
    Podcast Summary

    • Dungeons and Daddies Live Tour and Other AnnouncementsThe podcast is touring Midwest and East Coast cities this summer, listeners can access physicians online for weight loss meds, a fee-free bank offers overdraft protection, and a genetically engineered probiotic drink can help reduce alcohol's negative effects with a discount code.

      The Dungeons and Daddies podcast is embarking on a live tour named "The Areas Tour" this summer, covering Midwest and East Coast states. They'll be visiting cities like Saint Paul, Milwaukee, Chicago, and more. Meanwhile, PlushCare offers online access to board-certified physicians who can prescribe weight loss medications. Chime is a financial institution with no monthly or maintenance fees, and offers overdraft protection up to $200. Lastly, Z Biotics is a genetically engineered probiotic drink that can help reduce the negative effects of alcohol consumption. Listeners can get 15% off their first order using the code "dungeons" on zbiotics.com.

    • Teenagers on a mission to save their fathers in an alternate worldA group of teenagers, including Taylor Swift's character, embark on a journey to save their fathers in a strange new world, using creativity, teamwork, and coping mechanisms to navigate the challenges of growing up and the dangers they face.

      A group of teenagers from our world have found themselves in an alternate world, where their fathers had previously battled against a mysterious entity called the doodler. The teenagers, who include Taylor Swift's character, a ranger with an anime obsession, and Lincoln Lee Wilson, a protective paladin, are on a mission to save their fathers and return to their own world. Taylor's plan involves creating a story inspired by Hayao Miyazaki's Totoro, with a focus on sound and silence as a source of comfort for Lincoln. Meanwhile, Will Campos' character, Normal Oak, is feeling left out and is trying to impress his friends by getting a Laffy Taffy joke published. The group's journey is filled with uncertainty and danger, leaving many concerned about the consequences of their actions. The teens must navigate this strange new world and find a way to save their fathers, all while dealing with the challenges and pressures of growing up.

    • Discovering the 'Forgotten Realms' and encountering a warlockEmbrace ordinary passions, they can lead to extraordinary experiences. Even in strange worlds, common things bring people together.

      The world we know as reality may not be what it seems, and people's passions, no matter how seemingly ordinary, can lead to extraordinary experiences. During their investigation, the group discovered that their Earth was known as the "forgotten realms" to others, and their father's decision to move to this alternate reality was a means of avoiding the influence of the "doodlers." They also encountered a warlock named Willie Stampler, who was Scary Marlowe's patron. After debating what to do with him, he disappeared. The group then decided to follow their fathers through the Amigar Fault door to the other dimension, only to find that it was completely dark due to the absence of stars. Throughout their journey, they were reminded that even the most ordinary things, like Laffy Taffy or baseball, can bring people together and make memories, no matter how fleeting. It's important to embrace these moments and not be ashamed of our passions, no matter how "uncool" they may seem to others.

    • Stranded in a Hostile WorldCharacters must rely on their knowledge and resources to survive and find a way back home in a new, unfamiliar world. Adaptation and communication with loved ones are key.

      The world the characters have found themselves in is vastly different from their own, and they are completely isolated and alone in this new realm. Despite the uncertainty and fear, they must use their knowledge and resources from their own world to survive and find a way back to their loved ones. The size and presence of the "doodler" or portal has drastically changed their surroundings, leaving them in a dark and unfamiliar place. The characters are faced with the harsh reality of being stranded in a hostile world, and must rely on each other and their quick thinking to navigate this new terrain. It's important to note that this new realm may have different rules and limitations, and the characters must adapt to survive. Additionally, communication with their loved ones in their original world is crucial, as they may hold important information or clues to help the characters find their way back home.

    • Clear communication essential for strong relationshipsMisunderstandings and anxiety can be avoided by keeping communication lines open and clarifying any misunderstandings

      Communication is key in maintaining relationships. In the discussion, we heard a mother expressing her concern and confusion after discovering her son had run away without informing her. The son, on the other hand, was on a field trip without access to communication. Both parties assumed the other was ignoring them, leading to misunderstandings and worry. If they had kept the lines of communication open, they could have avoided the confusion and anxiety. It's important to remember that clear and consistent communication is essential in building and maintaining strong relationships. Additionally, it's crucial to understand that everyone makes mistakes and forgets things from time to time. Instead of jumping to conclusions, it's essential to check in and ask questions to clarify any misunderstandings.

