
    Scott’s Tots with B.J. Novak

    en-usApril 13, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing The Office with Jenna Fisher and Angela KinseyActors Jenna Fisher and Angela Kinsey share behind-the-scenes stories and re-watch episodes of The Office, discussing deteriorating eyesight and interviewing episode's director B.J. Novak.

      Jenna Fisher and Angela Kinsey, who played Pam Beesly and Angela Martin on The Office, have started a podcast where they re-watch and discuss each episode of the show while sharing behind-the-scenes stories. During their discussion of Season 6, Episode 12 ("Scott's Tots"), they mentioned their shared need for good lighting due to deteriorating eyesight. The episode is considered one of the cringiest in the series, and they were excited to interview the episode's director, B.J. Novak. They also joked about the surreal experience of rewatching their old performances and seeing their former co-stars every week. The podcast, titled "Office Ladies," provides fans with a unique perspective on the making of The Office.

    • The Office's enduring appealDespite some cringeworthy moments, The Office's consistency in character development and humor makes it a beloved show among fans.

      The Office, which was once perceived as only good for a few seasons, has proven to be a consistent source of humor and joy throughout its entire run. The hosts, who initially thought some episodes were "broad" or "cringy," have found themselves laughing again during their current rewatch. One such episode, "Scott's Tots," directed by one of the hosts, is infamous for being the most cringeworthy episode. Despite this, fans continue to rewatch the show, and many cannot bring themselves to watch "Scott's Tots" due to its uncomfortable nature. However, the hosts argue that this episode, like other seemingly "unrealistic" moments in the show, is consistent with Michael Scott's character. The episode's cringeworthiness may not be a sign of poor creativity but rather a reflection of the depth of the show and its characters.

    • Michael's Broken Promise to the Blind School ChildrenMichael's generosity and belief in himself sometimes leads to broken promises, but his actions reflect his complex personality.

      Michael Scott's generosity and belief in himself led him to make a promise to the children of Scranton School for the Blind, which later became a broken promise in the episode "Scott's Tots." This action, while heartbreaking from the children's perspective, was a true representation of Michael's character - full of love, belief, and sometimes, overconfidence. The episode serves as a reminder of Michael's unique and complex personality throughout the series. Despite being labeled as the "Prince of Darkness" for writing some of the show's darker episodes, BJ Novak acknowledges the importance of both the light and dark aspects of the show. The creators aimed for a balance of positive and negative endings, and "Scott's Tots" was one of the darker episodes that served as a learning experience for Michael and the audience.

    • Transitioning from writing to directingEffective communication and trusting expertise are key to successfully transitioning from writing to directing in television production.

      The transition from writing to directing in television production requires confidence and effective communication. As B.J. Novak shared, the shift from the writer's room to the director's chair felt intuitive but required serious preparation. Novak received valuable advice from experienced professionals, such as directing to the cameras as if they were actors and communicating clearly with departments like costume design. This approach not only inspired creativity but also resulted in a more respectful and productive working environment. Novak's experience highlights the importance of trusting the expertise of those around you and effectively articulating your vision to bring a television show to life.

    • Effective communication and execution of director's visionDirectors should clearly communicate their vision, attend seminars for inspiration, watch movies in their head, and know how to get what they want to successfully execute their vision.

      Directors should have a clear vision of what they want and be able to effectively communicate and execute it. This was emphasized by various industry professionals, including Lee Wannell, who recommended attending seminars for practical and inspiring advice. Another essential piece of advice was to watch the movie in your head as much as possible to have a clear understanding of the visual storytelling. Additionally, knowing how to get what you want, whether it be through asking for help or inspiring others, is crucial. As the producer Al Ruddy put it, "You only need to know two things to direct, what you want and how to get it." Ultimately, these pieces of advice can help directors accomplish their goals and prioritize their personal lives, as demonstrated by the speakers' own experiences.

    • A clear director's vision is crucial for an efficient productionA clear director's vision streamlines the production process and leads to stronger performances, while a lack of direction can cause frustration and unnecessary changes.

      Having a clear vision as a director is essential for an efficient and successful production. A director with a clear vision makes the process smoother for everyone involved, while a director who is unsure can lead to unnecessary changes and frustration. Additionally, making a visually unusual choice, even if it doesn't fit perfectly, can help draw attention to the director and earn recognition. On the other hand, directors who blend seamlessly into their projects, like Harold Ramis and Rob Reiner, may not receive the same level of accolades but are still highly respected for their work. For actors, choosing one defining moment for their character and delivering it with intention can lead to stronger performances and increased chances of landing roles.

    • Unexpected pauses in performances can leave a lasting impressionActing authentically, being prepared, and adapting to unexpected situations can lead to memorable performances.

      Unexpected pauses or moments in a performance can have a powerful impact on an audience. This was demonstrated in an acting coach's audition experience, where a pause to replace a dislodged crown led to the most memorable audition the casting director had ever seen. Additionally, directing a large group of kids in a scene requires energy, patience, and effective communication. During the filming of "The Office," Rainn Wilson's character, Steve, used his charisma and improvisation skills to engage the kids and deliver a memorable speech. Wilson enjoyed working with kids and found it rewarding to direct them, even in background roles. In his upcoming movie, "Vengeance," Wilson took inspiration from a movie poster at the Cannes Film Festival and decided to be a part of it. The experience of acting and directing showcases the importance of authenticity, preparation, and adaptability in the entertainment industry.

    • BJ Novak's inspiration for 'Vengeance' and collaboration with Blumhouse ProductionsBJ Novak sought to create a unique, thought-provoking yet entertaining movie, inspiring him to collaborate with Blumhouse Productions. He shared experiences working on their audiobook with Angela and the Office Ladies, involving special appearances from Office cast members.

      BJ Novak drew inspiration for his movie "Vengeance" from the idea of creating an intriguing and unique tone for the film, which led him to approach Blumhouse Productions due to their success with challenging yet popular projects. Novak's goal was to create a movie that was not only thought-provoking but also fun, funny, and scary. During the podcast interview, he shared his experiences working with Angela and the Office Ladies, including their collaboration on the audiobook for their book "The Office BFFs: Tales of The Office Dunder Mifflin Scranton," which involved long hours of recording in a small room. The podcast also revealed that they had taken a brief break to work on the audiobook, and they were excited for listeners to hear the special appearances from Office cast members.

    • Michael's quirks add humor and depth to office dynamicsMichael's playful side creates memorable moments and bonding experiences for employees, showcasing unique backgrounds and diverse cast of characters through employee contests.

      Michael Scott's quirks and antics, such as making Andy read baby talk from a card or attempting to clean out his massive email inbox, add humor and depth to the office dynamics. Despite his serious attempts to maintain professionalism, Michael's playful side often shines through, creating memorable moments and bonding experiences for his employees. Additionally, the episode showcases Andy's unique background and interests, adding to the diverse and intriguing cast of characters. The employee of the month contest serves as a fun and engaging plot device, highlighting the camaraderie and teamwork among the Dunder Mifflin employees.

    • Managing Digital Content and Unexpected Events in the OfficePeople prioritize keeping digital content related to personal matters while managing the inflow of emails and unexpected events in the workplace can lead to surprises and impact productivity.

      People are often overwhelmed by the amount of digital content they receive, leading them to keep some emails and memories while trying to reduce the inflow of others. In the Office setting, this was evident when Jenna discussed her email inbox and shared her feelings about keeping emails related to her children. Additionally, the employees were surprised to learn about the Michael Scott Foundation's continued existence and the pledge to pay for third-graders' college tuition. The use of a fake Scranton Times newspaper added to the realism of the scene. This episode highlights the importance of managing digital content and the impact of unexpected events in the workplace.

    • The Internet's Impact on 'Scott's Tots' Episode of The OfficeThe internet revealed various reactions to 'Scott's Tots' episode, from Stanley's amusement to Pam's sympathy, and showed the episode's ongoing influence through student clubs and soccer teams named after it.

      The internet is a vast source of information, often leading to unexpected discoveries. In the case of the Office episode "Scott's Tots," the internet revealed various interpretations of the episode, with some viewers relating more to the character Stanley's amusement at Michael's predicament and others, like Pam, feeling sympathy and disbelief. The internet also showed the existence of student clubs and soccer teams named "Scott's Tots," demonstrating the episode's impact and reach beyond the show. Ultimately, the internet served as a tool for exploration and connection, highlighting the diverse reactions to the episode and its ongoing influence.

    • A real-life businessman's promise inspires 'Scott's Tots' episodeThe 'Scott's Tots' episode of 'The Office' was inspired by a real-life businessman's promise to pay for underprivileged children's college education and the writers added their own creative elements.

      The inspiration for the "Scott's Tots" episode of "The Office" came from a real-life story of a businessman who successfully promised to pay for the college education of underprivileged children. The idea was initially conceived by Paul Lieberstein, who was inspired by an article he had read about this businessman. However, the episode's writers, Jean and Lee, added their own creative touches, such as the dance and the batteries. Meanwhile, in the episode, Dwight continues to act strangely, showering Jim with compliments and providing him with a spreadsheet to rank employees based on performance for the employee of the month project. Dwight's behavior in the kitchen, where he gets various condiments out of the fridge, adds to the overall strange dynamic of the scene. Condiments, as defined, are substances used to add flavor to food.

    • Dwight uses various condiments for his own purposesCondiments enhance flavors and can range from sauces to powders, but not solid substances. Dwight used them to potentially set up a situation for someone else to fail.

      Condiments are foods that can be poured or sprinkled on other dishes to enhance their flavors. According to the discussion, condiments can range from sauces and powders to jellies and jams, but not solid substances that need to be chopped. For example, peanut butter is considered a condiment, while guacamole is not. In the given context, Dwight Schrute was using various condiments for his own purposes, possibly to set up a situation for someone else to fail. Moving on, the scenes at the high school were filmed at Van Nuys Middle School in California. During the visit, Michael Scott was greeted by students wearing "Scott's Tots" shirts and was surprised with a song and dance routine. The choreography for the dance was done by Tony Gonzalez, who has worked on various dance projects, including Bring It On and The Masked Singer. The eight dancers cast for the routine were Danielle E. Hawkins, Glenda Morales, David Ezel, Katrina Norman, Chris Moss, Oscar Orozco, Jonathan Rice, and Quentin Burdett. The rehearsals for the dance were held in just two days, showcasing the dancers' impressive skills.

    • Unexpected joys from passion projectsPassion projects can lead to unexpected discoveries and connections, as seen in the speaker's journey to learn tap dance and the arrival of bobbleheads.

      Passion projects can lead to unexpected joys and discoveries. The speaker shared her experience of learning tap dance and recording herself, only to find humor in her own struggles. She also highlighted the unexpected arrival of bobbleheads from the show's digital producer, Joya, which brought back memories and added to her collection. The discussion also shed light on the creative process behind the music and webisodes of "The Office," with the reveal that Emmy-winning composer Eve Nelson wrote the music for "Hey, Mr. Scott" and other special projects. Overall, the conversation showcased the behind-the-scenes elements of producing a beloved TV show and the unexpected surprises that come with pursuing personal interests.

    • Cherishing Memories, Making a Difference, and Trusting IntuitionCherishing memories from past experiences brings joy and nostalgia. Persistence and follow-through can positively impact others. Intuition and anticipating future events are valuable skills.

      Sometimes, holding onto cherished mementos from past experiences can serve as a source of joy and nostalgia. The speaker shared a story about a rare Princess Unicorn Doll from "The Office," which she managed to keep despite the show's end and multiple moves. This doll became a prized possession and a reminder of her time working on the show. Another lesson is that persistence and follow-through, even in small ways, can have a significant impact on others. Michael Scott's promise to send underprivileged students to college led to heartfelt gratitude and a sense of accomplishment for both him and the students. Additionally, the importance of intuition and anticipating future events was emphasized when Pam Beesly encouraged the students to trust their instincts. Overall, these stories illustrate the value of cherishing memories, making a difference, and trusting one's intuition.

    • Derek's inability to pay for his brother's tuition leads to embarrassing moments for othersThe Office episode 'Scott's Tots' is remembered for its humor and memorable moments, including Derek's financial woes, Jim and Pam's Employee of the Month controversy, and Dwight's prank calls.

      The Office episode "Scott's Tots" is full of unexpected twists and cringe moments. Derek, played by Michael Schur, reveals he can't pay for his brother Zion's tuition, leading to a series of embarrassing moments for other characters. Jim is named Employee of the Month, but his wife Pam is also on the list, causing confusion and anger. The episode culminates with Dwight pranking the office by calling David Wallace pretending to be various employees. The yup meme, born from Pam's defense of her win, is a famous moment from the show. The episode is known for its humor and memorable moments, showcasing the quirks and dynamics of the Office characters.

    • Pranks, Paybacks, and RedemptionIn this episode, Jim faced criticism for requesting payment from colleagues, while Dwight pretended to be Meredith in prank calls. Michael and Erin left the school in disgrace but made amends with a student. The episode showcased the characters' quirks, conflicts, and heartfelt moments.

      The Office episode discussed featured various characters, including Jim Halpert, Dwight Schrute, and Michael Scott, each displaying their unique traits. Jim faced backlash for asking colleagues to pay him, while Dwight pretended to be Meredith in prank calls. Michael and Erin left the school in disgrace but made amends with a student by offering to pay for his books. Kwame Boitang, the student actor, has since moved on to run his own company. David Wallace was displeased with Jim's actions, and the Phoebe Snow painting reappeared in Jim's office. The episode showcased the characters' humor, conflicts, and heartfelt moments, making for an entertaining watch. Additionally, a fan in Franklin, Indiana, was featured in the scene with snow outside the school, and Ticket to Ride was recommended as a train-themed board game.

    • Unexpected positive outcomes in difficult situationsPersevere through challenges, show kindness, and the ripple effect of actions can lead to unexpected positive outcomes.

      Even in difficult situations, there can be unexpected positive outcomes. In the Office episode discussed, Jim and David's phone call starts off contentiously but ends amicably. Meanwhile, Michael's harsh treatment towards Erin is contrasted by his pride in her academic aspirations and his belief in her potential to become an accountant. Additionally, the episode includes a heartwarming real-life story about Dale Schroeder, a carpenter who saved up millions to create a scholarship fund for 33 students, inspiring them to pay it forward. This episode highlights the importance of perseverance, kindness, and the ripple effect of one's actions.

    • A behind-the-scenes look at The Office with its starsThe Office stars share stories and perspectives on the beloved show while Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey keep the conversation engaging and answer fan questions.

      From taxidermy enthusiasts to those who enjoy simple human moments, there's something for everyone. The guests on the show, including BJ Novak, Gene Stupnitsky, Lee Eisenberg, Paul Lieberstein, Randy Cordray, and James Carey, add valuable perspectives and stories from their time working on The Office. Joya Balfour also shares updates on NBC.com. The hosts, Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey, keep the conversation light and engaging while answering fan questions. Office Ladies is produced by Earwolf and executive produced by Cody Fisher. For an ad-free listening experience, check out Stitrapremium.com with the code "office" for a free trial.

    Recent Episodes from Office Ladies

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    Moving On, Pt 1

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies

    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 26, 2024

    An Interview with Phyllis Smith

    An Interview with Phyllis Smith

    This week the ladies chat with Phyllis Smith! Phyllis played our lovable, snarky sales rep who was also the second half of Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration. The ladies bond over some of their personal favorite “Office” moments which includes a scene both Phyllis and Steve Carell couldn’t get through. Phyllis also talks about her upcoming movie “Inside Out 2” where she plays the voice of Sadness. This episode is guaranteed to warm your heart so no need to get sassy over party planning ideas, just enjoy this episode! 


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    A Look Back on Counseling

    A Look Back on Counseling

    This week we’re taking a look back on “Counseling”. After spanking his nephew at work, Michael undergoes counseling with Toby. Meanwhile, Dwight attempts to get his “Pretty Woman” revenge at a Steamtown Mall shop and Pam gives herself a promotion. We hear an original “Whispers in the Breakroom” by musician Elyse Myers. Jenna reveals the backstory behind how Michael came to hate Toby, Angela shares why Dwight wanted that wizard statue so badly, and we get a fun audio clip from actress Kate Walsh! If you don’t listen to this episode, Big mistake, HUGE! 


    Follow Elyse Myers on Instagram - @elyse_myers 

    Follow Micka on Instagram - @ultramike

    Follow Kate Walsh on Instagram - @katewalsh


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    An Interview with Jake Lacy

    An Interview with Jake Lacy

    This week the ladies chat with Jake Lacy! Jake played Pete on “The Office” or as Andy liked to call him, Plop. Jake talks about what it was like to audition and join the cast in Season 9. Jake shares memories from his first day on set, answers call sheet questions and they all bond over parenting. Enjoy! 


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 05, 2024

    Couples Discount

    Couples Discount

    This week we’re breaking down “Couples Discount”. The office pretends to be couples to get a Valentines’ Day discount at a nail salon, and meanwhile Jim and Pam try to celebrate this romantic holiday but it doesn’t go so well. Angela shares the struggle of shoe shopping with tiny feet, Jenna deems that Valentine’s Day is not Jim and Pam’s holiday and the ladies try some fancy chocolate. So relax, get a mani with your office bestie and enjoy this episode!


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 29, 2024

    Vandalism with Lee Kirk

    Vandalism with Lee Kirk

    This week we're breaking down "Vandalism" and the ladies are joined by the director of this episode and Jenna's husband, Lee Kirk! (You might also remember Lee as Clark the Lactation Consultant.) Pam's mural in the warehouse gets vandalized, Angela and the Senator host a fancy first birthday party for their son and Jim and Darryl are a bit at odds as roommates in Philly. Lee shares what it was like to direct an episode of "The Office" through a fun analogy. Then Jenna shares a Nate moment that made her break, and Angela reveals more deleted party scenes. Plus Josh (Angela's husband in real life) made lemon madeleines for us this week! So keep your 5 lbs of flour away from Jim and enjoy this episode!


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 22, 2024

    An Interview with John Krasinski

    An Interview with John Krasinski

    This week the ladies chat with John Krasinski! John, Jenna and Angela talk about Season 9 of “The Office”, Jenna remembers John pitching a way to wrap up the Jim and Pam storyline, Angela asks John some call sheet questions, and John tells the ladies about his upcoming movie “IF”! This is a wonderful chat so please enjoy, Office Ladies fans! 


    Check Out the IF Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mb2187ZQtBE


    Follow If on Instagram: @IFmovie

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion


    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 15, 2024

    A Look Back on Nepotism

    A Look Back on Nepotism

    This week we’re taking a look back at “Nepotism”. Michael got his nephew, played by Evan Peters, a job at Dunder Mifflin and he’s terrible. Like soy ice cream and bagel chips terrible. The ladies tell you everything you want to know about the lip dub opening, and Kate Flannery sends in a clip about her experience being strapped to Brian Baumgartner’s back. Then Angela shares a story full of twists and turns about trying to find a Blu-Ray player in her hometown so she could research this episode, Jenna explains a seemingly strange reaction Pam has in a conference room scene and the ladies wonder about being able to pee in the ocean. So bust out those dance moves, guitar riffs and magic tricks, and enjoy “Nepotism”! 


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Junior Salesman

    Junior Salesman

    This week we’re breaking down “Junior Salesman”. Dwight searches for a part-time salesman to fill in while Jim splits his time between Athlead and Dunder Mifflin. We hear audio clips from editor Dave Rogers who talks about his experience directing this episode. Angela has a very surprising update on the banned mallard duck, Jenna breaks down how fan reactions to the boom operator affected the storyline and the ladies discuss what they can podcast about next after their “Office” rewatch. So no need to go paintballing with Dwight’s friends, just enjoy this great episode! 


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Customer Loyalty

    Customer Loyalty

    This week we’re breaking down “Customer Loyalty”. Dwight goes out of his way to stop Darryl from leaving Dunder Mifflin, and Jim misses Cece’s recital which leads to a fight that causes Pam to turn to someone from the documentary crew! We hear audio clips from the director of this episode, Kelly Cantley, who talks about taking on such a big reveal. Angela also interviews her daughter, Isabel, who played a ladybug in this episode and Jenna shares a fan letter that pitches many incidents the documentary crew probably should’ve stepped in to help a Dunder Mifflin employee. So no need to “FIRE IN THE HOLE” to enjoy this big episode. It’s a good one!


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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