
    Podcast Summary

    • Parenting Challenges: Snow, Sickness, and SchoolParenting involves unexpected hurdles and requires flexibility, humor, and teamwork to navigate through them.

      Parenting comes with its fair share of challenges and unexpected situations. Rob and Josh, the hosts of Parenting Hell, discuss these experiences each week with famous parents and listeners. In this episode, Rob shares his stressful morning dealing with snow, a sick wife, and getting their children to school. He also jokes about a potential passive-aggressive Christmas present for his wife, involving a provisional driver's license. The podcast is brought to you by FX's The Veil and Shopify. The Veil is an international spy thriller, while Shopify helps individuals grow their businesses. Listeners can sign up for a $1 per month trial period at shopify.com/specialoffer. Despite the morning's challenges, the hosts keep things light and entertaining, reminding us that we're all in this parenting journey together.

    • Practical jokes and unexpected consequencesConsider the potential consequences of our actions and the challenges that come with managing everyday situations, especially during unexpected weather conditions.

      Practical jokes can have unintended consequences and can cause distress, especially when they involve children. The speaker shared an experience of scaring his cousin as a child, which left a lasting impact. The conversation then shifted to the challenges of managing school runs during snowy weather. The group discussed the importance of holding children's gloves while they engage in snowball fights to prevent their hands from getting wet and cold. However, the speaker's good intentions went awry when his youngest child cried about having wet sleeves, leading to a tense situation. The conversation also touched upon the caretakers' challenges during snowy days, with the speaker expressing admiration for their efforts to ensure the school is safe for students. The group also reminisced about the frequent snow days they used to have during their childhood, acknowledging the inconvenience for those living further away from their schools. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of considering the potential consequences of our actions and the challenges that come with managing everyday situations, especially during unexpected weather conditions.

    • Gardening and Unfortunate ExperiencesWear marigolds under waterproof gloves for gardening warmth and protection. Discover finger condoms for medical purposes. Presenting courses via Zoom due to job loss can lead to unexpected conversations.

      The conversation between the two individuals touched upon various topics including gardening, school closures, gloves, and personal experiences. A practical tip shared was wearing marigolds under waterproof gloves for gardening, which provides both warmth and protection. Another interesting revelation was the existence of finger condoms for medical purposes. The conversation also included some light-hearted banter about physical appearances and health issues. Despite some personal discomforts, one individual had to present a course via Zoom due to being sacked, leading to a discussion about unfortunate experiences.

    • Raising young children: constant illnesses and germsRaising young children involves dealing with numerous illnesses and the constant fear of spreading germs, compared to freshers week but with head colds instead.

      Raising young children involves dealing with numerous illnesses and the constant fear of spreading germs. The speaker described the experience of having a child with hand, foot, and mouth disease, which was compared to the incompetence and constant nature of being in freshers week, but instead of sexually transmitted diseases, it's just head colds. The speaker also mentioned the confusion when explaining the disease to others, who often mistake it for a different condition. The return from a long trip home was also described as chaotic, with delayed flights and a messy house upon arrival. Despite the challenges, the speaker expressed happiness to be home and praised his partner for solo parenting during his absence. Overall, the discussion highlighted the demanding yet rewarding experience of raising young children.

    • The importance of a supportive partner in managing daily responsibilitiesEffective communication, compromise, and a supportive partner are essential for balancing personal and professional life, especially for parents. Single parents face unique challenges, and open communication and adaptability are crucial in managing unexpected situations.

      Effective communication and support from a partner are crucial for balancing personal and professional responsibilities, especially for parents. The speaker shares an experience of forgetting to secure their property, leading to an unexpected situation, but emphasizes the importance of having a partner who is understanding and supportive. The speaker expresses admiration for single parents and acknowledges the challenges they face in managing their daily responsibilities. The speaker also highlights the importance of open communication and compromise in handling unexpected situations. Despite the inconvenience caused by the cancellation of a taxi booking, the speaker remains grateful for their partner's support and understanding, recognizing that their partner's absence for a month would present even greater challenges. The conversation also reveals the importance of having a backup plan and being adaptable in unexpected situations. Overall, the conversation underscores the significance of a supportive partner in managing the demands of daily life and pursuing personal and professional goals.

