
    About this Episode

    This is "Rambling with Brandi Mac." I am going to warn you now...there is background noise from the car, but my portable mic should arrive soon decreasing the background noise for future episodes.

     This episode includes some bread crumbs on the TikTok creator being interviewed for our first interview series. I talk about being naive in the beginning of this journey #motherofanaddict, when some in the harm reduction tried to cancel me. Also end the show with some honest and truthful advice. 

    Thank you to each of you who have followed my podcast, we are in the top 100 on Apple for mental health in the US. 


    Alanon link: Al-anon meetings

    What I am currently reading :How to Change your mind by Michael Pollan

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@the_original_brandi_mac

    If you are interested in being on the show please email the show at:


    I am looking for those in recovery, loved ones, those in active use, therapists, rehab owners and any other area that involves addiction and recovery. 

    Recent Episodes from Collateral Damage: Addiction, recovery & all the shit in between

    Happy New Year! Meet Brooke Part 2

    Happy New Year! Meet Brooke Part 2

    Happy New Year everyone! Brooke and I figured we would start 2024 off with part 2 of her interview. This episode goes more into what happened in Maryland especially concerning her medicated assisted treatment and much more. All of the questions came from followers on social media. The next episode we will be discussing sex trafficking. 

    Email us @ collateraldamagesucks@gmail.com

    Resources and website https://www.brandimac.com/


    Meet My Daughter Brooke...Interview Part 1

    Meet My Daughter Brooke...Interview Part 1

    This podcast is raw and real. My daughter came home one week ago to detox and together we made the decision to restart her medicated assisted treatment. This will likely be several parts and a great way to end 2023. Brooke and I want to wish each of you and your family's a very Happy Holiday. 

    Thank you for sticking around. 






    Meeting them Where They Are: Holidays, treatment and the future

    Meeting them Where They Are: Holidays, treatment and the future


    This episode I talk about what it was like having our daughter in active drug use home for Thanksgiving for the first time in 5 years. The day even included family pictures. Those who may be new here my daughter is 23 and struggles substance use disorder. She is an IV drug user and we have been raising our grandson since his first birthday. I also talk about the potential for opening a treatment facility. 


    Thank you for listening and please download and leave a review so we can get this episode out to more people. 



    Once upon a time there was an interventionist...

    Once upon a time there was an interventionist...

    Many have seen the drama on social media when it comes to Sam and I. He not only made a 1 sided podcast but also went live last night sharing a 1 sided view. Hopefully this will answer some of the questions many of you have had. 


    If you want to learn more about the story there is a playlist called "Sam Davis and Marc" on my Tiktok profile when this all started. 

    Brandi Mac Tiktok TikTok Link


    Another life gone to soon...RIP Angel

    Another life gone to soon...RIP Angel

    This week another mom who has shared her daughters struggles with addiction has experienced the call so many of us fear. Her 20 year old daughter lost her battle to addiction. Please pray for Melissa and the rest of her family grieving the loss of Angel. 

    Melissa's TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@the.real.melissa

    Brandi Mac's TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@the_original_brandi_mac

    Go fund me Go fund me for funeral expenses

    Season1, Episode 5- Dr. Stacy murphy

    Season1, Episode 5- Dr. Stacy murphy

    This episode features an interview with Dr. Stacy Murphy who owns Navigating Addiction which provides family education for treatment centers. Stacy also know what its like love a child with substance use disorder. Her daughter has 11 years of sobriety and understands the struggles that many of us go through. 

    If you love the podcast please leave a review and follow!

    Dr. Stacy Murphy Navigating Addiction

    Dr. Stacy Murphy TikTok

    If you are in need of resources check out The Apathetic Journey

    Sign up for our newsletter and to receive notification every time a new episode drops!

    Newsletter Sign up


    You can follow all of Brandi Mac's social media accounts at Brandi Mac's Website


    Recovery and Awareness shirts Stop The Stigma Apparel

    Season 1, Episode 4- Body Brokering in Addiction Treatment

    Season 1, Episode 4- Body Brokering in Addiction Treatment

    This episode is going to discuss what a bodybroker is, kickbacks, how the affordable care act contributed to many rehab facilities becoming the new "pill mill" following the oxycontin epidemic.  I am sure there are some amazing rehabs but sadly it's impossible to determine which ones those are.

    If you have been impacted by the "Florida Shuffle" or had an experience with a "body broker" I would love to hear your story!!!

    Article: https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdfl/pr/owner-sentenced-more-27-years-prison-multi-million-dollar-health-care-fraud-and-money

    PBS: https://www.pbs.org/video/sci-body-brokering-rampant-in-addiction-rehab-industry-1665520234/

    Body Brokers Movie: Body Brokers Movie


    Join my email list for our monthly newsletter and notifications on new podcast release dates!!!!

    Newsletter sign up

    As always I appreciate all of your reviews which will start being shared in the monthly newsletter.

    Brandi Mac TikTok: Brandi Mac TikTok

    Email the podcast @ collateraldamagesucks@gmail.com

    Sponsor: The Apathetic Journey- All Things Addiction for families



    S1, Episode 3- How we got our grandson?

    S1, Episode 3- How we got our grandson?

    How we got our grandson


    AA/NA online meetings: https://aa-intergroup.org/meetings/

    Smart Recovery: https://meetings.smartrecovery.org/meetings/

    Brandi Mac TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@the_original_brandi_mac


    Interested in being on the podcast? Email us @ collateraldamagesucks@gmail.com

    Join email list to be notified when a new episode drops @https://collateral-damage-podcast-with-brandi-mac.ck.page/f6a9af5a50

    Season 1, episode 2- Rambling with Brandi Mac part 1

    Season 1, episode 2- Rambling with Brandi Mac part 1

    This is "Rambling with Brandi Mac." I am going to warn you now...there is background noise from the car, but my portable mic should arrive soon decreasing the background noise for future episodes.

     This episode includes some bread crumbs on the TikTok creator being interviewed for our first interview series. I talk about being naive in the beginning of this journey #motherofanaddict, when some in the harm reduction tried to cancel me. Also end the show with some honest and truthful advice. 

    Thank you to each of you who have followed my podcast, we are in the top 100 on Apple for mental health in the US. 


    Alanon link: Al-anon meetings

    What I am currently reading :How to Change your mind by Michael Pollan

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@the_original_brandi_mac

    If you are interested in being on the show please email the show at:


    I am looking for those in recovery, loved ones, those in active use, therapists, rehab owners and any other area that involves addiction and recovery. 

    Episode 1- Intro and Welcome

    Episode 1- Intro and Welcome

    Have you ever loved someone with substance use disorder and felt alone? Are you currently using or in recovery and feel like your family lacks understanding? Yea well welcome to my f$cking life! I’m Brandi Mac and my daughter battles addiction and her family? Well we are collateral damage and frankly it sucks. This podcast will cover all aspects of addiction with interviews of those in recovery, active use and family members. We will explore the good and bad of the treatment industry, harm reduction, medicated assisted treatment (MAT) and boundaries.

    Follow me on TikTok: Brandi Mac's TikTok

    Instagram: Brandi Mac's Instagram