
    S2 Ep 16: Chinese Soup & A Creepy Conman

    enOctober 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Science, Shopping, and FriendshipScientists study peanut butter cups, shoppers find deals, friends Tom and the unidentified speaker share their love for performing and Reese's cups on their podcast.

      Scientists are conducting experiments to determine if Reese's peanut butter cups are the perfect combination of peanut butter and chocolate, but they couldn't resist eating them all. Meanwhile, Mother's Day shoppers can find great deals and gifts at Whole Foods Market. In the world of music, two artists, known for their unique performances, have discovered that their friendship thrives best within the confines of their podcast. The artists, Tom and the unidentified speaker, shared their regrets about not performing new material at their recent gig and expressed their excitement about the energy they brought to the stage. Despite their anxiety and nerves before and after performances, they acknowledged the buzz they get from performing at the store. The episode also featured a humorous discussion about the use of the word "phlegm." Overall, the episode showcases the importance of friendship, the joy of performing, and the irresistible appeal of Reese's peanut butter cups and Whole Foods Market.

    • Tom's Complex Relationship with Fans and PerformersTom feels a strong sense of possessiveness towards his fans' admiration and discomfort when other performers receive accolades, leading to unusual encounters and added performance pressure.

      The speaker, Tom, has a complex relationship with his fans and other performers. He expresses a sense of possessiveness and discomfort when other acts receive accolades, preferring to be the sole focus of his fans' admiration. He even considers getting a tattoo to symbolize this. Tom shared an unusual encounter at a Chinese restaurant before a gig, where a stranger ordered the same meal as him and imitated his actions, making him feel uncomfortable. This incident added to the pressure he was feeling about the upcoming performance. Despite these challenges, Tom continues to perform and engage with his fans, even if it means sharing tables or dealing with unexpected imitators.

    • Encounter with a StrangerAn unfamiliar man paid for the speaker's meal, leaving them feeling uneasy and questioning the circumstances behind the encounter

      An unexpected encounter at a restaurant left the speaker feeling uneasy and confused. The man, who looked like Vin Diesel and seemed to know the speaker's name, kept insisting on paying for the speaker's meal despite their lack of prior acquaintance. The situation became more bizarre when the staff insisted that the speaker was the man's friend and demanded payment. The speaker was left questioning how the man had identified him and whether the encounter was a coincidence or orchestrated. The experience left the speaker feeling unsettled and confused.

    • First Impressions Can Be MisleadingStay open-minded and consider multiple perspectives before jumping to conclusions based on limited information.

      First impressions can be confusing and sometimes misleading. In the discussed situation, the speaker was unsure if a man's repeated acknowledgements of his name were friendly or a potential grift. The man's constant focus on the speaker was unsettling, but it could have been due to various reasons such as admiration or even bullying. The lack of a conversational exchange made the situation more peculiar. Ultimately, it's essential to consider multiple perspectives and not jump to conclusions based on limited information. The man's intentions were unclear, and it's possible that he simply wanted to engage with someone he found interesting. The incident serves as a reminder to stay open-minded and not let our imaginations run away with us.

    • Unexpected unpleasant encounters in public placesBe aware of surroundings and protect oneself from opportunistic individuals in public places

      Sometimes, encounters in public places can lead to unexpected and unpleasant situations. In this discussion, a man recounted an experience at a restaurant where another diner took advantage of him, not only making him pay for their meals but also ruining his own. The man had a history with the restaurant and was looking forward to his meal before the incident. It seemed the other diner used intimidation tactics to manipulate the situation to his advantage. The man felt violated and angry, and even feared encountering the other diner again. The experience was a reminder that people can be opportunistic and take advantage of others, even in seemingly innocent situations. It's important to be aware of our surroundings and protect ourselves from such encounters.

    • Online harassment and bullying's impact on individualsEmpathy and positivity are crucial when dealing with online harassment and bullying. Maintain a positive attitude and show compassion towards others, even when faced with negativity.

