
    Podcast Summary

    • It's not about you when someone ghostsFocus on self-love and personal growth after rejection, instead of dwelling on the past or asking what you did wrong.

      When a person ghosts you, it's essential to remember that it's not about you. Ghosting is a decision made by the other person, and it's crucial not to take it personally. You did nothing wrong, and it's essential to focus on self-love and self-care during this time. Instead of dwelling on the past, focus on learning from the experience and growing as an individual. Remember, everyone goes through rejection, and it's a natural part of life. Instead of asking yourself what you did wrong, ask yourself what you can learn from the situation and how you can improve yourself moving forward. By focusing on self-love and personal growth, you'll be better equipped to handle future relationships and rejections.

    • Don't blame yourself for being ghostedFocus on yourself and claim back your energy when someone ghosts you, as it's unattractive to pursue unreliable people.

      If you've been ghosted, it's essential not to blame yourself and to stop reaching out to the person. Your energy is valuable, and focusing on their lack of communication will only make the situation worse. Instead, take a step back, recenter your energy, and focus on yourself. Remember, where you place your energy is what gets emphasized in your life. If the person wants to communicate, they will reach out. In the meantime, don't let their lack of response dictate your day or emotions. It's unattractive to pursue someone who is unreliable, and you deserve better. So, be patient, claim your energy back, and move forward.

    • Take care of yourself emotionally firstWhen dealing with ghosting, focus on self-care, assess the situation, and determine if it's worth pursuing. Remember, communication is key and if it's lacking, it's a major red flag.

      When dealing with someone who has ghosted you, it's important to take care of yourself emotionally first. Engage in activities that help alleviate your emotions and take your mind off the situation. Next, assess the situation from a neutral perspective. Consider how long you've known the person, the level of investment you've made, and the potential for recovery. If it's a new situation, consider yourself lucky for escaping a potentially unhealthy relationship early on. If the relationship is more established, evaluate whether the person's behavior aligns with the type of partner you want in your life. Communication is key, and if the person is unwilling to communicate, it's a major red flag. Ultimately, if you determine that ghosting is not acceptable to you, know that you deserve better and that better is out there. Relief comes from acknowledging that the door to that relationship is closed.

    • Understanding getting ghosted isn't personalGhosting is not a reflection of your worth, and the right person will stay despite misunderstandings. Focus on growth and happiness.

      Getting ghosted is not a personal attack on you. It's essential to understand that the person's decision to end the connection has nothing to do with you and your worth. The right person will handle any misunderstandings and will want to be with you regardless. Personal experiences show that people who ghost may have found a stronger connection with someone else, and it's not something you can prevent or change. Accepting this reality can bring relief and help you trust that there is someone better for you out there. Remember, nothing will derail what's meant for you. So, if you've been ghosted, try to let go of the personal attachment and focus on your own growth and happiness.

    • Connection in relationships is unpredictableFocus on personal growth and happiness when someone leaves unexpectedly, trust that the right person will come along, and remember that everything happens for a reason.

      Connection in relationships is inevitable and cannot be forced. It either exists or it doesn't. When someone leaves unexpectedly, it's important to recognize that their decision has nothing to do with you, and it's part of their individual journey. Instead of taking it personally, focus on your own happiness and personal growth. Remember that you were fine before this person entered your life and you'll be fine after. Trust that the right person will come along and be reliable and supportive. Don't let someone's disappearance affect your self-worth or deter you from your goals. Everything happens for a reason, and the person who left was not the right match for you in the long run. Embrace your power and move forward with positivity.

    • Moving on from being ghostedWhen ghosted, channel energy into something productive, accept reality for closure, and remember people's actions speak louder than words.

      Instead of dwelling on being ghosted by someone, it's essential to channel that energy into something productive and empowering. When someone ghosts you, it's often because they're seeing other people or have lost interest, and it's better to move on rather than waste time on someone who isn't invested in the relationship. The lack of closure can be hurtful, but once you discover the truth, it can help you move forward. For instance, if a person ghosted you after several months of dating and you later find out they were seeing others, it can be a difficult pill to swallow. However, once you accept the reality, it can provide closure and help you heal. It's crucial to remember that people's actions often speak louder than their words, and if someone isn't transparent about their intentions, it's best to let go and focus on yourself. By using the energy you would spend worrying about the ghoster on a creative project or something that makes you feel powerful and alive, you can regain your confidence and step into your power.

    • Finding Closure from a Painful Relationship ExperienceWhen someone ghosts us, finding closure comes from their silence. Invest energy in creative pursuits or learning from the experience, or send a final message for peace of mind. Ultimately, the closure lies in moving forward and letting go.

      Finding closure in the face of a painful relationship experience can lead to personal growth and creativity. When someone ghosts us, it can leave us feeling insecure and off-balance, but ultimately, the closure comes from their silence. It's essential to recognize that the energy spent on seeking answers might be better invested in creative pursuits or learning from the experience. The pain of a relationship ending can be transformed into a passion project, providing an opportunity to turn a negative situation into something positive and potentially helpful for others. However, if seeking closure is absolutely necessary, sending a final message may provide some peace of mind, but ultimately, the closure lies in moving forward and letting go.

    • Recognize your worth after being ghostedDon't let being ghosted define your worth, set boundaries, focus on self-care, and seek support to come out stronger.

      No one deserves to be ghosted, and it's important to remember your worth and never settle for less. Being ghosted can be a painful experience, but it's crucial to recognize that you are amazing and deserving of the best. The steps and tips discussed in the podcast, such as setting boundaries, focusing on self-care, and seeking support from loved ones, can help you power through the experience and come out stronger on the other side. Remember, you deserve the world, and don't let someone else's actions define your worth. Stay positive, stay strong, and keep moving forward.

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    I love you, as always, if you feel called to send me a message on Instagram @lyss @dateyourselfinstead, I'm always here. x


    Use code "selflove" for a discount, I'd love to have you. We have an amazing community focused on self love, empowerment and detaching from toxic relationships.

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    If you enjoyed this episode, dm me on instagram @dateyourselfinstead or @lyss.

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    Resources from this week's episode:

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    For full show notes, resources mentioned, and transcripts, go to: www.drmindypelz.com/ep156/.

    To enroll in Dr. Mindy's Fasting membership, go to: resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    This episode is all about unwinding your micro-traumas to find mental clarity and freedom. 

    Peter works with everyone from world-class athletes to stay-at-home parents to redesign the subconscious mind. We exist within limiting mental constructs that dictate our thoughts, feelings, actions, and the results we experience. Peter helps people and groups step outside of the world as they know it by identifying mental constructs that have been holding them back. Peter’s work explores the fundamental issues that affect us all to foster a deeper understanding of our common humanity. Peter is a writer, speaker, and thought leader in human awakening and potential.

    Please see our medical disclaimer.

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    If you'd like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

    Finally... My Therapist Ghosted Me (and Joanne!) are shortlisted for a National Comedy Award!! Please vote here: https://www.thenationalcomedyawards.com/

    Thank you!