
    Sexless Marriages, Men & Meatballs

    enJanuary 16, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Explore sex enhancement products for a pleasurable summerEnhance your summer sex life with Promescent's delay spray, arousal gel, Magic Wand, and new Spark Swipes for longer-lasting pleasure and confidence.

      Summer is the season of passion and pleasure, and Promescent's line of sex enhancement products can help enhance the experience. Their legendary delay spray helps men last longer, while their warming arousal gel for women adds an extra layer of pleasure. The Magic Wand, an iconic sex toy, is also mentioned as a powerful and effective tool for achieving orgasms. Additionally, new products like Spark Swipes, which provide a long-lasting fresh scent, can help boost confidence and enhance overall sexual experiences. So, make the most of the summer season and explore these products to elevate your sex life. Use promescent.com/emily for a discount on Promescent products and sexwithemily.com/magicwand for the Magic Wand.

    • Discover Spark Swipes: Scented wipes with pheromones for attractionSpark Swipes are scented wipes infused with pheromones to attract the opposite sex. Use code 'Emily20' for a discount on sparkswipes.com.

      Spark Swipes are scented wipes infused with pheromones designed to attract members of the opposite sex. These swipes can be used on clothes and hair to mask unwanted odors and leave a lasting, attractive scent. They come in versions for both men and women, and the company offers a special discount for Sex with Emily listeners using the code "Emily20" on sparkswipes.com. Spark Swipes are also convenient for women who want to carry a subtle fragrance without the excess of traditional perfumes. The Sexual Health Expo in Los Angeles, where Emily will be giving a keynote speech, is an event open to the public featuring workshops on various sexual topics and the latest sex products. With so many sex-related events and innovations, it's an exciting week for Sex with Emily listeners.

    • Exploring trends and learning at conferences and festivalsConferences and festivals offer opportunities to learn about industry trends and innovations while also being fun and educational experiences.

      The speaker discusses attending various conferences, both sex-related and music festivals. These events provide opportunities to learn about the latest trends and innovations in their respective fields. The speaker also mentions attending award shows and possibly being nominated for an award. The events are described as fun and educational, but the speaker has not yet participated in an orgy or gang bang, despite the common misconception that such events are a part of these conferences. The speaker also mentions having a group of people to coordinate with when planning travel, making it more challenging to attend all desired events. The speaker plans to attend Coachella, Lollapalooza, and possibly Governors Ball, and encourages listeners to look for them there. The speaker also shares a past experience of being encouraged to visit Miami before getting old, but had not done so yet.

    • Sexual activity in marriages is declining1 in 5 married Americans have not had sex in a month, and this trend is continuing as societal expectations no longer keep unhappy couples together

      While attending a music festival can be a fun and exciting experience, especially for those who have never been, the frequency of sexual activity in marriages is on the decline. According to a study, 1 in 5 married Americans have not had sex in the last month, and this trend is continuing. This decrease in sexual activity may be due to the fact that in the past, having a sexless marriage was a way to limit family size and societal expectations kept unhappy couples together. However, with the increase in divorce rates, this trend no longer holds true. The study shows that after a brief honeymoon phase, sexual activity levels off and then decreases further. It's important to note that this trend is not limited to one gender, as both men and women report experiencing a decrease in sexual activity. This natural decrease in sexual activity is due to the fact that as relationships become more stable and committed, the novelty and excitement that fuel sexual activity are no longer present.

    • Prioritizing Sex for Personal Satisfaction and Relationship HappinessPrioritize sex for personal satisfaction and relationship happiness. Address body image and desire issues to maintain a healthy sex life. Women's desire and body image are crucial topics. Be aware of societal norms and expectations.

      Prioritizing your sex life is essential for personal satisfaction and overall relationship happiness. Both men and women report higher levels of relationship happiness when they have more sex. However, sex lives can wax and wane over time, and it's crucial to address this before it becomes a pattern. Neglecting your sex life can lead to dissatisfaction and potential relationship issues. Moreover, body image and desire can significantly impact sex drive for both genders. It's essential to address these issues and prioritize your sex life to maintain a healthy and satisfying relationship. Additionally, there is a growing conversation around women's desire and body image, which can significantly impact their sex lives. Alex Jameson, author of "Women, Food, and Desire," and host of the Cravecast podcast, is an expert on these topics. Her work provides valuable insights and inspiration to help individuals improve their body energy and overall satisfaction in life. It's also important to note that laws regarding teacher-student relationships vary from state to state. In some cases, teachers can face legal consequences for engaging in sexual activity with students, even if the students are of legal age. This highlights the importance of being aware of societal norms and expectations surrounding sex and relationships.

    • Junk food and processed items can harm a woman's libidoConsuming high amounts of added sugars in junk food disrupts hormonal balances, leading to potential libido issues and overall health problems. Focus on a balanced diet for improved libido and overall well-being.

