
    About this Episode

    Do you have Social Media Etiquette? How people view you on Social Media is important. You want to attract people to you, not repel them.

    In my video I go into detail on how you should conduct yourself on Social Media.

    Your Partner in Time,
    Daria Jackson-Legagneur

    P.S. Not sure how to Network On Social Media without being weird? Sign up for my free 5 day Social Network Boss Bootcamp Here http://bit.ly/socnbc

    Recent Episodes from Daria & Willy's Social Media Hacks

    3 Questions you should ask yourself before Sharing on Social Media. Let’s chat about it.

    3 Questions you should ask yourself before Sharing on Social Media. Let’s chat about it.
    The key to Social Media is Connecting.

    Let’s chat about it.

    In my video, I share 3 questions you should ask yourself before sharing on Social Media.

    With all things being equal, people prefer to do business with people who they know, like and trust.

    Here are the Social Media questions:

    1. Is what I am about to communicate going to increase the feeling in others that they know me?

    2. Will it increase the likelihood that they will like me?

    3. And does it have a significant chance of increasing their level of trust?

    Did this help?

    If so, comment, like and Share. I did respond to my comments.

    Not sure what to do on Social Media to promote your product or service?

    Check out our 5 Day Free Social Media Boss Bootcamp Here ===> https://wildaria.gopages.co/SNBootcamp

    To your Success,
    Willy & Daria

    P.S. Grab my K.I.S.S Formula for generating 5-10 quality leads daily @ http://willyanddaria.com

    P.S.S Want the book " Freakishly Effective Social Media For Network Marketing" By Ray and Jessica

    Higdon? Grab it HERE===>http://www.willyanddaria.com/FESM

    Social media Etiquette

    Social media Etiquette
    Do you have Social Media Etiquette? How people view you on Social Media is important. You want to attract people to you, not repel them.

    In my video I go into detail on how you should conduct yourself on Social Media.

    Your Partner in Time,
    Daria Jackson-Legagneur

    P.S. Not sure how to Network On Social Media without being weird? Sign up for my free 5 day Social Network Boss Bootcamp Here http://bit.ly/socnbc

    Timeshare vs. Travel Club

    Timeshare vs. Travel Club
    In our video, we share the difference between owning a Timeshare vs. being a member of a Travel Club.

    The differences are very distinct. Look at what is a fit for your lifestyle and travel.

    Traveling keeps your marriage and/or relationship fresh. YOu will always have something to talk about.

    Want to learn how we were able to take 5 Vacations this year on a teacher's salary.

    Go here! http://www.willyanddaria.com/alwaysbetraveling

    The Lead Solution For Business Owners

    The Lead Solution For Business Owners
    I discovered this offline marketing technology and it's like gold! Literally it can fit inside the palm of your hand or on a keychain. What it does is simple but powerful. It will broadcast a custom 40 Character Message with an active link to whatever you want, to anyone within 100 yards of it's location.

    Asirvia Go automatically promotes your business
    And Attracts NEW Customers

    See how it works
    Go Here http://www.willyanddaria.com/lead-solution-business-owners/

    The Power of Anchoring

    The Power of Anchoring
    Learn how to transform limiting beliefs in a powerful way by anchoring.

    Turn any negative experience into powerful experiences with the tool we are about to share with you.

    Its unlimited and you can access it at any given time.

    Get and be your best at whenever you want.

    Growing a business? Tired of chasing friends, family and having to go to hotel.

    Imagine your prospects hunting you down for your products and services. It's possible once you learn the skills set necessary to make your make online by way of Social Media.

    Learn the 7 Secrets To Get More Leads, Sales,
    Sign-Ups, & Clients ... Here http://www.willyanddaria.com/Growyourbiz

    Willy and Daria