
    Sales Is Just Bad Marketing | BUILD IT Keynote 2021

    enNovember 30, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Lessons from Gary Vee's upbringingEmbrace hard work, accountability, and adaptability to new technologies, as instilled in Gary Vee by his Soviet Union upbringing and American experiences.

      No matter what background or upbringing one may have, the importance of hard work, accountability, and adaptability to new technologies cannot be overstated. Gary Vee shared his personal story of growing up in the Soviet Union and immigrating to the US as an eighties Jersey boy, where he was raised by his mom and the streets, selling lemonade and shoveling driveways. He recounted how his parents' experiences in the Soviet Union shaped their business practices and instilled in him a strong work ethic. Despite his parents' contrasting personalities, they both played significant roles in shaping him into the successful entrepreneur he is today. A key lesson from his father was the importance of keeping an eye on employees and being aware of the potential for theft. This experience taught him valuable lessons about accountability and trust, which have served him well in his business ventures. Ultimately, Gary emphasized the importance of embracing change and adapting to new technologies, even if it means stepping out of one's comfort zone.

    • Lack of trust and fear-based approach cost businesses significantlyPlaying offense in business involves taking calculated risks and going on the offensive, while playing defense means being cautious and reacting to situations. Important to sell people in businesses and manage large teams, create triggers for scaling and let go of bottom 20% for business growth.

      Running a business involves making decisions constantly and dealing with human dynamics. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his personal experience of observing his father's business and how the lack of trust and fear-based approach cost them significantly. He emphasized that businesses can either play defense or offense. While playing defense involves being cautious and reacting to situations, playing offense means taking calculated risks and going on the offensive. Vaynerchuk also highlighted the importance of selling people in businesses and shared his experience of selling wine and now leading a holding company with 1500 people. He acknowledged the challenges of managing a large number of clients and the importance of creating triggers for scaling the business. Lastly, he touched upon the emotional aspect of letting go of the bottom 20% of people in an organization, even if they are friends or family, for the betterment of the business.

    • Starting a business with friends or family may depend on motivationFocusing on the business itself, not just money, can lead to success with friends or family in business. Addressing team weaknesses and providing value on LinkedIn can also contribute to growth.

      Starting a business with friends or family may not be a good idea if your primary motivation is financial success, as it can lead to friction. However, if you're more focused on the business itself and less concerned about money, it can be a great idea. Additionally, if your team is composed mainly of loyal and reliable employees, but they have significant weaknesses or negatively impact other team members, you're in the people management business and need to address these issues. LinkedIn is a powerful platform for acquiring new business in a B2B environment, especially through targeted ads, and should not be overlooked. Rather than making sales pitches, providing valuable information and solutions to common problems can lead to business growth.

    • Understanding the human element and mastering customer acquisition are crucial for business successValuing employees and customers equally, believing in soft skills, and focusing on human characteristics are essential for building a successful business.

      The success of a business hinges on two fundamental aspects: understanding the human element and mastering customer acquisition. Gary Vaynerchuk, a business magnate, emphasized this concept throughout his 25-year career, starting from his family business to building VaynerMedia and VaynerX, which grew from $0 to $286 million in revenue. He stressed the importance of valuing employees as much as customers and believing in soft skills like empathy and accountability for building a large business. His upcoming book, "12 and a Half," further explores this idea, debunking the common misconception that sharp elb and aggression are the keys to success. Instead, Vaynerchuk advocates for the importance of human characteristics in achieving business success.

    • The Importance of Candor in Eliminating Fear for EmployeesLeaders should deliver candid feedback with the right tone and balance to eliminate fear and mistrust, focusing on emotional intelligence and connection with their team.

      As a business owner, eliminating fear for employees is crucial. Fear arises when employees lack clarity about their performance and the consequences of it. The speaker shares his personal experience of trying different methods to improve employees, but ultimately failing to deliver candid feedback, leading to fear and mistrust. He emphasizes the importance of candor, not just being blunt or rude, but delivering bad news with the right tone and balance. He also encourages leaders to focus on their people, as emotional intelligence will become increasingly valuable in a world where everything else is getting commoditized. The speaker's perspective shifted when he realized that his financial upside as a business owner comes from his emotional intelligence and connection with his team. He encourages leaders to have at least one kind candor talk with their employees to help them grow and avoid fear in the workplace.

    • Investing in growth instead of just defenseFocusing on marketing, employee engagement, and trends can lead to $30M revenue growth, while staying informed and adaptable is crucial for future success

      Focusing too much on defense, such as playing it safe and only worrying about keeping existing customers, can limit the growth potential of a business. Instead, allocating energy towards progressive marketing efforts, employee engagement, and understanding emerging trends can lead to significant revenue growth. This was emphasized through the example of a business that grew $30,000,000 in revenue by investing in new marketing tactics and employee development, despite initially appearing disorganized to a new CFO. Additionally, the speaker encouraged the audience to stay informed and adapt to changing business environments, as the tactics needed for success in the next 10 years will be vastly different from the past.

    • Investing in personal and business growthCommitment and dedication to learning new skills, like mastering LinkedIn ads, leads to significant improvements in business and personal growth. Despite distractions and pressures, investing time and energy is worth it.

      Commitment and dedication to personal and business growth are essential, even during the most checked-out weeks. The speaker expresses admiration for those who invest time and energy into learning new skills, such as mastering LinkedIn ads, despite the distractions and pressures of everyday life. He emphasizes that this investment can lead to significant improvements in business and personal growth, and that the ability to transform one's business is within reach for anyone willing to put in the effort. The speaker also acknowledges the challenges of running a business and the importance of mental health in dealing with the stresses and setbacks that come with entrepreneurship. Overall, the message is one of encouragement and empowerment, urging individuals to stay committed to their goals and to keep learning and growing, even during the most challenging times.

