
    Does Nikki Haley Have a Shot, and Parenting and Friendship Tips, with David Sacks, and Megyn's Friends | Ep. 494

    enFebruary 15, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Vivek Ramaswami's potential 2024 presidential bid and its challengesDespite Ramaswami's interest in running for president, his chances are low due to the crowded Republican field and Trump's strong base.

      Businessman Vivek Ramaswami, known for his criticism of "woke capitalism," has expressed interest in running for president in 2024. However, David Sachs, a venture capitalist and cohost of the All In podcast, believes Ramaswami has a low chance of winning due to the crowded Republican field. He suggests that for Trump to be defeated as the nominee, a single candidate needs to garner a majority of votes. With multiple candidates in the race, Trump's base is likely to remain loyal, making it harder for another candidate to emerge as a clear contender.

    • The 2024 Republican Primary: Haley's Announcement and the Race for the NominationNikki Haley's focus on identity politics and hawkish foreign policy may not resonate with the Republican base, while DeSantis' financial advantage and Trump's divisive presence complicate the race for the nomination.

      The 2024 Republican primary race is becoming increasingly crowded, with notable figures like Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and Vivek Ramaswami joining the fray. While all three are strong contenders when it comes to opposing "woke" ideologies, DeSantis holds a significant financial advantage. The primary race's outcome largely depends on whether DeSantis can secure a clear path against Trump. Haley's announcement, with her emphasis on hawkishness towards foreign powers and identity politics, has been criticized for not resonating with the Republican base. Her focus on these issues, which are not top priorities for the base, may hinder her chances of winning the nomination. Trump, however, seems to benefit from having as many establishment candidates as possible in the race, as it makes it harder for DeSantis to secure a clean shot. Despite Haley's cringeworthy announcement, her neoconservative stance on foreign policy may appeal to some voters, but it remains to be seen if that will be enough to secure the nomination.

    • U.S. inaction in Ukraine conflict fuels tension, base wants fighter candidatesThe Republican base seeks hawkish candidates who embody a fighter or bully attitude to tackle corporate interests, military industrial complex, and wokism, with Trump and DeSantis as frontrunners.

      The current conflict in Ukraine is a result of other nations pursuing their vital interests and the U.S. not engaging in negotiation over those interests. The Republican base is concerned about escalating the conflict into a larger war, as the U.S. has no vital interest in who rules the Donbas region. Nikki Haley, a potential Republican nominee, is positioning herself as a hawk on military power, but her hawkish rhetoric contrasts with her soft-spoken delivery, which could be a problem for her as a politician. The base wants a fighter or even a bully as a standard bearer to take on corporate interests, the military industrial complex, and wokism. Trump and DeSantis are the only two candidates who embody this attitude, making them the frontrunners for the nomination. Glenn Youngkin, a more nice-guy candidate, could be a VP contender or create clutter in the race that benefits Trump. The base is not looking for genteel candidates right now, but rather fighters, and the choice comes down to the two most combative candidates.

    • Youngkin's ineligibility and Haley's ambition might lead them to higher officesYoungkin's ineligibility for another Virginia gubernatorial run and Haley's criticism of older politicians suggest their interest in higher offices, but their appeal to the base and party establishment will be crucial for securing the nomination, with DeSantis being the current frontrunner.

      Glenn Youngkin's ineligibility to run for Virginia governor again might push him towards a presidential bid, while Nikki Haley's call for competency tests for older politicians and her criticism of the "gerontocracy" in Washington indicate her ambition to lead the new generation of politicians. However, Haley's appeal to the Republican base might be limited due to her perceived establishment image and her proximity to controversial figures like Trump. The left's intense opposition to any Republican candidate, regardless of their stance, further complicates the situation. Ultimately, the nominee needs to appeal to both the anti-establishment base and the established wing of the party to secure the nomination. Ron DeSantis is currently seen as the only viable candidate who can achieve this balance.

    • The Race for the 2024 Republican Presidential Nomination: Trump vs. DeSantisDespite Trump's attempts to discredit DeSantis, the Florida Governor remains focused on governing and delivering results, while DeSantis is expected to attack Trump from the right during debates.

      The race for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination is heating up, with former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis emerging as the frontrunners. While Trump has been attacking DeSantis with various labels and allegations, none have stuck due to their questionable origins and lack of substance. The most recent attempt, accusing DeSantis of being a "groomer," has backfired and been dismissed by the base as a left-wing attack. DeSantis, for his part, has remained focused on governing and delivering results for the people of Florida, choosing not to engage in petty attacks against Trump. However, when they do eventually face off on a debate stage, DeSantis is expected to attack Trump from the right, highlighting Trump's reliance on Dr. Fauci and his support for lockdowns as the primary reasons for his election loss.

