
    S10 Ep 383 Scared of the Farmer - Metal Detecting with David part 1

    enMarch 14, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Metal detecting in the rainDespite rainy conditions, metal detecting enthusiasts remained excited and found joy in their shared hobby and the discovery of new treasures.

      The speakers were looking forward to their metal detecting adventure, but the heavy rain posed a challenge. Despite the inconvenience, they remained excited about the hobby and found joy in sharing their experiences with each other and their audience. They joked about making metal detecting as popular as parenting and expressed their enthusiasm for discovering new things. The rain even sparked some humor as they joked about ruining the moment by sharing it with others. Ultimately, they embraced the journey and looked forward to more adventures in the future. The conversation showcased their shared passion and the joy they found in their simple hobby, even in the face of adversity.

    • Planning a Metal Detecting Outing: Overcoming Challenges and Exploring New TechnologyDetermination and adaptability are key to overcoming challenges and achieving one's goals, even when facing objections and setbacks. Considering new technology can enhance and expand hobbies.

      The speakers in this conversation are planning a metal detecting outing, but face various challenges and objections along the way. Despite these setbacks, they remain determined to go through with their plans and even consider expanding their hobby with new technology. The conversation takes place as they drive around their area, trying to secure permission to detect on private land. They discuss their previous experiences, including the weather and Naomi's past feelings of being stuck in their current location. The speakers also touch on their acting roles and the importance of being together as a family. Naomi expresses her apprehension about the idea of metal detecting, but the speaker reassures her that it would just be a slow walk with a big machine. They also discuss the possibility of buying a drone to enhance their hobby. Throughout the conversation, the speakers' determination and excitement for their plans shine through, despite the challenges they face. They remain optimistic and committed to their plans, demonstrating the importance of perseverance and adaptability in achieving one's goals.

    • Observing others can lead to insightful reflectionsReflecting on others' behaviors can reveal personal patterns and prompt self-awareness, leading to improved relationships and actions.

      Observing others can lead to interesting reflections on our own behaviors and experiences. During a recent encounter with a family using a drone, the speaker was struck by the dynamic between the family members and felt a pang of guilt over his own past actions. This observation sparked a deeper reflection on his tendency to take control of situations and consider the impact of his actions on others. The conversation also touched upon the speakers past experiences with farms and interactions with farmers, leading to a discussion about communication and assertiveness. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of self-awareness and the impact of our actions on those around us.

    • Asking for permission leads to unexpected discoveriesApproaching new situations with boldness and a positive attitude can lead to unexpected opportunities and positive outcomes.

      Communication and asking for help can lead to unexpected opportunities and positive outcomes. In this discussion, the speaker's wife, Naomi, was able to approach a farmer and ask permission for metal detecting on their land, leading to a successful interaction and a new discovery. The speaker was initially hesitant and even asked others to do the asking, but in the end, he appreciated Naomi's boldness and the positive response they received. This experience reminded the speaker of the importance of asking and engaging with others, even if it may initially seem daunting or uncomfortable. It also highlights the potential benefits of taking the initiative and approaching new situations with a positive attitude.

    • Assumptions can lead to misunderstandingsAvoid jumping to conclusions and seek clarification to prevent unnecessary anxiety and misunderstandings.

      Assumptions can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary complications. In the discussion, the speaker's initial assumption about a woman in a barn led to confusion and fear, causing them to stay in the car while the rest of their family went to speak with the farmer. However, it was later revealed that the woman's actions were harmless, and the laughter heard through the hedges was simply the farmer and his wife enjoying themselves. The speaker's fear and assumption caused unnecessary anxiety and prevented them from fully engaging in the experience with their family. This story highlights the importance of asking questions and seeking clarification rather than jumping to conclusions based on limited information. Additionally, the passage demonstrates the complexities and uncertainties that can arise from seemingly simple situations, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and a sense of humor in navigating life's challenges.

    • Exploring new things, no matter the ageRegardless of age, there's always more to discover and explore, and the joy of the unknown can be as thrilling as childhood.

      Age is just a number, and the excitement for discovery and exploration knows no bounds, regardless of how old you are. The speaker, reflecting on an experience with a friend, shares how they found joy in exploring a new field, reminiscing about the simple pleasures of childhood and the thrill of the unknown. The age of the man in the cafe, 75, served as a reminder that there's always more to discover and experience, no matter what stage of life you're in. The conversation also touched upon the importance of being a responsible and respectful visitor to new places, ensuring that the environment is preserved for others to enjoy. The speaker's enthusiasm was infectious, and the idea of having a vast canvas to explore, filled with potential treasures, resonated with the idea of embracing the present and making the most of every moment. Age, it seems, is no barrier to curiosity and adventure.