    • Creatively Deceiving Parents with Fake Social Media UpdatesTeens can be resourceful and determined to keep secrets, but deceiving parents comes with risks and potential consequences.

      In order to deceive their parents about their whereabouts, the group came up with a creative plan involving fake social media updates and pictures. They enlisted the help of a friend, May Hales, to execute the plan by managing their accounts and creating convincing content. They also took precautions to ensure their social media passwords were not compromised. The group's ability to think quickly and creatively under pressure demonstrates their resourcefulness and determination to keep their secret. However, it also highlights the potential risks and consequences of deceiving parents and the lengths some may go to maintain their freedom.

    • Exploring the Best of Pornhub and Discovering Innovative SolutionsRegularly visit Pornhub's new and trending page to discover quality content, prioritize effective budgeting with Chime, and consider Pretty Litter for innovative kitty litter solutions.

      To discover the best content on Pornhub, users need to regularly visit the new and trending page, despite having to sift through a significant amount of unwanted content. Another key takeaway is the importance of budgeting and saving, as emphasized by Chime's motivational message. Chime offers features like fee-free overdraft and early direct deposits, making it a financial institution that prioritizes its customers' needs. Lastly, Pretty Litter was introduced as an innovative kitty litter that not only effectively traps odors but also offers a visual experience by changing color based on cat urine, potentially indicating health issues. Overall, the discussion touched on various topics, including Pornhub, Chime, and Pretty Litter, highlighting the importance of persistence in discovering quality content, effective budgeting, and innovative solutions for everyday needs.

    • Misunderstanding caused by lack of communicationClear communication and trust are essential for handling unexpected situations, even when dealing with unknown circumstances.

      Communication and trust are crucial when dealing with unexpected situations. In the conversation, two individuals were trying to send supplies through a mysterious portal. One of them, in an attempt to be helpful, threw a gun into the portal without considering the potential consequences. This action caused confusion and fear for the other person, highlighting the importance of clear communication and asking for permission before taking actions. Despite the initial misunderstanding, they continued to communicate and eventually figured out how to use the portal effectively to send supplies back and forth. It's important to remember that even in unusual circumstances, maintaining open lines of communication and trust can help resolve issues and ensure safety.

    • Time travel with Lunchables: Plan and prepare for the unexpectedCareful planning, preparation, and adaptability are essential when time traveling through a portal using Lunchables as a tool. Bring necessary supplies, coordinate with team, consider differences in target world, and be cautious of dangers.

      Time travel through a mysterious portal using Lunchables as a makeshift tool comes with unexpected consequences. The travelers discovered that they could only be away for a couple of weeks before returning, but they would also age and be stuck in a "bottle episode" situation with limited resources. It's essential to plan and prepare for the journey by bringing necessary supplies, such as food and blankets, and considering the potential differences in the target world. Additionally, communication and coordination with the team are crucial to ensure a successful and efficient journey. The travelers also learned that the portal's polarity might affect the ease of use on each end, and they should be cautious of potential dangers, such as hostile creatures and unfamiliar environments. Overall, time travel through a portal using Lunchables as a tool requires careful planning, preparation, and adaptability to the unknown.

    • Encountering Intimidating FoesPreparation and adaptability are crucial in combat situations as foes can be intimidating and unpredictable, weapons may malfunction, and combat outcomes are not always certain.

      The group encountered three men who were preparing to extract a substance from a trapped, unhappy-looking severed head. When they were threatened with intimidation, the men were intimidated but didn't drop their weapons. The group attempted to engage in combat, but weapons got stuck or misfired. Eventually, they managed to take down one of the men using a combination of a melee attack and a powerful spell, but the other two escaped. The group was left with the head and the remaining man's weapons, including a gun that was initially overlooked. The encounter was a reminder of the importance of being prepared and the unpredictability of combat situations.

    • Player's vulnerable position despite intimidation and weaponsIntimidation and weapons don't guarantee control in a game; players must adapt quickly to changing situations.

