
    Speak from the Heart: How to Create Impact Through Self-Discovery & Business Acumen

    enOctober 11, 2019

    About this Episode

    This week All About That Brand (AATB) Podcast is excited to welcome Kami Guildner, a Connector, Storyteller, and Business Coach who built her career helping women leaders in business find, use, and refine their voices as they seek to create a greater impact in the world. As a former leader inside corporate verticals, Kami discusses her powerful journey away from linear thinking and identity to rediscovering her own creative passions and talents. Don’t miss your chance to hear how Kami’s experiences propelled her toward a more fulfilling career helping women in business be seen and heard in unprecedented ways with the national network and tools she built to provide opportunities where women receive sustained support and empowerment. Learn more about Kami’s work at KamiGuildner.com/ignite.

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    More about William Branum https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-branum/ “5 Seal Secrets” https://www.5sealsecrets.com/5-seal-secret and NW Recovery https://nw-recovery.com/

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    More about Michael Power: https://www.crushingyourfear.com/about

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    More about Gary Frey: https://www.linkedin.com/in/garydfrey/

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    https://www.linkedin.com/in/gracelanni/ and https://saulpaul.com/

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    He is a Serial Entrepreneur and Founder of Daily Cookie along with three other successful businesses operating in separate niches online. All of which require email marketing.

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    Learn more about Ziv here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zivraviv/

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    In this episode, Jenn and Grace talk about how to engage on the right platform, how to make your personal brand tied to your business brand, and if you have the right book you can publish it with the right publisher.

    Learn more about Jenn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenntgrace/