
    Podcast Summary

    • Squarespace's Insights tool provides valuable analytics for businessesUse Squarespace's Insights tool to track site visits, sales, and identify effective marketing channels to improve website content and build an effective marketing strategy.

      Squarespace not only offers a platform for creating and hosting websites but also provides valuable analytics tools to help businesses grow. Insights, a feature offered by Squarespace, allows users to track site visits, sales, and identify effective marketing channels. This information can then be used to improve website content, focus on top keywords and popular products, and build an effective marketing strategy. To try it out, visit squarespace.com/stuff for a free trial and use the offer code STUFF to save 10% on your first purchase. During the discussion, a fun and seemingly unrelated story was shared about an astounding coincidence in history. The story was about two men, one of whom was a member of a church choir, who ended up in the same photograph taken at different times, decades apart. This coincidence was described as one of the most remarkable in documented history. The story served as a reminder of the unexpected connections and coincidences that can occur in life. While the main topic of the discussion was Squarespace's business tools and analytics, the shared story added an interesting and entertaining element to the conversation. It's a reminder that sometimes the most unexpected things can lead to valuable insights and connections.

    • A coincidental timing of explosion and choir practiceAn explosion at a church in Nebraska in 1950 could have resulted in greater loss of life if choir practice had started on time, but it was a coincidence and not caused by intentional actions.

      The explosion at the Westside Baptist Church in Beatrice, Nebraska on March 1st, 1950, which destroyed the church and caused significant damage to nearby properties, could have had even more devastating consequences. The cause of the explosion was believed to be a gas leak, which filled the church and was ignited by the furnace that Reverend Clemple had lit ahead of choir practice. The fact that choir practice started every Wednesday at 7.20 PM and the explosion occurred at 7.25 PM is an astounding coincidence, as it could have easily led to a full choir being present when the explosion occurred, potentially resulting in significant loss of life. However, it's important to note that Reverend Clemple was not intending to cause harm, and the explosion was not a result of his actions.

    • The odds of all fifteen choir members being absent during an explosion were incredibly lowThe discovery of Zigazoo, a kid-safe social media platform, changed someone's view on children using social media

      The coincidental absence of all fifteen choir members during an explosion that destroyed their church had incredibly low odds of happening, estimated to be around one in a million. This was determined by analyzing past attendance records, which showed that each member was late approximately 25% of the time. Meanwhile, in a different context, the discovery of Zigazoo, a social media platform for kids, has led to a change of heart for someone who previously believed all social media was inappropriate for children. With Zigazoo, videos are moderated by humans and there are no comments or messaging, providing a safer environment for kids to share their creations with peers.

    • Ensuring User Experience and Safety on Digital Platforms: Zigazoo and Squarespace's Independent InnovationsZigazoo focuses on data safety for kids with parental consent and COPPA certification, while Squarespace offers customizable templates, easy selling options, and an asset library for unbreakable creativity in website design

      Both Zigazoo and Squarespace prioritize user experience and safety in their respective digital platforms. Zigazoo, a social network for kids, ensures data safety by requiring parental consent and holding Kids Safe COPPA certification. Squarespace's Fluid Engine offers unbreakable creativity with customizable templates, easy selling options, and an asset library. The remarkable part is that these advancements didn't come from everyone following the same schedule but rather independent improvements. For Zigazoo, this means prioritizing data safety for kids, while for Squarespace, it's about making website design accessible and creative for everyone. Whether you're a parent looking for a kid-friendly social network or an entrepreneur wanting to build a website, both platforms offer innovative solutions to meet your needs. So, if you're considering joining Zigazoo or launching a website with Squarespace, know that your data and creativity are in good hands.

    • Geometry problem caused chain reaction of eventsA high school student's determination to solve a geometry problem led to a chain reaction of events, ultimately preventing several individuals from attending an unfortunate incident.

      A simple problem with geometry ended up causing a chain reaction of events that made several individuals late, ultimately leading them to miss an unfortunate incident. Ladona Van der Grift, a high school sophomore, was determined to solve a geometry problem before leaving for choir practice, which caused her to be late. Her lateness indirectly made Royina and Sadie Estes late as well, as they had car trouble and called Ladona for a ride. Had Ladonna not been working on her geometry problem or had the Estes sisters not experienced car trouble, they may have all arrived on time and avoided an explosion at the church. This situation was seen as a double blessing by the church community, as they believed it was God's intervention keeping them safe.

