
    Podcast Summary

    • A deep conversation on spirituality, death, and psychology with Egypt on Irish televisionEgypt shared his views on spirituality, death, and psychology in a lengthy interview on Irish television, released new Rubber Bandits songs without financial pressure, and will appear on RTÉ One and RTÉ 2.

      The podcast host, Egypt, had an opportunity to speak in depth about his views on spirituality, death, and psychology on Irish television, which he usually cannot do due to time constraints in traditional interviews. He also shared that he and his partner, Mister Crone, released two new songs and videos as the Rubber Bandits, this time without the pressure of needing them to succeed financially. Egypt wears a bag on his head for privacy and continues to face criticism from old men on social media. Additionally, he mentioned upcoming appearances on RTÉ One and RTÉ 2.

    • Pursuing personal fulfillment in artArtists should prioritize creating authentic works for themselves, even if it means sacrificing commercial success and financial gain.

      Creating art for the sake of personal fulfillment and expression, rather than relying on it as a primary source of income, allows artists to produce authentic and true-to-them works. In the past, record labels funded artists to experiment and fail, understanding that failure is a necessary step towards success. However, in today's music industry, independent artists face pressure to create popular works to earn money, making it challenging to produce authentic art. The ease of access to music through streaming platforms adds to the challenge, as artists may not see a financial return on their investment if their works are not well-received. The speaker shared his experience of creating music in this context, expressing frustration and regret over works produced out of fear and insecurity rather than creative freedom. He found solace in writing a book, which allowed him to create without the pressure of commercial success. The speaker encourages artists to prioritize creating authentic works for themselves, even if they don't receive immediate recognition or financial gain.

    • Two Types of Music: Heavy Metal and PopArtists of heavy metal and pop music have creative freedom due to separate income streams. Support independent artists through merchandise sales and platforms like Bandcamp during tough times. Ethically answer questions and acknowledge lack of professional qualifications in mental health discussions.

      Music, like art, comes in various forms and serves different purposes. Heavy metal music embraces the "ugly" and the disturbing, while pop music aims for catchiness and memorability. The creators of these two types of music discussed have the freedom to make their art without worrying about commercial success or public opinion due to their separate income streams. Another key takeaway is the importance of supporting independent artists during tough times. With the decline of live performances and traditional monetization methods, artists rely on merchandise sales and platforms like Bandcamp for income. Lastly, the podcast host shared his experience with mental health and the unique perspective women bring to the conversation. He emphasized the importance of answering questions ethically and safely, acknowledging his lack of professional qualifications in the field.

    • Navigating Monogamy and InfidelityCommunicate openly and work together to maintain trust and understanding in relationships, as every situation is unique and personal decisions ultimately matter.

      Monogamy is a complex aspect of human relationships, and infidelity can occur even in strong and loving relationships. The speaker acknowledges that monogamy is a preference, not a hard rule, and that people make mistakes. In the case of Julie, she is grappling with the decision to stay in a relationship after discovering her partner's infidelity. While the speaker cannot give advice on the specific situation, they encourage flexibility and communication in relationships, and suggest that both partners should observe each other's preferences and work together to maintain trust and understanding. The speaker also emphasizes that every relationship is unique, and that ultimately, the decision to stay or leave is a personal one.

    • Allowing for human mistakes in long-term relationshipsFlexibility and communication are key in navigating infidelity, recognizing personal worth, and avoiding rigid demands and rules.

      In long-term relationships, it's essential to allow for human mistakes while maintaining a strong preference for faithfulness. Rigid demands and rules can lead to extreme pain and a lack of dialogue when infidelity occurs. Instead, flexibility and adult communication can help navigate the situation. It's crucial to remember that people make choices and are accountable for their actions. Additionally, recognizing and embracing your inherent worth as a person, rather than comparing yourself to others, is essential for personal growth and healthy relationships.

    • Recognizing and Cultivating Intrinsic WorthCultivate self-worth, exist as equal adults in relationships, and maintain a clear lens to build strong, equal, and loving connections.

      Each person has inherent worth and value, not dependent on any external factors or relationships. It's essential to recognize and cultivate our intrinsic worth, allowing us to shine brightly in our own right. In a relationship, both individuals should exist as equal, independent adults, each with their own sense of self-worth and identity. Jealousy, envy, and power dynamics can disrupt this balance, leading to an unhealthy and toxic cycle. To assess genuine human connections, it's crucial to maintain a clear lens by ensuring our self-worth doesn't depend on another person's love and approval. By focusing on our intrinsic value, we can build strong, equal, and loving relationships.

    • Identifying Healthy vs. Unhealthy RelationshipsHaving self-esteem and self-worth helps spot manipulative or toxic individuals and attract healthier relationships. Focus on strong preferences, like honesty, and prioritize emotional well-being.

