
    Schumer & the Dems BLOCK Emergency Funding for Israel plus Antisemitism at MIT Threatens Jewish Students' Safety

    enNovember 15, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Chumba Casino, HealthLock, and Political InfluenceChumba Casino offers free-to-play games accessible anywhere, HealthLock saves consumers money by detecting errors and fraud in medical bills, and there are reports of Chinese Communist Party influence in Hollywood, with recent political tensions over Israel aid.

      Chumba Casino is gaining popularity with its free-to-play casino games accessible anywhere, even at 30,000 feet. Meanwhile, HealthLock helps consumers save money by detecting errors and fraud in medical bills, having saved over $30,000,000 for its members. In the political sphere, the Chinese Communist Party is reportedly exerting influence over Hollywood, and senators recently blocked aid to Israel despite a massive show of support during a rally. The Biden administration attempted to tie Israel aid to border security funding, which the house of representatives broke off and paid for by rescinding funding for hiring new IRS agents.

    • Senate Vote on Israel Aid: Political Priorities and Procedural ManeuversSenate Democrats, led by Chuck Schumer, blocked a vote on emergency military aid for Israel due to political priorities and procedural tactics, highlighting increasing polarization and the strategic use of Senate rules.

      During a recent Senate vote on emergency military aid for Israel, Democrats, led by Chuck Schumer, blocked the vote despite strong Republican support. This was due to Schumer's desire to prevent a vote that could have exposed Democratic divisions on Israel and to prioritize other political priorities. The procedural maneuvering involved a rare use of a rogue cloture petition by Republican senators to force a vote. The incident highlights the increasing political polarization and the use of procedural tactics to advance partisan agendas. It also underscores the importance of understanding Senate procedural rules and the strategic use of such maneuvers.

    • Senate Republicans Use Procedural Knowledge to Pass Emergency Funding BillA small group of Senate Republicans leveraged their understanding of Senate rules to force a vote on a $14 billion emergency military funding bill for Israel, bypassing Democratic attempts to stall the process.

      A small group of Senate Republicans, led by Roger Marshall, used their understanding of Senate rules to force a vote on a $14 billion emergency military funding bill for Israel, despite Democratic opposition. The group, which included Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and others, acted quickly and surreptitiously, catching Democrats off guard. When the bill was brought to the floor, Democrats attempted to call for a quorum call to stall the vote, but the presiding officer, a Democrat, recognized a Democrat senator instead of a Republican, leading to a lengthy quorum call that prevented any further business from being conducted. The Republicans persisted in attempting to end the quorum call, eventually succeeding and allowing the bill to be voted on and passed. This story highlights the importance of Senate procedural knowledge and the ability to use it strategically to advance legislation despite opposition.

    • Straight Party Line Vote on Israel FundingDespite party politics, investing in a gold IRA can offer stability and peace of mind during uncertain times.

      During a recent Senate vote on emergency military funding for Israel, every single Democrat voted against it, making it a straight party line vote. This was a surprise to many, including Chuck Schumer, who is known for his strong support for Israel. The Democrats' decision to prioritize party politics over standing with Israel has been met with criticism and concern, particularly given the current unpredictable global situation. It serves as a reminder of the political climate and the potential implications for the upcoming elections. Despite this, having a gold IRA can provide peace of mind and stability during uncertain times. Augusta Precious Metals offers exceptional, honest, and no-pressure services for those interested in investing in gold IRAs.

    • Democrats and Republicans Block Military Funding for Israel TogetherDespite bipartisan vote to block military funding for Israel, lack of media coverage allowed Democrats to make a partisan move without public scrutiny.

      During a recent Senate vote on military funding for Israel, Democrats and Republicans came together to block the funding, with every Democratic senator playing a decisive role. The reason for this was that the corporate media, which Democrats rely on for coverage, would likely not report on the vote, allowing Democrats to make a partisan move without their constituents knowing. The speaker expressed concern that if just one Democrat had voted with the Republicans, the bill would have passed, but the lack of media coverage made this a risk worth taking for Democrats. This incident highlights the power of the media in shaping public perception and the potential for partisan maneuvering in the Senate.