    • Challenging Trump's presidency through policy differencesRon DeSantis can potentially unseat Donald Trump by focusing on policy disagreements and his own record of success instead of personal attacks.

      Ron DeSantis can challenge Donald Trump's presidency by focusing on policy differences and effectiveness, rather than personal attacks. Trump's endorsement of vaccines and his administration's prioritization of Operation Warp Speed may be questionable, but there are other areas where DeSantis can attack Trump's record. For instance, Trump's failure to build the wall, his handling of Afghanistan, and his role in Ukraine's NATO membership and subsequent conflict with Russia. DeSantis can also argue that he is more electable and has a better track record of delivering victories. While Trump did accomplish some policy goals during his presidency, DeSantis has not been tested by the media to the same extent and has shown resilience under pressure. It's important to note that personal attacks may still be a risk for DeSantis, as Trump is known to revel in mudslinging and baiting opponents into responding. However, if DeSantis can stay focused on policy differences and his own record of success, he may be able to dethrone Trump from the right wing of the Republican Party.

    • Republican economic growth vs. Democratic communicationDespite Republican policies driving economic growth, Democratic focus on effective communication and middle class protections sets them apart

      While the policies of the Republican Party, including the rollback of regulations, have fueled economic growth, the lack of personal and message discipline, particularly in the case of former President Trump, stands out as a significant contrast. This was further highlighted by discussions about the competency of some current political figures, such as Senator Dianne Feinstein, who despite her advanced age and apparent cognitive decline, remains in office due to the power of incumbency in the US political system. The Democrats, on the other hand, are positioning President Biden as an effective communicator and protector of middle class entitlements, despite his governance being more akin to progressive policies. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of competence and communication in political leadership.

    • A heartwarming story of longtime friends supporting each other through challengesStrong friendships provide companionship and support during difficult times, bringing joy and strength to our lives

      Strong friendships can form even during challenging times, providing support and companionship through various life stages. Megyn Kelly shared a heartwarming story about her longtime friends Yael Denbo and Joelle Cosentino, whom she met when their daughters were young in New York City. Through the years, they have faced numerous challenges together, including raising children in the city and dealing with public scrutiny. The friends have always been there for each other, from attending shows to helping out during difficult times. A memorable moment included when Megyn interviewed Vladimir Putin, and her friends surprised her by watching it together. Their bond has grown even stronger during the COVID-19 pandemic, as they have supported each other through the challenges of homeschooling and isolation. Their story is a reminder that friendships can bring joy and strength to our lives, especially during tough times. You can listen to Megyn Kelly's full conversation with Yael and Joelle on SiriusXM Triumph Channel 111 or find clips on YouTube.com/megankelly.

    • Mother's advocacy for children amidst bullying and pandemicAddressing bullying, both in-person and online, is essential. Parents, educators, and communities must work together to prevent and support those affected.

      The issue of bullying, both in-person and online, is a serious concern that requires immediate attention and action. The discussion highlighted the emotional and challenging experience of a mother advocating for her children to attend school amidst the pandemic, and the tragic consequences of bullying leading to suicide in young girls. The conversation also touched upon the complexity of determining when to involve law enforcement in school assaults, and the alarming prevalence of cyberbullying. Ultimately, it's crucial for parents, educators, and communities to work together to prevent and address bullying, and to provide support and resources for those affected.

    • Single parents and bullying: Intense reactions and creative solutionsSingle parents go to great lengths to protect their children from bullying, demonstrating intense reactions and creative solutions.

      Single parents often face unique challenges when it comes to protecting their children from bullying. Joelle's story serves as a reminder of the intensity and quick reaction that can come when a child is being bullied. Her actions, inspired by a scene from the movie "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle," demonstrate the lengths a parent will go to ensure their child's safety. Additionally, the anecdote about Joelle's thoughtfulness and creativity, as shown through her gift of a scarf and her Victorian-themed birthday celebration, highlights her caring and artistic nature. These aspects of her character underscore the complexity and depth of the individuals we know and love.

    • Injecting novelty and having fun experiences can keep relationships freshSharing memorable group experiences, like playing games or trips, can strengthen long-term relationships and bring joy to life.

      Injecting novelty and having fun experiences, like playing games such as Murder in the Dark, can help keep long-term relationships fresh and exciting. The speaker fondly recalled a memorable group experience with friends, which included Meghan Markle, and how it brought laughter and joy to their lives. The importance of group trips and maintaining connections with friends, despite busy schedules, was also emphasized. The conversation then shifted to the news about Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's expected attendance at King Charles' coronation, with differing opinions on the matter. However, the consensus was that Charles' decision to invite them showed his class and graciousness.

