
    Snatched: A mother's quest to find her children

    enJanuary 31, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of LinkedIn for Hiring and the Heart-wrenching Story of Family Court CasesLinkedIn is a must-use platform for small businesses to find qualified candidates. Family court cases can be complex and emotionally challenging, emphasizing the importance of trusting instincts and seeking support when needed.

      LinkedIn is an essential tool for small business owners looking to hire professionals. It's like searching for your car keys in a fish tank to not use LinkedIn for hiring. Over 70% of LinkedIn users don't visit other leading job sites, making it the go-to place to find qualified candidates, even those not actively seeking new opportunities. Meanwhile, 1800flowers.com is more than just a gift-giving destination; it's a company that puts heart into everything they do, ensuring customers can celebrate life's special moments with loved ones. Now, let's switch gears and discuss an important and heart-wrenching topic. Louise Tickle's podcast, Snatched, follows a mother's harrowing journey through the family courts after her children were taken away by her ex-partner. The story serves as a reminder that even with court orders in place, the safety and security of our families are not always guaranteed. Anna, a character in the podcast, thought she had everything under control when her ex-husband planned a summer holiday with their children. However, he never returned them, leaving Anna in a state of panic and desperation. The experience highlights the importance of being vigilant and trusting your instincts when it comes to matters concerning your family's well-being. It also underscores the complexities and challenges that can arise in family court cases and the need for support and resources when navigating such situations.

    • International Child Abduction: A Legal MazeClear communication and adherence to court orders are crucial to prevent international child abduction cases. When abduction occurs, the Hague Convention is invoked for swift return of children, but the process can be lengthy and complex.

      When a parent abducts their children and takes them far from their home country, the legal process to secure their safe return can be complex and lengthy. In the discussed case, Anna's ex-husband took their children to Los Angeles instead of Spain, despite court orders and previous incidents of taking the children without permission. This deceitful act led to a 4-day delay in reporting them missing, which triggered an investigation under the Gloucestershire Police child abuse team. Detective inspector Nick Wheeler took on the case, trying to establish if the children were on an extended holiday or if something more sinister had happened. The circumstances, including the father's past actions, indicated a potential criminal offense. However, when a child is abducted abroad, neither the police nor the British courts have jurisdiction. Anna was entering a legal maze, starting with The Hague Convention, which is a multilateral treaty aimed at swiftly returning children not normally residing in the country. The case highlights the importance of clear communication and adherence to court orders to prevent such situations and the complexity of international child abduction cases.

    • Navigating the complexities of the Hague ConventionThe Hague Convention process for returning abducted children can be lengthy and uncertain, involving communication with abducting parents, legal representation in other countries, and varying cooperation from governments.

      The Hague Convention, while intended for swift returns of abducted children, can be a complex and lengthy process. Anna's situation, while not unique, involves numerous challenges such as communication with the abducting parent, legal representation in other countries, and varying cooperation from different governments. The process can take months to years, and the outcome is uncertain. Despite these challenges, Anna remains hopeful and continues to pursue the return of her children through the Hague Convention. Meanwhile, law enforcement agencies work to gather information and ensure the children's safety.

    • Cultural differences and power imbalances in international child custody disputesUnderstanding cultural nuances, recognizing power dynamics, and being persistent are crucial in navigating international child custody disputes.

      Cultural differences and power imbalances in relationships can lead to complex and challenging situations, particularly when it comes to international child custody disputes. Anna, a woman from India, shares her experience of being trapped in an abusive marriage with a British citizen, leading to a lengthy and frustrating battle to regain custody of her children. Despite being in a Western democracy and both signatories to the Hague Convention, Anna encountered significant obstacles and lack of cooperation from law enforcement and her ex-husband. Anna's determination and resourcefulness eventually led her to take matters into her own hands, but the process was slow, expensive, and emotionally draining. The story underscores the importance of understanding cultural nuances, recognizing power dynamics, and being persistent in seeking help and justice in such situations.

    • Domestic abuse leaves survivors feeling trapped and powerlessDomestic abuse survivors can feel trapped due to lack of resources and fear, but help and resources are available, regardless of circumstances.

