
    Soros and the Intelligence Community Exposed (Ep 2196)

    enFebruary 27, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Government causing harm to people's livesThe speaker believes the government is intentionally harming people and encourages listeners to call American Financing for mortgage savings.

      The speaker believes the government is actively causing harm to people's lives rather than trying to help, and this issue is getting progressively worse. The government's actions, such as burning down homes and funding criminal camps, are not accidental mistakes but deliberate actions. The speaker also encourages listeners to call American Financing to save money on mortgage payments. Additionally, he expresses concern about the current state of the government and warns that if things continue in the current direction, the situation could become even more difficult to reverse.

    • Government and NGOs Collaborate to Manipulate SituationsGovernment pays NGOs to bypass constitutional restrictions, handle 'wet work', and undermine individual rights and freedoms, creating a complex web of power.

      The government and certain non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are working together to bypass constitutional restrictions and manipulate situations to the detriment of individuals, particularly regarding border control and foreign affairs. The government pays NGOs to handle "wet work" or tasks that it cannot legally perform, such as housing illegal immigrants or creating chaos overseas. This creates a complex web of power where the deep state, NGOs, and government agencies collaborate to undermine individual rights and freedoms. It is crucial to stay informed and question the motives behind government actions and the role of NGOs in these situations.

    • Manipulating Public Opinion and Infringing on Civil LibertiesNGOs and media collude to undermine belief in God-given rights, preparing ground for tyranny. Stay informed, engaged, and remember rights come from God.

      We're living in a complex and broken political system, where non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the media collude to manipulate public opinion and infringe on civil liberties. The ultimate goal is to undermine the belief in God-given rights and prepare the ground for tyranny. Yes, things are grim, but there's also good news: we have the chance to take back control and reverse the damage. Understanding the motivations and tactics of those working against us is crucial to staying informed and engaged. Remember, our rights come from God, not from any earthly authority. Stay vigilant and don't let the blob silence you.

    • NGOs and powerful entities manipulate democraciesNGOs like the International Renaissance Foundation, funded by Soros, manipulate governments and democratic institutions by using tactics like censorship, police state spying, and chaos, while scapegoating countries like Russia.

      Certain powerful entities, such as the "blob" and Soros-funded NGOs, work to undermine democracy and establish control by detaching people from their God-given rights and making them dependent on the state. They use tactics like censorship, police state spying, and chaos to usher in a tyrannical regime. Russia is often used as a scapegoat to further their agenda. For instance, the Russia collusion allegations in 2016, 2020, and now in 2024 are all part of this larger scheme. The International Renaissance Foundation (IRF), which was established with Soros's funding, is an example of how these NGOs can manipulate and influence governments. The IRF has been active in Ukraine for over 30 years and has received millions in funding from Soros's group. It has been instrumental in creating various organizations, such as the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (Naboo), which was set up to handle corruption cases independently from the prosecutor general's office. The FBI also provided support to Naboo. These interconnected entities serve to further the agenda of those in power and undermine democratic institutions.

    • Soros' complex connections to law enforcementSoros' involvement in creating a Ukrainian law enforcement agency raises questions about potential collusion and coordination with the FBI.

      There are complex connections between George Soros and various law enforcement entities, including the Soros Group's role in creating a Ukrainian law enforcement agency (Naboo), which was involved in creating a fake ledger implicating the Trump campaign in collusion with Russia. The FBI's relationship with Naboo and Soros groups, as well as the evidence sharing agreement between them, raises questions about potential collusion and coordination. This situation highlights the interconnectedness of these entities and the blurred lines between state and non-state actors. It's essential to be aware of these relationships and their potential implications for national security and democratic processes.

    • Government entities use funding for overseas organizations as a means for political manipulationFormer CIA director John Brennan orchestrated operations like the Russia hoax against Trump involving Ukrainian efforts, demonstrating the deep state's role in shaping public discourse without accountability.

      The CIA, State Department, and other government entities, often referred to as the deep state, have been using funding for overseas organizations and causes as a means to enact plausible deniability in political manipulations. John Brennan, a former CIA director, is identified as one of the key figures in orchestrating such operations, including the Russia hoax against Donald Trump in 2016. This hoax, which involved Ukrainian efforts, was rooted in earlier conflicts in Ukraine and aimed to discredit Trump. Despite the lack of evidence, Brennan and others pushed the narrative, and key players, including a CIA detailee in the White House, were deeply involved. The implications of these actions extend beyond individual political events and underscore the importance of understanding the role of government entities in shaping public discourse.

    • Stay informed and aware of political manipulations and corporate influenceBe cautious of powerful figures and organizations shaping events and influencing public opinion, and support businesses that align with your values.

      The speaker is highlighting the importance of being aware of political manipulations and corporate influence, using examples from his own experiences and endorsements of companies like Blackout Coffee and Omaha Steaks. He emphasizes that there are powerful figures and organizations, such as the "blob" or the Soros circle, working behind the scenes to shape events and influence public opinion. The speaker encourages listeners to stay informed, support businesses that align with their values, and not be swayed by "wokeness" or corporate hype. He also mentions ongoing sales from Blackout Coffee and Omaha Steaks, encouraging listeners to check them out and use promo codes for discounts.

