
    Shaming, Blaming & Somatic Sex Training

    enSeptember 09, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Unapologetic Pleasure with the Magic Wand and Sexual EnhancersThe magic wand is a cultural icon and symbol of pleasure, with powerful rumble and versatile iterations. Summer enhancers like Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel prolong and intensify experiences. Sports Sheets' under bed restraint system adds a new dimension to bondage play.

      The magic wand is more than just a vibrator - it's a cultural icon and a symbol of unapologetic pleasure. With its powerful rumble and versatile iterations, it continues to be a trusted confidant for many. Additionally, during the summer season, products like Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel can enhance sexual experiences by helping to last longer and increase pleasure, respectively. Lastly, for those looking to add a new dimension of excitement to their bedroom, Sports Sheets' under bed restraint system offers a convenient and discreet way to explore safe and comfortable bondage play.

    • Exploring Sex and Relationships with Emily's Podcast and CommunityEngage in open discussions about sex and relationships through Emily's podcast and community, receive exclusive content and discounts, and learn from experts and peers.

      Sex with Emily is a podcast and website dedicated to open discussions about sex and relationships. The hosts encourage listeners to engage with them on various social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat, and offer exclusive content and discounts on their website using the code "Emily." The hosts also encourage listeners to subscribe to the podcast, leave reviews, and share it on different platforms. They also make appearances on other podcasts and events, such as the Sexual Health Expo in New York. The podcast covers a range of topics, from personal experiences to expert advice, and aims to promote sexual confidence and exploration. Listeners can engage with the hosts and other community members to share their own stories and learn from each other. The podcast is available on multiple platforms, including Google Play, SoundCloud, Spotify, Stitcher, and Podcast One.

    • The importance of personal growth and learning in relationships and lifeRelationships require constant evolution to prevent stagnation or death, and personal growth through experiences and training can enhance both relationships and personal fulfillment.

      Personal growth and learning are essential in relationships and in life. The speaker shares her experience of attending Burning Man and learning from a past relationship. She emphasizes that relationships need to constantly move forward and evolve, or they risk stagnating or dying. The speaker also expresses her excitement about her new French bulldog, Chimmy, and the bond she shares with her other dog, Churro. Despite having to wait a few more weeks before bringing Chimmy out, she looks forward to their future adventures together. Additionally, the speaker mentions her ongoing somatica training, which she describes as transformative for her work as a sex educator. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of continuous learning and growth in various aspects of life.

    • Exploring Female Sexuality: A Complex ProcessEffective communication in sexual relationships requires clear direction and an open mind. Women may struggle to understand their own bodies and communicate their needs, while men can find female sexuality confusing. Somatica practice can help individuals become more embodied and connected, improving communication and understanding.

      Understanding and communicating our sexual needs and desires is a complex process for many people, especially women. During a recent course at the Somatica Institute, the speaker learned that women often struggle to understand their own bodies and what makes them feel good, let alone communicate that to their partners. The course involved exercises to help participants connect with their bodies and communicate their needs effectively. One exercise involved touching and being touched, and the speaker discovered that effective communication requires clear direction and an open mind. The speaker also recognized that men can find female sexuality confusing due to its complexity and variability. Somatica is a practice that encourages individuals to become more embodied and connected to their emotions and bodies, which can help improve communication and understanding in relationships.

    • Exploring our bodies for better sexual experiences and consensual relationshipsIdentifying and accepting our core erotic themes can lead to fulfilling sexual experiences and consensual relationships through somatic therapy like Somatica.

      Understanding and connecting with our bodies can lead to better sexual experiences and consensual relationships. Somatica, a form of somatic therapy, can help individuals figure out their core erotic themes and express their desires. Many people don't realize what turns them on or have repressed their sexual desires due to shame. It's important to identify and accept these desires for a fulfilling sexual life. Additionally, people may prioritize their pets over their significant others based on a survey, but individual experiences may vary. The speaker shared her experiences with dating and her love for dogs, and emphasized the importance of being true to oneself and one's desires.

    • Meeting new people with a dog's help and supporting values-aligned brandsUsing a dog to meet new people and focusing on conversations can lead to meaningful connections. Supporting brands that align with personal values can enhance daily life with natural, additive-free products.