    • Finding humor and connection in the midst of adversityTwo individuals shared their struggles and found common ground through humor and laughter, despite unexpected situations and challenges

      Despite the challenges and unexpected situations, both individuals in the conversation found ways to cope and maintain a sense of humor. The conversation ranged from discussing the difficulties of getting a Christmas tree to sharing embarrassing experiences. Despite the apparent chaos, they acknowledged their shared experiences and found common ground. The man expressed his gratitude for a month in Australia in exchange for recording a podcast, while the woman dealt with her children's tantrums and the potential danger of picking up in the snow. They both faced their own struggles, but found a way to connect and find positivity in their shared experiences. The man's story about being reprimanded on a plane for taking off his shirt added to the lighthearted tone of the conversation. However, the revelation that antenatal classes in New Zealand recommend the podcast was a surprising and somewhat concerning turn of events. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of finding humor and connection in the midst of adversity.

    • Disappointing antenatal class and relationship challengesJosh and Rose discussed their relationship struggles, including guilt, lack of communication, and holiday stress. They emphasized the importance of giving each other space and understanding.

      The antenatal class was a disappointment and an improvement is needed. Beyond that, the conversation touched on various topics. Josh felt guilty for taking Lou for granted and expressed concern about not receiving kisses in texts from Rose, who was going through a difficult time. Rose was dealing with the stress of the school run and a lack of preparation for Christmas. Josh offered suggestions for how to handle the situation with Rose, emphasizing the importance of giving each other space and not trying to fix things that cannot be fixed. The conversation also included light-hearted moments, such as Josh considering a provocative response to Rose and his own unpreparedness for Christmas. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and challenges of relationships, as well as the importance of communication and understanding.

    • Embracing a Quiet Holiday at Home and Personal ChoicesThe holiday season brings various plans and decisions, from traveling to personal choices like not drinking. Embrace personal choices, find balance, and enjoy the little moments, even if it means occasional social compromises.

      The holiday season can bring about various plans and decisions, whether it's traveling to see family or making personal choices like not drinking. In this conversation, the speaker shares their plans for a quiet Christmas at home with just their mother and sister, as well as their hesitation to travel due to train strikes. They also discuss their decision to not drink for the past 50 days and the challenges they face in social situations where alcohol is present. Despite the uncertainty, they embrace the idea of taking things one day at a time and finding joy in the little moments, even if it means an occasional drink with friends. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of personal choices and finding balance during the holiday season.

    • Holiday Plans and ExcitementDespite the stress of shopping and preparing for family gatherings, the speakers look forward to cutting back on drinking, joining a Christmas film club, and enjoying the holiday season with friends and family.

      The speakers are discussing their plans for the holiday season, including their decision to cut back on drinking and participate in a Christmas film club with friends. They also mention their family gatherings and busy schedules during the festive period. Despite the hustle and bustle, they express excitement for their plans and recommend the film club as a fun activity. However, they also lament about the last-minute shopping and the stress of preparing for various engagements. Overall, the conversation reflects the anticipation and preparation involved in the holiday season.

    • Last-minute holiday scrambleUnexpected events and commitments can make holiday preparations stressful, but staying flexible and adaptable can help salvage the season

      Despite the speaker's best efforts to get all of his Christmas shopping and preparations done in advance, unexpected events and commitments have left him scrambling to find last-minute gifts and plans. He expresses frustration and regret over not being able to get everything done beforehand, but also acknowledges that some unexpected freed-up time may give him a chance to make things right. The speaker mentions several specific gifts he has purchased, including a coat for his partner and a car, but some of these gifts have since been given or rendered unnecessary due to changing circumstances. He also discusses various social engagements and commitments that have made it difficult to finalize his plans. Overall, the speaker conveys a sense of being overwhelmed and underprepared for the holiday season, but remains hopeful that he can still salvage things with some quick thinking and flexibility.

    • Unexpected challenges in parentingStay calm and present in unexpected situations, prioritize children's needs and well-being.

      Life can be unpredictable and challenging, especially when it comes to parenting. One day, a mother had to attend two parties for her daughters, and during the second one, her youngest daughter suffered a nasty fall and got a big bruise. Despite feeling anxious about her ability to parent effectively after being away for a month, she managed to comfort her daughter and provide her with food to recover her energy. The mother also shared her thoughts on simplifying Christmas gifts for adults to avoid unnecessary pressure and expense. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying calm and present in unexpected situations, and the value of prioritizing children's needs and well-being.

    • Importance of Communication and FriendshipSupporting friends, promoting their work, and maintaining open communication are essential for strong friendships. A good sense of humor can also help navigate everyday challenges and bring joy to our lives.

