
    Sexbots: From Objectification to Therapeutic Surrogates

    enMarch 30, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting with community for personal growthBuild bonds with neighbors, engage in community events, and explore technology for growth and well-being.

      Building connections within your community is essential for personal growth and preparedness. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of forging meaningful bonds with neighbors and being there for each other during times of need and natural disasters. Additionally, there are various opportunities to engage with communities and events, such as the 2024 Black Effect Podcast Festival, where you can pitch your podcast ideas. Furthermore, businesses like Ross and UPS offer deals and services to help make the holiday season more manageable. Lastly, Stuff to Blow Your Mind explores the concept of sex spots in science fiction, revealing both negative and positive visions of human-machine sexual interactions, with a focus on the therapeutic potential of this technology. Overall, these examples encourage us to embrace our communities, engage in new experiences, and explore the possibilities of technology for personal growth and well-being.

    • Exploring the future of technology and societal issues through sex bots in science fictionScience fiction stories about sex bots challenge our perceptions of technology and humanity, sparking discussions on emotional connections with AI and societal issues like exploitation.

      Science fiction stories exploring the concept of sex bots provide a unique lens to examine both the future of technology and societal issues surrounding femininity and emotional connections with artificial intelligence. From Paolo Bacigalupi's "The Wind Up Girl" to Alex Garland's "Ex Machina," these narratives have captivated audiences and sparked discussions about the blurred lines between humans and machines. Additionally, the concept of anthropomorphizing nonliving things, as seen in Greek mythology and modern films like "Her," demonstrates the human fascination with creating emotionally engaging experiences with artificial entities. The debate over the exploitative nature of sex bots is also a recurring theme, as depicted in shows like "Westworld" and "Rick and Morty." These stories not only challenge our perceptions of technology but also provoke thoughtful conversations about what it means to be human.

    • Sex bots in popular culture raise questions about our relationship with technology and human behaviorsSex bots in popular culture reflect anxieties and fears about men creating robots as perfect wives, objectification of women, and societal expectations of femininity.

      Our fascination with sex bots and robots as sexual objects in popular culture raises important questions about our relationship with technology and our own human behaviors. From classic films like "Cherry 2000" and "The Stepford Wives," to modern examples like Hajime Sorayama's artwork and the sex bots on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, this trope continues to evolve. It's worth noting that sex toys have a long history dating back thousands of years. However, the portrayal of sex bots in fiction also reflects anxieties and fears about men creating robots as their perfect wives, and the objectification of women. Furthermore, it can be seen as a commentary on societal expectations of femininity and the portrayal of women as mere sex objects. As we explore the science of ovulation and marketing femininity in a separate episode, it's interesting to consider the parallels between these two topics. So, while sex bots may seem like fantastical creations, they also reflect deeper concerns about humanity and technology.

    • From ancient dildos to future robots, sexual technology's rich historySexual technology has a long history, from ancient dildos to modern robots, and continues to innovate, with acceptance and impact on society yet to be determined.

      Sex toys and robots have a longer history than most people realize. The oldest known dildo is over 20,000 years old, and vibrators were used as medical devices as early as the 1700s. Sexual technology has always been at the forefront of innovation, with the first powered vibrators becoming available in the late 1800s and sex toys becoming widely accessible by the 1920s. Looking to the future, robotic sex partners are predicted to become commonplace, although they may be met with criticism and division. Today, sexual devices are a popular and often stigmatized market, with many high-selling toys available online. Despite the jokes and taboo surrounding sex toys, many people still use them privately. Boston Dynamics, known for creating robotic pack mules, demonstrates the advancements being made in creating robots that can move and interact with the world physically. These developments may pave the way for future sexual robots, although their acceptance and impact on society remain to be seen.

    • Innovative uses of technology in sex toys, surgery, and community buildingFrom remote control sex toys with haptic sensors to robot-assisted surgery with VR technology, technology is revolutionizing various aspects of our lives, including personal relationships, healthcare, and community building.

      Technology is increasingly being used in innovative ways, including in the realm of sex toys and robot-assisted surgery. For example, there are companies exploring the use of haptic sensors and robotic accessories for remote control sex toys. In the medical field, robot-assisted surgery is becoming more common, with VR technology and haptic feedback enhancing the experience for both surgeons and patients. Meanwhile, community building is also benefiting from technology, with initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor using it to connect neighbors and provide support in times of need. Additionally, fast-acting allergy relief is now available over the counter with Astepro, and the Black Effect Podcast Festival is using technology to empower HBCU scholars and provide opportunities for aspiring podcasters. Overall, technology is making a significant impact in various aspects of our lives, from personal relationships to healthcare and education.

