surroundings, and continue learning from historical and contemporary examples. Additionally, they highlighted the importance of supporting service members, veterans, and first responders, and urged listeners to get involved in charitable organizations that help these groups. Overall, the message was one of encouragement to seek out new experiences, learn from them, and make a positive impact on the world.

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    441: Love Of Country and Aloha Spirit with Tulsi Gabbard

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/jocko-podcast/exclusive-content
    Jocko Podcast
    enJune 05, 2024

    Jocko Underground: To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    Jocko Underground: To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    Improving your position when an unexpected tragedy happens.

    Getting out of an environment that does not set you up for success.

    Not feeling like a man because he doesn't contribute financially to the household.

    In Jiu Jitsu, I might be a danger to myself and others.

    Getting a good routine when work hours are really odd.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/jocko-podcast/exclusive-content

    Jocko Podcast
    enMay 28, 2024

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    160. Literacy and Strength | Jocko Willink

    160. Literacy and Strength | Jocko Willink

    This episode was recorded on 03/12/21

    I had the pleasure of inviting Jocko Willink on to my podcast for the first time, I’ve been on Jocko’s podcast several times in the past and now get the opportunity to reverse the interviewing role to learn more about his life and endeavors. We discuss his experience in the military and war exploring time in the Navy Seals, Afganistan, and Iraq. Jocko recount what it looks like to be on the ground in combat scenarios and the requirement of strong leadership in the Seal teams. I ask him about his formative years growing up with a warrior personality. We cover other engaging points of interest in his kid books, time as an English major, restarting a clothing line in a dying factory town, and much more.

    Jocko Willink is an American author, podcaster, and retired naval officer who served in the Navy SEALs. His books include New Tork Times bestseller Extreme Ownership,  Discipline Equals Freedom a field manual, and his children’s book The Way of the Warrior Kid. Jocko also has one of the most successful podcasts out there so check out the Jocko Podcast.

    Find more of Jocko Willink on his podcast website, check out his clothing line originmaine.com, and in his books

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    Discover the incredible journey of Helena Demuynck, a transformation guide for women leaders. From facing bankruptcy in her business to liberating herself from a toxic marriage, Helena's story is a testament to resilience and inner strength.

    Learn how embracing entrepreneurship, finding strength in new beginnings, and cultivating an abundance mindset can transform your life, no matter what challenges you face.

    Are you ready to unlock your full potential and navigate life's challenges with resilience and strength? Helena's story is proof that setbacks can lead to growth and learning.

    Discover the power of gratitude, forgiveness, and building a supportive network in your own transformation. Helena's work empowers women to embrace change, find harmony, and create a positive impact in their lives.

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    Links for Helena Demuynk:
    https://www.facebook.com/groups/LeadershipEssentials https://www.instagram.com/oxygen4leadership/

    Links for Beverley Glazer:
    Website: https://reinventimpossible.com
    Schedule a call: https://calendly.com/reinventimpossible/15min?month=2023-05

    Change your life from 'Fine' to FANTASTIC

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beverleyglazer_reinvention/
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