
    Podcast Summary

    • Explore summer passion with Promescent's productsPromescent's legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel enhance pleasure, while their website offers discounts and perks. The Magic Wand, a powerful vibrator, is another iconic pleasure tool.

      Summer is the season of passion and pleasure, and Promescent's line of sexual enhancement products can help enhance the experience. The legendary delay spray allows men to last longer, while the warming arousal gel for women increases pleasure. Promescent offers a 15% discount and various perks for customers at promescent.com/emily. Another iconic product for pleasure seekers is the Magic Wand, a powerful vibrator that has earned a cult following for its deep, rumbling vibrations. It comes in various models and sizes, ensuring there's an option for everyone. Both Promescent and the Magic Wand aim to help individuals explore their sexuality and enhance their pleasure.

    • Exploring listener emails on sex and relationshipsThe Sex with Emily podcast tackles various sexual and relationship issues, including why women bring less attractive friends to nightclubs, male ejaculation problems, size concerns, and Kegel exercises' benefits, with the help of guest Caleb Bacon from the Man's School podcast.

      The Sex with Emily podcast covers a range of topics related to sex and relationships. Tonight's episode includes answering listener emails about various issues, such as why some women introduce less attractive friends to their partners at nightclubs, male ejaculation problems, a woman's size concerns, and the benefits of Kegel exercises. The guest is Caleb Bacon from the Man's School podcast. Emily also mentions her upcoming appearance on the Eat Channel's "Secret Societies of Hollywood Deals and Dealers" show, where she discusses sex in Hollywood and debunks myths about celebrities hiring hookers and porn stars. Overall, the podcast aims to provide helpful information and resources for better sex and relationships.

    • Extravagant Hires of High-End ModelsHigh-end models are hired for expensive trips, providing inspiration and practical advice for men through entertaining stories.

      Some high-end models are hired for extravagant amounts of money to travel to locations like Abu Dhabi for weekends, and this occurs more frequently than one might think. These models are often flown over in groups, given substantial per diems, and treated to luxurious experiences. The speaker, who hosts a show about being a good man, shares these stories to provide entertainment and practical advice for men. His last guest was Brian Bishop, a New York best-selling author who has been cancer-free for five years. Despite the heavy topic, the speaker emphasized the importance of maintaining a light and fun tone in discussing such topics to avoid an overly morose hour. Brian's optimism and positive attitude, even during his cancer battle, were sources of inspiration for the speaker and his audience.

    • Learning from Authentic Connections in Sex and DatingHigh-profile guests can lead to unrealistic expectations, but authentic connections are more valuable. Be true to oneself and not settle for less in relationships.

      Sex and dating can present unique challenges, especially when dealing with sensitive topics like cancer and its effects on sexual health. From Emily's podcast experiences, she learned that having high-profile guests, such as porn stars, can lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointment. Instead, authentic connections are more valuable. Emily also shared a personal story about moving across the country for a relationship that ultimately ended on a significant day, emphasizing the importance of being true to oneself and not settling for less in relationships.

    • Exploring successful relationships through open conversationsLearning from others' experiences and having open discussions can lead to valuable insights and growth in relationships

      Having open and honest conversations about relationships and personal experiences can lead to valuable insights and growth. The speaker shared how his podcast, Mann School, has helped him learn about successful relationships through genuine conversations with other men. He gave an example of how an episode on proposing inspired him during his own engagement preparation. The importance of making the proposal about the partner and creating an intimate experience was emphasized. The speaker also highlighted the significance of open communication in relationships, even if it means discussing uncomfortable topics. Overall, the power of sharing experiences and learning from each other can bring about meaningful connections and improvements in various aspects of life.

    • Expressing love and appreciation in relationshipsMake women feel beautiful and cherished, prioritize time for relationships, and express love and appreciation to maintain a healthy partnership

      Expressing love and appreciation towards your partner is crucial for a healthy relationship. The speaker shared a personal story about proposing to his girlfriend at an empty Hollywood Bowl, going to great lengths to make the moment special for her. He also emphasized the importance of making women feel beautiful and cherished, as it's something many women desire. The speaker also reflected on her own life and the importance of making time for friends and personal relationships amidst a busy work schedule. The conversation also touched upon the idea that women want to feel valued and recognized, just as men do. Overall, the conversation highlighted the significance of prioritizing and expressing love and appreciation towards your partner.

