
    Sam Altman's Return to OpenAI, Meta's Underage Users, and Guest Alan Patricof

    enNovember 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Future of AI in Business OperationsAI can eliminate menial tasks, generate insights, and keep teams connected towards shared goals, significantly boosting productivity and streamlining operations for businesses of all sizes.

      Technology, specifically AI, has the potential to significantly boost productivity and streamline operations for businesses of all sizes. Atlassian, a company that provides AI-powered software, believes in the exciting future of AI and how it can help eliminate menial tasks, generate insights, and keep teams connected towards shared goals. Mercury, another company, emphasizes the importance of simplicity in business operations and how their financial workflows can help ambitious companies perform at their best. Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway, hosts of the Pivot podcast, shared their experiences and discussed various topics including Thanksgiving and technology. While they took a light-hearted approach to the conversation, the underlying message was the potential of technology to enhance productivity and efficiency in personal and professional lives.

    • Jeff Zucker in talks to buy The Daily Telegraph for £1.1 billion with foreign fundingJeff Zucker, ex-CNN president, is buying The Daily Telegraph for £1.1B with foreign investment, expanding into US market, focusing on strategy and presence, raising concerns about foreign capital in media.

      Jeff Zucker, the former president of CNN, is in talks to buy The Daily Telegraph, a British conservative newspaper, for around £1.1 billion. The deal, which would be funded by Redbird IMI, a media venture founded by Zucker himself in partnership with a major Abu Dhabi based investment fund, has raised questions about the normalization of foreign capital in Western media companies. Zucker's vision for the Telegraph includes an expansion into the US market, and he will focus on business strategy and overseas presence rather than day-to-day coverage. Despite concerns about foreign ownership, the deal marks another instance of Gulf capital moving into various areas, including media. Zucker's talent and the potential of The Telegraph make this a fascinating venture to watch.

    • Media mogul Jeff Zaslav plans new venture amid US electionsDespite financial troubles, Jeff Zaslav's new media venture could benefit from US election spending. Individuals should stay active in their careers to prevent skills from atrophying.

      Despite facing financial troubles, media mogul Jeff Zaslav is planning to launch a new media venture, and the timing of the launch could be advantageous due to the historic amount of money being spent during the upcoming US elections. Zaslav, known for his talent in identifying popular content, has been out of the industry for a year, but it's important for individuals, especially those with significant wealth, not to let perfection stand in the way of progress. The risk of letting skills and market presence atrophy is a real concern. While the specifics of Zaslav's innovation and business model are unknown, his entry into the market with foreign investment is intriguing. Overall, it's a reminder that taking calculated risks and staying active in one's career are essential for continued growth and success.

    • Twitter's Financial Losses from Elon Musk's Controversial ContentAdvertisers like Netflix, Apple, IBM, and Airbnb have collectively lost over $75 million due to Elon Musk's offensive content on Twitter, demonstrating the power of corporations to enforce values and hold individuals accountable.

      Elon Musk's engagement in controversial and offensive content, including anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, has resulted in significant financial losses for Twitter due to advertisers pulling their business. The documents reveal over $75 million in potential losses from advertisers like Netflix, Apple, IBM, and Airbnb. Musk's actions, including a PR visit to Israel amid a hostage situation, have been criticized as inappropriate and distracting from the real issue. However, these companies are standing firm on their values and refusing to advertise on Twitter until the platform cleans up its content. This is a commendable stance, as these corporations recognize their role in setting standards and holding individuals accountable for violating them. The incident highlights the importance of guardrails and regulations to prevent individuals from aggregating excessive power without consequences. The ongoing legal actions against individuals like Sam Bankman Fried and the head of Binance serve as a reminder of the need for accountability and oversight.

    • The profit-driven transformation of OpenAIOpenAI's rapid shift from research institute to $90 billion company overshadowed initial mission, raising concerns about balance between profit and humanity in tech industry

      The drive for profit in the tech industry, as exemplified by OpenAI's rapid transformation from research institute to $90 billion company, can overshadow important considerations related to humanity and the potential dangers of advanced technologies. This was evident in the recent events at OpenAI, which saw a major shakeup in its leadership and board structure. Despite the involvement of prominent figures like Larry Summers and Adam D'Angelo, the focus on capital generation seemed to overshadow the initial mission of the organization. It remains to be seen how this situation will unfold and what implications it will have for the future of AI research and development. However, it is important to note that not all companies operate in this way, and there are examples of businesses prioritizing social responsibility and ethical considerations. Nevertheless, the balance between profit and humanity remains a significant challenge in the tech industry.

