
    What to do when they act distant, pull away or breakup with you

    enApril 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Feeling confused or heartbroken when someone disappearsWhen someone disappears in a relationship, focus on self-care, setting boundaries, and seeking support to heal and learn from the experience.

      When someone pulls away or disappears in a relationship, it can leave you feeling confused, anxious, or heartbroken, especially if you've invested a lot of emotional energy into the person. This is a common experience, especially in the early stages of getting to know someone. It's important to remember that everyone's situation is unique, and the impact of someone disappearing can be more significant if you've been in a longer-term relationship or have an anxious attachment style. When this happens, it's essential to reflect on the situation and realize that you deserve respect and honesty in relationships. It's also important to take steps to heal and learn from the experience. This might involve setting boundaries, focusing on self-care, and seeking support from friends or a therapist. Remember, opening up to someone doesn't guarantee that they will stay in your life, but it's a necessary part of building meaningful connections.

    • Reflecting on rejection and unexpected changesWhen faced with rejection or unexpected changes, focus on self-reflection, healing, and growth. Approach the situation from a place of love rather than fear or anger.

      Handling rejection and unexpected changes in relationships involves taking a step back, focusing on self-reflection, and approaching the situation from a place of love rather than fear or anger. When faced with hurt and feelings of being rejected, it's important to journal about fears and potential outcomes, question why the situation upset you, and reflect on what triggered those emotions. Instead of making it all about the other person, focus on healing and growth within oneself. If the other person doesn't respond in a mature and calm manner, it may be a sign that the relationship is not healthy and should be let go. By approaching situations from a place of love, one can find closure, peace, and learn valuable lessons for future relationships.

    • Approaching situations with forgiveness and self-careTaking time for self and responding from a calm, grounded place leads to clarity and growth. Trusting the universe and practicing forgiveness can help let go of negative emotions and move forward positively.

      Approaching situations with anger or hate towards someone who has hurt us may not change the outcome, but approaching it from a place of forgiveness and self-care can lead to clarity and growth. It's easy to get caught up in negative emotions and blame others for their actions, but ultimately, their decisions are not in our control. By taking time for ourselves and responding from a calm, grounded place, we can gain perspective and trust that the universe is guiding us towards the right people and experiences. This approach requires confidence in our own worth and value, and trust that the universe will protect and guide us. It's important to remember that everyone deserves kindness and compassion, including ourselves and those who have hurt us. By practicing forgiveness and self-care, we can let go of negative emotions and move forward with positivity and growth.

    • Trusting in the Divine ReasonDuring challenging situations, avoid assumptions and trust that everything is happening for a divine reason. Our thoughts have the power to control our reality and open us up to new possibilities.

      During challenging situations or relationships, it's essential not to make assumptions and instead trust that everything is happening for a divine reason. People may pull back due to their own personal issues, and the energy of situations is constantly shifting and changing. Nothing is permanent, and our thoughts have the power to control our reality. By avoiding negative spirals and trusting in the divine protection, we can open ourselves up to new possibilities and change our circumstances. It's important to remember that anything is possible energetically, and our thoughts can help us navigate even the toughest situations.

    • Change your perception, change your realityFocus on healing internal dialogue, trust the process, and attract better circumstances in relationships

      Our perception of a situation has the power to change it, even during challenging times like when someone is distant or ghosting us in a relationship. By focusing on healing our internal dialogue and trusting that what's meant to be will be, we can shift our reality and attract better circumstances into our lives. This inner work can lead to healing the current relationship or attracting a new, healthier one. It's essential not to get stuck in negative thoughts and instead, choose to focus on the positive possibilities ahead. Trusting the process and sending love to those who may be pulling away can lead to personal growth and ultimately, a happier life.

    • Shift perspective and visualize situations from other's point of viewPracticing empathy and compassion by visualizing situations from others' perspectives can help foster understanding, forgiveness, and the realization that people's actions towards us are not a reflection of our worth, leading to a more peaceful and compassionate approach to relationships and life.

