
    Speaking & Seeking Truths: My Interview with Frances A. Pérez Rodriguez

    enApril 21, 2021

    About this Episode

    Quick check in

    Black Zocalo

    Lawn to Garden Conversion

    Fresno Freedom School Board


    Interview with Frances


    Frances A. Pérez Rodriguez (she/her) is the Food and Land Education Coordinator of Woke Foods, a food service and food justice worker-owned cooperative focused on innovating Dominican and Afro-Caribbean plant-based foods. Frances is also a co-program coordinator of Farm School NYC, an urban agriculture training program which trains local residents in urban agriculture in order to build self-reliant communities and inspire positive local action around food access and social, economic, and racial justice issues. Frances is also the co-lead farmer of La Finca del Sur/South Bronx Farmers, an urban farmer cooperative led by Latina and Black women and their allies. Please join me for this beautiful interview as we discuss serious topics like identity, decolonizing our diets and freeing the land to free ourselves, as well as Frances’ family tradition of salsa. 


    Follow Frances and her fam on social media/the web:


    Wokefoods: www.wokefoods.coop

    @wokefoods (Instagram)

    FarmSchoolNYC: www.farmschoolnyc.org

    @farmschoolnyc (Instagram)

    La Finca del Sur: https://www.facebook.com/lafincadelsur

    Frances: www.about.me/franso

    @freedomfransorants (Instagram) 


    Recent Episodes from Farming in Color

    Ibrahim Abdul-Matin: In Memoriam

    Ibrahim Abdul-Matin: In Memoriam

    Peace and Blessings Family,

    In this *episode of Farming In Color I sit down with Ibrahim-Abdul Matin who was a bright, playful spirit who authentically reflected and acted on bold questions. His artful blending of idealism and spiritual commitment with pragmatic application led him into government, public administration, parenthood, and media. His unique voice helped elevate the environmental vision of Islam, the spiritual opportunity of parenting, and the cultural and political side of sports and the possibility when people of all faiths work together to solve our shared problems (Source: https://www.ibrahimabdul-matin.com/).


    *This interview was recorded over 2 years ago in April 2021. 


    I want to apologize publicly for not releasing this episode when Ibrahim was still alive. I pray that the benefits for listeners will outweigh any pain/hurt that may be caused by releasing this after his passing. I am doing this having thought deeply of what Ibrahim would have wanted me to do and especially because I was beating myself up for not getting this published for over 2 years I feel very strongly that because of the person Ibrahim was that he would have wanted me to do this. However, if I offend anyone in doing this please accept my sincerest apologies - I mean no disrespect and quite the opposite - I truly hope that by putting this out into the world Ibrahim's words, perspectives and both personal and prophetic stories on such critical issues that we as human beings currently face will continue to ripple out even more and even further. I have so much gratitude for Ibrahim and what he represented and all I want to do here is share more of his bright light with the world. 

    A meal train has been set up for Ibrahim's family, and anyone who has the means can give here:  https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/o95vg4 
    Ibrahim's family is asking us all to continue his legacy by supporting NuLeadership, an organization dedicated to advancing human justice. www.LaunchGood.com/Ibrahim 
    Please remember Ibrahim Abdul-Matin in your prayers, asking Allah to forgive his sins and grant him Jannat-ul-Firdaus. To Ibrahim's entire family and all of his relations I pray for healing and togetherness and please join me in sending love and light to all those of us who he touched during his journey, Ameen.


    Peace Be Unto You All

    Speaking & Seeking Truths: My Interview with Frances A. Pérez Rodriguez

    Speaking & Seeking Truths: My Interview with Frances A. Pérez Rodriguez

    Quick check in

    Black Zocalo

    Lawn to Garden Conversion

    Fresno Freedom School Board


    Interview with Frances


    Frances A. Pérez Rodriguez (she/her) is the Food and Land Education Coordinator of Woke Foods, a food service and food justice worker-owned cooperative focused on innovating Dominican and Afro-Caribbean plant-based foods. Frances is also a co-program coordinator of Farm School NYC, an urban agriculture training program which trains local residents in urban agriculture in order to build self-reliant communities and inspire positive local action around food access and social, economic, and racial justice issues. Frances is also the co-lead farmer of La Finca del Sur/South Bronx Farmers, an urban farmer cooperative led by Latina and Black women and their allies. Please join me for this beautiful interview as we discuss serious topics like identity, decolonizing our diets and freeing the land to free ourselves, as well as Frances’ family tradition of salsa. 


    Follow Frances and her fam on social media/the web:


    Wokefoods: www.wokefoods.coop

    @wokefoods (Instagram)

    FarmSchoolNYC: www.farmschoolnyc.org

    @farmschoolnyc (Instagram)

    La Finca del Sur: https://www.facebook.com/lafincadelsur

    Frances: www.about.me/franso

    @freedomfransorants (Instagram) 


    Episode 3: Uprooting Internalized Racism

    Episode 3: Uprooting Internalized Racism

    Disclaimer: This episode delves into topics regarding race and racism - they may be triggering and it is important that listeners breathe and take good care of themselves and allow for pausing if needed.

    Welcome back to Farming in Color!

    In this episode Rasheed...

    - Checks in personally & professionally: 

    Getting back in the podcast groove

    Updates on Black Zocalo, farm projects & Dau Butter (You can check out the Dau Butter shop at: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DauButter  - lots of wonderful self-loving Mother's Day gift ideas there.

    Joining the Fresno Freedom School Board of Directors

    - Sets an intention (critical to anti-racist practice/theory)

    - Discusses different forms of racism and hones in on internalized racism

    - Opens up about how a particular period in his life contributed to his racialization and internalized racism he still is working to heal to this day

    - Discusses the difference between guilt and shame, and the importance of not allowing the racism we experience to define us or limit our ability to heal and grow


    Deep gratitude and sincere appreciation to Camille Gaston for co-editing this episode of Farming in Color. 


    Check us out on InstaGram: @FarmingInColor


    Don't forget to rate and review the podcast - be honest!  The good, the bad and the ugly all help us improve. 






    Episode 2: Interview with a Worm Legend

    Episode 2: Interview with a Worm Legend

    In this week's episode I got to sit at the feet of one of my mentors, dear friends and comrades in the movement brother Maurice Small. 

    During this first ever interview on Farming in Color, Maurice and I delved into his path into farming, the power of the worm and advice he has for all you young up and coming land stewards and seed savers out there. 

    Here is a little bit about Maurice to prime the pump: 

    Maurice Small builds community as he creates soil, cultivates organic food and nurtures young people and their families. His vision for sustainable agriculture, healthy lifestyles in underserved communities & urban/rural collaboration between growers & vendors, transforms the food landscape across North America. Maurice was awarded the Organic Pioneer Award by the Rodale Institute in its inaugural year, 2011. He is currently based in Atlanta, GA and is originally from Cleveland, OH and works all across the country to support the development of sustainable food systems for all. 

    You can find Maurice online at:















    Check out Farming in Color on Instagram:


    Also see Rasheed and Rosalba's Latest Work on Instagram:


    Audio Editing for this Episode by Camille Gaston.