      Despite using intimidation and even firing a gun in the previous turn, the player found themselves in a vulnerable position against their opponents. They tried using sanctuary to gain an advantage, but it didn't work as planned. Instead, one opponent successfully attacked, and the player was subjected to a painful but painless needle attack. The opponent also attempted to extract the player's happiest memory using a syringe. The player's past memories came close to being taken, and the initiative returned to the opponents. The player then tried to jump kick the needle, but it was unclear if they would be successful. Overall, the situation showed that even with intimidation and weapons, the players were not always in control and needed to adapt quickly to the situation.

    • Miscasting a spell leads to unintended consequencesClear communication and careful consideration are crucial before using powerful abilities in D&D.

      In a D&D-style role-playing scenario, a powerful magic user's attack can have unintended and devastating consequences. In this particular instance, a character named Taylor, who was attempting to extract memories from an enemy, accidentally cast a fireball spell instead, resulting in the death of several smiling men and leaving another character, Normal, in critical condition. The unexpected turn of events highlights the importance of clear communication and careful consideration before using powerful abilities. Additionally, the discussion showcases the use of various D&D mechanics, such as attack rolls, saving throws, and damage calculations, to determine the outcome of the encounter.

    • Discover thoughtful gifts and activities for mothers and kidsSave time and enjoy quality moments with engaging gifts like Aura frames and KiwiCo projects for mothers, and hands-on science and art projects for kids, using codes 'dungeons' and 'summerdaddies' respectively.

      There are thoughtful and engaging gifts and activities available for mothers and kids this season. For mothers, Aura frames offer a way to display cherished memories and bring joy. Listeners can save on this special gift by visiting auraframes.com and using the code "dungeons" at checkout. For kids, KiwiCo's Summer Adventure Series offers a range of hands-on science and art projects, encouraging exploration and learning outside. Parents can receive 20% off with the code "summerdaddies" at kiwico.com. Additionally, Pretty Litter offers a health monitoring litter to help detect early signs of illness in cats, potentially saving lives and money. In the discussion, there were references to various activities, from bike riding to KiwiCo projects. These activities can provide joy and learning experiences for both mothers and kids. For mothers, receiving and displaying photos of loved ones' activities can bring happiness. For kids, KiwiCo's projects offer a way to explore and learn outside, while avoiding excessive screen time. The discussion also highlighted the convenience of KiwiCo's offerings, as they provide pre-prepared materials and projects for parents to tackle with their kids. This can save time and effort for parents, allowing them to focus on enjoying the experience together. Overall, the key takeaway is that there are meaningful and engaging gifts and activities available for both mothers and kids this season, offering joy, learning, and quality time together.

    • Discovering New Abilities and Facing FearsWhile on a group adventure, Scary uncovers powerful healing and magical abilities, but fears his newfound strength. Norm receives a glowing gun, and the group encounters well-equipped survivors. They take a skull as a trophy and learn to rely on each other's unique abilities to face emotional and physical challenges.

      During a group adventure, Scary discovered he had powerful healing and magical abilities, but was also scared of his newfound strength. Norm, who was injured, received a glowing gun as a gift from Taylor. The group examined the remains of their attackers, who were revealed to be well-equipped survivors with a post-apocalyptic vibe. Scary identified the skull of their leader, who was once a wealthy man based on his arcana reading. The group decided to take the skull as a trophy and continue their journey. Throughout their adventure, the group faced both physical and emotional challenges, and they all learned to rely on each other's unique abilities and strengths. It's important for them to work together and rethink their group dynamic to make the most of their powers and face any future challenges that come their way.

    • Encounter with a terrifying creature in the skyGroup encounters a traumatic Cthulhu-like creature, leaving them all shaken and requiring Wisdom saves to maintain composure

      The group, while searching for their fathers, encountered a terrifying creature in the sky, which left them all traumatized. The creature, resembling Cthulhu, was extremely close and enormous in size. The group decided to avoid looking up at the sky and instead focused on finding their way to a nearby village, guided by a bright light they had seen earlier. The traumatic encounter left them all on edge, requiring them to make Wisdom saving throws to avoid losing their nerve whenever they faced danger. The group decided to huddle and discuss their next move, with Norm leading them towards the village.