      Online harassment and bullying can have profound effects on individuals, and it's essential to approach such situations with empathy and understanding. The speaker shared an experience where someone made a vicious comment about her eye, which led to a Twitter exchange. She was concerned about the perpetrator's potential reaction to being outed and wondered if he might take pleasure in the situation. The speaker also mentioned receiving support from her listeners during a previous controversy, for which she expressed her gratitude. Additionally, she shared an incident where she was called stupid on Twitter and chose to respond with positivity instead of engaging in a heated exchange. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and showing compassion towards others, even in the face of online negativity.

    • Twitter interaction leads to heated exchangeConsider the impact of words online, be mindful of tone and context, and strive for kindness and understanding.

      Our words and actions, especially online, have consequences. A Twitter interaction between two individuals led to a heated exchange, with one person making insensitive comments about the other's intelligence and mental health advocacy. The incident left the recipient feeling angry and disrespected, despite the initial intent being to be funny. The incident highlights the importance of considering the impact of our words on others and being mindful of the tone and context of our communication. The exchange also touched on the sensitive topic of dyslexia and the impact of past experiences and self-defense mechanisms on how we respond to criticism or jokes. Ultimately, it's crucial to be aware of the potential consequences of our words and actions, especially online, and to strive for kindness and understanding in our interactions with others.

    • Bullying and Recognizing KindnessBullying someone's vulnerabilities is not acceptable. Appreciate genuine compliments and kind gestures, no matter how small. Learn from animals' resilience and determination to be kind and empathetic.

      Bullying, especially when it comes to someone's vulnerabilities, is not acceptable behavior. This was the main topic of a conversation between two individuals, where one expressed their disapproval towards another's habit of making jokes about a particular vulnerability. The speaker believed that this behavior was a form of bullying and made the person feel worse about themselves. The conversation also touched upon the importance of recognizing and appreciating genuine compliments and kind gestures, no matter how small they may seem. An example of this was a stranger on a train who approached the speaker with genuine admiration and even gave him a sugar waffle as a token of appreciation. The speaker also shared an inspiring story about a dog named Pip, which highlighted the resilience and determination of animals, and how they can teach us valuable lessons about life. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of kindness, empathy, and recognizing the value of genuine interactions.

    • The inspiring journey of Pip, the lost dog, and the power of instinct and determinationThe story of Pip, a lost dog, highlights the power of instinct and determination in navigating unfamiliar territory and finding one's way home. Films, particularly Pixar movies, can also serve as sources of comfort and inspiration, bringing joy and relaxation during downtime.

      The story of Pip, the dog who found his way back home despite being lost in unfamiliar territory, serves as an inspiring reminder of the power of instinct and determination. Pip's journey, which took him across bridges, past landmarks, and through busy streets, showcases his incredible ability to navigate his surroundings and find his way home. The discussion also touched upon the influence of films, particularly Pixar movies, as sources of comfort and inspiration. The speaker shared his personal connection to Pixar films, specifically Ratatouille, and how they bring him joy and relaxation during downtime. The conversation also included a brief mention of the film Toy Story, which explores the idea of toys coming to life when humans are not present. Overall, the discussion highlights the power of storytelling, whether it's through real-life experiences or fictional narratives, to inspire and entertain.

    • Authenticity in storytelling and lifeThe importance of staying true to oneself and valuing authenticity in storytelling and life experiences. Embrace voice and emotion to connect with audiences and loved ones.

      The importance of authenticity was emphasized in the conversation. The speaker expressed disappointment over the decision not to use Tim Allen's voice for a toy based on his character, and the significance of voice and authenticity in storytelling was highlighted. The speaker also shared a heartfelt experience of watching Frozen with their child and the emotional impact of the experience. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the challenges of balancing family needs and experiences at different age stages. Lastly, the speaker shared a personal story of going through a divorce and the importance of staying strong and moving forward.

    • Moving on from a friendshipSometimes, it's necessary to accept that a friendship has reached its end and focus on new opportunities, while maintaining respect and appreciation for the past.

      Sometimes, no matter how hard we try to maintain a friendship, especially in complex situations like post-divorce, it may be time to move on. Comparing it to reading a book, we might enjoy the story and the characters, but when the final chapter approaches, it's essential to accept that it's time to close the book and start a new one. This can be a challenging decision, especially when we've invested time and energy into the relationship. However, recognizing that we've grown and moved on, and that the other person may have as well, can help us make peace with the situation and focus on new opportunities. It's crucial to prioritize our time and energy and be open to new connections while still maintaining respect and appreciation for the past.