    • Sex robots raise ethical questionsSex robots, like Roxy, blur the line between companionship and sexual objectification, contributing to problematic stereotypes. Regulation and thoughtful consideration are necessary.

      The development and commercialization of sex robots, such as Roxy, raises complex ethical questions. While they may start with a seemingly innocent or practical purpose, like a home care nurse, they can evolve into consumer-oriented sex toys with specific fetishized models. These robots, like Roxy with her various personalities, cater to male-approved versions of femininity and can contribute to problematic stereotypes. The line between companionship and sexual objectification becomes blurred. Sex dolls, a precursor to sex robots, have shown that people form varying emotional bonds with them, ranging from detached to deeply emotional. This highlights the need for thoughtful consideration and regulation in the development and use of sex robots.

    • The Debate over Sex Robots: Objectification and EmpathyThe debate over sex robots raises ethical concerns, with some arguing against their development due to potential objectification, violence, and lack of empathy, while others believe they could reduce exploitation and violence towards prostituted persons. Evidence suggests a complex relationship between technology and the sex trade.

      The debate surrounding sex robots raises complex ethical questions. Robot ethicist Kathleen Richardson argues against their development, claiming it reflects violence, discrimination, and coercion, and further objectifies women and children. She believes that creating sex robots manifests the worst parts of humanity and reduces empathy. On the other hand, some argue that sex robots could help reduce sexual exploitation and violence towards prostituted persons. However, evidence suggests that technology and the sex trade often coexist and reinforce each other. Researcher Kate Devlin challenges the notion that men are the primary consumers of sex robots, as women are more likely to purchase nonhuman substitutes like vibrators. The debate continues, highlighting the need for further discussion and consideration of the potential implications of sex robots on society.

    • The Debate on Sex Robots: Objectification vs. Personal FulfillmentThe debate on sex robots explores potential harms, such as objectification of women, vs. benefits, including personal fulfillment and therapeutic uses. The market includes women, but design may reflect male perspective due to lack of nuanced gender understanding.

      The debate surrounding sex robots involves considering both the potential harms and benefits. Kathleen Richardson argues against the objectification of women, drawing parallels between sex robots and female sex workers. However, Devlin counters that sex robots, especially those using machine learning and biofeedback, could provide personal, fulfilling experiences and have therapeutic uses. Sex technology, including sex robots, has historically been created from a male perspective, but the market for such technology includes women. The ambiguous design of sex devices offers plausible deniability. A Dutch paper from 2010 highlighted a male gender bias in tech product design, and the lack of nuanced understanding of gender in human reality may influence the development of sexual robotic systems. David Levy's work adds to the discussion, emphasizing the potential for robots to develop emotional intelligence and form deep relationships with humans. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of considering the complex interplay of technology, gender, and human relationships.

    • The Ethical Implications of Sex RobotsIf sex robots lack consciousness, no ethical issues arise. But if they possess consciousness, legal and ethical questions arise for both humans and robots. Societal norms may be perpetuated through sexbots' programming, and their advancement requires ethical consideration.

      The ethical implications of sex robots depend on whether they possess artificial consciousness or not. According to British author and chess master Kevin Warwick, as long as they don't, there's no ethical issue with using them for sex or prostitution. However, if they do have consciousness, then legal and ethical questions arise, not just for humans but for the robots themselves. This raises the broader question of what consciousness is and how we define it for robots. Sociologist Lee Reich argues that even if sexbots aren't currently conscious, they're programmed to be person-like and often represent a specific type of person, perpetuating certain societal norms. As the technology advances, it's crucial to consider the potential ethical implications and benefits of sex robots. Stay tuned for the argument for sex robots and their potential benefits to humanity.

    • Nissan's Thrill of Possibility Summit empowers HBCU scholarsNissan's summit provides valuable community building, mentorship, and professional development opportunities for HBCU students in STEAM fields, with students expressing gratitude for the exposure and networking.

      The Thrill of Possibility Summit, hosted by Nissan, empowers HBCU scholars through community building, mentorship, and professional development in STEAM fields. Students have expressed gratitude for the exposure and networking opportunities. Additionally, Nissan is offering a chance to record podcast pitches at their Pitch Your Podcast Lounge. Meanwhile, in a different discussion, there's a controversial argument suggesting that sexbots could absorb abuse intended for humans, particularly for individuals with pedophilic impulses. This argument is problematic due to the ethical implications and lack of evidence supporting its effectiveness. The case of Shin Takagi, a man struggling with pedophilic impulses, highlights the limited options for dealing with such individuals, making the debate around sexbots a complex and sensitive issue.

