
    About this Episode

    Self-care is not selfish. 

    You deserve to be at the top of your to-do list. 

    You are only as good to others as you are to yourself. 

    These are all truths I had to learn. Now these truths live within my cells, but they haven’t always.  

    In this episode you’ll learn more about my own journey to living well and what I now know for sure about self-care.  











    Recent Episodes from Your Live Well Journey - The Podcast

    Yoga Nidra For Third Eye Chakra

    Yoga Nidra For Third Eye Chakra

    25-Minute Yoga Nidra For Third Eye Chakra

    Thank you for joining me for this yoga nidra for your third eye chakra. This chakra, linked to the pineal gland, is located in between your eyebrows. It's referred to as the seat of wisdom as it’s associated with intuition, awareness, inner perception, imagination, vision, and spiritual perception. This chakra transcends time and it's where we perceive the subtle qualities of reality. Signs of a blocked third eye chakra can include feelings of being stuck or having a lack of purpose. An inability to create a vision for self. Lack of clarity or a rejection of spiritual contemplation.

    In this practice you'll be gently guided through breath awareness, a body scan, and guided affirmations to help you connect to your inner wisdom and intuition. Namaste. 










    Yoga Nidra For Throat Chakra

    Yoga Nidra For Throat Chakra

    25-Minute Yoga Nidra For Throat Chakra

    Welcome to this yoga nidra for your throat chakra. This 5th chakra is located at the base of your throat and incorporates your mouth, jaw, tongue, pharynx, and palette as well as your shoulders and neck. It's related to the element of sound and is associated with self-expression, speaking your truth, clarity, authenticity, and communication. Signs of an overactive throat chakra can be over talking or nonstop talking, gossiping, being verbally mean, or speaking inappropriately. A blocked throat chakra contributes to a fear of speaking and feelings of insecurity and introversion. Physical symptoms of a blocked throat chakra are sore throat, tight jaw, neck pain, thyroid issues, or a hoarse voice.

    Here you'll be guided through breath awareness, a body scan, and a guided visualization to strengthen your throat chakra and cultivate a deeper knowing that you are worthy of authentic expression. Namaste. 










    MUSIC BY: White _ Records




    Yoga Nidra for Heart Chakra

    Yoga Nidra for Heart Chakra

    25 Minute Yoga Nidra For Heart Chakra

    Welcome, my name is Amanda and this is a yoga nidra for your heart chakra, or anahata. This is the fourth chakra located in your heart center. It’s the bridge between your 3 lower chakras, root, sacral and solar plexus, and your 3 upper chakras, throat, third eye, and crown. This chakra directly affects the heart, chest, lungs, arms and hands. It’s associated with the air element and is home to unconditional love, empathy, trust, forgiveness, compassion and joy. A blocked heart chakra can leave you feeling unworthy, easily jealous, overly defensive, feeling like a victim, and having a difficult time trusting others and yourself. You might also notice physical symptoms in the body such as respiratory issues, poor circulation, or high or low blood pressure.  

    Sink deep into relaxation as you're guided through breath awareness, a body scan, and a visualization to cultivate peace, love, joy, trust and compassion for yourself and others. Namaste. 









    Yoga Nidra for Solar Plexus

    Yoga Nidra for Solar Plexus

    20 Minute Yoga Nidra For Solar Plexus

    Welcome to this yoga nidra for your solar plexus or third chakra, located in your upper abdomen and associated with the fire element. It harnesses your self-esteem, confidence, ability to make decisions with ease, and it is this chakra that also governs digestive health. Focusing on this chakra can help you overcome a lack of confidence or feeling unmotivated to reach your full potential. It may also support the healing of digestive disorders.   

    In this practice you'll be gently guided through breath awareness, a body scan, and guided affiramations to help you cultivate your innate power within. Namaste. 









