
    Smart Talks With IBM: 355 Days in Space: Finding Meaning with Astronaut Mark Vande Hei

    enFebruary 15, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Inspiring Individuals: John Stewart and Mark BandehiJohn Stewart brings insightful commentary on current events through The Daily Show and its podcast edition. Mark Bandehi, a NASA astronaut, conducts research in space and shares valuable data about extended spaceflight's effects on humans.

      There are inspiring individuals, like John Stewart and NASA astronaut Mark Bandehi, who are making a difference through their unique perspectives and expertise. John Stewart is back with The Daily Show and its podcast edition, providing insightful commentary on current events. Meanwhile, Mark Bandehi, a NASA astronaut, spent nearly a year in space conducting research and sharing valuable data about the impact of extended spaceflight on humans. These individuals, whether in media or space exploration, demonstrate the power of creativity, knowledge, and passion in driving change. Listen to The Daily Show Ears Edition or Smart Talks with IBM to learn more from these thought leaders.

    • Mental health in space: A crucial factor for long-term missionsFormer NASA astronaut Mark Kelly emphasizes the importance of mental well-being for enduring long-term space missions. Through meditation practice, he learned to recognize and shift negative thought patterns, leading to a successful second mission.

      Mental health plays a crucial role in enduring long-term space missions. Former NASA astronaut Mark Kelly shares his experience of spending a record-breaking 355 days in space, which he attributes to his focus on mental well-being. During his first mission, he had no desire to return. However, after paying closer attention to his mental health during meditation practice, he was better equipped to recognize and shift negative thought patterns during his second, longer mission. Space is a unique laboratory where various experiments can be conducted due to the absence of dominant forces on Earth. For instance, flames burn more efficiently in space, leading to potential advancements in cleaner combustion engines. Mental health awareness is essential for astronauts to cope with the challenges of extended space travel.

    • Exploring Science in Space: Homogeneous Solutions and Health ChallengesSpace offers unique conditions for scientific research, including homogeneous solutions, while presenting challenges for human health, such as bone density loss. Ongoing research aims to mitigate these effects and expand our understanding of the universe.

      Space provides a unique environment for scientific research and human exploration. With the continuous state of free fall, solutions remain homogeneous, allowing for various experiments, including simulations of the human body and delicate protein structures. Space also presents challenges for human health, such as bone density loss due to the absence of resistance. However, research is ongoing to mitigate these effects, like using vacuum cylinders for resistance training on the International Space Station. Despite determined efforts, the impact on the body can still be profound, as demonstrated by astronauts like Chris Hadfield, who experienced significant bone density loss during their time in space. Overall, space offers a new context for scientific advancement and human exploration, with ongoing research addressing both the scientific discoveries and the challenges of extended space travel.

    • Creative problem-solving in space experimentsIn space, scientists encounter unique challenges and require creative solutions. For instance, adding a thin, punctured plastic sheet solved a problem in the Celestial Immunity experiment, enabling successful sample addition.

      Creativity plays a crucial role in scientific exploration, even in unusual environments like space. The speaker shared an example of an experiment called Celestial Immunity, where they encountered challenges that required creative problem-solving. During this experiment, they noticed that the petri dishes used didn't have lids, making it difficult to add samples without disturbing them. Through conversation and observation, the speaker suggested a solution: adding a thin sheet of flexible plastic on top and puncturing it to add the samples. This modification made the experiment more successful. The Celestial Immunity experiment aimed to understand how the human immune system reacts to different situations, and repeating it in space offered the potential for new discoveries. The speaker also mentioned that some viruses are more virulent in space, and scientists are still trying to understand why. In their free time, the speaker and a crewmate even tried doing stunts together, highlighting the importance of maintaining a balance between work and play in space exploration.

    • Communication and Data Transfer in SpaceEffective communication and data transfer between astronauts and ground control team are vital for space station operations, with ground control having the final decision-making authority. Occasional communication losses do not cause fear, and growing vegetables in space could lead to future culinary trends on Earth.

