
    So... what does Shredology Mean?

    en-auMarch 10, 2022

    About this Episode

    Welcome to the Shredology Podcast. In this episode, you will learn about the origins and meaning of Shredology and how it will apply to this podcast. You will also meet your host, Jerwin Parker who speaks about his journey and things you can expect from this podcast. 

    What is Shredology? A complete euphoria and sense of accomplishment overcome the shredder, entering, a state to:
    📚 Educate | 🔥Motivate | 💥Transform | #Shredology

    Recent Episodes from Shredology Podcast

    Unlock Nature's Healing Secrets: Forest Bathing for Stress Relief and Mental Clarity

    Unlock Nature's Healing Secrets: Forest Bathing for Stress Relief and Mental Clarity

    Dive into the rejuvenating world of Shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing, with this enlightening episode of the Shredology Podcast. Join Jerwin as he unpacks this Japanese practice's history, science, and soul-soothing benefits. Discover how embracing nature's serenity can lower stress, enhance mental clarity, and boost your immune system. Whether you're a driven entrepreneur or a fitness enthusiast, learn how to integrate this peaceful practice into your bustling life. Don't miss out on Jerwin's insights and actionable tips to harness the healing power of the forest. Tune in now and transform your approach to wellness and productivity.

    Feeling stuck? Embrace Kaizen & Goal Mastery

    Feeling stuck? Embrace Kaizen & Goal Mastery

    Are you feeling stuck in your current career or degree, yearning for a more fulfilling life? 🏋️‍♂️ Join us on an inspiring journey where we delve into the powerful concept of Kaizen, the Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement, and the transformative 5,4,3,2,1 method for goal setting. 🎯

    In this episode, we'll meet three friends, Jack, Sarah, and Alex, who all shared a passion for fitness but had different aspirations. While some took a leap of faith and others embraced Kaizen, each path led to valuable lessons and a brighter future.

    Listen in as we share inspiring stories of how these three friends navigated their journeys and learn how you can apply these valuable principles to achieve your own fitness dreams! 🌟


    Step-by-Step Guide to Crushing Your Fitness Goals:

    1. Visualize Your Future: Close your eyes and imagine your fitness dreams coming true - where do you see yourself in five years? Four months? Three weeks? Two days? One hour? Paint a vivid picture of your journey & write this down!

    2. Embrace Kaizen: Embrace the concept of continuous improvement. Start small and set achievable goals for each phase of your journey. Celebrate every little win along the way! 🎉

    3. 5,4,3,2,1 Goals: Break down your long-term vision into actionable steps using the 5,4,3,2,1 method. Set specific targets for each period and focus on daily progress, constantly reflecting on your goals.

    4. Leap of Faith: Don't be afraid to take that leap of faith. Trust yourself and your abilities. The journey may not be smooth, but it's the ups and downs that shape your success.

    5. Seek Support: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals and seek guidance from mentors or fitness communities. Sharing your journey with others can be incredibly motivating.

    6. Enjoy the Process: Remember, it's not just about the destination; it's about enjoying the journey. Embrace every challenge, every achievement, and every lesson.

    Which path will you take? Uncover Your Ikigai: Embrace the Path Less Traveled

    Which path will you take? Uncover Your Ikigai: Embrace the Path Less Traveled

    Discover the essence of a life well-lived as we delve into the captivating concept of Ikigai on the Shredology podcast. Join you host Jerwin on an inspiring journey to uncover the secrets of living a purpose-driven life filled with passion and fulfillment.

    Drawing wisdom from the Okinawa people and the enchanting tale of "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, we explore the path less traveled and how it can lead to a life of profound meaning. In this episode, you will learn:

    • The profound meaning and significance of Ikigai, and how it can transform your perspective on life.
    • How the Okinawa people's pursuit of Ikigai has enabled them to live longer and happier lives.
    • A thought-provoking tale of choices and reflections from "The Road Not Taken," inspiring you to embrace the path less traveled in your own life.

    Learn how to embrace the unknown, align your actions with your values, and ignite a fire within as you uncover your unique Ikigai. Are you ready to embark on this soul-stirring quest? Tune in now!

    Shredology podcast: E15

    Show Links:

    • Discover more episodes: https://www.shredology.co 
    • Follow us on Instagram: @shredology.co 
    • Join the Shredology community: @shredology.co 

    Die with Zero: Rewrite the Rulebook of Life - Embrace a Regret-Free Existence

    Die with Zero: Rewrite the Rulebook of Life - Embrace a Regret-Free Existence

    Join host Jerwin Parker on an extraordinary episode as he dives deep into the profound and life-changing book, "Die with Zero." In this unscripted conversation, recorded in the raw setting of a car, Jerwin shares his unfiltered thoughts and insights on the book's powerful message. Gain invaluable perspectives on maximising experiences, living purposefully, and creating a lasting legacy.