      Instead of dwelling on negative emotions and fears, such as the fear of being alone forever, it's important to try and shift perspective and visualize situations from the other person's point of view. This exercise in empathy and compassion can help foster understanding, forgiveness, and the realization that people's actions towards us are not a reflection of our worth. By stepping into someone else's shoes, we gain a new perspective and can learn to let go of personal grudges. This practice can lead to a more peaceful and compassionate approach to relationships and life in general.

    • The Power of Forgiveness: Healing and Personal GrowthForgiveness towards others and self leads to healing, understanding, compassion, improved relationships, inner peace, and better mental and emotional well-being, attracting positive experiences

      Practicing forgiveness towards those who have hurt us can lead to significant healing and personal growth. When we learn to see things from the other person's perspective and accept their actions as a reflection of their unique worldview, we can experience more compassion and understanding. This, in turn, can help mend relationships and bring about inner peace. Forgiveness also means forgiving ourselves for past mistakes and learning to let go of anger and resentment. By doing so, we can improve our own mental and emotional well-being and attract more positive experiences into our lives. The power of forgiveness can manifest in various ways, such as career opportunities and improved relationships. So, instead of holding onto anger, try incorporating forgiveness and compassion into your life for the betterment of both yourself and your relationships.

    • Healing from pain and past memoriesFocusing on love, forgiveness, and acceptance helps heal from past pain and attract positive experiences.

      Holding onto pain and past memories will only keep you stuck in a negative reality. Instead, focusing on love, forgiveness, and acceptance can help you heal and attract better experiences into your life. The speaker shares her personal experience of going through a heartbreaking breakup and how she learned to treat it as a blessing and let go of the pain. By focusing on self-love and growth, she was able to regain her confidence and attract positive energy back into her life. The universe reflects back the energy we put out, so by focusing on love and positivity, we can improve our own reality and attract better people and experiences into our lives.

    • Healing and loving ourselves impacts external realityBelieving in our worth and healing ourselves attracts better relationships and opportunities.

      Our internal energy and mindset have a significant impact on our external reality. When we heal and love ourselves, our relationships and situations improve, and we attract better opportunities. The speaker's experience of getting back together with an ex after focusing on self-healing and self-love demonstrates this concept. It's essential to believe in our worth and communicate that to ourselves and the universe, as our internal beliefs are reflected back to us. Instead of dwelling on toxic relationships or negative situations, we should use them as motivation to heal and grow, becoming the confident and shining person we were meant to be. Through practices like meditation, journaling, and EFT tapping, we can effectively navigate challenging situations and transform our lives for the better.

    • Turning inward for self-love when seeking external validationRecognize that calls for external love are often cries for self-love. Practice self-reflection, seek support, and trust in the universe to heal and grow.

      When we find ourselves feeling unloved or seeking external validation, it's an opportunity to turn inward and practice self-love. Our higher self, free from ego and fear, can provide guidance and help us understand the root causes of our pain. Often, our pleas for love from others are actually cries for self-love. By recognizing this and focusing on nurturing ourselves, we can tap into the love and energy we already possess within us. Additionally, trusting in the universe and seeking support from like-minded communities can aid in the healing process. Practicing calm confidence and self-trust can help us navigate difficult situations and detach healthily from people and situations that no longer serve us. Through self-reflection, community, and personal growth, we can learn to access and embrace the love and inner strength that lies within us. For further guidance and support, consider exploring resources like EFT tapping, quantum jump meditations, or joining a community like the Dare to Detach masterclass. These tools and connections can help us trust the process, embrace forgiveness and acceptance, and begin our journey towards healing and self-love.

    • Trusting deeply in the universe and self-worthWhen we trust the universe and believe in our worth, we can effectively communicate from a place of love, leading to stronger connections and increased attractiveness.

      Trusting deeply in the universe and having a strong sense of self-worth and confidence are key to being magnetically attractive. When we can control our emotions and communicate from a place of love, it leads to more effective and attractive interactions with others. Trusting in a divine plan and understanding our own power can bring about a sense of calm and beauty in our lives. Remember, when we operate from a place of love, we can have meaningful conversations and build stronger connections. So, focus on being grounded in your energy and power, and watch as your attractiveness and confidence grow.

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