    • ESG initiatives complement, not replace, government regulationESG initiatives influence consumer decisions but aren't the sole drivers. Effective governance and oversight are crucial for preventing harm to the commons.

      ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) initiatives in companies can be deciding factors for consumers, but they are not the primary drivers of purchasing decisions. These initiatives are important, but they should not overshadow the regulatory role of governments in ensuring fair business practices. The recent case of Sam Altman's involvement with the troubled Theranos and its potential board appointments highlights the need for effective governance and oversight. Microsoft's acquisition of a board seat in Theranos is a step towards more stable and informed governance. The appointment of Larry Summers or other qualified individuals to the board could provide a balanced perspective and effective regulation. It's essential to remember that for-profit companies are a crucial part of capitalism and should be regulated appropriately to prevent potential harm to the commons. The government can tax these companies at fair rates and use those funds to hire outstanding regulators. The role of ESG initiatives should complement, not replace, the regulatory function of governments.

    • Diverse Board for Profitable AI CompanyA profitable AI company's board should be diverse, including individuals with AI, disinformation, and media expertise, as well as those with experience dealing with negative tech consequences. Prioritize safety and diversity of perspectives to make informed decisions.

      The board for a profitable AI company should be diverse, with members who understand AI, disinformation, and media. It's crucial to have individuals who have experienced the potential negative consequences of technology, such as those who have dealt with revenge porn or cyber threats. Additionally, the board should include both young and old members, and individuals from various backgrounds. The effective altruism movement, while well-intentioned, has faced criticism and may not be the best solution for regulating AI. The belief that a small group of people knows what's best for humanity can be problematic and may lead to a lack of representation for the broader population. Ultimately, the board should prioritize safety over speed and be open to diverse perspectives to make informed decisions about the development and implementation of AI technology.

    • US Government and US Dollar's Role in Finance and InnovationSkepticism towards new movements and startups, trust in US government's track record, importance of AI in industries, potential for job creation, concerns over Meta's handling of underage users' data, and legal implications.

      Despite the allure of new technologies and movements, the US government and the US dollar remain significant players in the world of finance and innovation. The speaker expresses skepticism towards new movements and startups, preferring to trust the US government's long-term track record. However, the discussion also touches on the importance of AI in various industries and its potential to create more jobs and opportunities for individuals. Additionally, the conversation reveals concerns over Meta's handling of underage users on Instagram and the collection of their personal information without parental consent, which violates federal children's privacy law. The unsealed legal complaint against Meta provides new insights into the company's internal communications and actions regarding this issue. Overall, the discussion highlights the ongoing role of established institutions and the challenges and opportunities presented by new technologies.

    • Meta profited from children under 13 despite knowing harmMeta earned $270 per child from underage users, despite receiving over a million complaints and publicly claiming no underage users allowed.

      Meta, formerly Facebook, knew that their platform was harming children as young as 11 and 12, and they quantified the profit earned from these users at roughly $270 per child. Despite publicly claiming they did not allow users under the age of 13, they received over a million complaints of underage users and continued to allow their usage. This is reminiscent of the cigarette industry's knowledge and promotion of smoking to children, and the harm caused by Meta to children is a serious concern. The government needs to hold Meta accountable for this institutionalized harm.

    • Companies prioritize profits over user safetyDespite concerns about negative impacts on teens' mental health and privacy, social media companies continue to prioritize profits, facing little legal consequences and minimal accountability from elected officials.

      Despite the growing concerns and complaints regarding the negative impact of social media platforms on teens, especially regarding mental health and privacy, these companies continue to prioritize profits over user safety. The speakers expressed their frustration with the lack of legal consequences for these companies and the failure of elected officials to hold them accountable. Alan, a venture capitalist focusing on older adults and the longevity economy, shared his motivation for investing in this area due to his personal experience with his wife's Alzheimer's and the growing demographic of older adults in society. The speakers emphasized the need for more investment and attention in this sector, while acknowledging the challenges and complexities involved.

    • Investing in companies for aging populationSignificant market opportunity in aging population sector, with numerous startups receiving substantial investment, such as $50M in 3 years, and examples including Carewell and Cenegenics, despite potential lower returns due to competition, the impact and growth potential is significant.

      There is a significant market opportunity in investing in companies focused on addressing the needs of an aging population, as evidenced by the large number of startups in this space founded by individuals with personal experience in caregiving. These companies have received substantial investment, with one fund raising $50 million and investing in over 30 companies in just three years. Examples include Carewell, which aims to educate and provide resources for caregivers, and Cenegenics, which offers personalized health and longevity solutions. Despite the promising demographics, returns from investing in this area may not be as high as traditional venture or technology-focused funds due to increased competition. However, the potential for impact and growth in this sector is significant.

    • Thought leaders in AI services sectorGreg Croft and team invest in AI services sector, aim to be thought leaders, acknowledge potential, but it's early days, emphasize addressing ageism in workforce, propose innovative 529 funds for workforce retraining, driving change and innovation.

      Greg Croft and his team are not just investors in the AI services sector, but they aim to be thought leaders in this area. They believe that while there are software companies emerging in AI, the dedicated services category is still open-ended with great potential. However, they acknowledge that it's early days, and the impact of these companies has yet to be seen. Croft also emphasizes the importance of addressing ageism in the workplace, which has received less attention than other forms of discrimination. He suggests corporations need to focus on retaining their aging workforce, preparing them for another career, and transferring their knowledge. Additionally, he proposes an innovative idea of using 529 funds for workforce retraining. The team's approach is not only about making investments but also about driving change and innovation in their chosen sectors.

    • Embracing an Active Lifestyle and Healthy Eating for HappinessWalk daily, share meals, weigh yourself, invest wisely, embrace new opportunities, and maintain a positive attitude for overall well-being and happiness.

      Maintaining an active lifestyle, a positive attitude, and mindful eating habits are essential for overall well-being and happiness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of walking regularly, sharing meals, and weighing oneself daily to ensure healthy eating habits. He also shares his experiences in venture capital, mentioning successful investments in cellular communication and Audible, despite initial skepticism. However, he also acknowledges unsuccessful investments without dwelling on them. Lastly, he encourages embracing new opportunities, such as finding love later in life, and maintaining a youthful and optimistic outlook.

    • Understanding business fundamentals and long-term value creationSuccess in venture capital requires careful consideration of management, product development, market size, economics, and customer acquisition costs, with a focus on long-term value creation.

      Successful venture capital investments require careful consideration of management, product development, market size, economics, and the ability to reach the target audience. Alan Patrikoff emphasized the importance of these factors, particularly the economics and customer acquisition costs, in making both initial and follow-on investments. He noted that the influx of capital into the venture capital asset class has led to some undisciplined investing, resulting in overvaluation and excesses. Despite these challenges, Alan and his team at Prime Time have remained disciplined and focused on making sound investments. Ultimately, the key to success in venture capital lies in a deep understanding of the business fundamentals and a commitment to long-term value creation.

    • The Power of Curiosity and Authenticity in BusinessBeing curious and open-minded can lead to valuable insights and connections. Authenticity and honesty build strong business relationships. Prepare and plan for memorable experiences, like using the Viator app for travel activities.

      Having a positive attitude and being curious can lead to valuable insights and connections. This was evident in a conversation with a businessman who approached the speaker at a conference, asking for tips on remembering data. Despite having tried various methods, the man was open-minded and inquisitive, leading to an engaging conversation between the two. Another key takeaway is the importance of authenticity and honesty in business relationships. The speaker shared his experiences with the man, who provided straightforward answers and proved to be a valuable resource for media investing. Lastly, the importance of planning and preparation, especially when it comes to travel, was emphasized. The Viator app was introduced as a tool for booking guided tours, activities, and excursions to make vacations truly memorable and unforgettable. Overall, the discussion highlighted the value of curiosity, authenticity, and preparation in various aspects of life.