    • Maintaining friendships after a breakupRespecting others' choices and being mindful of our actions and reactions towards them are crucial in maintaining friendships after a breakup.

      Maintaining a friendship after a breakup can be challenging and often out of one's control. While it may be difficult to accept, adults make their own choices, and sometimes, despite our desires, we cannot force someone to maintain a relationship that they no longer want. In a different context, Bograt shared an experience of encountering an unpleasant smell at the local Lidl store. Tom, who has not had this experience, acknowledged the issue and suggested that addressing the situation delicately could be the best approach to avoid causing offense. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of respecting others' choices and being mindful of our actions and reactions towards them.

    • Open communication about personal hygieneBe aware of personal hygiene and communicate openly about any issues to maintain a comfortable and respectful friendship

      Open and honest communication about personal hygiene is important in maintaining a strong friendship. The speaker shared an experience of encountering someone with a strong body odor in a supermarket, raising concerns about their hygiene and suitability to handle food. In a similar situation, if the speaker were to meet a friend in person and found themselves smelling, they suggested a subtle way to address the issue by smelling their armpits together in an enclosed space, such as a lift. This conversation also revealed that the speaker does not use deodorant and has had instances of not realizing they had body odor. The conversation underscores the importance of being aware of personal hygiene and being open about addressing any issues to maintain a comfortable and respectful friendship.

    • Long hours of travel and unpleasant experiencesStarting comedians face challenging experiences, including long hours of travel and dealing with unpleasant situations, which test their self-esteem and resilience but are part of the journey in pursuing a career in comedy.

      Starting comedians often face challenging experiences during their early careers, including long hours of travel to perform at gigs and dealing with unpleasant situations on public transportation. The speaker shared a personal experience of being seated next to a particularly smelly person on a coach journey back from a gig, which added to the discomfort and anxiety of already long hours spent traveling. These experiences can test their self-esteem and resilience, but they are part of the journey in pursuing a career in comedy. The speaker also reflected on the irony of investing so much time and effort into a short performance, and the surreal nature of enduring long hours of travel for a brief moment on stage.

    • Discussing bathroom habits and open communication in relationshipsEffective communication and understanding are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships, even in seemingly trivial matters.

      The podcast "Wolf's Den" not only provides entertainment and discussion topics, but also serves as a source of inspiration in various aspects of life. Listeners have found value in the hosts' conversations about fitness and fashion. However, during a recent discussion, a listener shared a personal dilemma about her husband's bathroom habits and his preference for standing while wiping. The hosts weighed in on the topic, sharing their own preferences and experiences. Despite the seemingly trivial nature of the topic, the conversation highlighted the importance of open communication and understanding in relationships. Additionally, the listener expressed a concern about the cost of toilet paper in the current economic climate, leading to a discussion about the most efficient way to wipe. Overall, the podcast continues to offer a unique blend of humor, insight, and relatability.

    • Considering cost and environment in daily habitsDiscussed the need to prioritize cost and environment in daily habits, including the use of advanced bathroom technologies and considering the long-term impact of biodegradable wipes.

      The cost of living and environmental concerns, such as clogged sewers from excessive toilet paper use, should be prioritized alongside current global issues. The speaker expresses a desire for more advanced bathroom technologies, like Japanese toilets with cleansing functions, to address concerns with traditional methods of wiping and rinsing. The speaker also shares their personal preference for rinsing and using biodegradable wipes, but acknowledges concerns about their environmental impact. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of considering long-term environmental implications in our daily habits.

    • Appreciating the Present and Unexpected ExperiencesEnjoy the present moment and cherish small pleasures, as they might be more satisfying than dreams or aspirations. Be open to unexpected experiences.

      Sometimes our expectations and fantasies about things can be different from reality. Gary Neville, for instance, is admired for his expertise and work ethic, but when it comes to personal habits, he might not meet our expectations. Similarly, Damien the field mouse's longing for the cheese turned out to be a disappointing experience when he discovered it was actually butter. The moral of the story is to enjoy the present moment and cherish the small pleasures in life, as they might turn out to be more satisfying than our grand dreams or aspirations. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the topic of personal comfort and preferences, with the speakers sharing their quirks about sitting or squatting. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of appreciating the present and being open to unexpected experiences.

