

    enMay 20, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • A Journey to Self-Discovery in BaliEnd unhealthy relationships, pursue dreams, and stay positive for personal growth and happiness.

      Life experiences, even the challenging ones, can lead to personal growth and valuable lessons. The speaker shares her recent journey of self-discovery in Bali, where she ended an unhealthy relationship and learned about true love. She also encourages listeners to pursue their dreams and not let fear or judgment hold them back. In the episode, she answers dating questions, shares a wild dating story, and provides advice on how to start anew when feeling stuck. Despite the ups and downs, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying positive and focusing on personal happiness.

    • Misunderstandings in New ConnectionsBe transparent about expectations and respect personal boundaries to avoid misunderstandings and negative experiences when making new connections while traveling.

      While making new connections as a solo traveler can be rewarding, it's important to be aware of potential misunderstandings or miscommunications. The speaker's experience of being "group fished" - having plans with a new acquaintance turn out to be a one-on-one situation without prior warning - left her feeling uncomfortable and even pressured. It's crucial to respect each other's boundaries and be transparent about expectations. In this instance, the speaker's preference for sober socializing wasn't respected, leading to an awkward and unpleasant encounter. Overall, building genuine connections while traveling is valuable, but clear communication and respect for personal boundaries are essential to ensure positive experiences.

    • An Uncomfortable Dinner ExperienceRespect and good manners are crucial on a date. Trust your instincts and prioritize your comfort.

      The speaker had an uncomfortable and bizarre dinner experience with a man she went out with. From the start, things went wrong when he accidentally drank from the bottle. The situation worsened when he frequently interrupted her while she spoke, making her feel disrespected. Later, he made her feel uneasy by touching her face and falling off his chair. To add insult to injury, he started eating her food without permission. The speaker was unsure if his erratic behavior was intentional or not, but either way, she felt uncomfortable and decided to end the date. This experience served as a reminder to the speaker about the importance of respect and good manners on a date. It also highlighted the need to trust her instincts and prioritize her comfort over trying to make the best of a bad situation.

    • Respecting Boundaries: A Necessity in All RelationshipsStay true to oneself and don't tolerate disrespectful behavior, especially during the healing journey. The power of visualization can help maintain a positive mindset during challenging times.

      Respecting boundaries is essential in any relationship, including new acquaintances or potential romantic interests. The speaker in this story shared an experience where her boundaries were consistently disrespected during a dinner encounter, leading to a negative outcome. She emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself, especially during the healing journey, and not entertaining disrespectful behavior from strangers. Despite the unpleasant experience, the speaker expressed gratitude for the lesson learned and the opportunity to share her story as a reminder to others. Additionally, she emphasized the power of visualization in manifesting dreams and maintaining a positive mindset, even during challenging times.

    • Maintaining faith during difficult timesBelieving in a brighter future helps get through tough periods and promotes growth and transformation

      Even during the most challenging and difficult periods in life, maintaining faith and visualization of a better future can help keep you afloat and ultimately lead to growth and transformation. The speaker shared her personal experience of losing her income and savings during the pandemic, but despite feeling depressed and anxious, she held onto her faith that things would improve. This belief in a brighter future helped her get through a period of intense struggle and eventual rebirth. The speaker emphasizes that everyone will encounter dark times, but it's important to remember that these periods are a natural part of life and necessary for growth. Embracing both the light and the dark is essential for personal growth and understanding the human experience.

    • Shift negative thoughts to positive onesBeing aware of negative thoughts and consciously shifting them into positive ones can help individuals navigate life's challenges and manifest their desired future.