    • Expressing appreciation and making your partner feel cherished is importantA few genuine and thoughtful compliments can make your partner feel valued and desired, essential for a healthy relationship

      Expressing appreciation and making your partner feel cherished and desired is important in any relationship, whether it's new or long-term. People, including women, want to feel valued and special. It's not necessary to compliment excessively, but a few genuine and thoughtful compliments can go a long way. Men may hold back from expressing their feelings due to fear of appearing too needy or vulnerable, but it's crucial to remember that this desire to feel desired doesn't wane over time. Communication and showing affection are essential for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

    • Appreciation and Compliments Enhance RelationshipsExpressing appreciation and compliments can strengthen relationships. People value partners who make them feel good about themselves, and communication is key. Not everyone feels comfortable expressing compliments, but it's important to do so in healthy relationships.

      Expressing appreciation and genuine compliments can significantly enhance relationships. The speaker shares an experience where her friend's stepfather consistently makes her feel adored, and she emphasizes the importance of saying such things. The friends, who are in long-term relationships, believe that expressing admiration is easier when one deeply values their partner. The speaker also mentions that some people might not express compliments due to insecurity or fear of rejection. She encourages both men and women to be in healthy relationships with partners who make them feel good about themselves. The speaker also shares her belief that people don't change unless they want to and that it's essential to recognize this in relationships. The speaker's decision to propose was driven by her desire to express her commitment and love to her partner.

    • Planning a Surprise Engagement or Event: Choosing the Right Location and ExecutionChoose a meaningful and unexpected location for proposals, communicate effectively, understand each other's needs, and execute with attention to detail for a successful surprise engagement or event.

      Planning a surprise engagement or event requires careful consideration and attention to detail to ensure a successful outcome. The speaker shared his experience of planning a graduation party-turned-surprise engagement party, which took several months of planning to execute without giving it away. He emphasized the importance of choosing a meaningful and unexpected location for proposing, sharing his regret of proposing in an apartment he no longer had access to. The men's conversation also touched on common themes in relationships, such as the importance of communication, understanding each other's needs, and the importance of surprise and romance. While the speaker jokingly mentioned male kegel exercises during the conversation, it's unclear how it relates to the main topic.

    • Kegel exercises benefit men tooMen can maintain longer erections and stronger orgasms through Kegel exercises, discreetly or with apps, and doctors recommend it for various health issues.

      Kegel exercises, often associated with women's health, also benefit men by helping them maintain longer erections and stronger orgasms. The exercises involve identifying and contracting pelvic floor muscles, which can be done discreetly or with the help of apps or devices. Jordan, a popular podcast host, shared his positive experience of using a Kegel app and reaching level 20, resulting in increased ejaculation intensity. Although more men than women use the app, doctors recommend Kegel exercises for various health issues, making it a simple yet effective practice for both genders.

    • Embracing self-comfort and addressing deeper issuesImprove sexual experiences and overall well-being by addressing anxiety and deeper issues, accessing resources like Kegel Camp, and using sex-positive products from sponsors Good Vibrations and Crazy Girl.

      Finding comfort in oneself and addressing underlying issues can lead to improved sexual experiences and overall well-being. The speaker shared how he found relief from anxiety and upgraded from a Blackberry to an iPhone, allowing him to access resources like Kegel Camp. He also emphasized the importance of addressing the root causes of sexual concerns, as many men may be dealing with deeper issues that they're not aware of. The speaker's own experiences and his show focus on helping men become more comfortable in their own skin and putting good energy out into the world. Additionally, the speaker thanked sponsors Good Vibrations and Crazy Girl for providing sex-positive products and resources that can enhance sexual experiences.

    • Discover popular gift options from I Love Jeju and Crazy Girl brandsBoth I Love Jeju and Crazy Girl offer high-quality, natural and long-lasting products that make great gifts. I Love Jeju's Aura Lilo and paired lube, and Crazy Girl's warming heart massagers are popular choices. Using good quality products can significantly enhance daily life.

      Both I Love Jeju and Crazy Girl brands offer high-quality, popular products that make great gifts. For I Love Jeju, the French skincare brand, a favorite gift would be their Aura Lilo, which is beautiful and can be paired with lube for an enhanced experience. From Crazy Girl, the warming heart massagers are a popular choice due to their unique design that transforms into a warm massager. Both brands offer natural and long-lasting products, making them a better investment compared to cheaper alternatives. The speakers also emphasized their personal experiences and the high-quality standards of these brands. Additionally, using good quality products can make a significant difference in daily life, as mentioned with Down Under Comfort's ball powder, which is a more natural and mild alternative to traditional, strong-smelling products.

    • Partner's change in body odor raises health or dishonesty concernsUnexplained body odor from a partner could indicate a health issue or dishonesty. If inconsistencies in stories add to concerns, open communication and seeking medical advice are recommended.

