
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Challenges and Joys of Modern-Day ParentingWriting down young children's crazy statements, seeking support, and maintaining a sense of humor can help navigate the ups and downs of parenting. Listeners share their experiences and tips.

      Parenting can be challenging and unpredictable, and it's important to find support and connection with others going through similar experiences. Rob Beckett and Josh Willingham, hosts of the Parents in Hell podcast, discuss the ups and downs of modern-day parenthood and share tips and advice from famous parents and listeners. In this episode, Rob shared his top tip of writing down the crazy things young children say. A listener named Lianne shared her experience of having a home birth and addressing common misconceptions, such as using a garden hose to fill the birthing pool or using a paddling pool instead. Another listener, Penny, shared her experience of having a panic attack at the grocery store while shopping for her baby. Through these stories and discussions, it's clear that parenting can be overwhelming at times, but having a sense of humor, seeking support, and being open to new experiences can help make the journey a little smoother. And, as a reminder, whether you're just starting out or have reached a milestone in your parenting journey, Shopify is there to help you grow your business.

    • Sharing difficult experiences leads to progress and healingOpening up about difficult moments can lead to support and normalization, helping us move forward.

      Sharing experiences, even the difficult ones, can lead to progress and healing. The speaker shared an experience of having a panic attack in a public place and the shame and embarrassment she felt afterwards. However, when she opened up about it, she received support and was able to move forward. Another listener shared her own low point during lockdown, which involved an embarrassing situation with her son at the park. Both stories illustrate the importance of vulnerability and the power of connection and support from others. It's okay to have difficult moments and to ask for help when we need it. By sharing our experiences, we can normalize them and find comfort in knowing that we're not alone.

    • Discussing the importance of supporting friends through uncomfortable situationsFriends support each other through uncomfortable situations, showing appreciation for the bond and admiration for those who exhibit kindness and class.

      Friendship involves supporting each other through uncomfortable situations, even if it means dealing with human waste. During a conversation, Rob and a friend discussed their willingness to help each other out in various ways, including clearing up after accidents. The friend, who had once helped Rob clean up after an embarrassing incident at a party, expressed her appreciation for their bond and her unwillingness to let people perceive Rob negatively. They also discussed their admiration for Anton DuBec, a television personality known for his class and kindness. The conversation showcased the depth of their friendship and the importance of being there for each other, no matter what.

    • Bruce Forsyth's Impact on the Speaker's CareerBruce Forsyth's influence inspired the speaker to channel his class and style on Strictly Come Dancing. The experience taught her the importance of teamwork, focus, and adaptability, shaping her career as a contestant and judge.

      Bruce Forsyth's influence on the entertainment industry and his impact on the speaker's career were significant. The speaker admired Bruce's ability to entertain and engage audiences, and when she stumbled upon "Strictly Come Dancing," she saw an opportunity to channel Bruce's class and style. The experience of being a contestant on the show taught her the importance of understanding and supporting her partner, requiring focus, energy, and adaptability. In contrast, as a judge, she no longer bears the pressure of performing and can concentrate on providing constructive feedback to each couple. Overall, Bruce's legacy and the lessons she learned from him continue to inspire and shape her career.

    • Overcoming setbacks and caring for loved onesEven when faced with disappointments and challenges, it's important to keep moving forward and maintain passion and care for others, just as Anton Du Beke did after being voted off Strictly Come Dancing and in raising his twins.

      Even in the face of disappointments and setbacks, it's important to keep moving forward and have faith in the next opportunity. Anton Du Beke, a dancer on Strictly Come Dancing, shared an anecdote about missing a step and being voted off the show, but he emphasized that he always wanted to be there for his partners and the excitement of making it through was worth it for both of them. He also discussed the importance of caring and passion from the pros, which adds to the success of the show. Moving on to a different topic, Anton mentioned having two children, twins named George and Henrietta, who are 5 and a half years old. He shared the challenges of dealing with their colds and the unique experience of having two children at different schools, requiring two separate drop-offs. Despite the difficulties, Anton found joy in the journey of raising his children.

