
    Smart Talks with IBM and Malcolm Gladwell: Quantum Computing is Tomorrow’s Computing, Today

    enNovember 03, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the atomic world with quantum physicsQuantum physics is crucial for understanding matter at the atomic scale and will lead to the development of quantum computing, a new type of computing that uses qubits to solve complex problems in the next decade.

      Quantum computing, a field that is coming of age in the next decade, is based on the principles of quantum physics and is set to transform our interaction with technology. Doctor Dario Gil, a senior vice president and director of IBM Research, explains that quantum physics is crucial for understanding matter at the atomic scale and electronic structure. For those without a technical background, quantum computing can be simply defined as a new type of computing that goes beyond the binary digits (bits) of traditional computers, using quantum bits (qubits) that can exist in multiple states at once. Doctor Gil, who studied nanotechnology at MIT, emphasizes that quantum computing flows naturally from the idea of manipulating and building at the atomic level. He predicts that the next 10 years will be the decade in which quantum computing comes of age and changes the way we solve complex problems. Stay tuned for more insights from Malcolm Gladwell and thought leaders in this new season of Smart Talks with IBM.

    • A quantum leap in information processingQuantum computers surpass classical computing by using quantum bits (qubits) and exploiting quantum mechanics to solve complex problems with exponential efficiency, revolutionizing the way we simulate and understand the natural world.

      Quantum computing represents a significant leap forward in the way we process and manipulate information, surpassing the capabilities of classical computing. This advancement stems from the use of quantum bits, or qubits, which go beyond the binary digits (bits) of classical computing by merging information with the principles of physics. Quantum computers manipulate this richer form of information, exploiting quantum mechanics to solve problems that are practically impossible with classical computing. To illustrate the difference in capacity, consider the challenge of simulating nature to develop advanced technologies, such as a more efficient battery for electric cars. While empirical methods, theoretical approaches, and computer simulations have been employed, the number of variables involved grows exponentially as the complexity of the material increases. With current computers, it becomes impractical to calculate all the interactions between electrons, and we are left to approximate, resulting in inaccurate results. Quantum computers, on the other hand, have the potential to tackle these complex problems with exponential efficiency, offering a significant advancement in our ability to simulate and understand the natural world.

    • Revolutionizing Information Processing with Quantum ComputersQuantum computers could optimize complex problems in industries like materials science and drug discovery by simulating the behavior of multiple particles, leading to more efficient and effective solutions, despite the challenges in building functional quantum computers, progress in theory and engineering suggests significant benefits in the future.

      Quantum computing represents an entirely new class of computers that could revolutionize information processing. Unlike classical computers, which face an exponential increase in calculations as more data is added, quantum computers exhibit a more linear relationship, allowing them to model more complex systems with fewer qubits. This is particularly significant for industries dealing with complex problems, such as materials science or drug discovery, where modeling the behavior of multiple particles is crucial. For instance, quantum computers could help optimize battery design by simulating the behavior of atoms and molecules, leading to more efficient and effective energy storage solutions. However, despite the potential, building functional quantum computers is a significant challenge, and we have yet to see them outperform classical computers in practical applications. Nevertheless, the progress being made in both theory and engineering suggests that this frontier of information computation will likely yield significant benefits in the coming years.

    • Revolutionizing complex problems with quantum computingQuantum computing could revolutionize various fields, particularly in mathematics and computer science, by making complex problems more manageable, leading to groundbreaking advancements in various industries

      Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize various fields, particularly in mathematics and computer science, by making complex problems more manageable. A famous example of this is Shor's algorithm, which demonstrated that a sufficiently large quantum computer could efficiently factor large numbers, a task that is currently the basis of encryption protocols. This means that our current encryption methods may need to be updated to prevent future quantum computers from decrypting secure information. Furthermore, quantum computing could accelerate the discovery process in fields such as drug development, allowing for a significant reduction in time and cost. Overall, quantum computing will challenge our assumptions about what problems are computationally feasible and could lead to groundbreaking advancements in various industries.