    • Ceasefires and their ConsequencesCeasefires offer opportunities but come with consequences. Enforcing the law and holding individuals accountable is crucial. Prioritizing well-being is essential for overall health.

      Ceasefires can provide opportunities for reorganization but come with consequences. The recent ceasefire in the Middle East is a complex issue involving many parties, and while it's a step towards peace, the price for it may be high. Meanwhile, in the tech world, the lack of deterrence for criminal activities like money laundering and financing terrorism needs to be addressed. The importance of enforcing the law and holding individuals accountable cannot be overlooked, even if they have amassed significant wealth. Additionally, prioritizing the quality of life over just longevity is essential for overall well-being. These are just a few of the key themes discussed in the conversation. The complexity of global issues, the need for accountability, and the importance of prioritizing well-being were all touched upon. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of addressing these issues and recognizing the unsung heroes who work to enforce the law and promote well-being.

    • AI-Powered Teamwork: Revolutionizing EfficiencyAI tools from Atlassian are helping teams in various industries collaborate and streamline work, with capabilities for brainstorming, information finding, document summarizing, and more.

      Technology, specifically AI, is revolutionizing teamwork and making it more efficient than ever before. According to the podcast, teams in various industries, from space exploration to podcast production, are leveraging AI-powered tools from Atlassian to accomplish tasks that would be challenging or impossible alone. These tools can help with brainstorming ideas, finding information, summarizing documents, and more, all using everyday language. The podcast emphasizes that while individuals are capable, teams are significantly stronger and more effective when they use technology to collaborate and streamline their work. Atlassian's AI-powered software, such as Jira and Confluence, are leading the charge in this new era of teamwork. If you're interested in transforming your team's productivity, you can learn more about Atlassian's AI-powered solutions at atlassian.com.

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    2.9 Islamic FinTech challenge

    2.9 Islamic FinTech challenge

    In this episode, we talk about the intersection between technology and finance and what opportunities or challenges it creates for the Islamic fintech industry.

    This year we have seen a strong rise in stocks for companies such as Zoom, Tesla and Amazon. With their tech-centric solutions, Amazon is redefining commerce, Zoom is changing the way we work, and Tesla’s software car is disrupting the automotive industry.

    The finance world is not far behind with Apple issuing their own credit cards and Facebook looking to start their own digital currency.

    In Australia, “buy now, pay later” firms like Afterpay and ZIPpay have benefited as the demand for debt financing increases during the economic slowdown.

    The challenge for Islamic firms is to reinvent their business model away from simply commercialising loans. This is because the nature of Islamic finance differs significantly from the conventional one.

    Profit that comes from money-for-money exchange represents illegitimate gain or riba. For Islamic FinTech platforms this means that profit must come from the underlying income generating assets or activities such as equity finance or company dividends. If FinTech platforms have a higher aspiration, they could for instance seek ways to connect more directly into manufacturing and production that grow the economy and creates jobs.

    In the years ahead, we could perhaps see more start-ups move towards mobile payment solutions just as we see with Alipay and WeChat that are now estimated to be taking almost half of the banking payment fees in China.

    At the end, customers will only use technology that serves their needs best. FinTech alone is not a competitive advantage any longer – instead products and services built on trust with a legal and regulatory environment at its core will win the day.

    Podcast Hosted by Almir Colan.

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    41 - AI & Creativity - Joanna Penn
    Mich Bondesio chats to author entrepreneur Joanna Penn about AI, creativity, how creators can leverage emerging technology, and the importance of ethics and diversity in AI creation.

    For season 7, Mich Bondesio considers how emerging technology is helping us in our work and wellbeing, with the help of people who are at different stages of engaging with this technology in their lives and businesses.

    Resources referenced in the episode can be found in the show notes transcript at https://creatingcadence.co/episodes

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    Creating Cadence is available on all major podcast platforms and several pod players. Don't forget to subscribe and rate the show so others can find Creating Cadence too. :)

    Podcast Production by Bondesio C&C
    Music: "Changing Their Minds" By Klimenko Music (Premium Beat)
    Podcast Banner Background Image: Ivan Mercado (Unsplash)

    318: Wendy Diamond: Animal Rescue, Women's Entrepreneurship and Disruptive Technology

    318: Wendy Diamond: Animal Rescue, Women's Entrepreneurship and Disruptive Technology

    Internationally Renowned Social Entrepreneur, Impact Investor, Humanitarian, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Do Gooder – Wendy Diamond is the CEO and Founder of Women's Entrepreneurship Day Organization (WEDO).