    • Personal circumstances impacting punctualityUnexpected events and personal responsibilities can cause people to be late for important commitments

      Unexpected events and personal responsibilities often cause people to be late, even for important commitments like choir practice. This was evident in the stories of several individuals mentioned in the discussion. For instance, Mrs. Leonard Shuster was late due to helping her mother prepare for a missionary meeting. Herbert Kipth was late because he finally sat down to write a letter, an unusual occurrence for him. Joyce Black, a stenographer, was late due to feeling lazy and enjoying the warmth of her home. Even the piano player, Marilyn Paul, was late due to falling asleep and needing to tidy up before leaving. These stories illustrate how personal circumstances can impact our punctuality and serve as a reminder that unexpected events are a normal part of life.

    • Waiting for each other in a church choirIn the face of unexpected delays and obstacles, a strong community can help individuals remain patient and calm, allowing normalcy to be maintained.

      Despite various unforeseen circumstances, the members of the church choir were patient and understanding with each other, waiting for late arrivals and enduring unexpected delays. Marilyn was late due to her mother trying to wake her up, while Harvey was preoccupied with taking care of his children. Lucille and Dorothy, being neighbors and choir members, waited for each other as well. Even when faced with a gas leak at church, the group remained calm and patient. This story highlights the importance of community and understanding in overcoming obstacles and maintaining a sense of normalcy in daily life.

    • The importance of being punctual and fact-checkingBeing late or careless with facts can have significant consequences. Value time and accuracy to improve your life and debunk misconceptions.

      Being late to an event, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can have life-altering consequences. In the discussed story, a group of people were all late to choir practice, unknowingly saving their lives from an explosion that would have claimed them all if they had been on time. This anecdote serves as a reminder to appreciate the importance of being punctual and to recognize the potential impact of seemingly minor actions on our lives. Additionally, it highlights the value of fact-checking and the role of media in debunking myths and misconceptions. Overall, the story encourages us to value time and accuracy, and to approach the world with a healthy dose of skepticism and curiosity.

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    Hello lovely! I'm Yasmin. I'm a Messaging Coach, bestselling author and the founder of Tiny Time Big Results.

    With over 25,000 students worldwide, I specialise in teaching coaches and experts how to attract perfect-fit clients with magnetic messaging.

    Find me on: ✅ Instagram - Yasmin | Magnetic Messaging Coach | Business Strategist (@yasvorajee)

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    Are you making these messaging mistakes? Download my free guide and discover the 10 messaging mistakes that repel high ticket clients - www.yasminvorajee.com/10messagemistakes

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    1 Prediction That Came True

    1 Prediction That Came True

    Episode 13 (The lucky one). 

    Welcome again to the CraigMarty.com podcast.  

    This is a quick episode for business owners who love to stay up to date and read or watch information on new tech and new gadgets and things like that. 

    My point here is that it’s usually a black hole for your time and effectiveness. 

    If you’re a mechanic and you need to know what the new specifications for the new motor Ford are releasing this year, that’s different. That’s not what I’m talking about on this episode.

    Press *PLAY* now and tune in. 


    Question for you: Have you ever spent $50 - $100 or maybe even more on Facebook Ads, but never got a real customer from it?  Yes?

    Maybe you got a couple of likes...but likes don't pay you money. 

    When Facebook Ads become available, I started trying to get some leads and sales on there too...but I didn't get it work for a loooong time. 

    Fast forward to 2021 and I've written a book on it. See the book and the details of what comes with it HERE >

    Talk soon, 

    Craig Marty





    1 Hours Work for 10 Hours Pay

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    Episode #9

    I remember when I was getting started in the self-employed, business owner world, two of the main motivators for me were:

    1. To earn money with less time invested from my side.
    2. To have more spare and free time. 

    Yes obviously those to things are very closely related but having more money and having more time were the two main things. Actually, now I am thinking of it, it was not necessarily to have MORE money back then. 

    Replacing my salary was the goal for me. Having the same amount of money in my own business as what I did from my employer was what I had in my mind as the goal. 

    However, when I started working for myself none of those wishes were granted and I found myself in a place where most business owners live. 

    I was probably lucky somewhat to get out of it, but now let me tell you in this episode how I did it. 

    Press *play* right now and listen in. 


    By the way, I'm holding a free web class online that you should come and join too if you like this podcast. 

    It's more of the same, but better and more in depth. 

    Click here to register - And find out when the next web class is scheduled for. 

    Talk soon, 


    P.S. And one more thing while you're here...

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