
    Podcast Summary

    • Parenting: A rollercoaster ride of challenges and surprisesParenting involves numerous trials and unexpected situations, but famous parents and listeners share their experiences to keep things relatable and light-hearted.

      Parenting comes with numerous challenges and unexpected situations, making it a rollercoaster ride for everyone involved. Rob and Josh, the hosts of Parenting Hell, discuss these trials and tribulations each week with famous parents and listeners. They also share sponsor messages, like the one from Kroger, offering mealtime inspiration and savings. Another sponsor, Shopify, helps businesses grow regardless of their size. The hosts also share their personal experiences, such as dealing with illnesses and juggling work and family life. Despite the stress, they keep things relatable and light-hearted, encouraging listeners to share their own stories.

    • Disrupting Sleep and Causing Stress for Pets and Owners in HotelsPreparing pets for new environments and considering their unique needs can ensure a peaceful and restful experience for both the pet and the owner.

      Bringing a pet, especially an unfamiliar one, to a new environment like a hotel, can disrupt sleep and cause stress for both the pet and the owner. Fred's dog, despite being in a hotel, was on high alert, mistaking people passing by for burglars, leading to numerous barking incidents throughout the night. The dog's acute hearing made it even more challenging for Fred to get any rest. This experience was particularly challenging for Fred, as he had a long day of filming ahead and a family with health issues to attend to. The dog's constant barking not only caused sleep deprivation but also added to the stress of an already hectic weekend. This experience highlights the importance of preparing pets for new environments and considering their unique needs and sensitivities to ensure a peaceful and restful experience for both the pet and the owner.

    • Balancing work and family during unexpected challengesEffective communication and adaptability are crucial in managing unexpected family challenges while maintaining work commitments.

      Being a parent involves constant adjustments and unexpected challenges. The speaker shares an experience of dealing with a sick child and trying to balance work commitments, while also managing unexpected schedule changes from their spouse. The conversation also highlights the importance of communication and being prepared for unexpected situations. The speaker mentions their child's illness, which causes discomfort and makes it harder for her to sleep. They discuss the difficulty of getting a diagnosis and the importance of rest and medication for the child. The speaker also shares an experience of being unable to locate their children, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and being aware of each other's schedules. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of adaptability, communication, and patience in managing the daily challenges of parenthood.

    • Unexpected silence from group during class rep call, but Josh stepped upVolunteering for class rep role in WhatsApp group led to unexpected impact, requiring consideration of class needs and concerns.

      Becoming a class rep in an active WhatsApp group for a school's reception class can be a significant role, even if it starts off feeling insignificant. During a conversation, Josh shared his experience of volunteering for the position and the unexpected silence from the group. He took the job and has since been passing down news and information to the class. However, he's also been aware of the potential for controversy and the importance of representing the class's concerns. The group's silence during the initial call for volunteers was a surprising moment, but Josh saw it as an opportunity to be the first to step up and take on the role. He's learned that being a class rep involves more than just forwarding messages and that it's important to consider the needs and concerns of the entire class. While some may see the role as a small one, Josh recognizes the potential impact it can have on the reception year and beyond.

    • Class representative duties don't include listening to other parentsClass reps focus on their own parents' evenings and maintain a relaxed attitude towards life's milestones

      Despite being a class representative, I'm not responsible for representing parents in disputes or decision-making processes. I wouldn't want to listen to other parents' parents' evenings, and I find our own just fine. We make the same jokes during parents' evenings, and while it's amusing, it's concerning if we start repeating stories that could become repetitive and tiresome. I'm feeling fine about turning 40, but I did stress myself out in the build-up to my birthday, possibly due to internalized pressure for it to be perfect. There were several conflicting date suggestions for my birthday celebrations, but I managed to handle it well. Overall, I try to maintain a relaxed attitude towards life's milestones.