      Having a dog, whether it's your own or borrowed, can serve as an effective way to meet new people and socialize. The speaker shared an amusing experience of stopping a potential dick pic situation by advising a younger man to focus on the conversation instead. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the importance of supporting brands that align with one's values, such as Kopari, which offers organic coconut oil-based beauty products free of harmful additives. The speaker's positive experience with Kopari's products demonstrates how small changes, like using natural skincare, can make a significant difference in one's daily life.

    • Women should embrace their desires during sexEmbrace greediness, selfishness, and bossiness in bed for enhanced pleasure and deeper connections

      Women should embrace their desires and needs during sex without feeling guilty or judged. Celeste and Danielle, sex coaches mentioned on the podcast, emphasized the importance of women being greedy, selfish, and bossy in bed. This can include bringing sex toys like vibrators into the relationship without asking for permission. The fear of judgment and societal conditioning can prevent women from expressing their sexual needs and enjoying their sexual experiences fully. By taking charge and being confident in their desires, women can enhance their own pleasure and deepen their connections with their partners.

    • Embracing Personal Pleasure in Sexual ExperiencesEmbrace personal pleasure, communicate clearly, and focus on connection in sexual experiences to ensure a fulfilling and connected intimate life.

      Prioritizing personal pleasure during sexual experiences is not something women are encouraged to do, but it's essential for a fulfilling and connected intimate life. The speaker shares her personal journey of realizing the importance of being attuned to her body's desires and expressing them to her partners. She emphasizes the importance of communication, being clear about what feels good, and staying connected even when mistakes or misunderstandings occur. The speaker also highlights the importance of understanding that hurt and conflict are inevitable in relationships and focusing on repair and staying connected instead of striving for perfection. In summary, the key takeaway is the importance of embracing personal pleasure, clear communication, and connection in sexual experiences.

    • Communicating deeper emotions in relationshipsThe Somatica method helps individuals connect on a deeper level in relationships by addressing underlying emotions and focusing on vulnerability as a tool for deeper connection.

      Effective communication in relationships goes beyond addressing surface-level issues and requires understanding and addressing the underlying emotions. The Somatica method teaches this by helping individuals narrate intimacy and connect on a deeper level, rather than getting stuck in repetitive arguments. These deeper emotions often stem from core issues rooted in childhood experiences and fears of abandonment or unlovability. By focusing on these underlying feelings, relationships can be strengthened and potentially saved. The Somatica method emphasizes vulnerability as a powerful tool rather than a weakness and encourages individuals to do the necessary work to reach this deeper level of connection.

    • Learn to Flirt from a Place of Depth and PresenceDiscover your unique flirting style and practice it authentically to build deeper connections and avoid sexless relationships.

      Flirting is not just about superficial moves or pick-up lines, but rather a deep and authentic connection between individuals. Celeste and Danielle, founders of Somatica, are offering a workshop called "Flirting for Success" on October 1st, where they will teach people how to flirt from a place of depth and presence. This is important not just for those seeking new relationships, but also for maintaining sexual energy and connection in long-term relationships. The workshop will help participants discover their unique flirting style and practice it with others. By focusing on authenticity and presence, individuals can build deeper connections and avoid sexless relationships. The workshop will take place in Berkeley, and interested individuals can sign up on Somatica's website. Additionally, the workshop leaders emphasize the importance of slowing down and taking deep breaths to connect with oneself and others.

    • Expressing sexual desires in relationshipsFind the right time and place, communicate gently, give positive feedback, and focus on expressing desires instead of blame or shame for a healthy and passionate relationship.

      Effective communication in relationships, especially regarding sexual desires and needs, is crucial. It's important to find the right time and place to express these feelings, as it can be more effective to discuss them in the moment in the bedroom, showing what's needed. However, if one partner tends to become defensive or unable to discuss feelings gently, it may be better to take the conversation outside the bedroom first. Additionally, giving positive feedback and catching someone doing something right can make a significant difference in the relationship. Communication should focus on expressing desires instead of blame or shame. Overall, open and honest communication is essential for maintaining a healthy and passionate relationship.

    • Effective communication through multiple channelsMaintain a balance between friendliness and romantic energy, focus on shared interests, and communicate effectively and respectfully to deepen connections.

      To effectively communicate with your audience and build a connection, it's important to create multiple channels for them to engage with you. This can include emails, voice mails, and social media. Additionally, being open to direct communication, such as phone calls, can help deepen the connection and provide more personalized assistance. In the case of a listener named Kristen, the advice was to avoid acting too friendly and available to a man she's interested in, who is still dealing with the aftermath of a past relationship. Instead, she should aim to maintain a balance between being friendly and keeping the romantic energy alive. This can be achieved by focusing on shared interests and activities, rather than acting like a traditional friend or caretaker. Overall, the key is to be mindful of your actions and intentions, and to communicate effectively and respectfully with your audience or romantic interest.