    • The importance of upholding reputation and institutionsIndividuals, especially those in power or public eye, must be mindful of their actions and associations to protect their reputation and the institutions they represent.

      Individuals, even those in positions of power or fame, have an obligation to protect and uphold their reputation and the institutions they represent. The discussion revolved around the controversy surrounding the invitation of two individuals to an event, with some expressing their disapproval due to the negative impact these individuals have on public image. The conversation then shifted to a lighter topic about reality TV shows, specifically The Real Housewives of Miami, and the transformation of one cast member, Larsa Pippen, who was criticized for undergoing excessive cosmetic enhancements and being influenced by her association with the Kardashians. The overarching theme emphasizes the importance of maintaining one's authenticity and the potential consequences of negative influences.

    • The Kardashians: Role Models or Detrimental Influence?The Kardashians' influence on young girls is a concern, as they are not traditional role models and their impact can be detrimental. Excessive cosmetic procedures and societal expectations for women to maintain a youthful appearance are also discussed.

      The influence of the Kardashian family and their impact on society, particularly on young girls, is a cause for concern. They are not traditional models who have earned their success through talent and hard work, but rather individuals with vast reach who drive clicks. The speakers argue that the Kardashians are not role models for young girls, and their influence can be detrimental. Furthermore, the discussion touches on the issue of aging gracefully in the public eye, with references to Cindy Crawford and Madonna. The speakers criticize Madonna for undergoing excessive cosmetic procedures, crossing the line from enhancement to deformity. They also comment on the societal expectation for women to maintain a youthful appearance, especially in the entertainment industry.

    • Exploring wellness with Brooke BarlowEmbrace aging, prioritize health, and value inner and outer wellness through practices like exercise and thoughtful gestures.

      Despite our efforts to look good and feel young, it's important to embrace aging and prioritize health and wellness. Our guest, Brooke Barlow, exemplifies this by introducing us to various wellness products and practices. From a nose spray that allegedly tans the skin to natural anxiety medication, she's a one-stop shop for wellness. Yet, it's crucial to remember that health encompasses both the inner and outer aspects of our being. Regular exercise, such as attending Soul Cycle classes, plays a significant role in maintaining overall wellness. Our friendship, which began when our children were young, has endured through the years, and we've learned to appreciate each other's unique qualities. A thoughtful and generous gesture, like sharing a photo of my father's loving interaction with my daughter, can leave a lasting impression and create meaningful connections.

    • The Power of FriendshipFriendship provides support, motivation, and healing. Recognizing and learning from the past, while not dwelling on victimhood, strengthens friendships and personal growth.

      Friendship plays a significant role in helping us through difficult times and fostering personal growth. The story shared about a friend capturing a candid moment of the speaker's father, showcasing thoughtfulness and tenderness. The speaker also shared an experience where friends encouraged her to attend yoga classes after a challenging period in her life, which led to emotional release and strengthening of her physical and mental wellbeing. These examples demonstrate the power of friendship in providing support, motivation, and healing. Additionally, the speaker acknowledged the importance of recognizing and learning from the past, while not dwelling on victimhood. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of cherishing friendships and their ability to positively impact our lives.

    • Jane Fonda's experiences with paparazzi and privacyCooperating with paparazzi can lead to more flattering photos, but maintaining privacy is a challenge for celebrities. Jane Fonda admired Jane Fonda's aging gracefully and acknowledged the complexities of their relationship.

      Jane Fonda shared stories about her experiences with paparazzi and the public eye, highlighting the challenges of maintaining privacy and friendship in the limelight. During a trip to the Hamptons, they were followed and photographed without their knowledge, leading to embarrassing public comments and images. Fonda advised that cooperating with paparazzi can result in more flattering photos, but in their case, they were unaware and unable to do so. Fonda also discussed her complex relationship with Jane Fonda, acknowledging her age-defying appearance and expressing her desire to look similar when she reaches that age. Fonda was on the same set as Robert Redford during an interview, and they were filming a movie together at the time. Despite some tensions, Fonda expressed admiration for Fonda's enduring career and her ability to age gracefully.

    • Navigating Awkward Conversations: A Lesson from Jane FondaBeing aware of others' comfort levels and intentional in conversations can help overcome potential misunderstandings and strengthen relationships.

      Effective communication and understanding are key to navigating potentially awkward situations. During a talk show interview, a journalist attempted to steer the conversation away from uncomfortable topics by bringing up Jane Fonda's plastic surgery. Fonda, who had been promoting female friendships on the show, reacted negatively and accused the journalist of having an obsession with her past relationships with famous men. The incident highlighted the importance of being aware of others' comfort levels and being intentional in conversations. Fonda also emphasized the significance of female friendships and the importance of pursuing new friendships after 60. Despite their disagreement during the interview, Fonda later acknowledged the journalist's role in keeping their group of friends connected. The incident serves as a reminder that effective communication and understanding can help overcome potential misunderstandings and strengthen relationships.