    • Revolutionizing the testing process with quantum computingQuantum computing's ability to process information at unprecedented speeds can revolutionize the testing and experimentation process, leading to significant improvements in efficiency and accuracy.

      The combination of advanced technologies can lead to exponential changes in outcomes, as exemplified by the development of mRNA COVID vaccines. While these vaccines represent a major breakthrough in genetic biomedicine, their testing process relied on traditional methods, which were time-consuming and labor-intensive. Quantum computing, with its ability to process information at unprecedented speeds, could revolutionize the testing and experimentation process, leading to significant improvements in efficiency and accuracy. This unification of information technology and biology, where data is processed and analyzed to gain mastery over our environments, is a source of immense opportunity. The exponential power of technology, as seen in the context of the pandemic, holds both opportunities and challenges, requiring us to be smart and responsible in its governance. Furthermore, the idea that biology is information, as seen in the case of mRNA technology, highlights the potential for quantum computing to revolutionize various fields, from clinical trials to drug discovery and beyond.

    • Exploring the Future of Quantum Computing and AIQuantum computing and AI are set to revolutionize scientific discoveries by enhancing the scientific method through advanced data processing and knowledge search. The ultimate goal is to tackle complex global issues more efficiently.

      The team behind the development of quantum computers believes they are on the brink of a technological breakthrough that will significantly transform the world. They see themselves as pioneers pushing the boundaries of knowledge, and they're passionate about combining quantum computing with artificial intelligence to accelerate scientific discoveries. The scientific method, which involves learning from the past, generating hypotheses, conducting experiments, and sharing findings, can be enhanced by these technologies. For instance, AI can help search and learn from existing knowledge through natural language processing and building graphs. The ultimate goal is to solve complex problems, such as global warming and fighting pandemics, more efficiently. The team's conviction and excitement about their work come from the belief that they're making history and contributing to humanity's progress.

    • Revolutionizing the Scientific Method with AI and Quantum ComputingAI generates hypotheses through generative models, quantum computers verify them for accurate simulations, and AI-controlled robots optimally guide experimentation, compressing the time to discovery in various fields

      Artificial Intelligence (AI) and quantum computing are revolutionizing the scientific method by enhancing its capabilities in various ways. In our daily lives, we use AI for powerful searches and information acquisition. In the scientific realm, AI can be used to generate hypotheses using generative models, which can design new molecules or generate ideas based on specific criteria. These hypotheses can then be verified using quantum computers, allowing for more accurate simulations and discoveries. The next step is to realize these discoveries in practice through experimentation, which can be optimally guided by AI-controlled robots. By combining the scientific method with these advanced technologies, we can compress the time to discovery in fields such as vaccine development, climate change research, and more. Moreover, the challenges and difficulties in working on quantum computing require a unique and determined mindset, making it an exciting and rewarding field for those who believe in its potential. Ultimately, the synergy between the scientific method and these technologies has the power to make a significant impact on our world.

    • Exploring the Future of Quantum Computing with IBM's Dr. Dario GilQuantum computing holds immense potential for revolutionizing our world, and despite current limitations, optimism prevails due to its groundbreaking implications.

      Key takeaway from this conversation with Dr. Dario Gil is the profound optimism surrounding the future of quantum computing. Despite the current inability to fully realize the technology, the potential implications are so vast and groundbreaking that it's impossible to be pessimistic about its potential. The convergence of old and new technologies could revolutionize how we live and communicate, tackling some of the most fundamental problems we face today. This fascinating discussion between Dr. Gil and Malcolm Gladwell is just a glimpse into the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. Smart Talks with IBM is a production of Pushkin Industries and Iheartmedia, and you can find more episodes at ibm.com/smarttalks.

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    This is a paid advertisement from IBM. The conversations on this podcast don't necessarily represent IBM's positions, strategies or opinions.

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