    • Personal preferences in raising children: Gender-neutral clothing and toysChoosing gender-neutral clothing and toys can save money, reduce clutter, and allow children to freely express their interests.

      Raising children involves making choices, but the importance of gender-neutral clothing and toys is a personal preference that can save money and reduce clutter. The speaker shares how they received hand-me-down clothes and toys, which have been passed down multiple times, and how children naturally gravitate towards their preferred interests. They also discuss the challenges of influencing their child's TV preferences and how their experiences with twins were a mix of double the joy and double the trouble. The conversation highlights the unique and evolving journey of parenthood, filled with surprises, compromises, and cherished memories.

    • Sharing the Journey of Having a Baby with a PartnerHaving a partner during the intense experience of having a baby makes it more manageable. Anton praised his wife Hannah for her strength and ability to make everything fun during the journey of having twins. The importance of a strong support system and being able to adapt to new challenges is highlighted.

      Having a baby is an intense experience, but having a partner to share the journey makes it more manageable. Anton shared his experience of having twins with his wife Hannah, who he praised for her strength and ability to make everything fun. He acknowledged that they were lucky to have the children together and that it might have been more challenging if he had to be away for the first few months. Anton also reflected on his past as a young dancer, noting the differences between his earlier competitive and ambitious mindset and his current settled and more balanced perspective. The success of "Strictly Come Dancing" allowed him to leave competitive dancing behind and focus on other aspects of his life. Overall, Anton's experience highlights the importance of having a strong support system and being able to adapt to new challenges.

    • Our experiences shape us into who we becomeRecognize patterns in experiences, learn from them, and use them as opportunities for growth and understanding.

      Our experiences, whether positive or negative, shape us into who we become. For the speaker, their experience on Strictly Come Dancing taught them the importance of focusing on making the best experience for their partner instead of being overly concerned with their own performance and winning. This shift in perspective helped them move past their negative self-talk and become a better person, both on and off the dance floor. Additionally, the speaker saw similar behaviors in their children, particularly in their daughter Henrietta, who exhibited a strong desire for perfection and focus when sharing her accomplishments. This observation led the speaker and their partner, Hannah, to recognize and address these tendencies in their children, encouraging them to be understanding and supportive of each other. The speaker's journey from competing in dance clubs to becoming a famous television comic, and eventually growing older and meeting their partner, resulted in a significant change in their focus and perspective on life. This transformation was a result of the experiences they had, both good and bad, and the lessons they learned from them. In essence, our experiences, whether they manifest as frustration, a desire for perfection, or a focus on making the best experience for others, shape us into the people we become. It's essential to recognize these patterns and use them as opportunities for growth and learning.

    • The importance of continuous learning and standalone worksEven successful authors face unfamiliar terms and concepts, emphasizing the value of continuous learning. Standalone works offer a rich and engaging experience, allowing readers to enjoy each book independently.

      Even successful and knowledgeable individuals, like bestselling authors, can encounter unfamiliar words and concepts. In this conversation, the topic of digraphs in a novel came up, and one person was unsure of the term. The author, despite being a Sunday Times bestselling novelist, had to look up the definition to ensure accuracy in their work. This anecdote highlights the importance of continuous learning and the fact that no one is an expert in every area. Furthermore, the conversation touched upon the standalone nature of the author's novels, which are set during different historical periods. The author shared their fascination with the rapid changes that occur throughout history and how writing about real-life times keeps their work grounded. They also emphasized that readers can enjoy each book independently, without feeling obligated to read the entire series. Overall, this conversation underscores the importance of curiosity, continuous learning, and the value of standalone works that offer a rich and engaging experience.

    • Maintaining a clean home with young childrenDesignate areas for kids' play and toys, seek support, and balance comfort and presentability

      Creating a balance between maintaining a classy home environment and raising young children can be a challenge. While it's important to have a clean and organized living space, it's also essential to allow children to express themselves and have a space of their own. This can be achieved by designating certain areas of the house for children's play and toys, while keeping other areas tidy and clutter-free. Additionally, having a support system, such as family members or a skip to help declutter, can make the process easier. Lastly, children can still look presentable when going out, but it's also important to allow them to wear comfortable clothes at home. Ultimately, finding a balance between maintaining a stylish home and raising children requires creativity, flexibility, and a sense of humor.