    Yoga Nidra For Sacral Chakra

    Yoga Nidra For Sacral Chakra

    20 Minute Yoga Nidra For Sacral Chakra

    Welcome to this yoga nidra for your sacral chakra or second chakra, located just below the navel associated with the water element. It harnesses several characteristics, including but not limited to, giving and receiving pleasure, creativity, ones ability to flow with life, the birthing of anything new, and the divine feminine. Focusing on this chakra can help you overcome a lack of creativity and feelings of isolation, detachment, and loneliness, as well as feelings of being stuck and unable to express your emotions.  

    In this practice you'll be gently guided through breath awareness, a body scan, and a guided visualization to help you cultivate all the freedoms that are birthed when you find your own natural rhythm and flow with life. Please note the background music contains ocean sounds including birds.


    Music by: Nature's Eye












    Yoga Nidra For Root Chakra

    Yoga Nidra For Root Chakra

    30 Minute Yoga Nidra For Root Chakra

    Welcome to this yoga nidra for your root chakra, or muladhara. This first chakra, located at the base of your spine, is associated with the earth element. It harnesses feelings of abundance, safety and security, and a sense of being grounded; of being anchored in your body, and connected to Mother Earth, even in the most turbulent of times. Focusing on this chakra can help you overcome feelings of fear, instability, or insecurity. 

    In this practice you'll be gently guided through breath awareness, a body scan, and a guided visualization to help you feel more grounded, centered, and secure. 

    Background Music - Muladhara Chakra Music by Spaska Vasileva

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spaska.vasileva.7












    Yoga Nidra Winter Solstice

    Yoga Nidra Winter Solstice

    Embrace the magic and stillness of the winter solstice with this special yoga nidra to welcome in the shortest day and longest night of the year. A day that is said to be the most powerful day to plant new seeds for growth, healing, and abundance. During this practice you'll be invited to set a heart-felt intention before melting into deep relaxation with a body scan and breath awareness. From there you'll be gently guided to embody what it feels like to live without limitations. Give yourself the gift of stillness and rest as you sink into the darkness of closed eyes so that you may see the light that lives within you. 

    May you be abundantly blessed with all your dreams and desires on this day, and every day. Namaste. 











    Yoga Nidra Gratitude Meditation

    Yoga Nidra Gratitude Meditation


    Those who consistently practice gratitude tend to be more satisfied with life, have more optimism, and feel happier. It has been proven that even 5 minutes of felt gratitude a day can help one manage stress more effectively and become more present, it can even help lower blood pressure, improve sleep and strengthen the immune system. Every area of life improves when we view it through the lens of gratitude. We also know that the practice of yoga nidra is equally as powerful with all the same benefits and that it too, when practiced consistently, improves every area of life. 

    Join me for this Yoga Nidra Gratitude Meditation that combines these two simple, yet powerful practices. Give yourself 30-minutes to sink deep into relaxation and feel the potency of gratitude swell within your heart. 

    "Gratitude is the wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." ~ Rumi











    Yoga Nidra ~ Owning Your Power

    Yoga Nidra ~ Owning Your Power


    The intention of this yoga nidra is to help you cultivate and nurture your own inner power; that flame within you that knows who you are and never doubts your innate worthiness. Not to be mistaken with egoic power, used to make others feel small, rather this authentic, internal power when ignited, quietly inspires and invites others to own their power as well. Give yourself some time to get warm, cozy, and cocooned in your yoga nidra nest and melt into deep relaxation as you're guided through this practice with a crackling fire background. Namaste. 










    Crackling Fire Background Provided by: Mikhail Sounds




    Yoga Nidra ~ Bliss for Your Brain

    Yoga Nidra ~ Bliss for Your Brain

    Yoga nidra is often referred to as Bliss for Your Brain. It's a practice unlike any other in that it offers a unique state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. This effortless practice helps you to progressively slow down the brain wave states that naturally occur during sleep, helping you disconnect from your active, thinking mind while you're gently guided into the subtle layers of your body. During this practice, you'll be encouraged to sink deep into relaxation through setting an intention, a body scan, and powerful breathing techniques proven to reduce stress and anxiety, lower heart rate and blood pressure, while also helping you become more present and aware. May you move through the rest of you day basking in blissful energy after this yoga nidra practice. Namaste.  











