
    Why Aren't You TRYING Different Things?

    enNovember 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring new interests leads to personal growthWilliam H. Macy's journey from acting to distilling highlights the importance of curiosity, adaptability, and having a multi-dimensional life.

      Curiosity and having a multi-dimensional life are underrated human traits. William H. Macy, a respected actor and entrepreneur, shares his experiences and encourages exploring new interests. He started a distillery with friends as a new venture, demonstrating that even successful people can have diverse passions. Attention is a valuable asset, and the ability to adapt and learn new things, especially in today's world, is essential. Macy's presence on the podcast also highlights the importance of having a well-rounded life and being open to new experiences. Curiosity and having various interests can lead to personal growth and happiness.

    • Discovering permission points leads to unexpected successesRecognizing and capitalizing on permission points can lead to high-quality products, awards, and industry recognition. Stay curious and open to new opportunities.

      Giving permission and seizing opportunities can lead to unexpected successes. The speakers shared their experience of starting a potato vodka business, which began with discovering the valley's abundant potato production and receiving permission from a neighbor to use their land. This permission point opened the door to creating high-quality spirits, which eventually led to awards and recognition. The speakers also discussed the comeback of brown goods, or spirits like whiskey and rum, in the modern era, highlighting the importance of staying curious and open to new opportunities. Additionally, they touched upon the evolution of the entertainment industry, noting how social media has changed the way people can gain exposure and build careers. Overall, the discussion emphasized the significance of recognizing and capitalizing on permission points and staying adaptable to industry trends.

    • The Essence of Craft in a Changing WorldThe fundamentals of craft remain essential despite the shift towards digital platforms for sharing and consuming content. Dedication, mastery, and the human touch are still vital elements.

      The craft of creating and performing, be it acting or distilling, remains essential, but the platform for sharing that craft has drastically changed. Social media has transformed the way content is consumed and distributed, with the potential for viral success now a reality for anyone. However, the fundamentals of the craft itself have not changed, and the process of perfecting that craft, whether it's distilling spirits or performing, still requires dedication and mastery. The advancements in science have made it harder to make mistakes in the production of beverages, but the artistry and human touch remain crucial elements. In the end, it's about finding the balance between the old and the new, the art and the science.

    • From Scotch to Rye: The Founder's Whiskey EvolutionThe founder's passion for Scotch in youth evolved into a focus on rye whiskey for his signature spirit at Woody Creek Distillers, a small family business prioritizing quality over trends.

      The founder of Woody Creek Distillers, despite growing up in a region known for rye whiskey and having parents who preferred it, developed a passion for Scotch whiskeys in his youth. However, when he joined the distillery in his twenties, he rediscovered his love for rye and made it the focus of his signature whiskey. The distillery, being a small family business, prioritizes creating the best spirits possible, rather than being driven by consumer trends or focus groups. The founder also shared his current preferences for non-alcoholic beverages, including tea, coffee, and water, expressing a deep appreciation for the unique characteristics of each. He also drew parallels between coffee and wine, emphasizing the importance of understanding the origin and terroir of coffee beans, much like wine grapes. The founder's dedication to his craft and his passion for whiskey, combined with the family-oriented and artisanal approach of Woody Creek Distillers, sets it apart from larger, more commercialized distilleries.

    • Explore and Appreciate the Nuances of BeveragesExplore different beverages, find favorites, but also try new things to broaden horizons and deepen appreciation. Keep an open mind and enjoy the discovery process.

      Developing a refined palate and appreciating the nuances of various beverages, whether it's wine, whiskey, coffee, or water, is a personal and enjoyable journey. It's important to explore different options, find your favorites, but also mix it up to broaden your horizons and deepen your appreciation. Intimidation and pretentiousness can hinder the experience, so don't be afraid to try new things and trust your own preferences, even if you don't have the words to describe them yet. The key is to keep an open mind and enjoy the process of discovery.

    • Embrace the Oysters Thesis: Try New ThingsExpand your horizons by trying new things, even if they initially seem unappealing or unfamiliar, as you might discover hidden gems and new favorites.

      Exploring new things and being curious can lead to discovering hidden gems and expanding one's horizons. Using the analogy of oysters, many people claim they don't like them without ever trying. The same can be applied to various products, such as gin or even types of alcohol. It's essential to step out of our comfort zones and give new things a chance, even if they initially seem unappealing or unfamiliar. The world is full of diverse experiences and flavors, and we might miss out on something wonderful if we don't take the time to explore and be curious. So, the next time you're hesitant to try something new, remember the oysters thesis – you might just discover a new favorite.

    • Exploring new experiences through food, drinks, and passionsCuriosity and passion lead to discovering new experiences and appreciating the details that make each unique, like the ice in a drink or high-quality tonic water.

      Curiosity and exploration are essential for discovering new experiences, whether it's through food, drinks, or other passions. The speaker's obsession with escargot and gin, as well as his appreciation for high-quality tonic water, highlights the importance of expanding one's horizons and trying new things. The speaker also emphasizes the significance of the core components of these experiences, such as the ice in a drink or the water used to make a spirit. He encourages seeking out the best quality versions of these components to enhance the overall experience. Ultimately, the speaker's curiosity and passion for these things serve as an inspiration to try new things and appreciate the details that make each experience unique.

    • Navigating complex liquor laws and competitive markets in the craft liquor industryGrowing a successful craft liquor brand involves strategic sales, marketing, and partnerships, focusing on both on-premise and off-premise sales, and a commitment to product quality and consumer trial, despite challenges from the pandemic and complex liquor laws.

      Building a successful craft liquor brand involves navigating complex liquor laws and competitive markets. The speaker, who runs a craft liquor company, discussed how they have grown to be in 24 states and how they focus on both on-premise sales (restaurants, bars) and off-premise sales (liquor stores). The pandemic presented challenges, particularly for on-premise sales, but they have also seen growth in direct-to-consumer sales. The biggest markets for their business are Colorado, California, Texas, and Illinois. The speaker also highlighted the challenge of working with wholesalers, explaining that larger wholesalers may not give enough attention to smaller brands, while smaller wholesalers may not have the reach. The speaker emphasized the importance of finding the right partners who care about the brand and have the ability to get it into key accounts. Overall, success in the craft liquor industry requires a strategic approach to sales, marketing, and partnerships, as well as a focus on product quality and consumer trial.

    • Discovering Unique Blends at Woody Creek DistillersWoody Creek Distillers in Colorado creates premium spirits using local ingredients and craft methods. Each barrel yields only 40 cases, highlighting the importance of barrel selection. Authentic marketing showcases dedication to craft. Bourbon, rye, and more are reasonably priced.

      The Woody Creek Distillers, located in Colorado, produce high-quality spirits using local ingredients and a craft approach. The discussion highlighted the importance of selecting specific barrels to create unique blends, with each barrel yielding only about 40 cases. The distillery's marketing, including social media presence, plays a role in showcasing the brand's authenticity and dedication to their craft. The spirits, including bourbon and rye, are reasonably priced considering their premium quality. The distillery will be attending Whiskey Fest in New York on Thursday for those interested in tasting their offerings. To learn more or purchase their spirits, visit woodycreekdistillers.com.

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