    • Staying focused and alert in high-pressure situationsIn high-pressure situations, staying focused and alert is crucial. Failing to react quickly and effectively can lead to unexpected collisions or missed opportunities. Teamwork and adaptability are essential for overcoming challenges and working together effectively.

      Even in the heat of the moment, it's crucial to stay focused and aware of your surroundings. In this scenario, the team was so focused on chasing after their target that they failed to notice a car coming through a portal. Taylor, in particular, was so committed to his head-down running style that he didn't see the car and took the brunt of the impact. Herman, despite being a sidekick and supposedly there to protect, also missed the car and hit Taylor. The use of role-playing game mechanics, such as dexterity saving rolls, added a layer of excitement and unpredictability to the situation. However, it also highlighted the importance of quick thinking and adaptability. The team could have avoided the collision if they had reacted more quickly and effectively. Furthermore, the unexpected arrival of a familiar figure, Herman, added a new dimension to the situation. Despite the chaos, Herman remained calm and focused, providing valuable information and supplies to help the team. Overall, this scenario emphasizes the importance of staying alert and focused, even in high-pressure situations, and the value of having a team that can adapt and work together effectively.

    • A village of cannibalistic pizza makersDuring a DND session, the players encountered a village where the inhabitants appeared to be making pizzas, but in reality, they were consuming people. The players had to use their skills to navigate the situation and avoid becoming the next victims, showcasing the importance of teamwork, quick thinking, and perception in DND.

      During a DND session, the players found themselves chasing after a man named Normal, who had been transformed into a monster. While trying to apprehend him, they encountered a village where the inhabitants were making pizzas, but in a sinister way. The old man on the throne was consuming people and their screams were mistaken for the bubbling of the pizza. The players had to use their skills to navigate the situation and avoid being the next victims. Despite the terrifying scene, they managed to escape with their lives and continued their adventure. The session showcased the importance of teamwork, quick thinking, and perception in DND. It also highlighted the creativity of the DM in designing unique challenges for the players.

    • Join the Dungeons and Dads community for bonus content and perksListeners can access ad-free episodes, live events, art, behind-the-scenes content, and exclusive stories by supporting the podcast on Patreon for as little as $5 a month and joining the Discord community

      The "Dungeons and Dads" podcast community is rich and engaging, offering various perks for supporters on Patreon, including ad-free episodes, live events, stunning art, behind-the-scenes content, and exclusive stories. By joining the Patreon community at patreon.com/Dungeonsanddads, starting at just $5 a month, listeners can access this bonus content and become part of the vibrant Discord community. The podcast also has a website (dungeonsanddaddies.com), Twitter (@DungeonsandDads), and a subreddit (r/DungeonsandDads). The next episode will be released on Tuesday, August 9th. A key reminder from the hosts: always read the fine print to avoid any potential mishaps.

    Recent Episodes from Dungeons and Daddies

    S3 Ep. 5 - I, Robot?

    S3 Ep. 5 - I, Robot?

    The team splits like a buncha bowling pins. Trudy meets some like-minded individuals, Francis and Kelsey adopt unorthodox survival tactics, and Tony blunders into a favor.

    This episode contains Profanity, Violence, and Sexual Content.

    Support the show on Patreon!

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    Follow us on Twitter @dungeonsanddads!

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    DM is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Kelsey Grammar is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Francis Farnsworth is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Trudy Trout is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Tony Collette is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is by Maxton Waller

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merch Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our Transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Dungeons and Daddies
    enJuly 02, 2024

    S3 Ep. 4 – Peachyville Confidential

    S3 Ep. 4 – Peachyville Confidential

    Shocking secrets spill forth as Big Shane grills Kelsey, Trudy, and Tony about their ties to the Communist Party. Meanwhile, Francis remembers what it means to be a hero.

    This episode contains Profanity, Violence, and Sexual Content.

    Support the show on Patreon!

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    Follow us on Twitter @dungeonsanddads!