    • Anton's meticulous approach contrasts Hannah's practical oneBoth Anton and Hannah prioritize their family, but Anton values a well-prepared appearance while Hannah has a more functional approach.

      While Anton takes pride in his neat and well-prepared appearance, Hannah has a more functional and practical approach to dressing. Anton enjoys the process of ironing and prepping his clothes, while Hannah sees it as an unnecessary hassle. They both share the responsibility of school runs and have a nanny to help out. Their children are involved in various sports and activities, with Anton encouraging them to participate in multiple clubs together. Despite their differences in clothing preferences and preparation, they prioritize their family and ensure their children have opportunities for outdoor activities.

    • Athletic background and unexpected writing journeyDespite personal challenges, the couple achieved parenthood and found joy in their unique experiences, emphasizing the importance of open conversations about women's health.

      Growing up, both the speaker and his partner enjoyed being athletic and participating in various sports. The speaker even had aspirations of writing a spy novel but ended up writing a historical romantic novel instead. During their journey to parenthood, they underwent IVF treatment, which was a challenging experience for Hannah due to her age and endometriosis. Despite the difficulties, they were able to have children, and Hannah turned out to be an amazing mother. The speaker is thrilled for both himself and his partner, Anne, and believes she is practically perfect in every way as a mom. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of speaking openly about women's health issues like endometriosis.

    • Sharing experiences builds deeper connectionsOpen communication and shared experiences can lead to deeper connections between individuals. Swift decisions and clear communication are essential in maintaining strong relationships.

      Open communication and shared experiences can lead to a deeper connection between individuals. The speaker shares an anecdote about how they resonate with public figures who understand their possessions or experiences, and this shared understanding leads to a sense of connection. The conversation then shifts to the topic of having children, where the speaker and their partner made a decision and acted on it swiftly. The speaker also shares an amusing story about their partner's surprise purchases, highlighting the importance of clear communication in their relationship. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the idea that when individuals are open and communicative with one another, they can build strong bonds based on shared experiences and mutual understanding.

    Recent Episodes from Rob Beckett and Josh Widdicombe's Parenting Hell

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    S8 EP48: Oti Mabuse

    S8 EP48: Oti Mabuse
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant dancer and presenter - Oti Mabuse. Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP47: The Favour Tank

    S8 EP47: The Favour Tank
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Small Business Shout-out: Watch and follow 'Silly Billy Toons' HERE Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP46: Marcus Brigstocke

    S8 EP46: Marcus Brigstocke
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant comedian and actor - Marcus Brigstocke. You can listen to his podcast 'How was it for you?' HERE And give them a follow / subscribe where you're there! Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com NEW ALBUM OF THE SAME NAME IS OUT MAY 10TH - PRE-ORDER HERE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP45: The Stiffest Neck She'd Ever Seen

    S8 EP45: The Stiffest Neck She'd Ever Seen
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP44: Ranvir Singh

    S8 EP44: Ranvir Singh
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant journalist and presenter - Ranvir Singh Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com NEW ALBUM OF THE SAME NAME IS OUT MAY 10TH - PRE-ORDER HERE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP43: "Lou hung up on me..."

    S8 EP43: "Lou hung up on me..."
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP42: George Lewis

    S8 EP42: George Lewis
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant comedian, writer, and social media content creating sensation - George Lewis. You can listen to George's fantastic podcast 'Save it for the podcast' HERE His book 'DON'T PANIC!: All the Stuff the Expectant Dad Needs to Know' is available to buy wherever you get your books. And tour dates tickets and info can be found HERE Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com NEW ALBUM OF THE SAME NAME IS OUT MAY 10TH - PRE-ORDER HERE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP41: My Garage Stinks

    S8 EP41: My Garage Stinks
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP40: Cush Jumbo

    S8 EP40: Cush Jumbo
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant actress and writer - Cush Jumbo. Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com NEW ALBUM OF THE SAME NAME IS OUT MAY 10TH - PRE-ORDER HERE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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