      Domestic abuse can leave survivors feeling trapped and powerless, with perpetrators using various forms of control to keep them in harmful relationships. Anna's story illustrates this, as she describes her husband's temper and violent behavior, which left her feeling vulnerable and scared. Despite her initial plans to leave, she felt trapped due to her lack of resources and citizenship status. The abuse continued, and Anna eventually stopped communicating with her husband and began planning her escape. The emotional and physical toll of the abuse left Anna feeling drained and desperate for safety, ultimately leading her to seek help from a domestic abuse charity and flee to a refuge. It's important to remember that anyone experiencing domestic abuse can seek help and resources, regardless of their circumstances.

    • Complexity and unpredictability of domestic abuse casesStrong legal protections and vigilance are crucial in dealing with domestic abuse cases due to perpetrators' manipulative tactics and disregard for court orders.

      Domestic abuse cases can be complex and unpredictable, with perpetrators going to great lengths to evade authorities and manipulate the situation to their advantage. In this case, Anna's ex-husband stopped all communication and disappeared with their children, leaving Anna in a state of fear and uncertainty for months. The police were able to locate him through an online check-in for a return flight, but when they arrived at the airport, they discovered he had not actually boarded the plane. Anna's ex had a history of emotionally abusing Anna and disregarding court orders, yet he continued to seek more access to their children. This highlights the importance of strong legal protections and the need for continued vigilance in cases of domestic abuse. Despite the challenges, Anna remained hopeful and determined to keep her family safe.

    • Reuniting Domestic Abuse Victims with their ChildrenExhaustive investigations and court orders may not be enough to ensure the safe return of domestic abuse victims and their children. Continued support and resources are crucial throughout the legal process.

      Despite exhaustive investigations and court orders, domestic abuse victims and their children can still face significant challenges in being reunited safely. In this case, a mother went through months of uncertainty and trauma before her children were finally located and returned to her. The authorities involved, including detectives and social workers, used various methods such as tracking rental properties and schools to locate the children. However, the mother's return to the US for the court hearing meant leaving her job and incurring significant costs. Despite these challenges, she remained determined to be reunited with her children. This case highlights the importance of continued support and resources for domestic abuse victims and their children throughout the legal process.

    • A family's reunion after a long separationThe reunion of a separated family can bring immense joy but also uncertainty and anxiety. Hope and determination are key to navigating the legal process and being reunited.

      The reunion of a family after a long separation can bring immense joy and relief, but the process can be filled with uncertainty and anxiety. The speaker, Anna, was filled with excitement and anticipation as she traveled to pick up her children after a three-and-a-half-month wait. The day finally arrived, and the children were taken from their school and brought to the courthouse. Anna was overwhelmed with emotion as she reunited with them, and the father was escorted to the courthouse shortly after. The hearing resulted in interim custody being granted to Anna, but the father contested the decision and the case was set for a hearing in late January. Through it all, Anna remained hopeful and determined to be reunited with her children.

    • Importance of Communication During Family ChallengesCommunication is vital for families during difficult times, and technology can help bridge gaps when in-person contact is not possible. Neglecting communication can harm children's emotional wellbeing.

      Communication and connection are crucial, especially during challenging times. In the discussed situation, a mother named Anna and her sons were separated from her estranged husband, who prevented them from contacting her. The boys were excited and surprised to see their mother after three months, but Anna faced numerous challenges in her new location, including high rent and juggling work and childcare. The father, despite being in a different country, could have used technology to maintain contact with his children but chose not to. The court eventually ruled in Anna's favor, allowing the boys to return home. However, the father's actions may have had a negative impact on the children's emotional wellbeing. This story underscores the importance of keeping lines of communication open, especially when families are facing adversity.

    • Navigating a contentious custody battleRisks include high legal and rental car fees, emotional distress, and potential continued control by an ex-spouse. Be prepared for the journey ahead.

      Navigating the family court system during a contentious custody battle can be a costly, time-consuming, and emotionally draining experience. Anna's story illustrates the potential risks and consequences of such a situation, including tens of thousands of dollars in legal and rental car fees, extended periods of anguish and fear, and the possibility of continued control by an ex-spouse. The family court may not always protect individuals from these challenges, leaving it up to them, the legal system, foreign jurisdictions, and significant financial resources to secure the safe return of their children. It's crucial to recognize the potential pitfalls and be prepared for the journey ahead.

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    **A word of caution--these conversations contains frank discussions of child sexual abuse and the effects of abuse.**

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    Anita Gera is a protective mom from Great Britain. In 2014, Anita went to the British police to seek protection when her abusive and controlling ex-husband, an American pilot, threatened to take their children from the UK without her permission. Over the next year, through her ex-husband’s use of the Hague Convention, Anita’s case brought her back to the USA and resulted in a divorce and custody decision that would dramatically change the course of Anita and her children’s lives. She has not been able to see her children, now thirteen and fifteen years old, since August 2015. Anita doesn’t know when she will be able to see her children again as she has neither the means nor resources to enforce her parenting time with her children and she fears that doing so would put them at greater risk of harm by their father who has now ceased all contact with her.