    • American officials used Ukrainian crisis to further their own interestsHigh-ranking American officials like John Brennan and Joe Biden were more concerned with their own interests during the Ukrainian coup than helping the Ukrainian people or promoting democracy.

      During the Ukrainian coup, high-ranking American officials like John Brennan and Joe Biden were not there to support democracy or help the Ukrainian people, but rather to further their own interests and undermine Russia. Brennan's visit to Ukraine was not about aiding the coup, but about protecting the financial interests of those involved in the old regime. Later, during Trump's presidential campaign, these same officials worked to spread the false narrative of Russian collusion, which has since been debunked. The Ukrainian crisis and the alleged Russian collusion are interconnected, and the American people are becoming increasingly aware of this.

    • Former federal agent expresses disbelief and shame over Russian collusion allegationsA former federal agent, who once trusted institutions, now feels they've fallen apart due to Russian collusion allegations, mocks intelligence officials spreading false info, and criticizes Nikki Haley's candidacy.

      The speaker, a former federal agent, expresses his disbelief and shame for ever entertaining the idea of Russian collusion between Trump and the Russians based on media reports. He emphasizes the importance of trusting the guardrails and institutions in place during his time in federal service, but now feels they have all fallen apart. The speaker also highlights the "blob," a group of former intelligence officials, and their involvement in spreading allegations against Trump and his administration. He mocks their efforts to discredit Trump and accuses them of hating him and the country. The speaker also brings up the case of a source who was arrested and denied bail, likening the situation to Guantanamo North. He concludes by criticizing Nikki Haley's candidacy and suggesting she is the deep state's preferred choice for the Republican party.

    • Capitalizing on Others' CrisesNikki Haley's strategy involves exploiting potential crises for other candidates, seeking support but dismissing it publicly when withdrawn, and expressing concern over government actions against the public and potential malfeasance.

      Nikki Haley's political strategy appears to be based on capitalizing on potential crises for other candidates, particularly Donald Trump. She has been actively seeking support, including financial backing from groups like the Koch brothers, only to publicly criticize and dismiss them when they withdraw their support. This classless behavior, according to the speaker, is a reflection of Haley's true character. Additionally, the speaker expressed concern about the government's actions against the public, citing examples of immigration policies, religious attacks, government spying, and fostering coups overseas. The speaker believes these actions are being funded with taxpayer money and represent a form of malfeasance by the government.

    • FBI investigation of illegal immigrant raises questionsGovernment actions, including inaction, can have unintended consequences, and it's crucial to hold them accountable for their decisions.

      While the FBI and Department of Justice are responsible for investigating crimes, they do not prosecute. In the case of Ibarra, an illegal immigrant suspected of murder, it was reported that he had previously been investigated by the FBI for assaulting federal officers. However, no action was taken, and the case was administratively closed. This raises questions about why no further action was taken against Ibarra, especially if he was a danger to society. Furthermore, Dr. Phil discussed the negative impact of government actions, such as COVID-19 shutdowns, on mental health and well-being, particularly for children. The shutdowns led to increased depression, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidality, and also prevented mandated reporters from identifying and reporting child abuse. These actions, intended to protect public health, may have caused harm in other ways. Overall, it is important to hold governments accountable for their actions and consider the potential unintended consequences of their policies.

    • Criticizing government mismanagement and blind loyaltySome individuals have suffered more from government mismanagement of COVID-19 than the virus itself. Critics accused certain officials of ineffectiveness and even corruption, while others urged caution regarding reports on Joe Biden's handling of classified documents.

      The speakers expressed their belief that certain groups, particularly those who blindly follow government instructions, have suffered more from the mismanagement of the COVID-19 crisis than the actual virus itself. They criticized these individuals for their blind loyalty to the government and accused some officials, like Fannie Willis, of being ineffective and even corrupt. They also discussed the potential implications of a report on Joe Biden's handling of classified documents, suggesting it was part of a larger effort to remove him from office. Overall, the speakers expressed a distrust of the government and encouraged listeners to be aware of its potential shortcomings.

    • Biden and Obama's self-interested relationshipBiden uses Obama's influence to get out the vote, while Obama benefits from Biden's silence on potential corruption. They both want to protect Obama's reputation, as the Ukraine plot and Hillary's email scandal tie back to him.

      The relationship between Joe Biden and Barack Obama is driven by mutual self-interest. Biden needs Obama's popularity and influence to help him get out the vote, while Obama benefits from having Biden, who knows about potential corruption during their time in office, keep quiet. Additionally, they both want to protect Obama's reputation, as the origins of the Ukraine plot involving Brennan, the CIA, and the media's protection of Hillary Clinton's email scandal all tie back to Obama. The email scandal was not just about Hillary, but about Obama as well, as he had knowledge of her private email and was receiving emails from her account. The media's protection of Hillary was not just due to their preference for her over Trump, but also to protect Obama. The importance of this story, according to the speaker, is that it reveals what Obama knew and when, but it has not received enough attention.

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