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    DM is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Kelsey Grammar is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Francis Farnsworth is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Trudy Trout is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Tony Collette is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is by Maxton Waller

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merch Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our Transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Dungeons and Daddies
    enJune 18, 2024

    S3 Ep. 3 – Panic! At The Drive-In

    S3 Ep. 3 – Panic! At The Drive-In

    Francis kisses and runs. Tony frightens the elderly. Kelsey lies to a cop. And Trudy swallows a long pointy object. Just another night at the movies!

    This episode contains Violence, Profanity, and Sexual Content

    Support the show on Patreon!

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    Follow us on Twitter @dungeonsanddads!

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    DM is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Kelsey Grammar is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Francis Farnsworth is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Trudy Trout is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Tony Collette is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is by Maxton Waller

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merch Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our Transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Dungeons and Daddies
    enJune 04, 2024

    S3 Ep. 2 – Some Like It Hot

    S3 Ep. 2 – Some Like It Hot

    Our heroes hatch a harebrained scheme to rescue Britannica that promptly goes up in flames...

    This episode contains Violence, Profanity, Sexual Content, and Suicide

    Support the show on Patreon!

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    Follow us on Twitter @dungeonsanddads!

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    DM is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Kelsey Grammar is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Francis Farnsworth is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Trudy Trout is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Tony Collette is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is by Maxton Waller

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merch Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our Transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Dungeons and Daddies
    enMay 21, 2024

    S3 Ep. 1 – Strangers on a Lane

    S3 Ep. 1 – Strangers on a Lane

    In a peachy little town, a pretty mid bowling team wins a deeply weird trophy…

    This episode contains violence, profanity, sexual content, drug / alcohol use, violence towards children

    Support the show on Patreon!

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    Follow us on Twitter @dungeonsanddads!

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    DM is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Kelsey Grammar is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Francis Farnsworth is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Trudy Trout is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Tony Collette is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is by Maxton Waller

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merch Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    BONUS: Kingdom Dad Monster - Ep. 1 - Founding Fathers

    BONUS: Kingdom Dad Monster - Ep. 1 - Founding Fathers

    Join us for a special Patreon bonus episode as we journey into the dark mysterious fantasy world of Kingdom Death Monster, a boutique settlement roleplaying miniatures game that Matt spent way too much money on. Four survivors awaken from their dreamless sleep, fight their first horrific monster, and start their first settlement in a desperate attempt to bring light to an infinite darkness. Check out the visuals for this episode here!

    CW: Violence, Profanity, Sexual Content

    Listen to all three Kingdom Dad Monster episodes on Patreon now by becoming a supporter!

    Check out our tour dates! The Areas Tour (ft. Taylor Swift) is coming to Saint Paul, MN, Milwaukee, WI, Chicago, IL, Indianapolis, IN , Detroit, MI, The Caverns in Pelham, TN, Atlanta, GA, New York, NY, Philadelphia, PA, and Boston, MA!

    Get merch and more at our website!

    Follow us on Twitter @dungeonsanddads!

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    All characters played by Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold), Will Campos (@willbcampos), Freddie Wong (@fwong), and Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merch Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our transcriber


    Get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact


    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Dungeons & Daddies: The Areas Tour

    Teen Talk (Season 2 After Show)

    Teen Talk (Season 2 After Show)

    Back for another special post-season after show, the Dad Crew sits down to talk through the season two finale, how it came together cleaner than the season one finale, the giant scissors Matt actually bought during the recording, and how the teenage motif fit into the pressure everyone felt after the first season.

    Plus composer Maxton Waller stops by to talk about the marching band version of the season two theme song and they answer some questions about the most memorable records and everyone's favorite intros from the second season.

    Thanks so much for listening and supporting us this season! Stay tuned for some very exciting new developments, including Will taking the DM reigns for a while!

    This episode contains Profanity.

    Support the show on Patreon! (You get access to this kind of after show every other week!)

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    DM is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Lincoln Li-Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Normal Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Scary Marlowe is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Taylor Swift is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is "On My Way" by Maxton Waller (maxtonwaller.bandcamp.com)

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merch Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    S2 Ep. 53 - Urination (Friends Forever)

    S2 Ep. 53 - Urination (Friends Forever)

    The finale.

    This episode contains Violence, Profanity, and Sexual Content.

    Support the show on Patreon!