    "Annabelle" is a divorced Maryland mother who shares custody of two children living with abuse and coercive control. On their weeks with their father, her children have no phone access to their mother, their friends, or 911. They live in fear of having food withheld and of abuse under the guise of corporal punishment.

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    Despite multiple medical and mental health professionals filing child protection reports for suspected abuse, and court testimony by Courtney's son’s therapist of her concerns about suspected sexual and physical abuse by the father - the father's testimony of a past child sex assault, the judge recently granted the unthinkable - extended, unsupervised, overnight visits. Courtney's goal of telling her story is to help mothers feel they are not alone because the support from protective Moms has given me the ability to continue to find strength and the most effective ways to help my child in a broken system.

    Roz Davidson is Director of The Positive Parenting Company Ltd and a National Consultant and a Trainer in the UK implementing the "Community Groups Programme" a therapeutic program for women and children recovering from domestic abuse. It is a child-focused piece of work with the Mother supporting the child and addresses self-blame, attachment, what is abuse, emotional regulation across themed sessions delivered over 12 weeks. You can learn more about the Community Groups Programme here.

    During our conversation, Anita, Annabelle, Courtney, and Roz and I touched upon the following resources:


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    Episode 126: #SurvivorStories Series with "Courtney" on family court as a enabler of child sexual abuse

    Episode 126:  #SurvivorStories Series with "Courtney" on family court as a enabler of child sexual abuse

    **Trigger Warning:  This episode discusses child sexual abuse and symptoms of it.**

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    Thanks for tuning in to the en(gender)ed podcast!

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    A life-long multipreneur helping business owners with systems and coaching frameworks that simplify their life as a leader. Has owned franchises, started his own and operated businesses since 1994. Bought & sold some along the way. (Pete Mohr)

    A life-long multipreneur helping business owners with systems and coaching frameworks that simplify their life as a leader. Has owned franchises, started his own and operated businesses since 1994. Bought & sold some along the way. (Pete Mohr)

    In this episode, I interview Pete Mohr, an Entrepreneurial Coach, and Speaker at Simplifying Entrepreneurship based in Elora, Ontario, Canada. Simplifying Entrepreneurship is a coaching company, providing tools, workshops, and programs for business owners to help them succeed in their personal and professional lives.

    An entrepreneur for almost his entire life, he has owned franchises, started his own, and operated businesses since 1994. Along the way, he has bought and sold some of them as well. Pete’s passion is helping other business owners and leaders cut through the chaos of running their businesses by providing systems and frameworks that simplify their life as a leader.

    Pete says that the hardest thing in growing a small business is obtaining the right people. In order to get the right people, he says, “You have to communicate, have the culture, all those kinds of things and make sure everybody knows their why.”

    This Cast Covers:


    • Creating tools, workshops, and coaching programs that help business owners cut through the chaos in growing their business.
    • Helping business owners and entrepreneurs succeed in their personal and professional lives.
    • Coaching entrepreneurs to cultivate leadership, an essential quality in creating a better business.
    • A Certified Business Made Simple Coach, helping people create the lives that they want to live by setting up the structures and frameworks around those businesses.
    • Transforming business into wins through the right frameworks and strong foundation.
    • The importance of providing open communication and as a significant role of a leader.
    • Creating turn-key businesses to achieve balance while letting others do the job.
    • Setting up a business and structured in a way that allows the balance to be implemented.
    • Started his first business in 1994 and has been leading them for 27 years.
    • The passion for doing a business is a great factor to move it unidirectionally.


    Additional Resources:



    “Success for me is as long as I'm doing what I love to do.” —Pete Mohr

    “When we create a promise, we align our culture all around that and that's what delivers the value.” —Pete Mohr

    “Setting up those accountabilities has allowed us to grow and allowed us to end.” —Pete Mohr

    “Driving communication is the number one job of a leader.” —Pete Mohr

    “Part of being an entrepreneur is really understanding again what you want out of your business and what you want out of your life.” —Pete Mohr


    Music from https://filmmusic.io “Cold Funk” by Kevin MacLeod https://incompetech.com. License: CC by http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0