    • Maintain independence in relationships and approach sensitive topics honestlyBe independent in relationships, disclose sensitive info like STIs honestly, and keep conversations calm and matter-of-fact.

      It's important to maintain a full and independent life while in a relationship. Playing hard to get can be an indicator of someone's interest, but it's also crucial to not give up all your time and energy for your partner. Additionally, when it comes to sensitive topics like sexually transmitted infections, honesty is key. HPV is a common virus that affects many sexually active individuals, and while it's important to disclose such information to your partner, it doesn't have to be a heavy or serious conversation. The virus is often asymptomatic and can be transferred through various forms of sexual contact. It's a common infection, and most people will contract it at some point in their lives. Therefore, it's recommended to approach the conversation with a calm and matter-of-fact tone.

    • Communication and Education are Key in Addressing Relationship Anxieties and Health ConcernsBe open and considerate when discussing sensitive health topics with partners. Educate them to alleviate any potential shame or fear. Address personal insecurities and focus on building strong friendships to help alleviate jealousy and anxiety in relationships.

      Communication and education are key in addressing relationship anxieties and potential health concerns. In the first part of the discussion, the importance of being open and considerate when discussing sensitive health topics with partners was emphasized. The speaker reassured the listener that while herpes is common and treatable, it's important to educate partners about the condition to alleviate any potential shame or fear. In the second part of the discussion, the importance of addressing personal insecurities and focusing on building strong friendships was emphasized to help alleviate jealousy and anxiety in relationships. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of open communication, education, and self-reflection in maintaining healthy and fulfilling relationships.

    • Identifying and addressing personal insecurities and fears in relationshipsFocus on love and connection, appreciate yourself, and move on if needed. Cosplay can empower women, and lubricant is a normal addition to sexual relationships.

      It's important to identify and address personal insecurities and fears in relationships, while also focusing on the love and connection with your partner. Our minds naturally scan for things to worry about, but dwelling on these thoughts can make our lives miserable. Instead, try to appreciate yourself and focus on the positive aspects of your relationship. If you find yourself in a situation where your partner is not fully committed, remember that it's important to move on and find someone who is a better fit. Regarding the topic of cosplay, it can be an empowering experience for women, allowing them to portray strong and in control characters. And when it comes to using lubricant in sexual relationships, it's a normal and necessary addition for many people, especially for those who are new to sex. Introducing it to your partner can be as simple as bringing it into the bedroom and using it together. There's no need to overthink it or worry about etiquette, as long as both parties are comfortable and consenting.

    • Communication and openness enhance sexual experiencesUsing lubricant can improve comfort and pleasure, open communication leads to experimentation, and taking ownership of desires can lead to increased satisfaction.

      Communication and openness are key to enhancing sexual experiences. The use of lubricant, for instance, can be a simple yet effective way to improve comfort and pleasure for both partners. The speaker emphasizes that it's normal to need lubrication at times, and that lube can even lead to increased satisfaction for both parties in a relationship. She encourages women to take ownership of their sexual desires and needs, and not to be afraid to bring new things into the bedroom. The speaker also shares her personal experience with using a vibrator and how it can add to the sexual experience. Ultimately, the message is that open communication and experimentation can lead to more satisfying and enjoyable sexual experiences.

    • Exploring new pleasures and enhancing intimacy with gelato-flavored lubricants and Sugar Pop toyDiscover new sensations and enhance intimacy with gelato-flavored lubricants and the Sugar Pop toy from Joe and Vibro Tech. These innovative products offer delicious flavors and customizable sensations to help individuals explore their desires.

      There are new and exciting options available for exploring pleasure and enhancing intimacy. During a podcast episode on The Woody Show, Emily discussed the new gelato-flavored lubricants from Joe, which offer a delicious and dessert-worthy addition to any form of foreplay. She also highlighted the Sugar Pop toy from Vibro Tech, which uses a unique twirling motion to stimulate various sensitive areas and offers customizable sensations. These products, along with the variety of other offerings from Joe and Vibro Tech, demonstrate the importance of giving individuals the freedom to discover what feels best for them. So whether you're looking to add some flavor to your love life or explore new sensations, consider giving these products a try.

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