      Life is a journey with ups and downs, and it's important to understand that both hard times and good times exist. During difficult periods, it's crucial to reprogram negative thoughts and shift them into positive ones. The power of thoughts lies in their ability to control our reality, and our subconscious mind plays a significant role in shaping our future. The speaker's masterclass, Dare to Detach, focuses on rewiring the subconscious mind to attract positive things. Reframing thoughts is a powerful tool for manifesting a dream life and changing reality for the better. Another effective practice is creating vision boards to manifest specific goals. The speaker recommends using Canva to create vision boards and will be sharing a free workshop on her website soon. In summary, being aware of negative thoughts and consciously shifting them into positive ones can help individuals navigate life's challenges and manifest their desired future.

    • Manifesting dreams through vision boards and affirmationsCreating a vision board and using daily affirmations can help bring about manifestations in divine timing. Trust the process, update regularly, and use as a daily reminder of goals. Set as phone wallpaper and use 'I am' affirmations to reframe the mind.

      Creating a vision board and having faith in the power of the subconscious mind can bring about manifestations in divine timing. The speaker shared her personal experience of finding images from her vision board manifesting in her real life, without even realizing it at first. She emphasized the importance of trusting the process, updating the vision board regularly, and using it as a daily reminder of one's goals. Additionally, she recommended using Canva and Pinterest to create and download a vision board, and setting it as a phone wallpaper for constant visualization. Another crucial practice she mentioned was using "I am" affirmations to reframe the mind and attract desired experiences into one's life. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the transformative power of visualization and positive affirmations in manifesting one's dreams.

    • Affirmations and manifestation work togetherReprogram subconscious, be specific, cut out toxic people, maintain focus, and detach from past patterns to manifest desired outcomes

      Affirmations and manifestation go hand in hand. By repeating "I am" followed by what you want to manifest, you're reprogramming your subconscious to believe in a new identity and attracting your desired outcomes. Being specific about your manifestations and knowing exactly what you want is crucial. Additionally, cutting out toxic people and keeping your plans to yourself until they've manifested can help maintain positive energy and focus. The speaker's master class, Dare to Detach, offers further guidance on these techniques and healing methods for upleveling your life. Remember, the journey to manifesting your dream life involves detaching from past patterns and negative influences.

    • Mindfully sharing plans and practicing self-careProtect your energy by mindfully sharing plans. Use practices like EFT and journaling for managing anxiety, stress, and manifestations.

      Being mindful of who you share your plans and manifestations with is crucial for protecting your energy and peace. Sharing with those who have good intentions can lead to confidence and success, but not everyone may have your best interests at heart. Additionally, practices like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and journaling can be game changers for managing anxiety, stress, and manifestations. EFT involves tapping on pressure points while repeating affirmations to rewire the mind, and journaling can help observe and process emotions. Both have significantly improved the speaker's life and can be valuable tools for personal growth.

    • Journaling for self-reflection and growthRegular journaling helps in self-awareness, self-love, and achieving goals. Trust the manifestation process, be patient, and understand divine timing.

      Practicing self-reflection through journaling and being gentle with oneself during the manifestation process are key components of personal growth and achieving one's goals. The speaker emphasizes the importance of using journaling prompts as a tool for self-awareness and self-love. She also shares her experience of the importance of trusting the manifestation process and understanding that things may take time, using her podcast as an example. The speaker also highlights the significance of divine timing in her personal experiences and how everything happens at the right moment in life. She encourages being patient and trusting the journey towards one's dreams.

    • Trusting divine timing in lifeBelieve in divine timing, trust the universe works for us, and approach life with peace and appreciation.

      Everything in life happens in divine timing. Trusting this concept can help individuals navigate their journey through life and manifest their desires. The universe works for us, not against us, and everything happens for our benefit in the perfect moment. This perspective allows us to approach life with a sense of peace and appreciation. The speaker encourages listeners to remember this as they go through their own experiences and to trust the process. Additionally, she thanks her audience for their support and encourages them to check out her masterclass, Dare to Detach.