    • The value of prioritizing relationships over momentary desiresCherish the time spent with loved ones and prioritize relationships over temporary pleasures, as strong friendships lead to cherished memories.

      The importance of connecting with friends and loved ones cannot be overstated. In the story shared, two friends found themselves in a limo on their way to a hotel in Vegas, where the driver offered to stop at a liquor store. Despite the temptation, the friends chose to continue without making the stop, proving that they could make it through the night without relying on alcohol. The experience served as a reminder to cherish the time spent with those we care about and to prioritize our relationships over momentary desires. As the speaker emphasized, it always feels good to get together with loved ones and enjoy each other's company, no matter what the circumstances may be. So, let this story inspire you to reach out to your friends and plan a get-together soon. Cheers to strong friendships and cherished memories!

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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

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    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 20, 2024

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    20:27, INTRO

    21:43, TOP 5

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    57:12, DILEMMA

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    Raw and Refreshing Advice on Navigating Anxiety, Insecurity, Popularity, & Peer Pressure in Your Teenage and 20-Something Years

    Raw and Refreshing Advice on Navigating Anxiety, Insecurity, Popularity, & Peer Pressure in Your Teenage and 20-Something Years

    Lately, I’ve been getting a ton of questions from listeners about how to best support high schoolers and 20-somethings. There are lots of questions about anxiety, peer pressure, and getting young adults to open up. 

    So, in this episode, I have a pile of your questions in front of me as my son, Oakley, and I go through them rapid-fire style, so you get both of our perspectives on the topics everyone worries about but is too afraid to talk about.

    I have to say, Oakley really showed up for this conversation for you. He has hilarious and heartfelt thoughts on topics he has first-hand experience with. 

    We cover it all. From academic pressure to body image to bullying, this conversation is full of tools and strategies and is raw, unfiltered, and filled with relatable stories (and only a few f-bombs).

    You will learn:

    • What teens and 20-somethings really need (and don’t need) from their parents.
    • (If you only get one thing from this episode, make it this…) How to encourage the young men in your life to open up.
    • The ONLY thing you need to do when your young adults come home in a bad mood.
    • How to get unhooked from toxic popularity and cliques and find your people in school or in life.
    • 3 smart strategies to use when your child is getting bullied that will strengthen your bond with your kid.
    • An 18-year-old's surprising take on when to give your kid a cellphone.
    • The must-use hacks for introverts who want to be more confident in school.
    • How to get your kid to do chores (and still like you).
    • Strategies for handling your kid’s anxiety without yelling or freaking out.
    • The best way to navigate curfews and late-night parties with your teen.


    I can’t wait for you to hear this. I loved the questions and the advice. And as a mom, I couldn’t be more proud of Oak for how much wisdom he shared.

    I’d love for you to listen with your teens and 20-somethings. In fact, at the end of the episode, Oakley gives specific advice (including exactly what to say) to get your kids to listen. 

    Xo, Mel


    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • 1:20: Why is it so hard to get my teen to open up to me?
    • 4:00: Your kids need quiet time at these two times of the day.
    • 7:22: Here’s what to say to start a conversation with your child.
    • 9:30: How should your kids handle clique groups?
    • 11:00: How can you tell who "your" people are?
    • 12:15: Three strategies to help your kid deal with hurtful behaviors.
    • 17:30: What teens need (and don’t need) from their parents.
    • 21:45: At what age do you think your teen should have a phone?
    • 23:30: My high school senior has no idea what she wants to major in.
    • 26:00: Two best hacks for introverted teens everywhere.
    • 28:45: How can you help your kids find their friends?
    • 34:00: My teen is a senior in high school, but he still has chores at home.
    • 36:30: Oakley gives you a peek into his own anxiety to help your anxious teen.
    • 41:20: How do you reassure your kid when he’s dyslexic?
    • 42:45: The gold-standard tutoring program we used to help Oakley with his dyslexia.
    • 44:20: Two simple hacks that have made a big difference for Oakley in school.
    • 45:30: The two qualities I think of first when it comes to curfews.
    • 47:00: Here was my #1 desire for my Vermont home when it came to my kids.
    • 49:40: I literally sat Oakley’s friends down and laid down two rules for hanging out.
    • 52:40: So how do you get your teen to listen to this interview?



    Want more resources? Go to my podcast resource page at melrobbins.com/podcast.