    • Democrats Pressure Members to Vote Against Israel with ImpunityDuring a quorum call, Dems reportedly voted against Israel without backlash, while media shielded them from scrutiny. Consumer choices matter, like Patriot Mobile, and individuals should be vigilant about medical billing errors and cost-saving services.

      During a recent quorum call, Democrats reportedly pressured their members to vote against Israel, and they did so without fear of backlash from the media or their constituents. The speaker also highlighted the role of corporate media in shaping public perception and protecting Democrats from scrutiny. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the importance of consumer choices, as illustrated by the example of Patriot Mobile, a cell phone company that donates to conservative causes instead of contributing to Democratic and Planned Parenthood causes. Furthermore, the conversation emphasized the need for individuals to be vigilant about medical billing errors and the potential savings that can be achieved through services like HealthLock.

    • Addressing antisemitism on college campusesUniversities must take action against hate speech and harassment, ensuring student safety and academic freedom, regardless of offenders' visa status. Media should provide balanced coverage and platform for victims.

      The issue of antisemitism on college campuses, such as MIT, is a serious concern that goes beyond just academic freedom. When students feel physically threatened and unable to attend classes due to harassment, the university should take action and expel the offending parties, regardless of their visa status. The university's failure to do so sends a dangerous message that such behavior is acceptable. Additionally, the media, in this case CNN, has a responsibility to provide balanced coverage and give a platform to victims of hate speech and harassment. The safety and well-being of students should always be a top priority.

    • Harassment of Jewish students at MITMIT's failure to address anti-Semitic harassment of Jewish students creates a hostile environment, allowing foreign students to act with impunity due to cultural Marxist ideologies in the administration.

      At MIT, Jewish students have faced harassment, threats, and intimidation from some foreign students, yet the administration has failed to take action against the perpetrators. This behavior, rooted in anti-Semitic beliefs, has created a hostile environment for Jewish students. The administration's inaction, driven by cultural Marxist ideologies, has resulted in a double standard where foreign students are allowed to behave in ways that would result in expulsion for American students. Donors and those who care about equal rights, protection, and stopping hate on campuses should speak out and withhold support until universities take a stand against these intolerant behaviors. Silence in the face of injustice only emboldens the perpetrators and puts others at risk.

    • Boosting testosterone and standing against intoleranceChalk.com provides herbal extracts to increase testosterone levels, promoting energy and vitality. Meanwhile, it's crucial to address anti-Semitic protests on campus, ensuring student safety.

      Chalk.com offers natural and clinically studied herbal extracts to help boost testosterone levels in men, promoting energy and vitality. Meanwhile, at MIT and other universities, there are concerning reports of organized anti-Semitic protests targeting Jewish students, creating an unsafe environment. The MIT administration's complicity in these events is disgraceful, and it's crucial for everyone to stand against such intolerance and threats to students' safety. For men looking to enhance their testosterone levels, Chalk.com offers a solution, while for those concerned about the safety of Jewish students on campus, it's essential to spread awareness and support. Use promo code Ben for a 35% discount on Chalk's male vitality stack. Additionally, check out the senator's new book, "Unwoke," for insightful discussions on these and other important issues.

    • BritBox: Best of British TV & US Oil InvestmentsBritBox offers British TV, Labrador Energy offers tax-advantaged US oil investments, Hollywood's ties to CCP raise concerns (watch 'Hollywood Takeover' documentary)

      BritBox offers the best of British television for streaming, while for accredited investors, investing in US oil and gas through Labrador Energy presents an opportunity for tax-advantaged income. Meanwhile, Hollywood's relationship with the Chinese Communist Party raises concerns, as revealed in the documentary "Hollywood Takeover" by The Epic Times. BritBox, a streaming platform, brings the best of British television to viewers. Interested individuals can start a free trial at brittbox.com. For accredited investors, US oil and gas investments through Labrador Energy could offer sound returns and potential tax advantages. By investing, they might be able to reduce their tax liability. However, it's crucial to consult legal, tax, and financial advisers and read the prospectus before making any decisions. The documentary "Hollywood Takeover" by The Epic Times sheds light on the Chinese Communist Party's influence over major Hollywood studios. Tiffany Meyer, an investigative reporter, shares insights into this issue in the documentary. For a limited time, viewers can watch the first 10 minutes for free at hollywoodtakeover.com/ben.

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