    • Small issues can cause significant stressRecognize that small issues can feel larger during stressful times and take steps to manage stress to improve coping skills

      Small issues can seem insurmountable when we're feeling stressed or anxious. The speaker in this conversation shared several examples of seemingly minor inconveniences that caused significant stress during a particularly hectic week. These included rearranging a meeting multiple times, buying and transporting a cake, and dealing with unexpected road closures. While these issues may seem trivial when looked at objectively, they caused significant stress and anxiety for the speaker. The importance of maintaining a calm and clear head, especially during stressful times, cannot be overstated. It's essential to remember that small issues can feel much larger when we're already overwhelmed, and taking steps to manage stress and anxiety can help us better cope with these challenges. The conversation also touched on the importance of effective communication and the impact it can have on reducing stress and anxiety. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of recognizing the impact of stress and anxiety on our perception of everyday issues and taking steps to manage these feelings to improve our overall well-being.

    • Appreciating the good times and enjoying lifeRecognize the importance of finding joy in life, respecting individual choices, and expressing oneself through fashion.

      Despite the challenges and pressures of life, it's important to find enjoyment and appreciate the good times. This was evident in their conversation about their partnership, the success of their recent event, and the anticipation of upcoming birthdays. However, some individuals struggle with enjoying life due to past experiences or feelings of insignificance, such as not celebrating birthdays or feeling overlooked. It's also important to recognize and respect each other's choices, even if they don't align with our own expectations or beliefs. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of aging and self-expression through fashion, highlighting the importance of being true to oneself and having a versatile wardrobe.

    • Friend suggests Josh explores new clothing options to express true selfExplore different clothing options to express true personality, trust instincts, don't take oneself too seriously, and use a plastic bag of warm water to clear a frozen windshield.

      Josh's clothing doesn't reflect his true personality, which is relaxed and chilled out. His friend suggests he should explore different options in clothing to express himself better. The friend also advises Josh to trust his instincts and pick out clothes that resonate with him. The conversation also touches upon the importance of not taking oneself too seriously and having some "zip" in one's personality. Additionally, they discuss a helpful tip about using a plastic bag filled with warm water to clear a frozen windshield, as opposed to using hot water directly from a kettle.

    • Maintaining Comfort and Preventing Issues in Snowy ConditionsSynov heating bags keep you warm, while checking Skybox settings prevents live TV interruptions and unwanted recordings.

      Synov heating bags help maintain heat and prevent cracked windows in snowy conditions. Additionally, Skybox may pause live TV due to a full memory, causing series linking issues. Kids often say things incorrectly, providing amusing moments for parents. A listener shared an experience of playing innuendo bingo with their child, while another mentioned their son copying their phrases. The term "crumbly egg" for scrambled eggs and "jiggling beans" for pins and needles were among the shared examples. The discussion also included a "boomer story" about a man with 17 children. It's important to check Sky settings to prevent unwanted recordings and ensure a smooth viewing experience.

    • Childhood experiences shape us into adultsUnusual childhood experiences build resilience and adaptability, leading to stable adulthood

      The experiences we have in our childhood, no matter how unusual or disturbing, shape us into the adults we become. The man from 17 siblings, who grew up witnessing the slaughter of cows every other Saturday morning, developed a strange bond with his father and the butcher shop. This experience, though disturbing, led him to a unique way of parenting. Similarly, being left alone at a disco in his pajamas by his forgetful father, the speaker learned to be more independent and resourceful. These stories, though labeled as "boomer stories," highlight the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of unexpected circumstances. Despite the uncomfortable and sometimes distressing memories, both individuals have grown into stable adults, demonstrating the power of human adaptability.

    • The benefits of taking a silent walk for relaxation and introspectionTaking a two-hour walk in silence without distractions can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and provide opportunities for introspection and reflection on childhood memories.

      Taking time for introspection and being in your own thoughts can be beneficial for relaxation and stress relief. The conversation between Rob and Josh revolves around their childhood memories and the idea of taking a two-hour walk in silence, without any distractions from technology. Rob expresses his apprehension about such an experience, as he's used to having his thoughts interrupted by external stimuli. They discuss the idea of taking this walk together, mic'd up, to see what they end up talking about. The conversation also touches upon their childhood memories, including a spa and a village they grew up in. The conversation is filled with nostalgia and the realization of how important it is to take time for oneself and engage in activities that promote relaxation and introspection.