    • Discovering hidden treasures with a metal detectorUsing a metal detector can lead to exciting finds and a sense of accomplishment, even in unexpected places. Proper equipment and patience are essential for successful discoveries.

      The use of a metal detector can lead to an exciting experience, even in unexpected places, as it reveals hidden treasures or objects. During the conversation, the speakers discussed their experience using a metal detector, sharing stories of their findings and the enjoyment they derived from the activity. They noted that the metal detector beeped consistently within a 20-foot radius, and digging in those areas led to discoveries. Though the process could be time-consuming and challenging, the sense of accomplishment and the thrill of the discovery made it worthwhile. The speakers also mentioned the importance of having the right equipment, such as a more specific metal detector, to increase the chances of successful finds. Overall, the conversation highlighted the enjoyment and satisfaction that can come from using a metal detector and the sense of adventure it brings.

    • Unearthing a Mysterious Hay Rake TineThrough the discovery of a rusty hay rake tine, the group learned the importance of taking time for oneself, clear communication, and embracing the unknown with curiosity.

      During a dig, an unexpected discovery was made: a rusty hay rake tine. The discovery was made using a machine that measured the depth below the lid. The group was unsure of the purpose or value of the find, with some believing it to be a part of a small fence or a tool for raking up hay. Despite the uncertainty, the group found joy in the discovery and the learning process. The conversation around the find revealed a few key points. First, it seems that both parties had been working too closely together and could benefit from some time apart. Second, the group encountered some communication issues, with one member not fully understanding instructions and another feeling overwhelmed. Third, the group demonstrated a willingness to learn and engage with each other, even when faced with unfamiliar terms and concepts. The hay rake tine itself was a mystery, with the group unsure of its century or exact purpose. They speculated that it might be used for fencing or raking up hay, and were able to find some context by looking up the price of new ones online. Despite the uncertainty, the group found joy in the discovery and the learning process, demonstrating the importance of curiosity and a willingness to explore new things. In summary, the discovery of the hay rake tine served as a reminder to take time for oneself, communicate clearly, and embrace the unknown with curiosity and a sense of adventure.

    • The joy of metal detecting goes beyond the findsMetal detecting offers peace, adventure, and bonding in nature, making it a worthwhile hobby despite equipment costs

      The joy of treasure hunting with metal detectors goes beyond the monetary value of the finds. The experience of being in nature, the silence, and the sense of adventure bring immense pleasure and relaxation. The cost of equipment like a hayrake, a metal detector, and a pinpointer can be significant, but the enjoyment and satisfaction they provide to the whole family make it worthwhile. The imagery of peaceful walks in the fields, away from the noise and distractions of everyday life, paints a picture of tranquility and contentment. The anticipation of discovering hidden treasures adds to the excitement and sense of achievement. The community of metal detecting enthusiasts also adds to the experience, with shared knowledge and camaraderie. Overall, the combination of the thrill of the hunt, the beauty of nature, and the bonding experience with family and friends makes metal detecting a worthwhile and enjoyable hobby.

    • Finding joy in the journey of metal detectingIncorporate enthusiasm and joy into creative pursuits, sharing experiences with loved ones can enhance the enjoyment.

      Enjoying the process is crucial in any creative pursuit. The speaker was inspired by a treasure hunter who found joy in every step of his search, whether it was in the field or in his office. The hunter's unique approach, which included disappearing acts and Star Trek references, added energy to his vlog. Although he only found one Roman coin in a massive field, the experience was worth it to him. The speaker suggested creating a family metal detecting YouTube channel, emphasizing the importance of sharing passions with loved ones. Overall, the speaker's admiration for the treasure hunter's enthusiasm underscores the importance of finding joy in the journey, not just the destination.

    • Balancing Creativity and Legal Considerations in YouTube ContentCreating YouTube content can bring joy and community, but also involves managing potential legal issues and negotiations for monetization.

      Creating content, especially on YouTube, can be an enjoyable experience, but it's important to consider the potential costs and consequences. The speaker in this conversation expresses his love for making videos about metal detecting in the countryside, but he also discusses the potential legal issues that could arise if he monetizes his channel and someone, like a landowner, demands a significant portion of the revenue. He also shares his enthusiasm for the community aspect of the channel, as well as the anticipation of new experiences and discoveries with each video. However, he acknowledges that these joys come with the responsibility of managing potential challenges and negotiations. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of balancing the creative process with the practical considerations of monetization and potential legal complications.

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    “The 70s are where everything changed and fashion became what we know today”


    “Belts were the handbags of today, every season they changed shape”


    “That was crippling none of us had experienced anything like it before”


    “How do I maintain control?”


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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