    • A heartfelt choice for a podcast's ending songAnna chose 'Set Adrift on Memory Bliss' by PM Dawn for the podcast's ending song, sparking a discussion about the controversy surrounding the song and KRS-One's performance.

      During the latest episode of The Wolf and The Owl podcast, Anna Sheldrake shared her choice for the song to end the show with - "Set Adrift on Memory Bliss" by PM Dawn. Anna explained that it's a song about love, and she felt drawn to it. Tom, the host, interjected to request playing "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley instead, but Anna graciously allowed him to make the decision. The song "Set Adrift on Memory Bliss" gained popularity due to a controversy where KRS-One criticized PM Dawn for being too poppy in hip hop. This led to PM Dawn leaving the stage and KRS-One performing the song himself. The podcast hosts expressed their admiration for Anna's selection and wrapped up the episode with a heartfelt thank you to their listeners.

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    Raw and Refreshing Advice on Navigating Anxiety, Insecurity, Popularity, & Peer Pressure in Your Teenage and 20-Something Years

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    So, in this episode, I have a pile of your questions in front of me as my son, Oakley, and I go through them rapid-fire style, so you get both of our perspectives on the topics everyone worries about but is too afraid to talk about.

    I have to say, Oakley really showed up for this conversation for you. He has hilarious and heartfelt thoughts on topics he has first-hand experience with. 

    We cover it all. From academic pressure to body image to bullying, this conversation is full of tools and strategies and is raw, unfiltered, and filled with relatable stories (and only a few f-bombs).

    You will learn:

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    • (If you only get one thing from this episode, make it this…) How to encourage the young men in your life to open up.
    • The ONLY thing you need to do when your young adults come home in a bad mood.
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    • 3 smart strategies to use when your child is getting bullied that will strengthen your bond with your kid.
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    • The must-use hacks for introverts who want to be more confident in school.
    • How to get your kid to do chores (and still like you).
    • Strategies for handling your kid’s anxiety without yelling or freaking out.
    • The best way to navigate curfews and late-night parties with your teen.


    I can’t wait for you to hear this. I loved the questions and the advice. And as a mom, I couldn’t be more proud of Oak for how much wisdom he shared.

    I’d love for you to listen with your teens and 20-somethings. In fact, at the end of the episode, Oakley gives specific advice (including exactly what to say) to get your kids to listen. 

    Xo, Mel


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    • 1:20: Why is it so hard to get my teen to open up to me?
    • 4:00: Your kids need quiet time at these two times of the day.
    • 7:22: Here’s what to say to start a conversation with your child.
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    • 26:00: Two best hacks for introverted teens everywhere.
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    • 49:40: I literally sat Oakley’s friends down and laid down two rules for hanging out.
    • 52:40: So how do you get your teen to listen to this interview?



    Want more resources? Go to my podcast resource page at melrobbins.com/podcast.




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    Does Nikki Haley Have a Shot, and Parenting and Friendship Tips, with David Sacks, and Megyn's Friends | Ep. 494

    Does Nikki Haley Have a Shot, and Parenting and Friendship Tips, with David Sacks, and Megyn's Friends | Ep. 494

    Megyn Kelly is joined by David Sacks, of the All-In Podcast and Craft Ventures, to talk about Nikki Haley declaring her candidacy for president, whether she has a shot at the GOP nomination, "The View" trashing her and other Republicans, the possibility that Vivek Ramaswamy will run, the coming Trump-DeSantis war, how DeSantis can attack Trump from the right, Dianne Feinstein announcing her retirement (but seemingly not being aware of it), and more. Then Megyn is joined by two of her best friends, Joelle Cosentino and Yael Denbo, to talk about parenting, bullying, the teen girl who was bullied in New Jersey and then committed suicide, the need to spy on your kids on social media, Harry and Meghan going to the coronation, Jane Fonda's female friendship tips, Megyn's NBC interview with Fonda, Real Housewives storylines, fun stories from their past experiences and friendship, and more.

    Sacks: http://www.craftventures.com/

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