    Recent Episodes from Date Yourself Instead

    Love yourself enough to leave - stop abandoning yourself pls

    Love yourself enough to leave - stop abandoning yourself pls

    Love yourself enough to leave. If it's not right for you and you know it, it's time to walk away. If this title resonates, I know this episode was made for you. I made this for the people who are scared to let go. If you continue to grasp at potential and it's taking away from your self love, YOU ARE ABANDONING YOURSELF. You deserve more out of love and life xx.

    If you loved this episode, be sure to dm me @lyss @dateyourselfinstead and share with a friend.



    Date Yourself Instead
    enJune 24, 2024

    10 things I'm letting go of this summer (AND FOREVER)

    10 things I'm letting go of this summer (AND FOREVER)

    Summer is the perfect season to DETACH, LET GO AND CLEAN UP your life. It's a total reset for me, personally. Some things I'm letting go of include...

    1. Self doubt
    2. Negative self talk in my head
    3. Anyone who makes me feel afraid to be myself
    4. The fear of embarrassing myself (whoops)
    5. Procrastination
    6. Worrying about other people's opinions



    Doors are still open for the month of June! Use code "FREEDOM30" for a special 30% off discount when you join.

    Date Yourself Instead
    enJune 17, 2024

    GO AFTER WHAT YOU WANT (Taking a leap of faith into the unknown)

    GO AFTER WHAT YOU WANT (Taking a leap of faith into the unknown)

    This episode is all about going after your purpose and your passion and not being afraid to take a leap of faith when it comes to your future. If you know you’re meant for something greater, why not go after it?

    If you loved this episode, always dm me @lyss or @dateyourselfinstead.


    Date Yourself Instead
    enJune 10, 2024



    In this episode - I cover a WILD Bali dating story time that ultimately made me realize how much healing I have left to do and how I need to take this trip as a true opportunity to focus on myself! I also talk about all the steps I take to help my manifestations come to fruition, and I explain why manifesting your dream life is never too late. Keep in mind l'm 31 years old and I feel like my life is just beginning! So no matter what age you're at - you are capable of creating your dream reality through the power of your mind.


    Doors open IN JUNE, be sure to sign up for the waitlist to reserve your spot in the class for SUMMER.

    Date Yourself Instead
    enMay 20, 2024

    IF YOU TRULY LOVE SOMEONE, LET THEM GO (Why love is freedom + The POWER of divine timing) - lessons from Bali

    IF YOU TRULY LOVE SOMEONE, LET THEM GO (Why love is freedom + The POWER of divine timing) - lessons from Bali

    Hello from Bali! In this episode, I cover why trusting your intuition and trust in your higher self is always the best way to go when exploring a relationship that keeps you feeling stuck. I also dive into this concept of what true love really means to me and why excepting someone for who they are is the definition of love to me. I also explore the concept of freedom and how freedom ties into true, authentic love.

    I love you, as always, if you feel called to send me a message on Instagram @lyss @dateyourselfinstead, I'm always here. x


    Use code "selflove" for a discount, I'd love to have you. We have an amazing community focused on self love, empowerment and detaching from toxic relationships.

    Date Yourself Instead
    enMay 12, 2024

    How to detach and let go of the outcome in relationships

    How to detach and let go of the outcome in relationships

    The only episode on detachment you'll ever need to understand HOW and what it really means to let go. In this episode I dive into this concept of truly detaching from any situation in order to heal and evolve into your higher self.



    If you enjoyed this episode, dm me on instagram @dateyourselfinstead or @lyss.

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    How to manifest 100x faster - LIVING IN THE END



    The Dare to Detach masterclass is all about letting go of the outcome, detaching, and stepping into this version of you that you KNOW you're supposed to be. It's time to manifest anything you want as well as let go of the bullshit in your life holding you back. Let's do this. You can use code "manifest" for 20% off the course.

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    Ready to uplevel, detach and change your entire life? If you're ready to fully let go and step into your power and reclaim your life, my masterclass is meant for you. It's designed to rewire your mind in just 4 DAYS. See all of the testimonials at the link below.

    DOORS OPEN MAY 1, 2024.