    • Small businesses innovating and giving backTwo cousins, Rosanna and Kitty, share their journeys of starting small businesses, staying trendy, and giving back to their communities.

      Small businesses, like Waltz Party Designs and Kitty's Kits, continue to innovate and grow by staying current with trends and giving back to their communities. Rosanna from Waltz Party Designs shared her journey of starting her balloon business two years ago and their efforts to keep up with the latest party trends. Meanwhile, Kitty, Rosanna's cousin, dropped out of school at 14 due to mental health issues but went on to start her own bakery, write a cookbook, and recently launched Kitty's Kits, a no-water, no-knead bread mix business. For every kit sold, a free kit is given to schools, prisons, and community groups. Rosanna also mentioned her personal experiences, including the birth of her 5-month-old daughter, Alina, and her love for the Vale walk, which is a mix of scenic beauty and country roads. Despite some challenges, she enjoys the walk and looks forward to sharing more of it in future episodes. Overall, this conversation highlights the resilience and creativity of small business owners and their commitment to making a positive impact on their communities.

    Recent Episodes from Rob Beckett and Josh Widdicombe's Parenting Hell

    S8 EP50: Janine Harouni

    S8 EP50: Janine Harouni
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant comedian - Janine Harouni. You can get tickets for Janine's new tour HERE Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP49: The Fathers Day Debrief

    S8 EP49: The Fathers Day Debrief
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Small Business Shout-out: Watch and follow 'Silly Billy Toons' HERE Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP48: Oti Mabuse

    S8 EP48: Oti Mabuse
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant dancer and presenter - Oti Mabuse. Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP47: The Favour Tank

    S8 EP47: The Favour Tank
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Small Business Shout-out: Watch and follow 'Silly Billy Toons' HERE Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP46: Marcus Brigstocke

    S8 EP46: Marcus Brigstocke
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant comedian and actor - Marcus Brigstocke. You can listen to his podcast 'How was it for you?' HERE And give them a follow / subscribe where you're there! Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com NEW ALBUM OF THE SAME NAME IS OUT MAY 10TH - PRE-ORDER HERE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP45: The Stiffest Neck She'd Ever Seen

    S8 EP45: The Stiffest Neck She'd Ever Seen
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP44: Ranvir Singh

    S8 EP44: Ranvir Singh
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant journalist and presenter - Ranvir Singh Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com NEW ALBUM OF THE SAME NAME IS OUT MAY 10TH - PRE-ORDER HERE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP43: "Lou hung up on me..."

    S8 EP43: "Lou hung up on me..."
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP42: George Lewis

    S8 EP42: George Lewis
    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant comedian, writer, and social media content creating sensation - George Lewis. You can listen to George's fantastic podcast 'Save it for the podcast' HERE His book 'DON'T PANIC!: All the Stuff the Expectant Dad Needs to Know' is available to buy wherever you get your books. And tour dates tickets and info can be found HERE Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com NEW ALBUM OF THE SAME NAME IS OUT MAY 10TH - PRE-ORDER HERE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S8 EP41: My Garage Stinks

    S8 EP41: My Garage Stinks
    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    S03 EP37:  My back went holding the baby!
    S03 EP37: My back went holding the baby! More (mis)adventures in parenting hell with Rob and Josh. Enjoy. Rate and Review. ThanksxIf you want to get in touch with the show here's how:EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.ukTWITTER: @parenting_hellINSTAGRAM: @parentinghellA 'Keep It Light Media' Production Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    S7 EP38: Kimberley Nixon

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    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant actress - Kimberley Nixon. Follow Kimberley on instagram @realkimberleynixon Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    A Simple Trick for Getting Along with Your Family in Quarantine

    A Simple Trick for Getting Along with Your Family in Quarantine

    Are things getting a little tense in your household while you're locked in Quarantine? I've got a simple trick to help you!

    This trick is helpful for getting along with people while in lock down, or really anytime. Give it a listen, and let me know what you think in the comment section below!

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