    • Being true to oneself is crucial for business success according to Gary VaynerchukGary Vaynerchuk emphasizes authenticity, leadership, and not caring about external validation as keys to business success. He encourages entrepreneurs to be true to themselves and focus on providing valuable information rather than trying to impress with flashy marketing.

      Being true to oneself and not caring about external validation are key factors in success in business for Gary Vaynerchuk. He shared that he was uncomfortable answering the question about nearly going bankrupt because he's always told the truth and never been in that situation. He explained that his early experiences of selling flowers and not caring about people's judgment shaped his approach to business. He also mentioned that he's happiest in high-pressure business situations because he's not motivated by material possessions or people's opinions. Vaynerchuk also emphasized the importance of leadership in handling challenges and differentiating one's brand in the market. He encouraged entrepreneurs to be authentic in their marketing efforts and not try to be something they're not for the sake of impressing others. He reminded the audience that they don't need a large following to be successful and that being true to themselves and providing valuable information is more important than trying to be over-the-top for the sake of views.

    • Investing in marketing and building a personal brand through content creationInvesting in marketing and creating content on LinkedIn can lead to significant business opportunities, even if it means taking less money home each year. Charismatic and extroverted individuals should create videos, while introverted individuals can write. Utilize LinkedIn to build personal brand and gain attention, as it's the only currency for a business.

      Building a personal brand through content creation, whether it's video, audio, or writing, can lead to significant business opportunities. The speaker emphasizes the importance of investing in marketing, even if it means taking less money home each year, as every business decision is predicated on it. He encourages those who are charismatic and extroverted to create content, while those who are more introverted can write. The speaker also mentions that LinkedIn is a valuable platform for building personal brand and gaining attention, which is the only currency for a business. He encourages everyone to take advantage of it before it becomes saturated. The speaker's own success story of getting business contracts from a LinkedIn video demonstrates the potential rewards of investing time and effort into building a personal brand.

    • Building brand equity vs aggressive sales tacticsFocus on foundational elements, eliminate fear, and maintain a grateful mindset for effective marketing, sales, and brand equity.

      Effective marketing and sales strategies are crucial for business growth, but it's essential to prioritize building and maintaining brand equity over aggressive sales tactics. Amy emphasized that sales and marketing go hand in hand, but destructive sales methods can harm brand reputation and equity. She also highlighted the importance of perspective and gratitude, especially during challenging business situations. Amy's advice for leaders is to focus on the foundational elements of their business and eliminate fear to make informed decisions and maintain a positive outlook. Ultimately, understanding the importance of marketing, sales, and brand equity, as well as maintaining a grateful mindset, can help businesses thrive and succeed.

    • Understanding the reasons for running a business and assessing its viabilityAssessing why you run a business, facing reality, cutting costs, and adapting to changes are crucial for success. Emotions can cloud judgment, but staying informed and persistent can lead to growth.

      Running a business is a personal decision and it's essential to understand why you're doing it. It could be for financial gain, passion, or a combination of both. Pride and insecurity can make it difficult to face the reality of shutting down a business, but it's important to assess if it's the right move. Cutting down costs and reevaluating expenses can help keep the business afloat. The business landscape is constantly changing, and it's crucial to adapt and ask the tough questions. Some people might be better off without a business, and that's okay. In today's market, letting go of the bottom performers can be challenging, but it's necessary for growth. Emotions can cloud judgment, but it's important to remember that challenges are temporary. As for marketing on LinkedIn, creating high-quality content and standing out from the noise requires continuous effort and experimentation. There's no one-size-fits-all answer, but staying informed about trends and being persistent can lead to success.

    • Understanding audience context for effective marketingTo stand out in a crowded market, focus on resonating with your audience by considering their mindset, interests, and unique language.

      Effective marketing in today's digital age requires a deep understanding of your audience and their context. The content you create and the platforms you use are important, but they matter less than who you're targeting and how you're speaking to them. This means going beyond demographics and considering factors like mindset, interests, and even slang. For businesses in similar industries, creating brand separation or distinction comes down to finding a unique word, sentence, or analogy that resonates with your audience. Even in a crowded market, this can help you stand out and connect with customers on a deeper level. As the speaker emphasized, the first step is to get the basics right and then delve into the nuances. So keep creating content, but don't forget to consider the context in which it will be seen and heard.

    • Being honest builds stronger business relationshipsHonesty in business leads to stronger relationships, unique differentiation, and faster growth. Encourage personal branding for employees.

      Honesty is the most effective approach in closing business deals. Being truthful, even if it means acknowledging similarities between competitors, can lead to stronger relationships with prospects. Additionally, building a business around oneself as a human being, rather than just a logo, can provide unique differentiation and faster growth, especially in today's digital age where personal branding thrives. Employees should also be encouraged to build their own personal brands, as it can bring short-term value and foster entrepreneurship. Overall, authenticity and individuality are key to standing out in business.

    • Understanding individual motivations in a teamEffective motivation comes from personalized conversations, accepting responsibility, self-awareness, adaptability, and preparing for evolving needs.

      Effective motivation in a team stems from understanding what truly motivates each individual. Instead of assuming a one-size-fits-all approach, business owners should engage in open conversations with their employees. Additionally, accepting that every problem in a business is the owner's responsibility is crucial for growth and accountability. The importance of self-awareness and adaptability in balancing personal and professional life is also essential for both employees and business owners. Lastly, being prepared for the evolving needs and wants of team members is key to building successful and sustainable businesses.

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    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

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    Contact him: Krishna@geniusvisionaryinc.com
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