    • The use of sex robots for pedophiles raises ethical dilemmasSome argue that sex robots for pedophiles could reduce harm to children, while others question their morality. The debate is complex due to the inherent nature of pedophilia and potential therapeutic applications.

      The debate surrounding sex robots for pedophiles raises complex ethical and psychological questions. University of Toronto forensic psychologist Michael Seto suggests that there might be two types of pedophiles: those for whom dolls or robots could help reduce their impulses, and those for whom such objects might aggravate their desires. The idea that pedophilia is inherent and not curable adds to the complexity of the issue. While some argue that sex robots could provide a productive outlet for pedophiles and potentially reduce harm to children, others question the morality of creating and using such objects. Sex robots could also have applications in therapy, such as treating sex offenders or enhancing couples therapy. Regardless, it's important to acknowledge that individuals have already been using nonhuman sexual machines for some time, and the market for such products continues to grow. Ultimately, the use of sex robots for pedophiles raises difficult questions about the intersection of technology, ethics, and human behavior.

    • Restoring Sexual Confidence: Therapy and Sex RobotsSex therapy, including education, therapy, and sex toys, and the use of sex robots help individuals adapt to new bodies and overcome limiting obstacles to experiencing sex.

      Sexual confidence can be restored following trauma or injury through various means, including sex therapy and the use of sex robots. Sex therapy, which can include education, therapy, and the use of sex toys, helps individuals adapt to new bodies and approaches to intimacy. This therapy is not only necessary for those with physical injuries but also for those with memory impairing injuries or psychological trauma. Virtual reality therapy and sex robots are already being used in this field, with the role of the sex robot closely mimicking that of a sex surrogate. Sex surrogacy is a legitimate form of therapy, and surrogates are members of professional associations. These therapies aim to help individuals overcome limiting obstacles to experiencing sex, including extreme shyness, history of sexual abuse, and feelings of shame. Personal experiences, such as listening to sex offender sessions, can highlight the real-life impact of these issues.

    • Exploring the roles of sexbots in societySexbots can act as intimacy coaches and therapists, promoting healthier sexual relationships, or cater to hedonistic desires, raising ethical questions about human condition and technology.

      Sexbots, or robots designed for sexual encounters, can serve various roles in society. They could potentially act as intimacy coaches and therapists, helping individuals overcome sexual dysfunctions and traumas. This therapeutic aspect could lead to a healthier approach to human sexual relationships. On the other hand, sexbots could also cater to purely hedonistic desires. The ethical implications of these uses are complex and raise questions about the human condition and the role of technology in fulfilling our needs. The discussion also touched upon the potential for sexbots to halt vicious cycles of sexual abuse and dysfunction. Overall, while sexbots have been a popular topic in science fiction, it's essential to consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of this technology in a thoughtful and nuanced way.

    • Exploring the World of Sexbots and Their ImplicationsTechnology's advancement in sexbots raises ethical concerns and societal impact, emphasizing the importance of support for organizations like RAINN and staying informed.

      Technology is constantly evolving and influencing various aspects of our lives, including intimacy and sexual experiences. During this episode of "Stuff to Blow Your Mind," the hosts discussed the concept of sexbots and the potential implications of this technology. They touched upon ethical considerations, societal impact, and personal thoughts. As we move forward, it's essential to consider the broader spectrum of this technology and its potential uses and consequences. Additionally, the hosts highlighted the importance of organizations like RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) and encouraged listeners to support their community by sharing their favorite podcasts using the hashtag #Tripod. They also mentioned Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, and Visible, a wireless company offering affordable and transparent plans. In conclusion, technology continues to shape our world in numerous ways, and it's crucial to stay informed and engaged in these discussions. Remember, as the hosts said, "we are the voice of NASCAR, the motor racing network," and together, we can navigate the twists and turns of life's ever-evolving landscape.

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    A Critique of Capitalism With Author, Professor, and Director, Bernd Stahl

    A Critique of Capitalism With Author, Professor, and Director, Bernd Stahl

    Technology, philosophy, and society. We have been primed to think that a capitalist system is capable of giving everyone the compensation they deserve—but we also know that this isn’t always the case, especially for those who may need it the most.

    How do we take a closer look at the technologies and the organizations that provide the quality of life we have now? A foundation on the theories that apply to our circumstances is a step in the right direction.

    In this episode, Alexander McCaig explores these ideas with Bernd Stahl, author of Information Systems: Critical Perspectives. Bernd is also a Professor of Critical Research in Technology and Director of the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility at De Montfort University.

    Is Emancipation in Today’s Labor System Possible? The process of emancipating someone may seem like a noble goal. However, it can be difficult to gauge whether or not we are actually doing harm by taking this opportunity on their behalf. For example, one common perspective of companies is that they have the social responsibility to make profits because it would be distributed to the shareholders and trickle down to employees.

    Unfortunately, there are plenty of people who do not participate in this success and are not capable of being a part of this economic system. Wealth generation and opportunities to it are vastly different, especially in a capitalist structure.

    There are plenty of possible approaches to consider for this problem. Those who are pessimists believe that the system inherently ensures that some people will always be “outside.” As a result, the only true solution would be to implement radical change.

    Others believe that information systems can be used to make the economy more inclusive and spread wealth more evenly. With such polarizing views on how the labor system should be structured, it may seem like an impossible task to bring everyone into a discussion where they can give their own benchmarks for what is best.

    The Impact of Today’s Environment on Our Reflexivity: The magnitude of such a feat is further emphasized when we think of the tech-driven world we live in. Due to our different backgrounds and preferences, Bernd points out that the idea of maximizing individual potential can vary widely from one person to another. The essence of critical theory would be to have a society where people are free to flourish, without other individuals or systems telling them what success is and how it should be achieved.

    It’s an extension of our capacity to practice our individual liberties. Sadly, those in power often influence the system to fulfill their vested interests—and a crucial part in making this possible is taking away our ability to self-reflect, or to practice reflexivity.

    This is TARTLE’s mission: to give people the avenue to practice critical reflection and self-awareness, bringing back that sense of common responsibility to humanity one step at a time.

    Surveillance Capitalism and Its Effects on Human Behavior: In such a tech-driven landscape, the provision of goods and services does not provide a lot of opportunities to interact with other people. Bernd illustrates this by pointing to electronic marketplaces and discussing how straightforward the transaction is.

    If this seems like an advantage, we need to dig a little deeper. We are no longer encouraged to think of the human realities behind eBay, Amazon, or other e-commerce platforms. All we need to consider is the availability of the product, estimated shipping time, and the most competitive cost.

    As a result, these platforms discourage us from taking more discursive action—all a part of surveillance capitalism efforts by big internet service providers to prevent us from thinking deeper about our purchases. The formula across different systems is similar: structure our work, extract our data, and lead us to buy something that we may or may not need. Regardless, the end result is to influence the general population’s behavior so that they are at an advantage.

    “The potential for giving people freedom or reducing their freedom is there in any type of technology, across different types of political systems, even though it may look very different in different systems,” Bernd concluded.

    Modern technology draws parallels to a panopticon, where prisoners would be watched around the clock. While the original intention of this set-up was to benefit the prisoner through observation and feedback, the term is now being used as a mechanism of control.

    Indeed, when we are under constant surveillance from devices we’ve become so reliant on, it can either have a chilling effect or a normalizing effect. The outcomes are undetermined, but it certainly plays a crucial role in altering human behavior. Transparency in information systems will be important in bringing back the power, and the capacity to speak, to the people.

    Closing Thoughts: Awareness of the Human Ecosystem: When asked about his parting words, Bernd encouraged listeners to think of humanity as an ecosystem: the reality that we live in a society of other individuals and other actors, with unique needs and desires. It’s a fragile ecosystem, and one that we should try and balance in our capacity, as stewards of the earth and of each other.

    Businesses and information systems were previously thought to be all about improving efficiencies and maximizing productivity. However, we’ve moved far beyond such a profit-driven perspective; now, Bernd hopes we remember that technology is always socio-technical, with human beings working alongside modern devices to improve the living circumstances of their fellow human beings.

    It is this sense of urgency to uplift the living conditions for humans across the board that encouraged us to develop TARTLE. Data-driven measures are the key to rebuilding the self-awareness we’ve lost in the great tech race for the boldest, biggest, and flashiest devices. The power is back in your hands.


    What’s your data worth? www.tartle.co


    A Critique of Capitalism With Author, Professor, and Director, Bernd Stahl by TARTLE is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

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