
    Solo Episode: Navigating Change and the Seasonal Shift

    enAugust 31, 2023

    About this Episode

    Have you ever paused to reflect on your relationship with change, particularly during this time of year?

    In today's podcast episode, I open up about my personal evolution in handling change, emphasizing the importance of navigating it with heightened care and a deliberate pace. I also shed light on two distinct sources of 'fuel' that have revitalized my energy and capacity. Don't miss out – join the conversation and share your thoughts with me over on Instagram @OneWade.


    Episodes mentioned:

    Episode 74: Self-Care is Thinking of your Future Self with Jamie Varon

    Solo Episode: Untangle from the Efficiency Trap


    Mindful Moment Meditation Series.

    A mindfulness program to cultivate inner calm, reduce stress, and enhance well-being. Explore guided meditation techniques for a more balanced and mindful life.

    Enjoy 20% off with code: PODCASTLOVE20 (expires Sept 7, 2023). 

    Recent Episodes from Centered in the City

    Solo Episode: What Does "Enough" Mean?

    Solo Episode: What Does "Enough" Mean?

    In today's solo episode, we explore the concept of "enough." American culture tends to send us constant messages that we need more. We enter this  hedonic cycle that leads very quickly to burnout. Yet, when will we discern what having or even being enough actually means. During this episode, I walk us through some prompts to explore the topic more closely. And I welcome you to check out the Receiving the Good Practice I mention in this show here. 


    Shares your takeaways with me on Instagram @OneWade or share your thoughts here in a voice note or message. 

    Episode 188: How Do We Stay Centered During Conflict Management

    Episode 188: How Do We Stay Centered During Conflict Management

    Today on the podcast, Iggy Perillo joins us to discuss the complicated layers of conflict management and how we get to flex our emotional intelligence skills. Iggy offers us applicable steps we can take to manage conflict in our personal and professional lives. Guess what? She highlights it is going to be uncomfortable and that is OK. Iggy also shares how we can practice navigating the discomfort with curiosity and by connecting to our values. Listen to the whole episode for all of the great insights and share your takeaways with us on Instagram @OneWade and @WSLLeadership


    Hungry for more resources to support you staying centered? Check out Centered in the City for over 200 holistic practices at your fingertips. Enjoy exploring meditations, breathing techniques, journaling prompts, pilates flows and recipes that bring you back to your authentic center. 



    Iggy Perillo wants leaders to do right by their people. She started WSL Leadership to get emotional intelligence skills to people in positions of influence so they can make the world a better place. Iggy trains leaders to do the hardest part of great work more easily. She provides coaching, experiential workshops, and organizational consulting designed to make it simple for leaders to connect with their people, create meaningful change, and amplify positive culture.

    Iggy’s mission is for influential leaders to leave a lasting virtuous legacy through their work.

    Interested in discussing what supercharging your emotional intelligence can do for you and your people? Contact Iggy via wslleadership.com.

    Solo Episode: Planning Workcations as a form of Self-Care

    Solo Episode: Planning Workcations as a form of Self-Care

    Traveling is a privilege. Having a job where you can work remotely is a privilege. Traveling is also where I chose to invest a majority of my resources. Creating workcataions are a great way for me and my family to do the work we love while also experiencing the world. I don't want to wait until I retire to travel. Combining work and play offers a balance to life that lights me up and inspires me to live my value of adventure on a different level.

    In today's solo episode, I share the behind the scenes formula for designing and executing workcations. So far this system has worked well for us. Do you have your own tips and tricks? Share with me! Our systems will always be evolving and I'd love to learn from you. Take a listen and let me know your takeaways. 

    Resources mentioned:

    Centered in the City platform so that I have movement, meditations and easy nourishing recipes on hand to help me feel grounded while traveling. My rituals get to go with me wherever I go.

    Being a Kindred member makes traveling way more affordable and fun. I love being a part of this international community. Apply to become a member here with my code: wad.bri to get five free nights. 



