
    Podcast Summary

    • Social media's unpredictable emotionsSocial media can bring unexpected joy and negativity, requiring a healthy balance to avoid anxiety.

      Social media can bring unexpected surprises and emotions, even if it's not always a positive experience. In this podcast episode, the host shares an instance where she was featured in a TikTok video of a man complimenting women, and she felt good about herself. However, she also had an Instagram meltdown after receiving negative comments on the post where she shared the video. The episode serves as a reminder that social media can bring both joy and anxiety, and it's essential to find a healthy balance and not let the negativity get the best of us. Additionally, the episode features sponsorships from Haagen Dazs, Bumble, and Walmart.

    • Impact of Social Media on Self-EsteemSocial media can negatively affect self-esteem, particularly on appearance-focused platforms. Harsh comments and skewed representations of reality can trigger negative self-criticism and self-worth questions. Prioritize positive interactions and self-care to protect mental health.

      Social media can have a profound impact on one's self-esteem and perception of oneself, particularly when it comes to appearance-focused platforms like Instagram and TikTok. The speaker shared an experience of receiving harsh comments on TikTok, which led her to question her own appearance and consider deleting her Instagram account. She acknowledged that social media often prioritizes looks over personality, and this focus can be detrimental to individuals, especially those with a history of body dysmorphia or self-esteem issues. The experience was triggering for the speaker, causing her to question her own self-worth and leading to a negative spiral of self-criticism. It's important to remember that social media often presents a skewed representation of reality, and it's crucial to take care of one's mental health by limiting exposure to harmful comments and focusing on positive interactions and self-care.

    • Impact of External Validation on Body ImageSocial media and external validation can negatively impact body image, leading to feelings of powerlessness and low self-worth. Self-acceptance and empathy towards others are crucial for fostering positive self-image.

      People have different experiences with body image and the impact of external validation, especially in the age of social media. The speaker shares her personal experience of feeling powerless over her physical appearance and the negative effects of criticism, whether it's from strangers online or photographers at events. She encourages empathy towards those who may receive negative comments and emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance. Additionally, she highlights the influence of societal expectations and the role of platforms like Walmart and Bumble in shaping individual perceptions of self-worth. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of fostering positive self-image and creating supportive environments for individuals to feel comfortable in their own skin.

    • The Power of Public PerceptionPublic perception can have a profound impact on individuals, causing distress and self-consciousness when images or information about them are shared without their control.

      Having no control over how we are presented in public can be traumatizing and lead to feelings of insecurity and self-consciousness. The speaker shared an experience of feeling mortified by a photo taken of her on the red carpet and shared how it continues to be used by media outlets, causing her great distress. She also discussed the frustration of not being able to delete or control the image once it's online. This experience highlights the power of public perception and the impact it can have on individuals, especially when it comes to their self-image. Despite her efforts to move past it, the speaker continues to feel self-conscious about her appearance in professional photos, leading to a negative relationship with Getty Images and a sense of exhaustion.

    • Impact of Social Media Comments on Emotions and Mental HealthSocial media comments, especially about sensitive topics like body image, can negatively impact emotions and mental health. It's important to remember that online opinions don't define our worth and to focus on personal progress. Seeking professional help, like therapy, can provide valuable tools for managing emotions and improving mental health.

      Social media comments can significantly impact our emotions and mental health, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like body image. The speaker shared a personal story about how a comment about her weight gain led her to experience a setback in her recovery from eating disorders and body dysmorphia. She emphasized that such experiences are common and encouraged openness about vulnerabilities. The speaker also shared how she has learned to cope with negative comments by avoiding them and focusing on her own progress. It's essential to remember that social media is just one aspect of our lives and that our worth and value are not determined by online opinions. Additionally, seeking professional help, such as therapy, can provide valuable tools for managing emotions and improving mental health.

    • Creating a Professional Website with SquarespaceSquarespace provides entrepreneurs with professionally curated layouts, AI assistance, and simplified checkout processes to create an appealing and effective website.

      Having a professional and appealing website is crucial for selling products or building a brand. Squarespace is an all-in-one platform that offers professionally curated layouts and even AI assistance for entrepreneurs with no design knowledge. Moreover, Squarespace simplifies the checkout process for customers, ensuring a seamless shopping experience. On a personal note, social media can impact self-esteem, leading to the temptation to alter one's appearance. However, it's essential to stay true to oneself and not feel pressured to conform to societal standards. The beauty industry is subjective, and what's considered desirable can change. Ultimately, focusing on personal growth and authenticity is more important than trying to fit into an idealized image.