      A diet rich in junk food and processed items can negatively impact a woman's libido. This is due to the hormonal imbalances caused by the consumption of high amounts of added sugars, like high fructose corn syrup, which can lead to insulin resistance and disrupt hormonal balances of testosterone and progesterone. The documentary "Supersize Me" showcased this effect when a man ate only McDonald's food for 30 days, resulting in weight gain, depleted energy, and a shot libido. To help women improve their libido and overall health, it's essential to focus on a balanced diet and address any underlying hormonal imbalances. For those struggling with weight loss and low vitality, addressing these dietary issues can also lead to improved sex lives and relationships.

    • Personal exploration leads to well-being improvementsExploring personal needs and experiences, whether through diet or dating, can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being. Prioritize self-awareness and exploration for growth.

      Focusing on personal needs and experiences, whether it's through diet or dating, can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being. The speaker shares her personal journey of reintroducing meat into her diet after a vegan lifestyle left her feeling depleted, and how this change led to the return of her menstrual cycle and increased libido. Additionally, she discusses her approach to dating after a divorce, viewing it as an opportunity for self-discovery and learning rather than a quest for a perfect match. She encourages others to approach dating as an experiment in feeling out connections and energies, rather than solely focusing on external factors like appearance or statistics. By prioritizing self-awareness and exploration, the speaker was able to find fulfillment and growth in both her diet and dating life.

    • Understanding cravings as messages from our bodiesListen to your body's signals through cravings, as they can indicate nutritional deficiencies, emotional needs, or physical desires. Don't suppress them, but rather, try to understand the root cause and meet your needs, including the need for human connection and touch.

      Our bodies send us signals through cravings, and these signals can indicate nutritional deficiencies, bacterial imbalances, emotional needs, or physical desires. Cravings are not something to be suppressed, but rather, they are messages from our bodies. Furthermore, human connection and touch are essential for our overall wellbeing, and we all have a need for physical contact, even if it feels emotionally confronting for some. The release of dopamine and oxytocin during touch is similar to the response we get from interacting with pets. So, it's important to listen to our bodies, understand the root causes of our cravings, and make an effort to meet our emotional and physical needs, including the need for human connection and touch.

    • Exploring the roots of cravings for improved well-beingUnderstanding and addressing cravings' underlying causes can lead to enhanced relationships, overall well-being, and a richer, more fulfilling life.

      Understanding and addressing the root causes of our cravings can significantly improve our overall well-being and enhance our relationships, including our sex lives. Cravings, whether for food or other pleasurable experiences, can either add to our lives or deplete us. It's essential to examine the underlying reasons for our cravings, such as hormonal imbalances or emotional needs, rather than judging them as inherently good or bad. Additionally, being aware of external factors that disrupt our hormonal balance, like endocrine disruptors in everyday products, can also contribute to improved health and confidence. By taking a holistic approach to understanding and addressing our cravings, we can lead richer, more fulfilling lives.

    • Exploring the numbers game of datingApproach dating with an open mind, experiment, and recognize rejection as part of the process.

      The dating process is not about self-rejection or personal shortcomings, but rather an experimentation and numbers game. The speaker, who went on a hundred first dates over a year and a half, emphasized the importance of setting aside shame and judgment to find what feels good and connect with others. She also shared her experience of using casual encounters as a means to explore and learn about herself and her preferences, while being clear and upfront with potential partners about her dating situation. The speaker also touched upon the importance of not being too rigid in one's dating preferences, such as dietary habits, and avoiding pretentiousness to attract a wider pool of potential partners. Overall, the key takeaway is to approach dating with an open mind, a willingness to experiment, and a recognition that rejection is not a personal reflection, but rather part of the process.

    • People's dietary choices and identities can lead to shameExplore what works best for you without shame, consult a doctor for potential medical causes, and reduce stress to improve sexual response.

      People can get very passionate about their dietary choices and how they define themselves, leading to shame and even extreme reactions when those choices change. Veganism is an example of this, but food and sex are two areas where people experience a lot of shame. The speaker, who once identified as vegan but no longer follows that diet, faced backlash and even lost friends as a result. She encourages everyone to discover what works best for them and get rid of the shame surrounding these topics. Regarding the email from the listener, the speaker suggests that the changes in her sexual response could be related to hormonal shifts or stress. The first step is to rule out any medical causes by consulting a doctor. Additionally, it's important to remember that sexual desire and performance can be influenced by mental and emotional factors, so reducing stress and pressure can help improve the situation.

    • Understanding the role of hormones and nutrition in sexualityMaintain and address changes in sex and desire by understanding hormonal influences and nutritional needs, using resources like Alexandra Penney's 'Women, Food, and Desire' and Dr. Sarah Gottfried's 'The Hormone Cure'.

      Sex and desire change throughout a person's life, and it's essential to maintain and address these changes. Alexandra Penney, author of "Women, Food, and Desire," discussed this topic on Sex with Emily, emphasizing the importance of understanding the role of hormones and nutrition in sexuality. Listeners can access her free cookbook and order her book at womenfoodanddesire.com. Alex also recommended checking out Dr. Sarah Gottfried's "The Hormone Cure." For more information, visit sexwithemily.com and follow her on social media. Alex suggested using massage candles, like those from Emily and Tony, to enhance intimacy and create a sensual atmosphere. These candles, made of coconut oil and soybean oil, can help overcome barriers to sex and create an unforgettable experience.

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