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    DM is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Lincoln Li-Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Normal Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Scary Marlowe is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Taylor Swift is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is "On My Way" by Maxton Waller (maxtonwaller.bandcamp.com)

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merch Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    S2 Ep. 52 - Dood Riddance (Time of Your Life)

    S2 Ep. 52 - Dood Riddance (Time of Your Life)

    The teens say a goodbye to a friend, summon a powerful new ally, and cook up one last stupid scheme to stop Willie Stampler once and for all.

    This episode contains Profanity, Violence and Sexual Content.

    Support the show on Patreon!

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    Follow us on Twitter @dungeonsanddads!

    Check out the subreddit!

    DM is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Lincoln Li-Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Normal Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Scary Marlowe is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Taylor Swift is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is "On My Way" by Maxton Waller

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merchandise Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Related Episodes

    Ep. 12 - A Tale of Two Daddies

    Ep. 12 - A Tale of Two Daddies

    Trapped in a witch's cottage, the dads face their greatest challenge yet. Glenn does some detective work, Henry reveals latent prejudices, Darryl finally unlocks an achievement, and Ron calls in the help of a friend.

    This episode contains profanity, violence, and sexual content.

    This episode contain

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    Project DADGUT is the group transcription project

    DM is Anthony Burch

    Darryl Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Henry Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Ron Stampler is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Glenn Close is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song by Maxton Waller

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep. 32 - Grilling In the Name Of

    Ep. 32 - Grilling In the Name Of

    The dads find themselves completely defenseless as an army of orcs close in around them.

    This episode contains profanity, violence, sexual content, drug/alcohol use, violence towards children, and body horror.

    Support the show on Patreon!

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    Project DADGUT is the group transcription project

    DM is Anthony Burch

    Darryl Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Henry Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Ron Stampler is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Glenn Close is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song by Maxton Waller

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    S2 Ep. 28 - King of the Hell

    S2 Ep. 28 - King of the Hell

    A family reunion, kind of, as the teens discover the source of the anchor in HELL!

    This episode contains Profanity, Violence, and Sexual Content.

    Support the show on Patreon!

    Get merch and more at our website!

    Follow us on Twitter @dungeonsanddads!

    Check out the subreddit!

    DM is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Lincoln Li-Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Normal Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Scary Marlowe is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Taylor Swift is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Jodie Foster is Jimmy Wong (@jfwong)

    Theme song is "On My Way" by Maxton Waller

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    S2 Ep. 44 - Atonyment

    S2 Ep. 44 - Atonyment

    The teens plan their next move while taking a moment to make amends.

    This episode contains Violence, Profanity, and Sexual Content.

    Support the show on Patreon!

    Get merch and more at our website!

    Follow us on Twitter @dungeonsanddads!

    Check out the subreddit!

    DM is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Lincoln Li-Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Normal Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Scary Marlowe is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Taylor Swift is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is "On My Way" by Maxton Waller

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    121: Helping Teams Do Their Best Work With Gustavo Razzetti

    121:  Helping Teams Do Their Best Work With Gustavo Razzetti

    In this episode, we welcome Gustavo Razzetti into the studio to discuss creating a Fearless Culture where people can do the best work of their lives.  Great work leads to happier people, both employees and customers.


    - Great CX is about understanding the right amount of "touch" to give - not too much and not too little



    - Culture is about behaviors and leaders must model those behaviors



    - Flexibility is key to employee satisfaction and creating a great workplace environment


    Learn more about Gustavo at https://www.fearlessculture.design/


    It's time for the great service comeback!


    Tony Johnson is a Customer Experience Expert, Keynote Speaker, and Author with a wide background including decades in retail and restaurants.  He regularly speaks and coaches organizations to IGNITE THEIR SERVICE using his common sense approach to Customer engagement.  Tony has spoken to government agencies and Fortune 500 companies to unlock their amazing capacity for excellence.


    Tony Johnson Customer Service Expert | Author | Trainer | Speaker


    Check out my FREE Resources and Training Tools:

    Web: https://www.igniteyourservice.com/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RecipeforserviceNet

    Twitter:  https://twitter.com/The_TonyJohnson

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/THE_TONYJOHNSON/

    Tik Tok:  https://vm.tiktok.com/owrTbL/

    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/tonyjohnsoncx/


    Music: http://www.bensound.com