    Discover why this impromptu recording became an official episode, capturing the essence of Jerwin's personal journey with "Die with Zero." Brace yourself for an unfiltered and genuine exploration of the philosophy behind seizing every moment and living life to the fullest.

    This episode offers an exclusive opportunity to reflect on your own priorities and approach to life, encouraging you to question societal norms and redefine your definition of success. Don't miss this captivating conversation that will inspire you to embrace every opportunity and rewrite your own rulebook.

    Are You Unleashing Your Purpose? Discover the Transformative Power of Crafting a Personal Mission Statement

    Are You Unleashing Your Purpose? Discover the Transformative Power of Crafting a Personal Mission Statement

    Have you ever wondered if you're truly living with purpose in your fitness journey? Join host Jerwin on a captivating episode of the Shredology podcast as we dive deep into the concept of crafting a personal mission statement and its profound impact on your fitness and overall life.

    Through inspiring stories, practical steps, and heartfelt guidance, we'll help you uncover your true potential, align your values with your fitness pursuits, and make a lasting impact on others. Get ready to ignite your purpose, find vitality, and experience transformative transformations that go beyond the gym.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    • Uncover the Profound Impact: Discover the transformative power of crafting a personal mission statement in your fitness journey.
    • Inspiring Stories: Explore the inspiring stories of Gymshark and Nike, and how their personal mission statements shaped their brands and connected with their audiences.
    • Practical Steps: Learn practical steps to reflect on your desires, embrace your strengths, and define your purpose, leading to the creation of a compelling personal mission statement.
    • Embrace Growth and Evolution: Understand that personal mission statements evolve as you grow, learn, and gain new experiences, and embrace the refinement process.
    • Aligning Mission and Business: Explore how aligning your personal mission statement with your fitness business's unique value proposition creates a profound impact on the lives of others.
    • The Guiding Light: Embrace the power of your personal mission statement as a guiding light that propels you forward, even in the face of challenges and adversity.
    • Embrace Your Purpose: Receive a heartfelt call to action to embrace your personal mission, nurture your dreams, and live a life of purpose and vitality.

    Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your fitness journey? Join us in this transformative episode of the Shredology podcast. Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts. Visit shredology.co for additional resources and exclusive content. Don't miss out on this opportunity to ignite your purpose and make a lasting impact!

    The Power of Now Unleashed: A Transformative Story

    The Power of Now Unleashed: A Transformative Story

    Join Jerwin in this captivating episode of the Shredology podcast as we embark on a transformational journey inspired by Eckhart Tolle's renowned book, "The Power of Now." Through a captivating story, we'll explore the profound impact of staying present and how it can revolutionize your fitness journey and entrepreneurial pursuits. Brace yourself for an immersive experience as we delve into the art of presence, uncovering inspiring lessons, practical tips, and actionable insights to help you unlock your full potential and elevate your success in the realms of fitness and business.

    The 80/20 Rule: Boosting Productivity and Fitness Efficiency

    The 80/20 Rule: Boosting Productivity and Fitness Efficiency

    In this episode of the Shredology podcast, Jerwin explores the power of the 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, and its application in both productivity and fitness.

    Discover how focusing on the vital few tasks and exercises can yield significant results while maximizing efficiency.

    With practical examples and actionable tips, this episode provides insights into prioritizing your efforts, optimizing your fitness routine, and achieving more meaningful outcomes in less time.

    Join us on this captivating journey towards enhanced productivity and an empowered fitness lifestyle. Tune in now and unlock the potential of the 80/20 rule!

    Overcoming Distractions: How to Stay Focused

    Overcoming Distractions: How to Stay Focused

    Distractions are a common problem that most people face when trying to complete tasks, achieve goals, or maintain focus. In today's world, with technology and social media at our fingertips, it's easy to become sidetracked and lose sight of what's important. However, staying focused is crucial for success, productivity, and overall well-being. In this article, we'll discuss how to overcome distractions and stay focused, based on a Shredology podcast episode.

    What Causes Distractions?

    To overcome distractions, we first need to understand what causes them. Some common causes of distractions include:


    Technology is one of the biggest culprits of distraction. Social media, notifications, and emails can quickly take our attention away from the task at hand.