    WEDO is a non-governmental volunteer organization and a global initiative celebrated in 144 countries, and universities and colleges worldwide with the mission to empower women in business and alleviate poverty.

    Wendy Diamond is also an investor and advisor in social impact disruptive technologies and women led businesses in Health Sciences, Renewable Energy, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain Technology, Fintech and Virtual Reality, including : Producers Market, RISE Wealth Technologies, LOOK Lateral Art, IPWE, Blocktower Investments, Infinigon Group, SAFE Health App, Farma Trust, Breathometer, IGP METHANOL and SNAKT.

    Wendy has authored ten books, garnered three Guinness World Records, and has appeared in media outlets including Oprah, NBC's Today Show, The New York Times and Forbes. She has also been a featured keynote speaker at the United Nations, Davos and Harvard University.

    Wendy Diamond sits on the Advisory Boards of Ellis Island Honors Society, Global Women in Blockchain, Social Innovation Summit, the Humane Society of New York and Grey Muzzle Foundation.

    Prior to WEDO, Wendy founded Animal Fair Media, Inc. the premiere pet lifestyle media platform bridging celebrity and pop culture to support animal rescue and welfare after she learned that 12 million animals were euthanized annually. Today that number has been reduced to 2 million.

    What We Discuss With Wendy Diamond

    • How the animal rescue and pet lifestyle movement began
    • The importance of collaboration, persistence and positivity
    • Finding social causes that you are passionate about
    • How humble beginnings can lead to global social impact
    • Why investing in women’s entrepreneurship makes good sense
    • A few new technology platforms that are set to disrupt their industries

    Episode Transcript Highlights: https://leadersoftransformation.com/podcast/business/318-wendy-diamond

    Check out our complete library of episodes and other leadership resources here: https://leadersoftransformation.com


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    Peter Schiff vs Raoul Pal Debate: Bitcoin Going To $0 or $1 Million & A Great Depression Coming? PT 2

    Peter Schiff vs Raoul Pal Debate: Bitcoin Going To $0 or $1 Million & A Great Depression Coming? PT 2
    Welcome back to part 2 of this power-packed debate with Peter Schiff and Raoul Pal!  The discussion continues as we dive deeper into:  - The growing national debt and potential hyperinflation - Historical patterns of financial repression - Blockchain technology and digital asset utilization - The future of Social Security  You won’t want to miss out on the final part of this hot debate between Raoul Pal and Peter Schiff.  And if you're loving the Impact Theory Podcast, please take a moment to leave us a review or rate the show. Your feedback is incredibly valuable! Follow Raoul Pal: Website: https://www.realvision.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RaoulGMI LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/raoul-pal-real-vision/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@RealVisionFinance/featured   Follow Peter Schiff:  Website: https://schiffradio.com/    X: https://twitter.com/PeterSchiff YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@peterschiff/featured Follow Me, Tom Bilyeu:  Website: https://impacttheoryuniversity.com/  X: https://twitter.com/TomBilyeu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ If you want to dive deeper into my content, search through every episode, find specific topics I've covered, and ask me questions. Go to my Dexa page: https://dexa.ai/tombilyeu Themes: Mindset, Finance, World Affairs, Health & Productivity, Future & Tech, Simulation Theory & Physics, Dating & Relationships SPONSORS: If you purchase an item using these affiliate links, Impact Theory may receive a commission.  Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://shopify.com/impact now to grow your business – no matter what stage you’re in. Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. ButcherBox is offering our listeners 3 lbs of chicken thighs, 2 lbs of ground beef, or 1 lb of premium steak tips — for free in every order for a whole year, plus, get $20 off your first order at https://butcherbox.com/impact and use code IMPACT to choose your free offer and get $20 off. Head to https://squarespace.com/impact for a free 14 day trial and 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices