
    Sealed with a Bacterial Kiss

    enFebruary 12, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring various podcast topics and perspectivesDiscover a wide range of podcasts covering diverse topics, from nostalgia to technology, and broaden your knowledge and perspective.

      Whether it's through nostalgic conversations about childhood TV movies on Magical Rewind, exploring the future of technology on Technically Speaking, staying connected to the black community with Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily, or delving into the mysteries of life on Conversations with UNK, podcasts offer a vast array of topics and perspectives to engage with. And sometimes, as in the case of Stuff to Blow Your Mind, podcasts can even challenge our assumptions about familiar concepts like the kiss, shedding new light on their history, significance, and even the bacterial profiles involved. So, no matter what you're interested in, there's a podcast out there for you. Tune in, sit back, and enjoy the ride.

    • The History of KissingFrom ancient India to modern times, kissing has evolved as a form of intimate connection, with its specific practices shaped by cultural norms and circumstances.

      The act of kissing holds a rich and ancient history, dating back to at least 1500 BCE in India, where it was documented in the Vedas and the Mahabharata. The practice spread to the Roman Empire through Alexander the Great's invasion of India, and while it's now widely practiced among sexual and romantic partners in nearly 90% of cultures, there are also examples of cultures that didn't traditionally use kissing, like the Inuits, who instead used the Eskimo kiss or nose rubbing. Throughout history, kissing has served as an intimate act of connection, but its specific form has evolved and been influenced by cultural norms and circumstances, such as the avoidance of physical contact during the Black Death in Europe, when kissing fell out of fashion and was replaced with alternative forms of close contact like licking, sniffing, and nuzzling eyebrows.

    • The Complexity of Kissing: More Than Just LipsKissing engages over 45 muscles and sends signals to the brain through the nervous system, making it a full-body experience with significant effects.

      Kissing is a complex full-body experience involving not just the lips, but also numerous muscles and a high density of sensory neurons. This simple act of communication is studied in philomatology and has significant effects on the brain and body. The muscles involved include the orbicularis oris, zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor, and over 34 muscles for facial movements, as well as about 112 postural muscles in the neck, back, and chest. The lips, with their high concentration of sensory neurons, are among the most sensitive areas of the body, sending a cascade of messages to the brain through the nervous system. These messages include information about temperature, taste, smell, and movements, which are then mapped in the somatosensory cortex, with the lips having a particularly large representation.

    • The Science Behind a Kiss: Neurotransmitters, Hormones, and BacteriaA kiss triggers the release of dopamine for novelty, adrenaline for anticipation, and a bacterial exchange for deeper connection

      A kiss is more than just a simple act of closeness between two people. It's a complex interplay of neurotransmitters, hormones, and even a bacterial exchange that makes it an experience filled with desire, reward, and excitement. The brain releases dopamine in response to novel experiences, making a first kiss particularly special. Adrenaline helps our bodies anticipate what's to come, leading to the passionate and intense moments we often associate with a good kiss. Our heart rates increase, oxygen flows more freely, and pupils dilate. Some people even close their eyes to avoid the awkwardness of staring into each other's wide, dilated eyes. The exchange of bacteria during a French kiss adds another layer of intimacy and connection. It's a fascinating reminder of the intricate ways our bodies respond to this simple yet profound act.

    • Exploring Technology Advancements with Intel's Technically Speaking Podcast and Michigan Chronicle Digital DailyIntel's podcast discusses AI advancements in healthcare, retail, entertainment, and personal computing, while Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily elevates black voices and stories. Don't forget, a passionate kiss involves exchanging saliva, mucus membranes, and up to 700 types of bacteria.

      Technology, specifically artificial intelligence (AI), is at the forefront of shaping the future, and Intel is leading the charge in implementing AI in various industries. From healthcare to retail, entertainment, and personal computing, AI is revolutionizing our world for the better. The Technically Speaking podcast by Intel, hosted by Graeme Klass, explores these advancements and features interviews with industry leaders. Meanwhile, the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily elevates black voices and stories in the community. Meanwhile, on a less romantic note, a study on French kissing revealed that during a kiss, saliva, mucus membranes, and up to 700 types of bacteria are exchanged. While it's rare, diseases like mononucleosis, herpes simplex, and gastric ulcers can be transmitted. So, the next time you engage in a passionate kiss, remember it's not just a romantic exchange, but a microbial one as well! Tune in to Technically Speaking for the latest technology advancements and stay informed and empowered with the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily. And don't forget to check out Xumo Play for endless entertainment with no sign-ups or logins required.

    • A single kiss can transfer 80 million bacteriaKissing can transfer bacteria, but a diverse microbiome in the mouth is beneficial for health

      A single intimate kiss can transfer approximately 80 million bacteria from one person to another. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing as having a diverse microbiome in the mouth is beneficial for one's health. In fact, the more kisses, the better, as long as both partners are healthy. This research was conducted by having participants swab their mouths before and after kissing, with one partner consuming probiotic yogurt beforehand to serve as a marker. The findings showed a significant increase in bacteria in the non-yogurt drinking partner, indicating the transfer of bacteria during the kiss. Despite initial concerns, the higher diversity of bacteria in the mouth can lead to better overall health. So, the next time you have the opportunity for a kiss, consider the potential health benefits.

    • Staying Informed and Entertained: The Michigan Chronicle and Xumo PlaySubscribe to authentic perspectives like The Michigan Chronicle and utilize free streaming services like Xumo Play for staying informed and entertained. Trust certified financial planner professionals for reliable financial advice.

      Staying informed and entertained are essential aspects of modern life. Subscribing to authentic perspectives like The Michigan Chronicle and utilizing free streaming services like Xumo Play can help achieve these goals. When it comes to finances, trust is crucial, and certified financial planner professionals can provide reliable advice. As for the question of why we kiss, it's a complex issue with possible explanations ranging from instinctive behaviors to cultural influences. Some theories suggest that kissing may serve to arouse, cement relationships, or even test potential mates. Additionally, the idea that kissing evolved from primate mothers pre-chewing food for their young is an intriguing hypothesis. Ultimately, the reasons for this human behavior may involve a combination of learned and instinctive factors.

    • Kissing: A Significant Role in Transferring Beneficial Bacteria and Chemical InformationKissing plays a role in transferring beneficial bacteria and assessing immune system compatibility, with potential evolutionary and emotional significance.

      Mouth-to-mouth contact, including kissing, plays a significant role in the transfer of beneficial bacteria and data between individuals. This behavior has evolutionary roots, as seen in primates like chimpanzees and some modern cultures. Additionally, the act of kissing may help children associate lip pressure with a loving act, and the preference for turning heads to the right during a kiss might mirror the head turning preference of babies during breastfeeding. From a genetic perspective, kissing could serve as a form of chemical profiling, allowing individuals to assess the compatibility of their immune systems before pursuing a potential relationship. A study by Gallup Jr. showed that over half of college students reported their attraction ending after the first kiss, suggesting the importance of this initial chemical exchange. Women, in particular, seem to be more attracted to men with different immune systems, emphasizing the role of sexual reproduction in producing genetically diverse offspring. Overall, the act of kissing is a complex interplay of biology, evolution, and emotion.

    • The Human Kiss: A Full Body Sensory ExperienceThe kiss is a complex sensory experience that potentially influences compatibility and genetic diversity through unconscious mechanisms.

      A passionate kiss between humans is more than just an exchange of lips - it's a full body sensory experience that potentially taps into unconscious mechanisms to help determine compatibility and genetic diversity. Women, in particular, may be more discerning in this process. The kiss is a "shallow end of the intimacy pool," with potential implications for future coupling and childbearing. While other species may engage in similar behaviors, the human kiss, especially the passionate one, is unique in its complexity. This is evident in the literature on scent profiles and immune system diversity, as well as the engagement of various senses. However, not all kisses are passionate or meaningful - some may be devoid of connection, like Flannery O'Connor's encounter with a pursuer. Ultimately, the kiss is a significant part of human intimacy and communication, with potential evolutionary implications.

    • The Purposes of Kissing: The Complexity of AffectionKissing serves various purposes beyond expressing affection, including communication, stress relief, and bacteria exchange. However, it's important to be aware of potential risks when kissing pets due to their mouths' pathogens.

      Kissing, whether it's between humans or animals, serves various purposes beyond just expressing affection. It can be a form of communication, a stress reliever, and even a means of exchanging beneficial bacteria. However, it's important to note that kissing with pets may carry risks due to potential pathogens in their mouths. The motivations behind kissing are as diverse as the benefits it offers, making it a fascinating and complex behavior. For more information on the science behind kissing, check out the article "How Kissing Works" by Tracy V. Wilson on HowStoneworks.com.

    • Intimate Kissing Transfers 80 Million Bacteria Between PartnersA 2014 study revealed that a French kiss transfers approximately 80 million bacteria, shaping our oral microbiome.

      A 2014 study named "Shaping the Oral Microbiota through Intimate Kissing" discovered that a French kiss transfers approximately 80 million bacteria between partners. This finding highlights the role of intimate kissing in shaping our oral microbiome. For more insights, visit howstuffworks.com and send your thoughts to [blowthemind@howstuffworks.com](mailto:blowthemind@howstuffworks.com). Meanwhile, for those interested in staying informed about Detroit's black community, subscribe to The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily. It offers authentic perspectives and stories that matter. For entertainment, try Zumo PLAY, a free streaming platform with 350+ live channels, movies, and TV series. Additionally, Ebay Motors can help you transform your old ride with various parts and guaranteed fit, ensuring a perfect match. And don't forget to check out Revisionist History with Malcolm Gladwell for thought-provoking stories. Lastly, stay connected with Visible, the wireless company offering unlimited 5G data for just $25 a month, with no hidden fees. Switch now and enjoy transparent wireless service.

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    This episode is brought to you by Global Patties! Global Patties is a family business that manufactures protein supplement patties for honey bees. Feeding your hives protein supplement patties will help ensure that they produce strong and health colonies by increasing brood production and overall honey flow. Global offers a variety of standard patties, as well as custom patties to meet your specific needs. Visit them today at http://globalpatties.com and let them know you appreciate them sponsoring this show with Brad Root, President of A.I. Root Company!


    We hope you enjoy this podcast and welcome your questions and comments: questions@beekeepingtodaypodcast.com

    Thanks to Bee Culture, the Magazine of American Beekeeping, for their support of The Beekeeping Today Podcast. Available in print and digital at www.beeculture.com

     Thank you for listening! 

    Podcast music: Young Presidents, "Be Strong"




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