      Communication is key, even in seemingly trivial situations. In the discussed conversation, the friends were discussing various topics, including their comedian friends and Christmas traditions. They joked about messaging each other and the potential consequences of certain messages. However, they also highlighted the importance of supporting their comedian friends and promoting their work. The friends also shared a funny anecdote about their dad's Christmas scam to keep them in bed and avoid an early wake-up call. They discussed their sleeping habits and how they've adapted to getting enough sleep. Overall, the conversation showcases the importance of communication, friendship, and supporting each other, as well as the importance of a good sense of humor in everyday life. It also highlights the unique traditions and experiences that make up our individual stories.

    • Unexpected encounters and small business supportSeizing opportunities and being open to new experiences can lead to meaningful collaborations. Supporting small businesses, especially during the holiday season, can benefit both parties.

      The power of connections and unexpected gestures can lead to meaningful opportunities and collaborations. The speaker shared an anecdote about a guy who approached him at a school event and offered him temporary parking permits in exchange for a small business shout-out. The speaker was initially hesitant but eventually agreed, leading to a positive experience for both parties. This incident highlights the importance of seizing opportunities and being open to new experiences. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the importance of supporting small businesses, particularly during the holiday season. The speakers shared shout-outs for their respective family members' businesses and encouraged listeners to check them out and take advantage of discount codes. Overall, the conversation emphasized the value of building relationships and supporting small businesses, and the potential benefits that can come from unexpected encounters.

    • Friends discuss Christmas shopping and discount codesThey shared personal experiences, suggested alternative gifts, and found a good discount offer using the code 'paper cut'.

      During their conversation, they discussed various topics including last-minute Christmas shopping, discount codes, and sharing personal experiences. The speaker mentioned her lack of enthusiasm for buying more things and suggested an alternative gift idea for her friend Rob. They also talked about a good discount offer using the code "paper cut" and shared their thoughts on it. Additionally, they acknowledged the challenges in their listeners' lives and joked about potential solutions. They ended the conversation with plans to keep in touch and look forward to their next recording. Overall, the conversation was light-hearted and covered a range of topics, showcasing the friends' camaraderie and sense of humor.

    Recent Episodes from Rob Beckett and Josh Widdicombe's Parenting Hell

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    S8 EP51: "My head's gone..."
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP50: Janine Harouni

    S8 EP50: Janine Harouni
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant comedian - Janine Harouni. You can get tickets for Janine's new tour HERE Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP49: The Fathers Day Debrief

    S8 EP49: The Fathers Day Debrief
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Small Business Shout-out: Watch and follow 'Silly Billy Toons' HERE Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP48: Oti Mabuse

    S8 EP48: Oti Mabuse
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant dancer and presenter - Oti Mabuse. Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP47: The Favour Tank

    S8 EP47: The Favour Tank
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Small Business Shout-out: Watch and follow 'Silly Billy Toons' HERE Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP46: Marcus Brigstocke

    S8 EP46: Marcus Brigstocke
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant comedian and actor - Marcus Brigstocke. You can listen to his podcast 'How was it for you?' HERE And give them a follow / subscribe where you're there! Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com NEW ALBUM OF THE SAME NAME IS OUT MAY 10TH - PRE-ORDER HERE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP45: The Stiffest Neck She'd Ever Seen

    S8 EP45: The Stiffest Neck She'd Ever Seen
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP44: Ranvir Singh

    S8 EP44: Ranvir Singh
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant journalist and presenter - Ranvir Singh Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com NEW ALBUM OF THE SAME NAME IS OUT MAY 10TH - PRE-ORDER HERE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP43: "Lou hung up on me..."

    S8 EP43: "Lou hung up on me..."
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP42: George Lewis

    S8 EP42: George Lewis
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant comedian, writer, and social media content creating sensation - George Lewis. You can listen to George's fantastic podcast 'Save it for the podcast' HERE His book 'DON'T PANIC!: All the Stuff the Expectant Dad Needs to Know' is available to buy wherever you get your books. And tour dates tickets and info can be found HERE Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com NEW ALBUM OF THE SAME NAME IS OUT MAY 10TH - PRE-ORDER HERE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Biggest Takeaways:

    • Building a community is important when your raising your kids – especially when they’re teens.
    • You have to be intentional about building a community.
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    • Successful communities support each other and don’t keep score.


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