    Solo Episode: 4 Ways to Practice Self-Love

    Solo Episode: 4 Ways to Practice Self-Love

    In this short and sweet episode, I share 4 different ways we can give ourselves self-love. What's one way you want to give yourself a little bit more self-love today? Share with me @OneWade on Instagram. Notice what happens when you cultivate more self-love. It usually becomes love you want to give to your community. May we keep waterring love within ourselves and each other. The world needs more of it!

    Check out these various self-love inspired mindfulness based practices on Centered in the City:


    Recieveing Joy and Goodness

    Connecting to Your Wholeness

    Heart Hug

    Self-Compassion Break

    Bubble Bath Meditation 

    Permission to Rest Meditation

    Healing a Broken Heart


    Movement Videos:

    Lower Body Love & Core

    Evening Wind-Down 

    Slow Pilates Flow

    Energizing Movement Meditation 


    Nourishing Recipes:

    Raw Brownie Goodness

    The Best Kale Salad

    Chocolate Green Smoothie

    Curry Kale Lentil Soup

    Green Goddess Soup


    Reflection Prompts:


    Connecting to Your Wise Self

    Expressing Emotions

    Self-Compassion Letter





    Solo Episode: Working with Our Judgmental Thoughts

    Solo Episode: Working with Our Judgmental Thoughts

    We have more than 6,000 thoughts a day. How many of them do you think are full of judgments? I know my mind is full of them!

    This week, I am sharing how we can cultivate an attitude of nonjudgment with our thoughts so that we can be more present, loving and connected humans. Don't you want more of that? I know I do! Take a listen and share your takeaways with me on Instagram @OneWade.

    Join us inside the membership community to get holistic practices all month long to support you cultivating a nonjudgmental attitude. Sign up here for your 7 day free trial. 

    Episode 184: The Way Home with Ben Katt

    Episode 184: The Way Home with Ben Katt

    In today's podcast episode, I speak with meditation teacher, spiritual coach, and author Ben Katt. We discuss his new book, The Way Home: Discovering the Hero's Journey to Wholeness at Midlife. Ben shares his spirtual journey with us and the signs and signals he felt when he noticed he "lost his heart" and felt out of alignment with himself. Take a listen to this episode to learn how he paid attention to the signs of the universe to help guide him and how he makes his spirtual practice a priority while being a father to three kids. Share your takeaways with us on Instagram @OneWade and @akabenkatt. 


    Curious to learn more about strengthening your mindfulness muscles? Join us at Centered in the City. Learn more here



    Ben Katt is a meditation teacher, spiritual coach, and author. As a perpetual student of religious, spiritual, and cultural wisdom, Ben is an expert at adapting ancient personal development practices for modern contexts in order to help people wake up to their fullest lives. He is a certified advanced meditation teacher, holds a Master of Divinity degree, and was an ordained minister for over a decade. Previously, he led The On Being Project’s work in supporting religious and spiritual leaders in the work of social healing. He lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with his family.

    Visit benjaminkatt.com for more information.

    Episode 183: Mindful Dating and Connection in Modern Times

    Episode 183: Mindful Dating and Connection in Modern Times

    In this episode, I interview Alexandra Ballensweig, CEO and founder of humhum, a modern mindful dating app that inspires meaningful connection. Alexandra shares how swiping right or left feeds the reactive and judgmental parts of the mind. Alexandra was inspired to create a mindful dating experience where people can come together in a heart-based way. Alexandra shares how creating triangulation can be a helpful way to take the pressure off of meeting new people and build connection through a shared experience. We also discuss how building trust within ourselves and within our relationships is a foundational pillar. Take a listen to this episode and share your takeaways with us on Instagram @OneWade and @humhumspace. 




    Alexandra has 10+ years of facilitating experiences, and holding space for groups to connect, collaborate, and create. Prior to founding humhum Alexandra worked as a consultant in Strategic Design and Product Management at BCG Digital Ventures, facilitating product innovation sprints for fortune 100 teams. Across corporate venture and consulting for startups, their experience spans across e-commerce, B2B SaaS, holistic wellness, finance, and event tech.

    Alexandra is a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, and a Reiki Master Teacher and practitioner trained in the Usui Method, and a Vipassana practitioner. They hold an M.S. of Industrial Design from Art Center College of Design.