    • Building a positive social media communityExcessive social media use can negatively impact mood and self-worth, but focusing on positive connections and using it in moderation can lead to valuable creative outlets and supportive communities. Quality matters over numbers, and it's important to take breaks and engage in healthy activities.

      While social media can have a negative impact on mood and self-worth when used excessively, focusing on building a positive and supportive community and using it in moderation can make it a valuable tool for connection and creativity. The speaker emphasizes that numbers, such as Instagram likes, don't matter as much as the quality of the community and the impact it has on mental well-being. However, it's important to be mindful of the potential for social media to fill the mind with unimportant distractions and to take breaks to engage in creative, healthy activities and connect with people in person. The journey to developing a thicker skin and not letting mean comments affect self-worth is ongoing.

    • Dealing with Negative Comments and Criticism on YouTubeStay resilient, use criticism as motivation, trust the reason for putting oneself out there, validate from close relationships, and stay true to oneself.

      While being human means dealing with negative comments and criticism, the key is to recover quickly and use it as motivation or an opportunity to create or connect with loved ones. YouTube has been identified as a platform with more negative comments, but it serves as a reminder of the importance of staying resilient and trusting the reason for putting oneself out there online. Despite moments of impulsiveness and wishing for a "normal life," the overall feeling is one of gratitude for the community and validation that comes from creating content. Ultimately, validation from close relationships is more important than validation from followers or subscribers. The most hurtful comments are those that suggest a loss of spark or change, but they serve as a reminder of the importance of staying true to oneself and continuing to create.

    • Seeking support from trusted sourcesIgnore negativity, focus on positive feedback, and seek validation from trusted sources to cope with online criticism.

      The speaker values the opinions of those close to her and uses their support to help her navigate the negative comments and rumors she encounters online. The speaker has learned to cope with negativity by ignoring it or seeking validation from trusted sources. The speaker also emphasizes that not all comments should be taken seriously, especially when they are based on misunderstandings or misinterpretations. For instance, a harmless joke about not wanting to shower led to false rumors about her hygiene. The speaker encourages focusing on the positive feedback and moving on from the negative, while maintaining a sense of humor about the situation.

    • Embracing authenticity and ignoring negativityIgnoring hate and staying true to oneself reduces emotional impact and fosters productivity, leading to a positive mindset.

      Ignoring negative influences and being true to oneself can help reduce their impact on our emotions and mindset. The speaker shared her experience of ignoring hate videos about herself on social media and how she's been posting unedited photos on Instagram to be more authentic. She admitted that it can be challenging, but the benefits of being true to oneself and not letting negativity consume her outweigh the difficulties. Additionally, she emphasized the importance of productivity and staying focused on goals to feel good about oneself. Despite having a depressing topic, she ended the podcast on a positive note, encouraging listeners to embrace their insecurities and stay strong during challenging times.

    • Spreading PositivityExpressing love and positivity towards others can have a profound impact on ourselves and those around us

      Despite the complexities and challenges we may face, it's important to express love and positivity towards those around us. The speaker in the conversation ended the discussion on a loving and lighthearted note, reminding everyone to enjoy their day and have sweet dreams. This simple act of spreading positivity can have a profound impact on ourselves and those around us. It's a reminder that even in the midst of difficult conversations or situations, it's essential to maintain a positive outlook and express love and kindness whenever possible. So let's strive to do the same in our daily lives, and remember that the power of love and positivity can go a long way.

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    Calmly Coping is a self-improvement podcast for overthinkers who struggle with anxiety.  Calmly Coping is not about *fixing* you, it's about uncovering the amazing person that is already there (and that you are just too afraid to let out).


    Episode links:

    Download my FREE guide: Goodbye Overwhelm: Your Guide To Accomplish More By Doing Less

    This guide will take you step-by-step through the process of:

    • Getting all those thoughts and overwhelming “what if’s” out of your head.
    • Taking intentional, focused action.
    • Getting more accomplished by not trying to do “all the things,” all the time.

    Download the free guide.

    Intro/outro music:

    Rescue Me (Instrumental) by Aussens@iter (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/tobias_weber/57990 Ft: Copperhead


    Want to connect?

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    Follow Maddy on her socials :
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    Twitter: maddycroall

    Make sure to subscribe to the podcast as well to the channel for more content in general!
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    Instagram: Jeffrey_ricklin
    Podcast Social : Chill_cactuss

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