      Technology plays a crucial role in the daily operations of astronauts in space. Communication and data transfer between astronauts and NASA ground control team are essential for the successful functioning of the space station. Astronauts and ground control team work together, with the ground control team having the final say in making decisions and executing commands. Despite the importance of technology, astronauts experience occasional communication losses, but these moments never instilled fear in them. Additionally, growing vegetables in space, such as Hatch chili peppers, is a scientific endeavor with potential for future culinary trends on Earth.

    • Space travel: Controlled environment and calm mindsetAstronaut Mark Kelly emphasizes the importance of staying focused and present, using practices like meditation and mindfulness, to navigate uncertainty and stress in space and everyday life

      Space travel, despite its challenges and dangers, can be approached with a calm and focused mindset. Astronaut Mark Kelly shared his experiences of feeling less fear during space emergencies due to the controlled environment and the culture of taking things slow. However, even in the safety of space, he acknowledged feeling fear during his return to Earth. Mental health, a personal interest of Kelly's, plays a crucial role in space travel and everyday life. He emphasized the importance of staying focused and present, using practices like meditation and mindfulness, to navigate uncertainty and stress. These skills, honed through his spaceflight experiences, are valuable tools for maintaining mental wellbeing, whether in space or on the ground.

    • Recognizing the unique challenges of spaceAccepting the chaos of space and adopting a curious mindset can improve performance and reduce frustration for astronauts.

      Accepting the situation and being more curious about it can help improve performance and reduce frustration. The PMM, or Provisioning and Materials Management module on the space station, can be a chaotic place where astronauts spend a significant amount of time searching for items. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-judgment. However, recognizing that these feelings are not based on fact and instead focusing on the unique experience of being in space can lead to a more positive attitude and better performance. The most significant change for one astronaut was the initial realization of the Earth's isolation and vastness while looking out the window, which was a humbling and awe-inspiring experience. Overall, adopting a more accepting and curious mindset can help astronauts navigate the challenges of space and improve their experience.

    • A new perspective on life from spaceSpace travel reveals our smallness and interconnectedness, emphasizing the importance of being mindful of our impact on the environment and our mental health.

      Our perspective on the world can be dramatically altered when we consider the vast scale of the Earth and the universe. During a first-time space travel experience, the speaker was struck by the sense of isolation and smallness, which led them to question their self-importance and contemplate their mortality. This experience also highlighted the importance of being attentive to the scale we choose in our lives, whether it be the study of a plant or the universe as a whole. The speaker's newfound appreciation for the environment and the challenges it faces, such as climate change, led to an increased interest in sustainability and mental health advocacy. Overall, the experience of viewing the Earth from space provided a profound and humbling perspective that emphasized the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of being mindful of our impact on the world.

    • Reflecting on the insignificance of human existence from a cosmic perspective and the importance of choosing what's meaningfulRecognize the insignificance of human existence from a cosmic perspective, but also the power to decide what's meaningful in life. Encourage younger generations to explore the world beyond screens.

      We should be mindful of the scales we choose to pay attention to in life. As Malcolm Gladwell discussed, Mark Zuckerberg, while looking at Earth from orbit, realized the insignificance of human existence but also recognized that it's up to us to decide what's meaningful. This could be anything from studying the cosmos to having dinner with loved ones or even tending to a single hatch chili pepper plant. Another insight from the conversation was the importance of exposing younger generations to the world beyond screens. Malcolm expressed his concern that many young people are missing out on experiencing the outdoors and other alternatives to a screen-dominated life. He expressed his desire to help change that and encourage people to explore other ways of living. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of being attentive to the world around us and choosing what we focus on. By doing so, we can discover new insights and create meaningful experiences in our work and in our lives. Smart Talks with IBM is a production of Pushkin Industries and Iheartmedia. To listen to more episodes, visit the Iheartradio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts. This has been a paid advertisement from IBM.

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    Mari's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariwuellner/

    Ask Us Anything:  donttakeitfromuspodcast@gmail.com

    The Crew Waitlist: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/crew-wait-list


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    जलवायु परिवर्तन और मानव स्वास्थ्य आपस में जुड़े हुए हैं: दीया मिर्जा
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