    Multitasking is another common cause of distraction. Trying to juggle multiple tasks at once can lead to a lack of focus and decreased productivity.


    Our environment can also be a source of distraction. Loud noises, interruptions, and clutter can make it difficult to stay focused.

    Lack of Motivation

    When we're not motivated, it's easy to become distracted. If we're not invested in a task or don't see the value in it, we're more likely to lose focus.

    How to Overcome Distractions

    Now that we know what causes distractions, let's discuss how to overcome them. Here are some strategies to stay focused, based on the Shredology podcast episode:

    Create a Distraction-Free Environment

    One of the best ways to overcome distractions is to create a distraction-free environment. This means eliminating anything that could potentially take your attention away from the task at hand. Turn off notifications on your phone, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and work in a quiet space.

    Set Priorities

    Another strategy to stay focused is to set priorities. Determine which tasks are most important and focus on them first. This will help you avoid getting sidetracked by less important tasks.

    Use the Pomodoro Technique

    The Pomodoro Technique is a time-management strategy that involves working in focused, 25-minute intervals, followed by a short break. This can help you stay focused and productive, without getting overwhelmed or burnt out.

    Practice Mindfulness

    Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the moment. It can help you stay focused by reducing distractions and improving concentration. Try incorporating mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing, into your daily routine.

    Take Breaks

    Taking breaks is crucial for maintaining focus and avoiding burnout. Make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day, and use them to recharge and refocus.

    Get Enough Sleep

    Sleep is essential for cognitive function and focus. Make sure to get enough sleep each night to ensure you're well-rested and able to stay focused throughout the day.


    Distractions are a common problem that can be overcome with the right strategies and mindset. By creating a distraction-free environment, setting priorities, using the Pomodoro Technique, practicing mindfulness, taking breaks, and getting enough sleep, you can stay focused and achieve your goals. Remember, staying focused takes practice, so don't get discouraged if it doesn't come naturally at first. Keep working at it, and you'll soon find that staying focused becomes easier and more natural.


    1. What are some common causes of distractions? Some common causes of distractions include technology, multitasking, environment, and lack of motivation.

    2. How can I create a distraction-free environment? To create a distraction-free environment, eliminate anything that could potentially take your attention away from the task at hand. Turn off notifications on your phone, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and work in a quiet space.

    3. How does mindfulness help with focus? Mindfulness can help with focus by reducing distractions and improving concentration. By being present and fully engaged in the moment, you can better focus on the task at hand.

    4. How many hours of sleep should I get each night? It's recommended that adults get 7-9 hours of sleep each night for optimal cognitive function and focus.

    5. What should I do if I still struggle with distractions despite trying these strategies? If you still struggle with distractions, try experimenting with different strategies and finding what works best for you. Remember, staying focused takes practice and persistence. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't come naturally at first.

    Shredology Podcast
    en-auApril 26, 2023

    Overcoming Distractions: How to Stay Focused

    Overcoming Distractions: How to Stay Focused

    Are you struggling to stay focused and productive? Do you find yourself constantly getting distracted by notifications, social media, or other interruptions? If so, you're not alone. Distractions are a common problem in today's fast-paced world, and they can have a serious impact on our productivity and mental wellbeing.

    In this episode, we'll discuss the different types of distractions that can affect our productivity, from external distractions like social media and colleagues to internal distractions like procrastination and perfectionism. We'll share practical tips and strategies for identifying your distractions and overcoming them, so you can stay focused and achieve your goals.

    Join us as we explore the latest research on distractions and productivity, and learn how to take back control of your workday. Whether you're a busy professional, student, or entrepreneur, this episode is packed with actionable insights and advice that will help you stay focused, productive, and mentally healthy.

    Don't forget to leave a rating for this episode and follow us on your favorite podcast platform to stay up to date with our latest episodes. Also, be sure to check out our stagram page at https://www.instagram.com/shredology.co/ for more tips on how to stay motivated and productive.

    Thank you for tuning in!

    Sweat Smarter, Not Harder: How Fitness Can Boost Your Productivity

    Sweat Smarter, Not Harder: How Fitness Can Boost Your Productivity

    Are you looking for a way to boost your productivity and get more done in less time? Look no further than your local gym! In this episode, we explore the surprising ways that fitness can supercharge your work performance.

    We'll dive into the science behind how exercise affects your brain, from boosting focus and creativity to reducing stress and anxiety. And we'll share practical tips on how to incorporate fitness into your daily routine, even if you're short on time.

    Don't miss this episode of Shredology, and learn how to sweat smarter, not harder, for maximum productivity gains!