      A partner's unexplained change in body odor could be a cause for concern, potentially indicating an underlying health issue or dishonesty. In the discussed situation, a woman noticed an unusual cheese-like smell on her partner after they had sex, which she had never experienced before. Despite her attempts to investigate, she couldn't find clear answers. The situation was further complicated by her partner's inconsistent stories about his whereabouts during a recent trip. The woman's concern grew when she learned that his supposed golfing companions denied golfing on that day. While it's important to avoid jumping to conclusions, the woman's intuition and the inconsistencies in her partner's story suggest that there might be a problem worth investigating. The woman should consider having an open and honest conversation with her partner about her concerns and encourage him to seek medical attention to alleviate any potential health concerns. Additionally, the woman should continue to trust her instincts and maintain open lines of communication with her partner to build and maintain trust in their relationship.

    • Noticing unusual odor from partner's genitalsEncourage partner to seek medical attention for potential health risks, practice safe sex, and prioritize open communication and health in relationship

      If you notice an unusual odor coming from your partner's genitals, it's important to address the issue openly and honestly. This could be a sign of a bacterial infection or other underlying health concern. The person sharing this experience emphasized that it's crucial to encourage your partner to seek medical attention to rule out any potential health risks. The discussion also touched upon the importance of practicing safe sex and considering the potential consequences of infidelity. Ultimately, maintaining open communication and prioritizing each other's health and well-being is essential in any relationship.

    • Dating Challenges in Certain Professions and Social CirclesWhile dating individuals from certain professions or social circles can be rewarding, it's important to be aware of potential challenges and communicate openly to build a healthy relationship.

      Certain professions or social circles can come with unique challenges when it comes to dating. The speaker shares her negative experiences with dating DJs, citing late hours, potential drug use, infidelity, and health issues as concerns. She also reflects on her experiences dating actresses, noting their self-centeredness and potential damage. While acknowledging that not all individuals in these professions or social circles are problematic, the speaker expresses her personal preference to avoid them in her dating life. Additionally, she encourages open communication and self-improvement in relationships. The speaker also addresses a listener's question about why women at parties might introduce him to less attractive friends, suggesting that it could be due to their own insecurities or the men's own insecurities.

    • Confidence is crucial in social situationsConfidence is important in social situations, rejection is natural, focus on being your best self, and approach others directly.

      Confidence is key in social situations, especially when it comes to approaching and interacting with attractive individuals. Both men and women value confidence, and lacking it can hinder opportunities for connection. It's important to remember that rejection is a natural part of life and not a reflection of personal worth. Instead of dwelling on it, focus on being your best self and continuing to put yourself out there. Additionally, it's important to not make assumptions about others and approach them directly. Rejection in public spaces, such as social media, can be challenging, but it's essential to remember that not everyone will have the same opinion and to keep moving forward.

    • Approaching new relationships and staying hydratedCommunication, confidence, and open-mindedness are crucial in new relationships. Stay hydrated during oral sex to enhance the experience and don't shy away from asking for what you want.

      Communication and confidence are key in approaching new relationships, whether it's through listening to a podcast or meeting someone in person. Jeffrey emphasized the importance of approaching people directly and not relying on introductions. He also shared some tips for dealing with cotton mouth during oral sex, suggesting staying hydrated by taking sips of water or using ice cubes. Brianna's email led to a fun and engaging conversation about various solutions to this common issue. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being open-minded, communicative, and confident in all aspects of life and relationships. So, keep the conversations flowing, stay hydrated, and don't be afraid to ask for what you want! You can find Jeffrey's podcast, Manschool, on iTunes, and don't forget to check out Sex with Emily for more entertaining and informative discussions.

    • Genetics and Relationships: A Complex InterplayGenetics might influence certain tendencies in relationships and sexuality, but individual choices and circumstances play significant roles as well. Communication, self-improvement, and mutual respect are essential for healthy relationships.

      Our preferences and behaviors in relationships and sexuality may have genetic components, as suggested by a recent study. This study implies that certain tendencies, such as promiscuity, could be influenced by our DNA. However, it's essential to remember that genetics are just one factor, and individual choices and circumstances play significant roles as well. Additionally, both hosts, Emily Morse from Sex with Emily and Jordan Harbinger from The Art of Charm, encourage open communication, self-improvement, and mutual respect in relationships. They also promote using resources like their podcasts and new products, such as Emily and Tony's Down Under Comfort, to enhance sexual experiences and maintain cleanliness. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding the complexities of human relationships and embracing various tools and knowledge to improve them.

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    Are You Touch-Starved?
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