    Personal practice plays a critical role in Alexandra’s life and work. They have had the privilege of sitting multiple month-long silent retreats to study and practice meditation in the Theravada Buddhist tradition over the last decade. They maintain a committed daily meditation and yoga practice to create with integrity.

    They're currently enrolled in the Dedicated Practitioner’s Program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, committing to their intention of bringing practice into every aspect of living.

    Solo Episode: The Best Mindset Motto to Prioritize My Energy and Prevent Doom Scrolling

    Solo Episode: The Best Mindset Motto to Prioritize My Energy and Prevent Doom Scrolling

    On Today's solo episode, I share a mindset motto that has helped me feel happier because I am not wasting time and energy doom scrolling. I feel way more energized because I am following through on what I say matters. This motto is a powerful framework that got me to observe my patterns and pay attention to what type of energy I allow into my orbit and what type of energy I get to create. Tune in to learn and discover how this mindset can help you prioritize your energy and peace.


    Share your takeaways with me on Instagram @OneWade, I love hearing from you.


     Discover Your Power Intention for 2024

    Join me for the Intention Setting Party 2024. A few spots are left for this powerful virtual experience. A past attendee said, "this was the best thing she did for herself in 2023."

    During this workshop we will:

    • reflect on the past through meditation and journaling exercises
    • release energy and unhelpful thought patterns that hold us back
    • visualize the future
    • design a power intention for 2024
    • mind-map goals and action steps that feel aligned 
    • leave feeling excited and confident to live the life you want 
    Centered in the City
    enJanuary 18, 2024

    Solo Episode: Challenging Avoidance so That We Can Take Charge of Our Life

    Solo Episode: Challenging Avoidance so That We Can Take Charge of Our Life

    We all have avoidant tendencies. But some of our avoidant tendencies are holding us back from living a life we truly want. When we continue to stay in an avoidant pattern, it can lead to frustration, dis-trust, anxiety and depression. Today on the podcast, I share 7 different common thought patterns that typically hold us back from taking action. I share the avoidant thoughts that hold me back and how I navigate them. I also offer journal prompts to support you exploring these avoidant tendencies a bit more so that you can learn from them and set yourself free. May you step into this new year feeling empowered to take charge of your own life. 


    Curious to learn more about 1:1 coaching opportunities and how working together can support you taking charge of your life? Schedule a Connection Call here. I am only opening my book to a few new clients this quarter. We will use this session to learn more about what you are wanting to create and explore if working together is the right fit.


    Join me for the Intention Setting Party 2024. A few spots are left for this powerful virtual experience. A past attendee said, "this was the best thing she did for herself in 2023."

    During this workshop we will:

    • reflect on the past through meditation and journaling exercises
    • release energy and unhelpful thought patterns that hold us back
    • visualize the future
    • design a power intention for 2024
    • mind-map goals and action steps that feel aligned 
    • leave feeling excited and confident to live the life you want 

    Solo Episode: Goal Setting, Details on Designing A Walking Marathon & 5 Scientific Benefits of Walking

    Solo Episode: Goal Setting, Details on Designing A Walking Marathon & 5 Scientific Benefits of Walking

    Is goal setting on your mind in the new year? If so, this episode is for you. 

    In this episode, I break down:

    • Why goals are important
    • Goals vs. Intentions
    • How to create goals aligned to your intentions

    I also give you a behind the scenes scoop of how I broke down my speed-walking marathon goal into smaller action steps.

     I share:

    • My motivation for speed walking a marathon
    • My training schedule and how I made it fun
    • Tips for my future self if I do a walking marathon again
    • Insights into the race day of 
    • Benefits of walking 


    Resources shared:

    Join for the Intention Setting Party to design your intentions and goals for 2024 

    Discover Your Power Intention for 2024

    Walking Marathon Training Schedule 

    5 Surprising Benefits of Walking by Harvard Health


    Do you have more questions about speed walking a marathon or goal setting? Want to share your own tips/best practices? Leave a voice note (click send voicemail) or DM me on Instagram @OneWade