      Having genuine self-esteem and self-worth are crucial in identifying and avoiding unhealthy relationships. When you have a strong sense of self, you become better equipped to spot manipulative or toxic individuals and are more likely to be drawn towards healthier relationships. It's essential to understand that rejection, disappointment, and other negative experiences are inevitable in human relationships, and rigid rules aren't realistic. Instead, focus on strong preferences, such as not tolerating lies or manipulation. By prioritizing your emotional well-being and maintaining your authenticity, you'll be better prepared to navigate the complexities of relationships.

    • Supporting the Blind By PodcastListeners can support the podcast by contributing on Patreon or leaving reviews and ratings.

      The podcast "The Blind By Podcast" can be supported through Patreon at patreon.com/forward/theblindbypodcast. The creator asks listeners to consider contributing the cost of a cup of coffee per month if they're regularly consuming and benefiting from the podcast. This is the podcast's primary source of income during the pandemic when other avenues such as gigs, television work, and book sales have been affected. Another way to support the podcast is by leaving reviews, following, and rating it on various platforms. The creator also shares his personal experience with social anxiety and agoraphobia, and how he's worked on himself to cope and function despite these challenges. He emphasizes that anxiety is a fabric of our imagination and encourages challenging it and facing it down. The podcast also offers a monthly lottery for patrons, and the creator livestreams three times a week on Twitch.tv/forward/theblindbypodcast.

    • Understanding the impact of the pandemic on mental healthThe pandemic introduces new triggers and challenges for those with mental health issues, making it important to practice self-compassion and use effective coping strategies.

      While some safety behaviors, like carrying an inhaler for anxiety or using hand sanitizer, can provide temporary relief, they may not address the root cause of the issue. In the speaker's case, they have made significant progress in managing their anxiety and social issues, but the ongoing pandemic has introduced new triggers and challenges. As a result, they feel shame when they experience anxiety or fear, despite these emotions being a rational response to the current situation. It's important to recognize the difference between unhelpful, dysfunctional emotions and those that are appropriate and necessary for safety. The speaker is learning to use CBT techniques to manage their shame, rather than seeing it as a sign of regression. Overall, the ongoing pandemic has brought new challenges for those with mental health issues, and it's important to be compassionate with ourselves as we navigate these complex emotions.

    • Struggling with Mental Health and Interactions with StrangersDuring challenging times, maintaining mental health can be difficult, especially when it comes to interacting with strangers. It's important to recognize the impact of our own emotions and practice compassion, while also setting personal boundaries and understanding the complexities of social distancing.

      Mental health, particularly during challenging times like a pandemic, can significantly impact how we perceive and interact with others. The speaker shares their personal experience of struggling with anxiety and depression, where they were heavily emotionally invested in strangers and projected negative thoughts onto them. However, when they reached a place of mental health and high self-esteem, they were able to practice compassion and allow others their personal boundaries. Now, in the pandemic, they find themselves irritated and angry with strangers for not following safety protocols, which brings up feelings of shame and anxiety. It's a challenging balance to maintain mental health while navigating the complexities of social distancing and dealing with the emotional toll of the pandemic. The speaker expresses their frustration and feelings of being fed up, but also recognizes the importance of human interaction and the impact it has on their life.

    • The importance of unplanned human interactions for mental healthUnplanned interactions filled with compassion and intimacy contribute to mental health and overall well-being, but have been absent during the pandemic. It's okay to feel sadness, disappointment, and anger about this loss, and practicing self-compassion can help combat feelings of shame.

      Unplanned human interactions, filled with compassion and intimacy, hold significant value for mental health and overall well-being. These interactions, which often include spontaneous conversations and physical touch like hugs, have been largely absent during the pandemic. The speaker acknowledges feeling sadness, disappointment, and anger about this loss, but emphasizes that it's okay to experience these emotions without shame. To combat feelings of shame, the speaker suggests practicing self-compassion, such as treating oneself with kindness and compassion as if one were a child. The speaker also addresses a question about living together in a shared rented accommodation after a breakup and an affair, advising the need for a strong agreement or contract to establish boundaries.

    • Maintaining Personal Boundaries in Shared Living Spaces with Ex-PartnersEstablish clear communication and boundaries when living with an ex-partner. Address safety concerns, discuss emotional impact, create a contract, practice self-compassion, and respect each other's emotional boundaries.

      When living in a shared space with an ex-partner during a broken-up relationship, it's essential to establish clear boundaries and communication. The speaker emphasizes that if living arrangements force individuals to stay together, they are entitled to express their feelings and discuss the impact of their ex-partner's actions on them. This includes addressing safety concerns, such as traveling during a pandemic, and the emotional toll of the situation. The speaker suggests having a contract or agreement to outline acceptable behavior and respect each other's emotional boundaries. The speaker also encourages self-compassion and understanding during these challenging situations. Ultimately, the importance of clear communication and setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining personal well-being and navigating the complexities of a post-relationship living arrangement.

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